x¸c nhën cña bé mn

Schaum''s outline of signals and systems

Schaum''s outline of signals and systems

... and N2, respectively, we have + N,] =x,[n +mN, ] + N,] =x,[n + kN,] xI[n] =xI[n x2[n] =x,[n m k = positive = positive integer integer Thus, ~ [ n =x,[n +mN, ] + x [ n + kN,] ] In order for x[n] to ... periodic with period N, one needs + N ] =x,[n + N ]+ x [ n + N ] = x , [ n + mN, ] +x,[n + kN2] x[n Thus, we must have mN, = kN2 = N Since we can always find integers m and k to satisfy Eq (1.861,...

Ngày tải lên: 15/05/2014, 10:55

483 864 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Bit Error Rate Approximation of MIMO-OFDM Systems with Carrier Frequency Offset and Channel Estimation Errors" ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Bit Error Rate Approximation of MIMO-OFDM Systems with Carrier Frequency Offset and Channel Estimation Errors" ppt

... N all-zero matrix 0N is the N × all-zero vector a[i] is the ith entry of vector a, and [B ]mn is the mnth entry of matrix B E{x} and Var{x} are the mean and variance of x MIMO-OFDM Signal Model ... Δεnr ,nt )/N])e jπ(N −1)(l−n)/N , (n,l) mnr ,i = nt = (sin[π(l − n + εnr ,i − εnr ,nt )]/N sin[π(l − n + εnr ,i − / (n,l) εnr ,nt )/N])e jπ(N −1)(l−n)/N , and mnr ,i = nt = (sin[π(l − n + εnr ,i ... jθnr ,nt (n,n) (n) e mnr ,nt Hnr ,nt xnt [n] Nt (n) (n) (n) e− jθnr ,nt ηnr ,nt + Δλ(n) t + Δξnr ,nt + wnr ,nt [n] , nr ,n Nr nr =1 (n) Hnr ,nt Nr nr =1 + Es /Nt 2 (n,n) mnr ,nt xnt [n] ωnr ,nt...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 11:20

14 384 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Absolute Stability of Discrete-Time Systems with Delay" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Absolute Stability of Discrete-Time Systems with Delay" pdf

... and Mn the n-dimensional space of complex column vectors and the set of n × n matrices with complex entries, respectively If · is any norm on Cn , the associated induced norm of a matrix A ∈ Mn ... Al k x k − l F k, x k , x k − , , x k − m , 2.2 l where m ≥ is an integer x k ∈ Cn and Aj k ∈ Mn j 0, 1, , m We will consider 2.2 subject to the initial conditions x k ϕk , for − m ≤ k ≤...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 06:20

14 305 0
Dynamics and control of distributed parameter systems with recycles

Dynamics and control of distributed parameter systems with recycles

... recycle path The severe effects of recycles on time constants of a high purity distillation column have been shown by Kapoor et al (1986) More recently Luyben (1993a, 1993b) has shown how an open...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2015, 17:06

143 470 0
Đề tài " The number of extensions of a number field with fixed degree and bounded discriminant " docx

Đề tài " The number of extensions of a number field with fixed degree and bounded discriminant " docx

... we denote by xk ∈ S n the k-th “row” (x1,k , x2,k , , xn,k ), and by x(j) ∈ S r the j-th “column” (xj,1 , xj,2 , , xj,r ) These correspond to maps x → xk : (An )r → An , x → x(j) : (An )r...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:21

20 479 0