when were canadas invasive plants introduced

When the Discussion Gets Stalled or Heated

When the Discussion Gets Stalled or Heated

... Approaches  Fast­Slow Approach • Negotiation parties rush to reach an agreement, may have  ignored important constituencies and then the agreement  faces extreme difficulties in the implementation phase  Slow­Fast Approach • Negotiations are conducted slowly to ensure that the final  agreement is responsive to major constituents providing  greater speed in implementation  Slow­Slow Approach • Time is taken to consider, select and apply solutions PURRR Procedure  Pause when formulating  judgment   Understand what was meant by  actions or words  Reflect on information and ask  for additional information  Reinterpret by applying an  alternate explanation  Redirect conversation toward  goals ... Deception  Lying  Creating impression others will think poorly of them in order to  gain compliance  Threatening someone with power you don’t possess  Switching sides on an issue to create confusion  Suggesting you will provide something of value you don’t  intend to deliver  Offering false flattery  Intimidating other side with false claims  Making intentional misrepresentations  Pretending to be angry, insulted or annoyed to induce  cooperation When the Discussion Gets Stalled or Heated Chapter 9 Responding to Conflict  Maintain even disposition  Ask clarification questions  Delay with process not contention  Seek advancement on less contentious issues and return to  others later  Reposition or frame in positive, mutual­gain terms  Frame differences as natural   Find common ground through value linking  Emphasize what has been accomplished  Encapsulate conflict issues  Avoid petty issues  Meet halfway ... Differences • Dismissive – interrupting, talking over, ignoring  {men engage more frequently than women} • Exclusionary – leaving someone out of the  meeting, discussion or social gathering • Undermining – going behind the back of others or  using insults to discredit arguments • Retaliatory – used when other party feels  threatened • Patronizing – use a condescending tone {happens  more to women} ...

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2012, 22:07

15 622 0


... is recommended. 10-35 estimated, since such data were not always available. In those cases, where data were not available, resistance factors were estimated through calibration by fitting to ... statistical reliability, shall be considered when selecting procedures for calculating resistance other than that specified herein. Other methods, especially when locally recognized and considered ... calculation methods, the resistance factors were, in general, developed from load test results obtained on piles with diameters of 24 inches or less. Very little data were available for larger diameter...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2012, 15:57

148 716 0
When Bad Grammar Happens to Good People

When Bad Grammar Happens to Good People

... beginning with “if.” For example, If Jane were home, things would be different and I wish I were rich. The subjunctive mood is not called for often, but when it is, it can be a troublemaker. See ... Review.pmd 3/17/2004, 9:44 AM40 42 When Bad Grammar Happens to Good People Adverbs also have little love fests in which they modify each other, as in the sentence, The players were almost evenly matched. ... you know. To make your new knowledge a new habit, look for examples of the things you’ve learned when you’re reading the paper, watching TV, or listening to a conversa- tion at work. 6. Test yourself...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 10:00

256 565 1
Báo cáo y học: " Non-invasive stroke volume measurement and passive leg raising predict volume responsiveness in medical ICU patients: an observational cohort study"

Báo cáo y học: " Non-invasive stroke volume measurement and passive leg raising predict volume responsiveness in medical ICU patients: an observational cohort study"

... challenges were performed on patients who were aged 59.4 ± 15.1 years, with 58 (56.9%) men and 44 (43.1%) women. Fifty-nine (57.8%) patients were receiving vasopressor support, 67 (65.7%) were mechanically ventilated, ... Repeat studies performed on the same patient were separated in time by at least 24 hours. Thirteen additional patients were examined, although either they were unable to tolerate the procedure (three ... intensive care unit (ICU) patients requiring volume expansion were eligible for enrollment. Non -invasive measurements of stroke volume (SV) were obtained before and during PLR using a transthoracic...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:06

9 742 0
Báo cáo y học: "Minimally Invasive Parathyroidectomy Using Surgical Sonography"

Báo cáo y học: "Minimally Invasive Parathyroidectomy Using Surgical Sonography"

... the form of intravenous morphine. Diet was slowly re -introduced and serum calcium levels were checked on postoperative day 1. All patients were discharged on oral pain medication. Following ... diagnosed with primary hyperparathyroidism at the Mater hospital in Dublin, Ireland were randomized to have a minimally invasive parathy- roidectomy using surgical sonography (MIPUSS) or the conventional ... 0.5% with 1:10,000 adrenaline) and the incision made. Sub- platysmal planes were created and the strap muscles were mobilized. The thyroid plane was then entered between the strap muscles...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:04

4 355 0
Báo cáo y học: "Changes of uterine blood flow after vaginal radical trachelectomy (VRT) in patients with early-stage uterine invasive cervical cancer"

Báo cáo y học: "Changes of uterine blood flow after vaginal radical trachelectomy (VRT) in patients with early-stage uterine invasive cervical cancer"

