write a paragraph about your unforgettable experience

Some experience in teaching how to write a paragraph in upper secondary school

Some experience in teaching how to write a paragraph in upper secondary school

... how to write a paragraph in upper secondary school And the national examination took place last June, I have students achieve the maximum marks about writing paragraphs Comparison of data drawn ... practise writing an complete essay with capacities ranging from 250 to 300 words The layout of the essay is usually built with about paragraphs: - The topic paragraph - Body paragraphs (3 paragraphs) ... changes However, to break a bad habit is not always easy It takes time and it needs a lot of determination, constancy and support Example 2: HOW TO TAKE A VACATION? “All work and no play make

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2017, 10:39

18 343 0


... TO WRITE A PARAGRAPH Prewriting Paragraphs Writing Paragraphs Editing Paragraphs Publishing Paragraphs C KINDS OF PARAGRAPHS Definition Paragraph Classification Paragraph Description Paragraph ... Paragraph Compare and Contrast Paragraph Sequence Paragraph Choice Paragraph Explanation Paragraph Evaluation Paragraph D SOMES NOTES Unity within a paragraph Coherence within a paragraph E PRACTICE ... Write about your favorite season Write about your favorite teacher Write about your hobbies Write about your dream house Write about your memory of a place that you visited as a child 10 Write about

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2019, 00:00

21 499 1


... is an important element of a paragraph is unity Every good paragraph has unity which means that in each paragraph; only one main idea is discussed If you start to discuss a new idea, begin a new ... from a hole in the garden Exercise2: Analyzing a student paragraph for unity Examine the organization of the paragraph by answering the questions below Then compare your answers with a partner ... sentence I am an organized person a My desk is always neat and tidy 30 b I have a system for organizing my papers, and I can always find what I need c I feel uncomfortable when I am in a strange environment

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2019, 12:08

36 423 0
How to write a paragraph in english for gifted students at nguyen chich secondary school

How to write a paragraph in english for gifted students at nguyen chich secondary school

... To list disadvantages: + One/Another/A further/ An additional(major) disadvantage/drawback of + The main/greatest/most serious/first disadvantage/drawback of + Another nagative aspect of - ... prepare the lesson carefully - The teacher helps students understand and analyze the topic of what type of paragraph - Teachers should give students some sample paragraphs with each type of paragraphs ... teaching secondary education - Check students to find out the current state of writing a paragraph - Apply different writing styles B CONTENT I HOW TO WRITE A PARAGRAPH When writing a Paragraph

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2019, 09:15

21 157 0
Some experiences to improve how to write a paragraph in english for good students at tan lap secondary school

Some experiences to improve how to write a paragraph in english for good students at tan lap secondary school

... especially writing a paragraph When I teach students to take exams for good students at Tan Lap Secondary School, I realize that students are very afraid to write a paragraph in English Because ... To list disadvantages: 12 + One/Another/A further/ An additional(major) disadvantage/drawback of + The main/greatest/most serious/first disadvantage/drawback of + Another nagative aspect of ... of an issue, discussing points in favour of a particular topic as well as those against or the advantages and disadvantages of a particular question Each point should be supported by justifications,

Ngày tải lên: 21/10/2019, 10:59

23 130 0
How to write a paragraph in english for gifted students at nguyen chich secondary school

How to write a paragraph in english for gifted students at nguyen chich secondary school

... To list disadvantages: + One/Another/A further/ An additional(major) disadvantage/drawback of + The main/greatest/most serious/first disadvantage/drawback of + Another nagative aspect of - ... prepare the lesson carefully - The teacher helps students understand and analyze the topic of what type of paragraph - Teachers should give students some sample paragraphs with each type of paragraphs ... teaching secondary education - Check students to find out the current state of writing a paragraph - Apply different writing styles B CONTENT I HOW TO WRITE A PARAGRAPH When writing a Paragraph

Ngày tải lên: 21/10/2019, 10:59

21 96 0
Teaching high school students to write a paragraph by using 4 criteria instructed by british council

Teaching high school students to write a paragraph by using 4 criteria instructed by british council

... Vietnamese national high school graduation examination means that a paragraph should be presented appropriately by starting a topic sentence to fold the whole meaning of paragraph about what the ... descriptors [4] Band Task Achievement - fully addresses all parts of the task Coherence and Cohesion Grammatical Range and accuracy - skillfully manages paragraphing - uses a wide range of vocabulary with ... referencing and substitution - may not write in paragraphs, or paragraphing may be inadequate - responds to the task only in a minimal way or the answer is tangential; the format may be inappropriate

