... to take advantage of the information that a semantic head provides For example, a head usually provides information about the remaining daughters that the parser must find, and (since the head ... performance of the optimized and non-optimized parsers A German Grammar Fragment The fragment is based on the analysis of German in Kathol's (1995) dissertation Kathol's approach is a variant of ... of a parsing strategy First, as in HPSG and other constraint-based grammars, the lexicon is information-rich, and the • 665 lln fact, a head-corner parser for a grammar in which the head daughter...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 18:20
... edition, thanks to: Attorney Michael Perna (of Marsh and Perna, Oakland, California) for his valuable suggestions and guidance in assembling the manuscript Attorney Sheldon Greene and the law firm ... Chapter 14 Page 1/5 Establish Liens A lien is a legal assertion that you have a claim of a specific value against certain property In another words, a lien changes your general judgment against ... business and had a relatively extensive inventory Terry owned a BMW automobile, a house and a 25-foot cabin cruiser, which he kept docked at a local marina Small Press discovered that the BMW and boat...
Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 14:06
Báo cáo hóa học: " Our vision for this new SpringerOpen Access journal, Psychology of Well-Being: Research, Theory and Practice, is to promote a distinctly eclectic approach to investigating well-being. When the prospect of " pdf
... work has been instrumental in understanding the factors that are associated with well-being For example, we now have considerable insight into the role of personality and sociodemographic factors ... dedicated to well-being research, many of whom we are fortunate to have on our editorial board Several of the major achievements occurring over the past decade were facilitated by the formation of ... subjective and psychological well-being, meaning, flow and strengths and have developed a range of corresponding measures Based on the outstanding work of authors such as Alan Waterman, Corey...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20
How to Write a Marketing Plan
... information can be handled within a graphical format, such as tables and graphs, though a paragraph explanation of each is generally required Make sure to include total dollar (or other currency) amounts ... with a somewhat more balanced picture of what the company may face as it attempts to implement the plan (Length: 2-3 pages) Internal Factors • Discuss company factors that may affect the plan o ... Other Areas Preferably this section includes a brief summary of current marketing decisions (see Situational Analysis) so readers of the plan can easily compare what was planned to what is planned...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2012, 15:18
200 ways to revive a hard driver
... have an Application disk that contains all the applications and a different one for data Keep a good daily backup of the data disk and maybe a backup of the application drive when major changes are ... Earle Pearce When a drive is really gone—cannot be read at all—due to a physical failure, I employ a trick that has yet to fail me Install the replacement as an additional drive Remove the bad ... you need the data, then I would send the drive to a data recovery lab that can extract the data from a dead drive and save the data to a tape, CD, HD, etc This can be expensive but may be worth...
Ngày tải lên: 23/08/2012, 09:43
How to Write a PhD Thesis
... than the appearance In many cases, a reasonably neat diagram can be drawn by hand faster than with a graphics package, and you can scan it if you want an electronic version Either is usually satisfactory ... long tradition of using coffee as a stimulant and alcohol or marijuana as relaxants (Use of alcohol and coffee is legal, use of marijuana is not.) Used in moderation, they not seem to have ill ... constant? What were the other relevant parameters? Make sure too that you have used appropriate statistical analyses Where applicable, show measurement errors and standard errors on the graphs...
Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2012, 15:25
How to create a yum
... Create yum repository Create metadata • Create yum repository: # cd /mnt/ # createrepo Define yum repository Create yum repository define file /etc/yum.repos.d/dvdiso.repo: [MailRepo] name=MailRepo ... Find and install 'createrepo' package in /mnt directory: # find /mnt -iname 'createrepo*' /mnt/dvd/Server/createrepo-0.4.11-3.el5.noarch.rpm # rpm -ivh /mnt/dvd/Server/createrepo-0.4.11-3.el5.noarch.rpm ... /etc/yum.repos.d/dvdiso.repo: [MailRepo] name=MailRepo baseurl=file:///mnt/ enabled=1 gpgcheck=0 Test it # yum clean all # yum list If 'yum list' list all packages in DVD/CD disks or ISO images, it works :) ...
