Interested: say mê Interesting: thú vị

Một phần của tài liệu CHUYEN DE THPT QG (Trang 37 - 42)

VI. Derivation:

14. Interested: say mê Interesting: thú vị

- Interested: nếu bạn thích thú, say mê điều gì, tức !à bạn mong muốn được biểt nghe nhiều về điều đó hoặc bỏ thời gian để làm điều đó (miêu tả trạng thái bị động của chủ ngữ).

- Asked how he became interested in politics, he replied, “I was born that way”. Interesting: nếu bạn thấy điều gì đó thú vị (miêu tả bản chất của chủ ngữ)

♦ The interesting thing is that this is the exact answer we got before. 15. Sensitive; sensible

- Sensitive: tinh tế, nhạy, nhạy cảm, mặc cảm ♦ This material is heat-sensitive.

♦ He's very sensitive about being small, so don' mention it. - Sensible: hiểu biết

♦ It was sensible of you to lock the front door.


Exercise 1. Find one of the underlined phrases which is incorrect in each sentence below.

1. When living (A) with members of their extended family (B), young children can develop relationships (C) with adults others (D) than their parents.

2. In the past (A) all drugs from (B) natural sources especially (C) herbs and (D) plants. 3. Petroleum (A) is composed of (B) a complex mix (C) of hydrogen and (D) carbon. 4. Alike (A) light waves (B) , microwaves may be (C) reflected and concentrated (D) .

5. We'd rather live (A) in my old tent happily (B) than (C) in so a luxurious villa (D) separately. 6. These televisions are quite (A) popular in (B) Europe, but those ones (C) are (D) not.

7. Standing among (A) so many strangers, the frightened (B) child began to cry (C) uncontrollable(D) .

8. They played (A) so good game (B) of tennis last night that (C) they surprised their (D) audience. 9. Recently, they discussed (A) a lot about 3-in-1 exam not only (B) on TV but also on (C) other (D) mass media. A

10. Bacteria that live in soil (A) and water play s vital role in recycling (B) carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, and another (C) chemical elements used (D) by living things.

11. The (A) bones of mammals, not alike (B) those of other (C) vertebrates, show a high (D) degree of differentiation.

12. Much (A) fats are composed of (B) one molecule of glycerin combined with (C) three molecules of fatty (D) acids.

13. Since rats are destructive (A) and may carry (B) disease, therefore many (C) cities try to exterminate them (D).

14. During the first half of the nineteenth century, immigrants (A) to the United States were predominant (B) from Western Europe after the Civil War, however(C), new arivals came mainly from Eastern and Southern Europe, as well as (D) from Asia.

15. Not only could the younger people completed (A) all the work quickly (B) and accurately, but the retired workers could (C) also(D).

16. Psychological studies show that many students feeling (A) terrible about (B) the results (C) of tests on which they have actually (D) performed well.

17. The survival of a forest depends not only on the amount of every year rainfall it receives, but also on the seasonal distribution of the rain.

18. I want to know (A) how long the group has spent (B) on such exhausting (C) research which is of (D) great value to forest rangers.

(B) playing computer games or chatting on line. But (C) children do not always see things the way (D) their parents do.

20. Lien realized that some students with (A) reading disabilities enjoy reading as much as she does(B). So (C) she has decided to record (D) popular books for these students.

21. If your not too busy, and I know everyone is, please read and complete this questionnaire. 22. It was her that gave an excellent performance last Sunday.

23. These two machines are the principal equipment in our workshop.

24. Don't be detracted from the festival atmosphere because you will take the exam one day after the anniversary.

25. We tried our best to accomplish from the discreet events to successive ones.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with one of the options below.

1. He really deserved the award because he performed ______was expected of him. A. much better than B. more better than

C. much better as D. much better from

2. I am happy to ______ your invitation.

A. take B. accept C. agree D. consent

3. She began to work ______ harder because her salary was raised.

A. very B. no C. the D. all

4. He ______ the book on the desk.

A. layed B. lay C. laid D. lied

5. His long and straight eye-brows make him look ______.

A. man B. manly C. menly D. human

6. She finds it hard to catch the brief information of the new typescript because it ______ my teacher's voice.

A. not sound as B. doesn't sound like C. doesn't look like D. isn't alike

7. I feel very nervous before the announcement of the admitted grades _______ the university I dream.

A. on B. to C. with D. for

8. The station clock is not as _______ as it should be; it is usually between one and two minutes fast.

A. strict B. accurate C. true D. certain

9. It is far too hot for you _______ in the garden.

A. to dig B. digging C. for digging D. have dug

10. Has Jennifer ever been to Paris?” “No, but _______, she’s going next week.”

A. interestedly B. interested enough C. enough interesting D. interestingly enough 11. It’s difficult to pay one’s bills when prices keep _______.

