with reference to igc code 4 2

Audit book by m asif chapter 2 with reference to ICAP 2015 study text

Audit book by m asif chapter 2 with reference to ICAP 2015 study text

... STANDARDS ON AUDITING (ISAs) LO 10 1.4.1, 1.4.2, 1.4.3, 1.4.4 1.3.9 1.4.4 (Other International Standards) *Explanation of Reference: First digit in Study Text’s Reference represents chapter number, ... as to who is responsible to prepare financial statements LO4 LO5 LO3 LO6 (CA Certificate Stage – Autumn 2001) (04 marks) (CA Final, Summer 1994) (07 marks) (CA Certificate Stage – Spring 2002) ... Stage – Spring 2004) Q.3 (a) Briefly highlight the management’s responsibilities relating to the financial statements? LO1 LO2 LO3 LO7 (04 marks) (CA Certificate Stage – Spring 2012) (07 marks)...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2018, 11:44

12 150 0
Báo cáo " Study on geotechnical characteristics of Holocene soils with reference to geohazards in Kien An - Do Son, Hai Phong coastal zone" pptx

Báo cáo " Study on geotechnical characteristics of Holocene soils with reference to geohazards in Kien An - Do Son, Hai Phong coastal zone" pptx

... limit WL % 34.6 40.4 44.3 35.0 12 Plastic limit We % 22.1 22.0 25.0 20.0 13 Plasticity index Ip % 12.4 18.4 19.7 14.4 14 Liquidity index B 1.8 0.64 1,3 1.3 15 Cohesion c Kg/cm? 0.054 0.13 0.059 ... 26.79 16.62 13.2 19.3 2 Silt % 50, 49.65 52.2 56.3 3 Clay % 22.8 33.73 34.6 24.4 4 Wa ter content WwW % 43.6 33.7 50.7 39.0 5 Unit weight Y gem” 1.74 1.85 1.65 1.8 6 Dryunitweight † g/cm° 1.22 ... Impacted Magnitude Total hazards + area xX = score Coastal 5 4 4 36 erosion Salinity 3 5 4 32 intrusion Storm 3 4 4 28 surge Flood 4 4 3 24 Earthquake 1 5 3 18 Sealevel 2 4 2 12 change + Recognize...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 16:20

12 459 0
A study on different types of verbal responses to questions in english conversations with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

A study on different types of verbal responses to questions in english conversations with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

... theory … ……………………………………… Conversation structure Conversation analysis principle 14 Verbal communication ... conversation 39 4.2.1 Similarities 39 4.2.2 Differences 42 4.3 Some possible implications for teaching the different types of verbal responses to questions in English ... 17 2.2.2 Questions and Responses 18 2.3.Summary 26 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 3.1.Research-governing orientations .… 27 v 3.1.1 Research questions … 27 3.1.2 Research...

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2016, 21:19

68 432 3
An investigation into syntactic and semantic features of english collocations with the verb make with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

An investigation into syntactic and semantic features of english collocations with the verb make with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

... MAKE 31 Table 2.4 Other Structures of MAKE + Noun 32 Trang 84.1 Syntactic Features of English Collocations with the verb MAKE with reference to the Vietnamese equivalents 34 4.2 Semantic Features ... equivalents with regards tomethods, implications and findings in comparison with other earlier studies as cited previously 2.2 Review of Theoretical Background 2.2.1 Theoretical Framework ... ones so as to achieve the set objectives Trang 6LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES Table 2.1 Examples of Lexical Collocations of Hill (2000) 28 Table 2.2 A List of Types of Verbs 29 Table 2.3 Verb Patterns...

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2016, 21:22

83 742 14
A study on english idioms denoting fear with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

A study on english idioms denoting fear with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

... equivalents 42 4.2.1 Similarities 42 The reflection of religion 42 The reflection of social background 43 4.2.2 Differences 45 The point of view 45 The use ... body 40 Fear in the feature of country 40 Fear is facing the death 41 Fear is mind-absence 41 4.2 Cultural features of English idioms denoting fear with reference to ... colour 45 4.3 Implications 47 4.3.1 General suggestions on teaching idioms 47 Trang Word order in idioms 49 Idioms and sound patterns 49 4.3.2 A model lesson 50 Activity...