Ngày tải lên: 21/10/2019, 20:19

25 29 0
Some experiences to improve how to write a paragraph in english for good students at tan lap secondary school

Some experiences to improve how to write a paragraph in english for good students at tan lap secondary school

... especially writing a paragraph When I teach students to take exams for good students at Tan Lap Secondary School, I realize that students are very afraid to write a paragraph in English Because ... To list disadvantages: 12 + One/Another/A further/ An additional(major) disadvantage/drawback of + The main/greatest/most serious/first disadvantage/drawback of + Another nagative aspect of ... of an issue, discussing points in favour of a particular topic as well as those against or the advantages and disadvantages of a particular question Each point should be supported by justifications,

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2019, 09:49

23 141 0
How to write a paragraph in english for gifted students at nguyen chich secondary school

How to write a paragraph in english for gifted students at nguyen chich secondary school

... To list disadvantages: + One/Another/A further/ An additional(major) disadvantage/drawback of + The main/greatest/most serious/first disadvantage/drawback of + Another nagative aspect of - ... prepare the lesson carefully - The teacher helps students understand and analyze the topic of what type of paragraph - Teachers should give students some sample paragraphs with each type of paragraphs ... teaching secondary education - Check students to find out the current state of writing a paragraph - Apply different writing styles B CONTENT I HOW TO WRITE A PARAGRAPH When writing a Paragraph

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2019, 09:49

21 138 0
Teaching high school students to write a paragraph by using 4 criteria instructed by british council

Teaching high school students to write a paragraph by using 4 criteria instructed by british council

... Vietnamese national high school graduation examination means that a paragraph should be presented appropriately by starting a topic sentence to fold the whole meaning of paragraph about what the ... descriptors [4] Band Task Achievement - fully addresses all parts of the task Coherence and Cohesion Grammatical Range and accuracy - skillfully manages paragraphing - uses a wide range of vocabulary with ... referencing and substitution - may not write in paragraphs, or paragraphing may be inadequate - responds to the task only in a minimal way or the answer is tangential; the format may be inappropriate

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2019, 11:49

25 40 0


... TO WRITE A PARAGRAPH Prewriting Paragraphs Writing Paragraphs Editing Paragraphs Publishing Paragraphs C KINDS OF PARAGRAPHS Definition Paragraph Classification Paragraph Description Paragraph ... Paragraph Compare and Contrast Paragraph Sequence Paragraph Choice Paragraph Explanation Paragraph Evaluation Paragraph D SOMES NOTES Unity within a paragraph Coherence within a paragraph E PRACTICE ... Write about your favorite season Write about your favorite teacher Write about your hobbies Write about your dream house Write about your memory of a place that you visited as a child 10 Write about

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2019, 09:20

21 207 1
Teaching high school students to write a paragraph by using 4 criteria instructed by british council

Teaching high school students to write a paragraph by using 4 criteria instructed by british council

... Vietnamese national high school graduation examination means that a paragraph should be presented appropriately by starting a topic sentence to fold the whole meaning of paragraph about what the ... Lexical Resource Grammatical Range and accuracy relevant, fully extended and well supported ideas skillfully manages paragraphing uses a wide range of vocabulary with very natural and sophisticated ... correctly and avoid making errors + Avoid using informal and spoken language • Grammatical Range and Accuracy: the ability of use various complex grammar and structures of candidates The more complicated

Ngày tải lên: 21/11/2019, 08:45

25 18 0
Some experiences to improve how to write a paragraph in english for good students at tan lap secondary school

Some experiences to improve how to write a paragraph in english for good students at tan lap secondary school

... especially writing a paragraph When I teach students to take exams for good students at Tan Lap Secondary School, I realize that students are very afraid to write a paragraph in English Because ... To list disadvantages: 12 + One/Another/A further/ An additional(major) disadvantage/drawback of + The main/greatest/most serious/first disadvantage/drawback of + Another nagative aspect of ... of an issue, discussing points in favour of a particular topic as well as those against or the advantages and disadvantages of a particular question Each point should be supported by justifications,