A. . raising B. growing C. gaining D. going up

12. He kicked the ball _______ hard, and it broke the window.

A. a little too B. a small amount C. quite a little D. a very little 13. Do it in the same way _______ you did it before.

A. like B. so C. as D. that

14. Mary was very _______ when she found that her dress was dirty.

A. crying B. hurt C. amused D. ashamed

15. He prefers this interesting book _______ that one over there.

A. to B. than C. of D. from

16. What’s all the noise about?” “We had a bad accident _______.

A. happening B. happened C. happen D. has happened

17. I bought this grammar book _______ I could go over all the things we have studied this year.

A. that B. seeing that C. so that D. so far as

18. ______ gas tanks connected to welding equipment, one full of oxygen and the other full of acetylene.

A. It is two B. Of the two C. There are two D. Two

19. The superior efficiency of solar energy houses _______ reflects years of experiment, research and refinement.

A. over traditional electrically heated ones B. more than traditional electrically heated ones C. above traditional electrically heated ones D. instead of traditional electrically heated ones 20. The science of physics is concerned with everything _____ to the tiniest particles which are always nearby.

A. galaxy the greatest distance from B. from the most distant galaxy C. the galaxies the most distant are D. which are the most distant galaxies

21. Archaeologists know ________35,000 years ago, but it is still unclear for precisely what purpose. A. that drawing was practiced B. when the practice of drawing

C. drawing being practiced D. practicing of drawing 22. This question is _______ difficult for me.

A. to B. too C. enough D. such

23. You are lucky ______ after the earthquake.

A. being alive B. to be alive C. lively D. live

24. ______ more and more polluted with industrial waste and garbage.

A. Water B. It is water C. It is water that is D. It is water that 25. She was _______ she could not say anything.

A. so that surprised for the news B. such surprised at the news C. so surprised of the news that D. so surprised at the news that 26. I’m sure he’s capable _______ better work than this.

A. to B. for C. of D. in

27. He is used to _______ early in the morning.

A. get up B. getting up C. got up D. gets up

28. Are you used ______ on your own?

A. to work B. with working C. at work D. to working

29. The government plans to ________ the price of petrol

A. rise B. heighten C. ascend D. raise

30. Are there enough apples for us to have one______?

A. every B. each C. individually D. self

31. Have you taken out ______on your new flat?

A. safety B. assurance C. insurance D. protection

32. This ticker_________one person to the museum.

A. permits B. admits C. enters D. allows

33. My brother can ______ six languages fluently.

A. say B. speak C. tell D. talk

34. The unscrupulous salesman ______ the old couple out of their life savings.

A. deprived B. extracted C. robbed D. swindled

35. Lack of sleep can have a noticeable ______ your performance at work.

A. effect on B. effect in C. affect on D. effect to

36. Although we’ve been interviewing all day, we haven't ... a suitably applicant.

A. able to find B. managed to find

C. managed finding D. succeeded to find

37. She hasn't written to me _______ we met last time.

A. since B. ago C. for D. before

38. When skin is burnt, the ______ are destroyed and a scar will be formed.

A. tissues B. beams C. complexion D. issues

39. The hole in the sky allows harmful radiation to reach the earth. As a result, the temperature on the earth will ...

A. raise B. raising C. rise D. rising

40. "_______?" "She is tall and clever."

A. How is she like B. What is she like C. What is she alike D. Who is she 41. They _______ the bus.

A. were waiting for B. was waiting for C. was waiting D. were waiting 42. God never ______a mistake.

A. makes B. puts C. plays D. gives

43. The thought of taking such an examination had never for one moment ... in my head.

A. crossed B. occurred C. entered D. slipped

44. His parents agreed to ... him their car while they were away on holiday.

A. borrow B. let C. hire D. lend

45. They will soon ______ typing on electric typewriters.

A. use for B. use to C. get used for D. get used to

A. for maker B. making C. to making D. to make 47. I usually feel _______ when I stay at home _______.

A. alone — alone B. lonely — lonely C. alone - lonely D. lonely - alone 48. I like him ______ for his shyness.

A. by far B. all the better C. further more D. far better

49. To learn is one thing, to teach is ______.

A. another B. other thing C. the other D. another

50. Can you ______ the papers with you when you come to see me, please?

A. bring B. collect C. take D. get

51. He refused to give up work _______ he’d won a million pounds.

A. despite B. however C. even though D. as though

52. Their parents _______ to let them go to the party.

A. denied B. refused C. rejected D. prevented

53. The tender plants need ______ against the cold weather.

A. protection B. to protect C. protected D. protect

54. Driving on the left is _______ in Australia.

A. forbidden B. illegal C. banned D. legal

55. I now wish I ______ a trip to London last year.

A. had taken B. took C. will take D. take

56. During an eclipse of the Sun, in the shadow ______of the Moon.

A. lies the Earth B. the Earth when lying C. that the Earth lies D. the lying Earth 57. Even though I have _______ classes, I have _______ time than last week.

