working memory in american sign language

Báo cáo khoa học: "American Sign Language Generation: Multimodal NLG with Multiple Linguistic Channels" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "American Sign Language Generation: Multimodal NLG with Multiple Linguistic Channels" pot

... having multiple linguistic channels that must be coordinated during generation, (2) ASL having both an LS and a CP form of signing, (3) CP signing visually conveying 3D spatial relationships in ... surprisingly, the language has multiple sub-systems of signing that take advantage of the visual modality in different ways ASL signers can select whether to convey information using lexical signing ... written/spoken languages 3.1 Coordinating Linguistic Channels Section mentioned that this project is developing multichannel (non-string) encodings of ASL animation; these encodings must coordinate multiple...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 06:20

6 200 0
advances in the sign language development of deaf children sep 2005

advances in the sign language development of deaf children sep 2005

... those interested in sign language began to examine the use of sign language in mother–child interactions and home settings The first such studies, appearing in the 1960s and 1970s, usually involved ... deaf education, sign language interpreting, and others Moreover, in contrast with researchers studying development in most other languages, those involved in research on sign languages (given ... (handshape) in American Sign Language: A preliminary analysis Unpublished manuscript, Salk Working Papers, Salk Institute, San Diego, CA (Published in From gesture to language in hearing and deaf...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 06:49

412 339 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Telescopic Vector Composition and Polar Accumulated Motion Residuals for Feature Extraction in Arabic Sign Language Recognition" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Telescopic Vector Composition and Polar Accumulated Motion Residuals for Feature Extraction in Arabic Sign Language Recognition" pdf

... by different signers In this classification mode, we have used 70% of the data for training and the remaining 30% for testing The training and testing sets contain mixed samples of all signers The ... recognition stage Offline training mode is usually done when the training data is large (due to large number of classes or excessive variability within each class) or the recognition is in user-independent ... the motion Setting it to zero results in treating all pixel differences as motion; setting it to a high value results in discarding some motion information, and so forth Following [2], the value...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20

10 314 0
the unfinished bombing oklahoma city in american memory

the unfinished bombing oklahoma city in american memory

... undergraduates in a seminar, Memory and Memorials in American Culture: Violence and the American Landscape.” I am indebted to Sue Schofield, coordinator of the Graduate Advising Programs in the College ... mean, this is an American killing an American Y don’t think that about somebody in your country doing this.”¹ ou How, in the last years of the twentieth century, so prominently stained by 16 T H ... Palmer raids in the s, the internment of Americans of Japanese ancestry in the s, the McCarthy hearings of the s, and the FBI’s wiretapping of Martin Luther King, Jr in the s...

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2014, 01:22

323 217 0
Báo cáo y học: " P300 amplitude is insensitive to working memory load in schizophrenia" potx

Báo cáo y học: " P300 amplitude is insensitive to working memory load in schizophrenia" potx

... differences in controlling access to working memory Nature 2005, 438:500-503 Schmiedt C, Brand A, Hildebrandt H, Basar-Eroglu C: Event-related theta oscillations during working memory tasks in patients ... deficits in schizophrenia? Am J Psychiatry 1996, 153:321-330 Goldman-Rakic PS: Working memory dysfunction in schizophrenia J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 1994, 6:348-357 Conklin HM, Curtis CE, Calkins ... fMRI study of maintenance and manipulation processes within working memory in first-episode schizophrenia Am J Psychiatry 2005, 162:1849-1858 Molina V, Sanz J, Munoz F, Casado P, Hinojosa JA, Sarramea...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:23

6 374 0
Báo cáo y học: "The prevalence of the term subluxation in North American English-Language Doctor of chiropractic programs" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: "The prevalence of the term subluxation in North American English-Language Doctor of chiropractic programs" ppsx

... taught in the classroom and what domains are evaluated in assuring student competence [2] College catalogs and academic bulletins are designed by institutions as a means of communicating to students, ... change in the accrediting agency’s use of the term will result in a corresponding change at the DCP level Thus, we anticipate replicating this study in a few years to determine what changes in DCP ... the term in educational institutions is valuable in developing profession wide policy concerning the subluxation construct The purpose of this study is to examine the most current North American...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 15:21

7 285 0
Báo cáo y học: "Inhibition, flexibility, working memory and planning in autism spectrum disorders with and without comorbid ADHD-symptoms" doc

Báo cáo y học: "Inhibition, flexibility, working memory and planning in autism spectrum disorders with and without comorbid ADHD-symptoms" doc

... exist, with ADHD children being more impaired in inhibition and working memory and children with ASD showing greater difficulties in flexibility and planning referring to the above mentioned studies ... working memory task (self-ordered pointing task) could not be replicated [14] when attempting to transfer laboratory outcomes to daily life As we found only small problems of working memory in ... are partly in line with a study by Ozonoff et al., who applied the CANTAB planning task in a large sample of 79 autistic individuals, finding no differences for the mean initial thinking time,...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:21

12 359 0


... different spoken languages However, sign language is not universal, with different countries practising variations of sign language: Chinese, French, British, American, etc American Sign Language (ASL) ... computed-based understanding of sign language, and hence they are described in more detail in the following sections 1.4 Linguistic Expressions in Sign Language 1.4.1 Conversation Regulators In ASL, specific ... from spoken languages [1] The similarities have been found in structures and operations in the signer’s brain, in the way the language is acquired, and in the linguistic structure All languages...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 10:17

139 268 0
In order to become competent in a foreign language

In order to become competent in a foreign language

... expresses information through words but also performs certain functions such as promising, inviting, questing, wishing, etc, in everyday communication In 11 addition, in everyday use of language, ... of saying something in the full sense of say Illocutionary act: the act performed in saying something Perlocutionary act: the act performed by or as a result of saying For instance, in a response ... addressee to respond in one way or another, by answering a question, by agreeing or disagreeing to a proposal, by acknowledging receipt of information, and so on, in other words by being an active partner...

Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2013, 08:49

42 568 0
Criticism in American and Vietnamese e-newspapers

Criticism in American and Vietnamese e-newspapers

... speech; in contrast, there remain some hints in indirect speech and one has to know the rules to interpret the meaning Americans generally consider themselves to be frank, open and direct in dealing ... Correspondingly, to understand written American language in common and American articles in particular, one must be able to find out the subject and the main verb In this case, subject and main verb ... is indicated that each article contains many cultural factors such as ways of thinking, observing, evaluating and writing, which is different from culture to culture Therefore, indirectness in...

Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2013, 09:05

37 499 1
In order to become competent in a foreign language, it is important for language learners not only to acquire new vocabularies and a new set of phonological and syntactic rules but also to learn what Wilson (1986)

In order to become competent in a foreign language, it is important for language learners not only to acquire new vocabularies and a new set of phonological and syntactic rules but also to learn what Wilson (1986)

... Phước, Tây Ninh thành phố Hồ Chí Minh; ĐBSCL gồm tỉnh Long An, Tiền Giang, An -18- Giang, Kiên Giang, Cà Mau, Sóc Trăng, Bạc Liêu, Đồng Tháp, Bến Tre, Hậu Giang, Vónh Long, Trà Vinh thành phố ... lớn, nước ròng… Nam Bộ vùng đất đa dạng sinh học Khí hậu - thuỷ văn tạo điều kiện cho động thực vật sinh sôi nảy nở, thích hợp cho việc phát triển nguồn sinh vật cạn nước, thuận lợi cho canh tác ... lớn nước Ven biển có rừng ngập mặn rộng lớn Từ Cà Mau đến Kiên Giang có rừng nguyên sinh U Minh Thượng, U Minh Hạ Rừng có nhiều loài động thực vật quý Hình ảnh quen thuộc sân chim, kèo ong, sếu...

Ngày tải lên: 17/04/2013, 16:09

137 855 0
Developing Writing Skills in a Foreign Language via the Internet.doc

Developing Writing Skills in a Foreign Language via the Internet.doc

... sequencing (alternating pattern or point by point) With two subjects in mind, chunking separately presents all the points and details of the one subject Then the next section discusses and includes ... decided upon, each group member independently searches the Internet for the required information Having found the pertinent information and written their information into a paragraph or two, it is ... Power Point presentation Conclusion Although writing in a foreign language can be a daunting experience for second language students, learner collaboration, in conjunction with access to the Internet,...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 05:10

5 577 0
Motivation and Motivating in the Foreign Language Classroom

Motivation and Motivating in the Foreign Language Classroom

... involves setting the scene for the use of motivational strategies; Generating student motivation, which roughly corresponds to the preactional phase in the model; • • Maintaining and protecting ... repertoire including several motivation maintenance strategies Let us have a look at two of them: a) increasing the learners' self-confidence; and b) creating learner autonomy Increasing the Learners' ... the Learners' Self-confidence In an inherently face-threatening context, as the language classroom is likely to be, it is important to find out how to maintain and increase the learners' self-confidence...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10

7 595 4
Communicative Language Teaching in a Multimedia Language Lab

Communicative Language Teaching in a Multimedia Language Lab

... attain by playing the computer simulation Students had to keep in mind their purpose for playing the simulation Otherwise, they would tend to indulge themselves in simply playing Also, since ... built the town according to their pace of learning What are the implications of the Communicative Language Teaching Approach in a multimedia computer language lab in teaching? First, the choice ... computer technology Foreign language training will not always take place in a traditional classroom With the help of a setting such as a multimedia lab, foreign language training will be more efficient...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10

8 602 5
Sample Programming in an Assembly Language

Sample Programming in an Assembly Language

... call instructions (JSR and BSR instructions) The CPU always maintains the address of the next instruction in the program counter The subroutine call instruction first stores the address of the instruction ... Post-increment Register Indirect/Predecrement Register Indirect This section introduces sample programs using post-increment register indirect and predecrement register indirect (described in Chapter ... Branch Instruction Page 65 Page 66 6.2 Programs Containing a Loop Repetitive (looping) processing in assembly language is achieved using the...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 11:20

22 432 0
Writing a Simple Program in an Assembly Language

Writing a Simple Program in an Assembly Language

... Always) instruction is called "unconditional branch instruction" Executing this instruction results in branching to the specified address Branching is similar to "jumping" It causes jumping forward ... Control Instruction If a memory address is written in hexadecimal notation in a program, it is difficult to determine what kind of data is included So, it is helpful if an address including data ... reading/writing In this case, the first data must also fall in an evennumbered address Likewise, the most significant bits are stored in the smallest address and the least significant bits in...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 11:20

24 534 0
Presenting In English - Key language

Presenting In English - Key language

... presenting in english 6.I k e y language Business Terms TASK Complete the following statements with information which is relevant to your work or company, by first filling in the gaps and ... the system in Mexico? It's not easy doing business in Kuwait It's time to start thinking about advertising, \ least we know there's a market for it there b average, everything takes three ... five stages into a short presentation 6.6 presenting in english i c e y language Business Terms Look at the pairs of verbs and verb expressions in the charts below Which of the nouns in each list...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 19:20

18 662 6