... 2 and similarly for the reflex torque of the tibialis ante- rior, with n indicating the time sample of the identifica- tion time frame [1 N]. The r.m.s. value is a common way to denote the energy ... recruited from the outpati- ent clinics of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine of the Leiden University Medical Center and the Rijn- land’s Rehabilitation Center, Leiden, the Netherlands. Patient ... differences between controls and patients and less interaction with disease grade (AS). For the triceps surae reflex torque, the opposite would occur: differences between controls and patients, and in between
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20
... on G R (top row) and on K (left row) versus the values of MAS for the elbow (left column) and ankle (right column). The scatter of the points and the low values of the correlation coeffi- cient ... Spearman correlation coefficients were computed to test the relationship between the stroke effects on intrinsic and reflex stiffness gains and Ashworth scores in the spas- tic, paretic elbow and ankles. ... To further explore the possible correlation between our neuromuscular measures and the MAS, we also investi- gated the overall position-dependency of stroke effects; i.e. the differences between
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20
The relation between exchange rate and the balance of payments – Theory and reality in Vietnam
... (WTO) and integrated into the global economy, the author chooses the thesis topic ? ?The relation between exchange rate and the balance of payments – Theory and reality in Vietnam” to analyse and ... general theories and analyse the reality of the causal relation between exchange rate and the balance of payments in Vietnam, the thesis proposes the orientation and solutions to improve the positive ... the thesis The thesis ? ?The relation between exchange rate and the balance of payments – The theory and reality in Vietnam” contributes the following new points: 4 - Continue clarifying theoretical
Ngày tải lên: 23/08/2014, 14:15
A study of the relation between brand loyalty and consumer involvement with purchase decision and pruduct class
... strongest correlation occurred between the variables: purpose and structure (0.80) followed by the correlation between purpose and leadership (0.79), leadership and structure (0.78) If the correlation ... to the new centuries and whether or not the crisis will purge or destroy them, improve their position or away with them, or whether or not they get out of the crisis stronger or ruined, or whether ... say that there isn’t a strong relationship between the variables In this category fall the relations with the environment variables This does not affect the validity of the model for the analyzed
Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2016, 13:52
The relation between earnings components and stock return in vietnam stock market
... as Vietnam This chapter presents the background of the topic, the research questions, the purpose of the study and the structure of the thesis 1.1 Background The first question is why earnings ... Source: HSX and HNX Figure 2.5 VN-index history data – Source: VNDIRECT company Figure 3.1 The Framework for the Hypothesis 20 Figure 3.2 The Framework for the Hypothesis ... EDUCATION AND TRAINING UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY CHU THI KIM HUONG THE RELATION BETWEEN EARNINGS COMPONENTS AND STOCK RETURN IN VIETNAMESE STOCK MARKET A THESIS OF MASTER OF FINACE AND
Ngày tải lên: 11/05/2017, 10:08
The mediating role of relationship quality in the relation between relationship benefits and word of mouth a study of the airlines ticket service
... discussions and advices while implementing this thesis At the same time, deepest thanks to other eMBA classmates and my two close friends for their voluntary and enthusiastic supports and kindnesses ... MINH CITY PHAM VO THANH DIEP THE MEDIATING ROLE OF RELATIONSHIP QUALITY IN THE RELATION BETWEEN RELATIONSHIP BENEFITS AND WORD OF MOUTH: A STUDY OF THE AIRLINES TICKET SERVICE Subject: ... taken their precious time to answer the questionnaires This thesis would not have been feasible without their valuable and honest feedback Last but not least, special thanks and love to my husband
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2017, 21:35
Accounting undergraduate Honors theses: Does analyst experience affect their understanding of non financial information? An analysis of the relation between patent information and analyst
... Other studies find a positive relation between patent citations and future firm performance (Gu, 2005; Pandit et al., 2011) Before I examine the effect of analyst experience on the relation between ... Analyst Experience Affect Their Understanding of Non-Financial Information? An Analysis of the Relation between Patent Information and Analyst Forecast Errors" (2013) Theses and Dissertations 833 ... Affect Their Understanding of Non-Financial Information? An Analysis of the Relation between Patent Information and Analyst Forecast Errors Does Analyst Experience Affect Their Understanding
Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2020, 17:01
The mediating role of relationship quality in the relation between relationship benefits and word of mouth: A study of the airlines ticket service
... discussions and advices while implementing this thesis At the same time, deepest thanks to other eMBA classmates and my two close friends for their voluntary and enthusiastic supports and kindnesses ... MINH CITY PHAM VO THANH DIEP THE MEDIATING ROLE OF RELATIONSHIP QUALITY IN THE RELATION BETWEEN RELATIONSHIP BENEFITS AND WORD OF MOUTH: A STUDY OF THE AIRLINES TICKET SERVICE Subject: ... taken their precious time to answer the questionnaires This thesis would not have been feasible without their valuable and honest feedback Last but not least, special thanks and love to my husband
Ngày tải lên: 01/09/2020, 14:07
The mediating role of relationship quality in the relation between relationship benefits and word of mouth, a study of the airlines ticket service
... discussions and advices while implementing this thesis At the same time, deepest thanks to other eMBA classmates and my two close friends for their voluntary and enthusiastic supports and kindnesses ... MINH CITY PHAM VO THANH DIEP THE MEDIATING ROLE OF RELATIONSHIP QUALITY IN THE RELATION BETWEEN RELATIONSHIP BENEFITS AND WORD OF MOUTH: A STUDY OF THE AIRLINES TICKET SERVICE Subject: ... taken their precious time to answer the questionnaires This thesis would not have been feasible without their valuable and honest feedback Last but not least, special thanks and love to my husband
Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2020, 20:10
The mediating role of relationship quality in the relation between relationship benefits and word of mouth, a study of the airlines ticket service
... discussions and advices while implementing this thesis At the same time, deepest thanks to other eMBA classmates and my two close friends for their voluntary and enthusiastic supports and kindnesses ... MINH CITY PHAM VO THANH DIEP THE MEDIATING ROLE OF RELATIONSHIP QUALITY IN THE RELATION BETWEEN RELATIONSHIP BENEFITS AND WORD OF MOUTH: A STUDY OF THE AIRLINES TICKET SERVICE Subject: ... taken their precious time to answer the questionnaires This thesis would not have been feasible without their valuable and honest feedback Last but not least, special thanks and love to my husband
Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2020, 20:37
(Luận văn thạc sĩ) the mediating role of relationship quality in the relation between relationship benefits and word of mouth a study of the airlines ticket service
... discussions and advices while implementing this thesis At the same time, deepest thanks to other eMBA classmates and my two close friends for their voluntary and enthusiastic supports and kindnesses ... MINH CITY PHAM VO THANH DIEP THE MEDIATING ROLE OF RELATIONSHIP QUALITY IN THE RELATION BETWEEN RELATIONSHIP BENEFITS AND WORD OF MOUTH: A STUDY OF THE AIRLINES TICKET SERVICE Subject: ... taken their precious time to answer the questionnaires This thesis would not have been feasible without their valuable and honest feedback Last but not least, special thanks and love to my husband
Ngày tải lên: 31/12/2020, 11:10
Researching the Relation between Operational Efficiency and the Profitability of Telecommunication Technology Joint-Stock Companies
... OE and profitability ratios of Indian commercial banks as well as examines the relationship between them It was concluded that there is no significant relationship between net profit margin and ... knowledge, the answer is not clear for the question: Is there any relation between OE and profitability or not? And if so, how are they related, especially for Vietnamese firms generally and TT ... with the above-mentioned variables The OLS’s first aim is to investigate how many factors impact on OE and profitability and what they are The second purpose is to forecast the link between OE and
Ngày tải lên: 04/02/2021, 01:11
The relation between developmental state and civil society- experiences from some east asia nations and lessons for Vietnam
... especially the power relationship between the government and business changes Along with this change, the government is likely to lose its strong autonomy from the business and powerful business demands ... On the other hand, it is needed to recognize the situation of Vietnam‘s economy and its impact to the live of the association and the democracy In Vietnam, the state have not yet applied the ... established by the state Beside this, the aim to develop the economy also allowed the gap between bourgeois employers and their employees, constrained the affiliation amongst the employees in the liberal
Ngày tải lên: 05/02/2021, 03:50
The relation between openness, transparency and accountability in state governance and the right of access to justice of citizens in vietnam