Ngày tải lên: 18/09/2012, 09:12
How to setup a Linux system that can boot directly from a software RAID
... Minor RaidDevice State removed active sync /dev/hda1 Replacing the failed disk When a new disk to replace the failed one is available it can be installed into the system, partitioned to have the ... fault tolerant relative to the boot process, and to train yourself, to be able to recover the system if a disk problem arises Also remember that using a RAID device does not mean you can stop doing ... disks already contains data, make a backup if needed (all existing data of partitions involved in the process will be lost), and delete or resize existing partitions to create space for the software...
Ngày tải lên: 18/09/2012, 10:11
How to create a Raid Device using Madadm
... thus increasing the read performance But can be utilize only 50% of the total size Level 5: It is a combination of striping and parity Need at least three hard disks Both parity and data are distributed ... distributed in all If one hard disk fails, data on that can be regenerated by the data and parity information in the other two hard disks ###RAID### Raid :need disks Raid :need disks Raid :need disks ... of partitions of sda5,sda6,sda7 This is how we can create a Raid device with level ***RAID 1*** #mdadm create /dev/md0 level=1 raid-devices=2 /dev/sda{5,6} This is how we can create a Raid...
Ngày tải lên: 19/09/2012, 09:21
How to Write a Corporate Image Brochure People Will Truly Want to Read
... broad general interest To make a long story short, we defined seven areas of the company’s activities that would be naturally attractive to potential readers However, it didn’t stop there If all ... want to read about? Its basic activity was producing vaccines We are all naturally interested in health, and virtually everyone knows the importance of vaccination, for themselves but especially ... Starting from the assumption that no one would want to read anything about the company, I and my colleagues (it was a brainstorming) asked ourselves: What things does this company that people...
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2012, 14:47
... “marketing mix” framework, and the marketing budgets The marketing plan is a document that can contain approximately between 15 and 40 pages Market planning is an interactive process and the plan should ... Quality, prices and conditions of accessibility to the adequate technology Identification and evaluation of appropriate distribution channels Modes of communication adapted to the sector of activity ... SWOT analysis will allow the entrepreneur to identify and reflect about what are the key factors to take into account in the moment of launching the new product/service to the market The SWOT analysis...
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2012, 11:23
Báo cáo y học: " Facilitators and obstacles in pre-hospital medical response to earthquakes: a qualitative study"
... the air transport organization, to provide the evacuation by air In addition they carried managers, medical teams and equipment to the earthquake area A participant said “The air force managed to ... Accessed October 2010 21 Emami MJ, Tavakoli AR, Alemzadeh H, Abdinejad F, Shahcheraghi G, Erfani MA, Mozafarian K, Solooki S, Rezazadeh S, Ensafdaran A, Nouraie H, Jaberi FM, Sharifian M: Strategies ... Homma M, Otomo Y, Yamamoto Y, Henmi H: Establishing Disaster Medical Assistance Teams in Japan Prehosp Disaster Med 2009, 24(6):556-564 35 Tanaka H, Iwai A, Oda J, Kuwagata Y, Matsuoka T, Shimazu...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 09:56
Báo cáo khoa học: "Veterinary decision making in relation to metritis - a qualitative approach to understand the background for variation and bias in veterinary medical records"
... that specific situation?' Data Analysis The qualitative analysis is based on a phenomenographic approach; that is a qualitative method to use empiric data (e.g., interview) to describe the variation ... scoring and would treat based on certain criteria which vary little between cows and herds, so as to be able to create meaningful data valid in large scale analyses (across herds and veterinary practices) ... improved before analysing the data on national level Causal analysis of cow-level and herd-level risk factors for metritis at the national level based on Danish central data base files was performed...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:45
... Winkle But a measly four hours was all I could manage And yet I felt re-born And also a mite cheated – I had been looking forward to at least 10 hours It took a full week to get back to a proper ... was totally out of synch with this Land That Civilisation Forgot and there was no way I was going to make any kind of difference to it The final straw came when the new department manager (a ... pencil aside for a moment and look at one that's actually not bad It read like this: "Sales Admin Manager We are looking for a someone with a positive attitude towards customer service to run a busy...
Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 15:40