... who experienced pregnancy and delivery were studied by using 3-D CT scanning. Effects of changes of blood supply to the uterus on the pregnancy courses were also examined. Methods. Vascular ... uterine blood flow after vaginal radical trachelectomy (VRT) in patients with early-stage uterine invasive cervical cancer Kota Umemura 1 , Shin-ichi Ishioka 1  , Toshiaki Endo 1 , Tsuyoshi Baba 1 , ... received vaginal RT after delivery. Effects of changes of vascular distribution after vaginal RT were studied with respect to pregnancy courses and cervical functions. Results. New arterial vascularization...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:48

7 426 0
 Báo cáo y học: " High-intensity non-invasive positive pressure ventilation for stable hypercapnic COPD

Báo cáo y học: " High-intensity non-invasive positive pressure ventilation for stable hypercapnic COPD

... Pneumology, University Hospital Freiburg, Germany, were registered in a hospital da- tabase and included for analysis. Patients were ex- cluded if they were established on NPPV during acute HRF (including ... <7.35), or received any form of invasive ventilation in the past. Furthermore, patients with obesity (BMI>35kg/m 2 ) were excluded. The following data were analysed: patients’ characteristics, ... Physiological parameters, exacerbation rates and long-term survival were as- sessed in 73 COPD patients (mean FEV 1 30±12 %predicted) who were established on high-intensity NPPV due to chronic hypercapnic...

Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2012, 11:30

5 412 6
Báo cáo y học: "Continuous Non-Invasive Arterial Pressure Technique Improves Patient Monitoring during Interventional Endoscopy"

Báo cáo y học: "Continuous Non-Invasive Arterial Pressure Technique Improves Patient Monitoring during Interventional Endoscopy"

... intervals were defined as the time space between two adjacent NIBP measurements, and the CNAP read- ings within these intervals were analyzed (figure 2). In total, 254 NIBP intervals were calculated ... straight lines between two NIBP val- ues were calculated and tolerance intervals of ± 10% and 20% were set (figure 4). 42.94% of all CNAP® values (mean BP) were outside the 10% interval and 13.38% ... clinical parameters were documented. The variance of CNAP® values were calculated for every interval between two NIBP measurements. Results: 2660 minutes of monitoring were recorded (mean 60.1±34.4...

Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2012, 11:34

6 538 1


... to relax with, it's nearly time to retire. Pah! You want the cash NOW, just when you need it most - when you want to build a home, raise a family, do stuff, take activity holidays, drive ... In the meantime, I got on with my own stuff. Besides, you will eventually have the last laugh when you become more marketable. And nothing annoys your antagonists more than agreeing with them! ... don't really mean it" "They" applies more to senior than to middle managers. When they get ratty or annoyed, they often don't really mean it. Let's begin with...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 15:51

22 371 0
i knew you were trouble

i knew you were trouble

... that And when I fell hard, you took a step back Without me, without me, without me And he’s long gone when he’s next to me And I realise the blame is on me Cause I knew you were trouble when you ... gone when we met me And I realise the joke is on me Cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in Shame on me now, flew me to places I’d never been Til you put me down Oh, I knew you were ... in Shame on me now, flew me to places I’d never been Til you put me down Oh, I knew you were trouble when you walked Shame on me now, flew me to places I’d never been Now I’m lying on the cold...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2013, 08:45

2 375 0
arsenic contamination in soils, water and plants

arsenic contamination in soils, water and plants

... of soil and plants samplings, surface water were collected for arsenic contamination testing. One sample was taken for each location except the location No.6 that four samples were intentionally ... outside. The locations of samplings were shown in Fig.6. Detailing of samplings are described as follows: • Plants sampling: Total amount of 125 plant samples were collected from those 6 locations ... perennial plants had been gathered to examine the level of arsenic contaminated in plants. Oak ferns that are likely to grow up near water way as in location No.3, No.4 and No.6 were also collected...

Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2013, 08:21

17 693 0
when or if

when or if

... accept it. When or if? We use when for things that are certain to happen in the future: • I'll buy you a pair of gloves when I go shopping this afternoon. I'll give you a ring when I get ... whether we use when or if depends upon the certainty of things happening. However, when and if are interchangeable when we are talking about general conditions that always apply when if means ... the same as whenever. Compare the following: • I keep the air-conditioning on at night if the temperature goes above 30 degrees. • I keep the air-conditioning on at night whenever / when the temperature...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2013, 01:26

5 465 0
when of if (4u)

when of if (4u)

... whether we use when or if depends upon the certainty of things happening. However, when and if are interchangeable when we are talking about general conditions that always apply when if means ... gloves when I go shopping this afternoon. I'll give you a ring when I get home from school. Note that although the reference is clearly to the future, we use the present tense in the when- clause. We ... States. • They were quite satisfied with the arrangement. Sharing the cost suited them both. • Ned was frightened of Lucie. He was also worried that they might be late back. When or if? We use when for...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2013, 01:26

5 443 0
Web Application Firewalls: When Are They Useful?

Web Application Firewalls: When Are They Useful?

... OWASP Foundation OWASP AppSec Europe May 2006 http://www.owasp.org/ Web Application Firewalls: When Are They Useful? Ivan Ristic Thinking Stone ivanr@webkreator.com +44 7766 508 210 3 1 OWASP...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2013, 01:27

44 302 0
"WERE TO" in conditional

"WERE TO" in conditional

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2013, 01:26

3 405 0

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