Ngày tải lên: 18/07/2020, 07:15

23 51 0
Teaching high school students to write a paragraph by using 4 criteria instructed by british council

Teaching high school students to write a paragraph by using 4 criteria instructed by british council

... Vietnamese national high school graduation examination means that a paragraph should be presented appropriately by starting a topic sentence to fold the whole meaning of paragraph about what the ... skillfully manages paragraphing - uses a wide range of vocabulary with very natural and sophisticated control of lexical features; rare minor errors occur only as ‘slips’ Grammatical Range and accuracy ... understand what is going to be talked about next Vocabulary: The paragraph consists of a wide range of vocabulary which is very topic-related and academic The words such as ‘dramatically contaminated’;

Ngày tải lên: 19/07/2020, 16:08

25 30 0
How to write a paragraph in english for gifted students at nguyen chich secondary school

How to write a paragraph in english for gifted students at nguyen chich secondary school

... To list disadvantages: + One/Another/A further/ An additional(major) disadvantage/drawback of + The main/greatest/most serious/first disadvantage/drawback of + Another nagative aspect of - ... prepare the lesson carefully - The teacher helps students understand and analyze the topic of what type of paragraph - Teachers should give students some sample paragraphs with each type of paragraphs ... teaching secondary education - Check students to find out the current state of writing a paragraph - Apply different writing styles B CONTENT I HOW TO WRITE A PARAGRAPH When writing a Paragraph

Ngày tải lên: 25/07/2020, 20:21

21 51 0
slide 1 to our class 12a5 teacher mai thi thao muong bi high school unit4 school education system writing write a paragraph on the formal school education system in vietnam the formal school educat

slide 1 to our class 12a5 teacher mai thi thao muong bi high school unit4 school education system writing write a paragraph on the formal school education system in vietnam the formal school educat

... from January to May (6)II Writing. - Write a paragraph on the formal (7)-There are two levels of education + Primary education + Secondary education - upper secondary education.- ... education and Secondary education The Secondary education consists of lower secondary education and upper secondary education Primary and lower secondary education are compulsory in Vietnam ... Children start Grade at the age of and after years they move to lower secondary school, the lower secondary education lasts years The upper secondary education lasts years, from the age of 15

Ngày tải lên: 14/04/2021, 11:25

10 11 0
(Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm) how to write a paragraph in english for gifted students at nguyen chich secondary school

(Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm) how to write a paragraph in english for gifted students at nguyen chich secondary school

... To list disadvantages: + One/Another/A further/ An additional(major) disadvantage/drawback of + The main/greatest/most serious/first disadvantage/drawback of + Another nagative aspect of - ... prepare the lesson carefully - The teacher helps students understand and analyze the topic of what type of paragraph - Teachers should give students some sample paragraphs with each type of paragraphs ... teaching secondary education - Check students to find out the current state of writing a paragraph - Apply different writing styles B CONTENT I HOW TO WRITE A PARAGRAPH When writing a Paragraph

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2021, 22:07

21 25 0
(Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm) some experiences to improve how to write a paragraph in english for good students at tan lap secondary school

(Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm) some experiences to improve how to write a paragraph in english for good students at tan lap secondary school

... especially writing a paragraph When I teach students to take exams for good students at Tan Lap Secondary School, I realize that students are very afraid to write a paragraph in English Because ... To list disadvantages: 12 + One/Another/A further/ An additional(major) disadvantage/drawback of + The main/greatest/most serious/first disadvantage/drawback of + Another nagative aspect of ... of an issue, discussing points in favour of a particular topic as well as those against or the advantages and disadvantages of a particular question Each point should be supported by justifications,

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2021, 10:10

23 18 0
(Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm) teaching high school students to write a paragraph by using 4 criteria instructed by british council

(Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm) teaching high school students to write a paragraph by using 4 criteria instructed by british council

... Vietnamese national high school graduation examination means that a paragraph should be presented appropriately by starting a topic sentence to fold the whole meaning of paragraph about what the ... descriptors [4] Band Task Achievement - fully addresses all parts of the task Coherence and Cohesion Grammatical Range and accuracy - skillfully manages paragraphing - uses a wide range of vocabulary with ... as a noun: ‘HAVING good relationships will be a distinct advantage that we can attract more investors, consumers and markets’ SAMPLE 2: THEME 2: COMMUNITY Write a paragraph (about 140 words) about

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2021, 10:22

25 2 0

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