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2016, 21:24

93 812 7
An investigation into english expressions for thanks with reference to the vietnamese

An investigation into english expressions for thanks with reference to the vietnamese

... review 2.1 REVIEW OF PREVIOUS STUDIES 2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 2.2.1 Statement of theoretical framework 2.2.2.Theory of politeness 12 2.2.3 Speech acts and ... 18 2.2.4Acts of thanking 19 2.2.5 Thanking Strategies 26 Chapter : Methodology 32 3.1 RESEARCH-GOVERNING ORIENTATIONS 32 3.1.1 Research question(s) 32 ... Linguistics Code: 60220201 Hanoi, 2015 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI OPEN UNIVERSITY NGUYỄN THỊ LÊ TRANG AN INVESTIGATION INTO ENGLISH EXPRESSIONS FOR THANKS WITH REFERENCE TO THE VIETNAMESE...

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2016, 21:28

99 720 3
DSpace at VNU: A phylogeny of softshell turtles (Testudines: Trionychidae) with reference to the taxonomic status of the critically endangered, giant softshell turtle, Rafetus swinhoei

DSpace at VNU: A phylogeny of softshell turtles (Testudines: Trionychidae) with reference to the taxonomic status of the critically endangered, giant softshell turtle, Rafetus swinhoei

... AY259596 AF414366 AF494492 AF414367 AY259615 AY259614 AY259611 AY259610 AY259601 FR850599 AY259613 AY259612 AY259599 AY259597 AY259598 HE801721 AY259546 AY259562 AY259561 AY259563 AY259570 AY259569 ... AY259566 AY259565 AY259551 FR850649 AY259568 AY259567 AY259549 AY259547 AY259548 AM495225 AY259571 AY259587 AY259586 AY259588 AY259595 AY259594 AY259591 AY259590 AY259576 – AY259593 AY259592 ... HQ116590 FM999022 FN645328 AY259604 KJ482683 AJ608766 AJ608765 AJ608764 HQ709384 HQ116598 FM999014 FN645269 AY259554 KJ482678 AJ607408 AJ608763 AJ607407 HQ709384 – – FN645408 AY259579 KJ482685 – –...

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2017, 06:53

15 183 0
Syntactic and semantic features of english compound nouns with reference to their vietnamese equivalents

Syntactic and semantic features of english compound nouns with reference to their vietnamese equivalents

... thesis 3 Distinguishing compounds from phrases 9 Trang 112.2.2 Overview of English compound nouns 19 The distinction between English compound nouns and English noun phrases 24 2.2.3 ... compound nouns 26 General charateristics of Vietnamese compound nouns 26 The classification of Vietnamese compound nouns 28 Trang The survey questionnaire 37 4.1 The syntactic ... compound nouns 42 Table 4.2 Syntactic and semantic features of ECNs in their Vietnamese equivalents 45 Table 4.3 The learners’ acquisition levels on the syntactic features 56 Table 4.4 The learners’...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2018, 19:34

104 551 5
Syntactic features of english noun phrases with reference to their vietnamese equivalents

Syntactic features of english noun phrases with reference to their vietnamese equivalents

... 103.2.2 Data collection techniques 16 4.1.2 Syntactic functions of English noun phrases 28 4.2.1 Structure of Vietnamese noun phrases 30 4.2.2 Syntactic functions of Vietnamese noun phrases 41 ... phrase with reference to their Vietnamese equivalents haven’t been paid much attention So I decide to do this research 2.2 Review of theoretical background 2.2.1 Noun phrases in English ... around to supplement grammatical meanings to itself.” And in Lê Dũng’s viewpoint (2002), “A noun phrase is a group of words which the beginning is a noun and its function is appositive Structure...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2018, 19:38

93 833 7
A study on the semantic features of english collocations containing the verb “make” with reference to their vietnamese equivalents

A study on the semantic features of english collocations containing the verb “make” with reference to their vietnamese equivalents

