C. Other Forms of the Cac dgng so sanh ttfdng doi khac Comparative
Lien ti/ket hop
Lien ttf ket hop noi cac ttf hoac cum ttf cung chtfc nang Irong cau. Cac lien ttf ket hop thtfdng dtfoc kiem Ira trong bai thi TOCTL la
and, but, or va so.
And noi hai hoac hon hai ttf, cum ttf hoac
m<?nh de co cung chtfc nang va dtfoc dung de them vao mot cai gi do.
grow in pods
the leaves turn yelloic and drop off, and the
Khi hai chu ngtf dtfoc noi bdi anil, dong ttf
di sau la 0 so nhieu.
But noi hai hoac hon hai ttf, cgm ttf hoac
menh de va dtfoc dung de chi stf ttfong phan
hand but by machine,
ne of the oldest crops grown in the Orient
1 Or
Or joins two or more words, phrases, or Or ndi hai hajc hon hai li/. rum IU hoac
clauses. It is used to give a choice. menh de va duoc diing de dua ra si/ ll/a chon.
The beans may be yellmv. green, brown, or mottled.
After being chilled, the margarine is packed into tubs or cut in blocks.
4. So
So |oins a clause. It does not join single So noi mgt menh de. No khong noi c£c li/ words or phrases. So is used to show effect. va cgm li/. So di/oc dung de chi hieu qua.
The soya bean is versatile, so it is grown u'idely.
S T R A T E G Y Hi/6ng d in
Although oth er conjunctions are not tested d irectly in the Stru ctu re section, some conjunctive adverbs like m oreover, nevertheless, and
therefore m ay a p p e a r in the distractors. in w h ich case th ey w ill be the wrong choice, flow ever. w hen these words a p p ea r w ith conjunctions like and. but. or or,
they m ay be used to jo in clauses.
cx : and therefore but nevertheless
Cho dii mOt so lien ti/ khdng duoc kiem
tra tn/c tiep trong phan cau laic; mot so trang ti/ noi nhu m oreover, nevertheless, therefore co the xuat hien a mot hoAr
vai cau tra ldi trong so A, B, C va 13 va cau tra ldi do thi/dng la sai. Tuy nhien, khi cac ti/ nay xuat hien vdi cac lien ti/ nhu and, hut hoac or, chung co the duoc
dung de noi cac menh de.
and moreover