A. fewer — fewer B. less — fewer C. fewer — less D. less — less 58. Mike was not feeling well, so we gave him _______ to do than you.

A. less work B. fewer works C. little works D. least work

59. We have been informed that _______ animals at the zoo are starving to death.

A. most of the B. most of C. almost the D. most all

60. I want _______ rice.

A. a few B. any C. a little D. another

61. Travelling by air is not cheap. _______ is it interesting.

A. Either B. And C. Neither D. Also

62. Travelling by air is not cheap. And it isn’t interesting _______.

A. also B. neither C. too D. either

63. _______ of the visitors were strangers to me.

A. Mostly B. Most C. Almost D. The most

64. _______ have never heard of Shakespeare.

A. Just few B. Only few C. Quite few D. Very few

65. “I don’t want a holiday,” she said, “I’d rather ______ the money.”

A. save B. saved C. have saved D. will save

66. It was ______ hot day that we decided to leave work early and go to the beach.

A. such a B. such C. a so D. so

67. It is difficult for readers _______ the last page of Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemmingway could have been rewritten thirty-nine times.

A. the novel to imagine how the B. why to imagine the C. how to imagine the D. to imagine how the

68. Black Boy is an autobiographical account of the childhood of Richard Wright and portrays the suffering of an African American _______ bigotry.

A. in a society full of B. society in full of C. who in a society full of D. in society full

69. ‘What would you like for dinner?” - “_______ we’re both so tired, why don’t we order a pizza?”

A. Since B. Moreover C. However D. Although

70. “Did you enjoy your guests?” - “Yes. Their children are so well ______ that I always enjoy haying them visit me.”

A. manners B. manner C. mannerly D. mannered

71. The policeman didn’t _______ with us; he just told us what to do.

72. We do our best to solve your problems ______.

A. efficient B. effective C. effectiveness D. efficiently 73. The government plan to ______ the price of petrol.

A. rise B. heighten C. ascend D. raise

74. These _______ racial and ethnic groups have learned to live together in peace and harmony.

A. varied B. various C. variable D. multiple

75. You can make life more difficult for thieves by ______ your wallet in an inside pocket instead of a back pocket.

A. taking B. holding C. bringing D. carrying

76. Nebraska has floods in some years, ______.

A. in others drought C. droughts are others C. while other droughts D. others in drought

77. He has to arrange for the _______ of his furniture before he goes abroad.

A. seal B. sale C. sole D. sail

78. If you've got time for a cup of tea, I'll _______ one for you.

A. make B. mix C. boil D. give

79. Gold has always been used for ______ purpose.

A. decoration B. decorative C. decorate D. décor 80. Without paper, books _______ we know them could not be made.

A. as B. like C. alike D. likely

81. I'm going to the United States on vacation this summer, so I'm really _____ to it. A. looking for B. looking forward C. looking up to D. looking round 82. Go on, finish the dessert. It needs ______ up because it won't stay fresh until tomorrow.

A. eating B. eat C. to eat D. eaten

83. We are having such bad weather in London ______ Roberta suggested spending Christmas week in an Italian _______ resort we had visited the _______ summer.

A. that/ seaside/ previous B. so/ coastal/ advance C. then/ seashore/ preceding D. therefore/ ocean/ prior

84. The ______ to the South Pole had to be delayed because of dangerous weather conditions. A. expedition B. excursion C. sightseeing D. exploration

85. The ______ of the shipwreck were picked up by the coast guard.

A. injured B. missing C. survivors D. crew

86. Teachers need patience, as they have to put ______ all sorts of problems.

A. down to B. up with C. down by D. up to

87. The Martins have confirms their strong ______ to charity actions by donating a lump sum of money again.

A. compliance B. reliance C. commitment D. assignment

88. ______ the contestant before him, Kirby sang a song he had written especially for this competition.

A. As B. Either C. Even D. Like

89. During his lifetime, _______ his famed artwork, Michelangelo also wrote many excellent poems.

A. despite B. besides C. rather D. as

90. Not only were the little children ______ with this nasty cold. We had a few adult patients, too.

A. injured B. imposed C. afflicted D. aggravated

91. I'm not lazy but I think we have ______ public holidays. We ought to have more. A. too little B. too few C. rather e fewD. fairly little

92. Everybody was staring and laghing at her - she felt so ______.

A. excited B. exhausted C. embarrassing D. embarrassed 93. I'd much prefer to read the book ______ than see the film.

A. sooner B. better C. rather D. more

94. They exchanged letters for fifty years, but they never ______ met in person. A. genuinely B. actually C. positively D. truly

Exercise 3. Choose the best option that has the same meaning as the given one in bold. 1. John didn't attend the class because he was seriously ill.

C. John never attended the class. D. John was absent from class many times.

Một phần của tài liệu CHUYEN DE THPT QG (Trang 37 - 42)

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