... 22 2.2.4 Transference of Meaning 22 Metaphor 22 Metonymy 22 2.2.5 English Collocations 23 Definition of Collocations 23 Types of collocations 25 ... 17 2.2 Review of theoretical background 19 2.2.1 Semantic features 19 2.2.2 A Brief Description of Verbs 20 2.2.3 Component of Meaning 22 Grammatical meaning 22 Lexical ... 2.2.4 Transference of Meaning Metaphor “Metaphor is the transference of meaning (name) from one object to another, based on similarity between two objects.” [Nguyen Hoa] Metonymy...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2018, 22:31

79 853 6
A study on the syntactic and semantic features of the english verbs “look”, “see”, “watch” with reference to their vietnamese equivalents

A study on the syntactic and semantic features of the english verbs “look”, “see”, “watch” with reference to their vietnamese equivalents

... of a verb 10 .11 13 Definition of perception verbs 13 Syntactic features of perception verbs in English 13 ... LITERATURE REVIEW 6 2.1.Review of previous studies 6 2.2.Review of theoretical background 8 2.2.1 Theoretical framework 8 Theory of syntax 8 Theory of semantics 8 2.2.2 Theoretical ... “look” 28 Semantic features of the verb “see” 29 Semantic features of the verb “watch” 32 4.2.The English verbs look , see and watch and their Vietnamese equivalents 33 4.2.1.Semantic...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2018, 22:31

70 704 6
An investigation into english idioms relating to fruit with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

An investigation into english idioms relating to fruit with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

... Fruit 22 2.3 Overview of phrase structures 22 2.3.1 Verb Phrases 22 2.3.2 Noun Phrases 23 2.3.3 Prepositional Phrases 23 2.3.4 Adjective Phrases ... 47 4.4 Implications 48 4.4.1 General suggestions on teaching idioms 48 Cultural differences 50 Word order in idioms 50 Idioms ... situation……………………………………………………44 4.2.7 Syntactic features of idioms relating to fruit express poverty 44 4.2.8 Syntactic features of idioms relating to fruit express geography 45 4.2.9 A statistic summary...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2018, 22:31

78 507 3
An investigation into syntactic and semantic features of english“go” idioms with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

An investigation into syntactic and semantic features of english“go” idioms with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

... ―GO‖ idioms 40 4.2.1 Go + NP indicating fruit 42 4.2.2 Go + NP indicating a work of art 44 4.2.3 Go + NP indicating a kind of weapon 45 4.2.4 Go + NP indicating distance 46 4.2.5 Go + NP ... methods 20 3.2.2 Data collection techniques 21 3.2.3 Data analysis techniques 21 3.3 Summary 22 Chapter 4 23 Findings and Discussion 23 4.1 Syntactic features of ―GO‖ idioms 23 4.1.1 ... REVIEW 7 2.1 Review of previous studies 7 2.2 Review of theoretical background 8 2.2.1 Definition of idioms 8 2.2.2 Aspects of idioms 9 2.2.3 Features of idioms 10 2.2.4 Source of...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2018, 22:31

123 439 3
Tiêu chuẩn Việt Nam- Qui phạm phân cấp và đóng tàu biển vỏ thép- Phần 8: Tàu chở xô khí hóa lỏng ppsx

Tiêu chuẩn Việt Nam- Qui phạm phân cấp và đóng tàu biển vỏ thép- Phần 8: Tàu chở xô khí hóa lỏng ppsx

... ẵừỡc dùng (1) Dùng cho 4. 9 .4 (2) Dùng cho 4. 9.1 6.3 60 HĂn vĂ thứ khỏng ph hy (IGC Code 6.3) 50 25 45 50 20 40 ì 50 20 ì 40 20 dĂy cho Băng 8D/6 .2 vĂ ghi 50 50 50 40 chợ (2) ... hĂng 2. 2 .2 Thỏng bo ọn ẵnh (Theo IGC Code 2. 2.5) Thỏng bo ọn ẵnh quy ẵnh 2. 3.1-1, Phãn 1B phăi bao góm băng tĩm tt vậ khă nng chõng chệm ca tĂu 2. 3 Xă qua mn dừối boong mn khỏ (IGC Code 2. 3) 2. 3.1 ... vối loi tĂu cĩ lin quan ẵặn săn phám chuyn chờ từỗng ửng 2. 2 Dn cửng vĂ thỏng bo ọn ẵnh 2. 2.1 Dn cửng (IGC Code 2. 2 .4) 13 tcvn 625 9 -8D : 20 03, Chừỗng Dn cửng thỏng thừộng khỏng ẵừỡc ẵt cc kắt...