... essence, the theo y of gove nance desi es the count ies to un the state acco ding to the standa ds of good gove nance In the vie of the Wo ld Bank> UNDP and the Eu opean Commission2(this is the ... hen handling the case, the cou t must clea ly notify die eceipt o non- eceipt of the case file to the plaintiff ithin the time specified Afte that, the cou t must post publicly the time and venue ... capacity to access ustice themselves, so they need legal aid The efo e, it is the esponsibility ofthe state to p ovide legal aid and suppo t to the people, especially the poo and the disadvantaged,
Ngày tải lên: 09/02/2021, 14:06
The relation between openness transparency and accountability in state governance and the right of access to justice of citizens in vietnam
... nance desi es the count ies to un the state acco ding to the standa ds of good gove nance In the vie of the Wo ld Bank> UNDP and the Eu opean Commission2 (this is the mainst eam vie of the cu ent ... mation disclosu e and t anspa ency, the cou t must ensu e that the people and the media can attend the t ial and it must al ays be available to the public to access to documents in the cou t, especially ... plaintiff ithin the time specified Afte that, the cou t must post publicly the time and venue fo opening the t ial so that all the people inte ested can attend and monito the t ial p ocess (except
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2021, 09:50
Researching the relation between operational efficiency and the profitability of telecommunication technology joint stock companies
... OE and profitability ratios of Indian commercial banks as well as examines the relationship between them It was concluded that there is no significant relationship between net profit margin and ... knowledge, the answer is not clear for the question: Is there any relation between OE and profitability or not? And if so, how are they related, especially for Vietnamese firms generally and TT JSCs ... uses the statistic software Stata 12 to run the regression to answer these questions The using of both a qualitative and quantitative approach aims to strengthen the reliability of the analyses and
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2021, 20:34
... in the level and the slope. I measure the level of the Treasury term structure with the three-month Treasury bill yield, denoted Y T,104, t , and measure the slope with the spread between the ... medium-maturity and short-maturity bonds, the relation between yield spreads and the slope of the Treasury term structure is weaker, and the thirty-year yield no longer summarizes the relevant information ... than innovations in the Treasury slope in explaining the variance of future Baa yield spreads. When the ordering of the bill yield and the slope are reversed, the explanatory power of the bill yield...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 04:20
Tài liệu The relation between earnings and cash flows pdf
... cross-correlation. The correlation between predicted and actual cross-correlations between accruals and next-period cash flows is negative and insignificant. The third column of table 6 reports the ... serial correlations and cross-correlations among cash flows, earnings, and accruals using the modified model with and without the assumption that 8 1 = 8 2 = O. Correlation between Correlation ... the simple average of the predicted and actual firm-specific correlations The fourth column in table 6 reports correlations between the industry- average actual and predicted values of the...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 01:20
jj-thompson on the light thrown by recent investigations on electricity on the relation between matter and ether
... as if their mass were many hundred times the mass of the air enclosed in them. In the case of the electrified bodies we may picture to ourselves that the connection between them and the ether around ... electrified bodies A and B in rapid motion, we can, from the laws of electricity, calculate the forces which they exert on each other, and we find that, except in the case when they are moving with the same speed and in the same direction, the force which ... electrostatic energy is one-half the energy in the light wave, it follows that the mass of the moving ether per unit volume is equal to the energy of the light in that volume divided by the square of the velocity of light. Thus...
Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 12:23
The relationship between default risk and interest rates: An empirical study research insight
... displays the Pearson’s correlation coefficients and their p-values for the paired variable in each time region. The null hypothesis is that the correlation is equal to zero. The alternative hypothesis ... positive correlations between the levels of credit spread and interest rate, and positive correlations between default rate and real interest rate. The significance levels of the correlations ... CORRELATION ANALYSIS USING FIRM-LEVEL DATA While the correlations between interest rates and default rates are important for the understanding of the macroeconomic processes, understanding the...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 11:21
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