Trong b&i thi TOEFL

Một phần của tài liệu Tài liệu luyện thi Toefl (Trang 49)

I have been thinking about competing next year

Trong b&i thi TOEFL

Trong phin cau true, cac loi ve dong tu cd the d cac d.jng sau :

Mdt dQng ti/ cd the khortg phu hop vdi chu ngif cua nd. Mot chu ngiJ so it phai di vdi

dong tif so it ho^c chu ngOf so nhieu vdi dong tif so nhi£u.

Mot ddng tif cd th£ dU0c dung sai thi Cac

ti/ chi thdi gian vA vAn canh se chi ra Ihi


Mot ddng tif dAng le phai d the chu dong h i d thu dong ho Ac ngU0c lai. Neu chu

ngif thi/c hi(‘n hanh dong thi dong IU phai d the chu dong; neu chu ngif nhan hanh dpng thi ddng ti/ phai d the thu dong.

Hinh thurc cd gdc ddng tif thi khdng phAi IA dong tif. Danh dong ti/ hoAc phan tU

khong the la dong tU chinh.

for the first time in the 1912 O lym pics in Sweden.

ex : Hlectronic tim in g _______

(A) were used (B) was used (C) using (D) used

The best answer is (B). (A ) is incorrect because the subject is in gerund form and therefore requires a singular verb. (C ) is incorrect because the -mg form is not a

verb and a clause requires a verb. (D ) is incorrect because the verb is active and a passive verb is needed

In the Written Hxpression section, verb errors often involve the following : 1 A main verb may be used instead of a

participle or I'icc versa. The main verb,

for example cat or ate, mav be used

instead of eaten, or the main verb is eating instead of eating.

2. The gerund may be used instead of the infinitive. For example, eating instead

of to eat.

3. The wrong infinitive form may be used

For example, make may be used

instead of to make

Trong phan loi Thanh ngU viet, cac loi ve ddng tCl cd the d cac dang sau :

Dong tif chinh di/Oc dung thay vi phai diing phAn tif hoac ngaoc lai Dong tU chinh. vi

du eat hoac ate, dupe dung thav vi phai

dung eaten, hoac dung ddng tu chinh is eating thay vi eating.

Dung danh dong tif thay vi phAi dung ddng tif nguyen the. Vi du, eating thav vi tn cat Diing dang nguyen the sai V i r)u flung make thay vi phai diing to make

Một phần của tài liệu Tài liệu luyện thi Toefl (Trang 49)

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