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2014, 15:20

219 1,2K 4
The application of games in teaching grammar with reference to tieng anh 10 textbook at ha trung high school, thanh hoa province

The application of games in teaching grammar with reference to tieng anh 10 textbook at ha trung high school, thanh hoa province

... much 25 .8% 53.5% not like Chart Students’ attitude to teaching method - When asked if they spent time on learning grammar at home, 54. 7% answer yes, 42 .1% sometimes, 3 .2% no 3 .2% yes 42 .1% 54. 7% ... (25 %) Marks – 10 8–9 7–8 6–7 5–6 Under Use grammar games Not use grammar games Numbers of students % Numbers of students % 2. 5 12. 5 22 .5 17.5 16 40 10 15 16 40 10 25 Table Result of tests 2. 2.3 ... teacher gives signals to stop the game, some students still try to answer 2. 2 .2. 2 Not using grammar games - Procedure: At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher calls students to check up their...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:44

39 1,6K 8


... LITERATURE REVIEW 2. 1 Introduction 2. 2 Definition of Terminology 2. 2.1 What is reading? 2. 2 .2 Reading Comprehension 2. 3 The difficulties of the second language reading comprehension process 2. 3.1 Reading ... lessons 22 Pre-reading activities 22 3.7.5 .2 While-reading activities 24 Post-reading activities 25 3.7.6 Students’ reading difficulties 26 In the area of vocabulary 27 3.7.6 .2 ... problem 2. 3 Language problems 2. 3.3 Cultural background knowledge 2 .4 Learner-centeredness in foreign language education 10 2. 5 Summary 11 CHAPTER III: THE STUDY 12 3.1 Introduction 12 3 .2 The...

Ngày tải lên: 06/02/2014, 14:39

55 1K 3
the essence of a university and scholarly activity in accounting, with reference to a department of accounting at a south african university

the essence of a university and scholarly activity in accounting, with reference to a department of accounting at a south african university

... Accessed: February 20 07 Mouton, J 20 01 How to succeed in your master’s and doctoral studies Pretoria: Van Schaik Mouton, J 1996 Understanding social research Pretoria: Van Schaik 24 Meditari Accountancy ... observation) According to the historical publication, Ad Destinatum II (1960-19 82) (University of Pretoria 19 82: 1 32- 133), which records the history of the University of Pretoria until 19 82, Accounting ... McKernan (20 00:10) and West (20 06: 121 ) found that this was not the case Gray and McKernan (20 00:10) commented that ”the research culture … has yet to develop and embed itself” West (20 06: 121 ) summarised...

Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2014, 22:20

26 380 0
the passive in english a perspective from cognitive semantics (with reference to vietnamese) = dạng bị động trong tiếng anh dưới góc độ ngữ nghĩa học tri nhận (có liên hệ tiếng việt

the passive in english a perspective from cognitive semantics (with reference to vietnamese) = dạng bị động trong tiếng anh dưới góc độ ngữ nghĩa học tri nhận (có liên hệ tiếng việt

... Chomsky 19 64: 71.) The ellipsis analysis predicts that sentences in 22 and 23 above are well-formed; however, problems occur when we deal with utterances as in 24 and 25 below: 27 24 a France ... compound1 was oxidized 25 a France was defeated by Italy b The compound was oxidized by air In the examples above, sentences 25 .a and 25 .b cannot be derived from 24 . a and 24 . b respectively since ... since it is not possible to say that 24 . a and 24 . b can be derived from full passives containing by-phrases with a pronoun someone or something One more issue relating to the difficulty in explaining...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:17

180 699 3