Báo cáo y học: " Facilitators and obstacles in pre-hospital medical response to earthquakes: a qualitative study"
ORIGINAL RESEARCH Open AccessFacilitators and obstacles in pre-hospital medicalresponse to earthquakes: a qualitative studyAhmadreza Djalali1†, Hamidreza Khankeh1,2†, Gunnar Öhlén3†, Maaret Castrén1†and Lisa Kurland1*†AbstractBackground: Earthquakes are renowned as being amongst the most dangerous and destructive types of naturaldisasters. Iran, a developing country in Asia, is prone to earthquakes and is ranked as one of the most vulnerablecountries in the world in this respect. The medical response in disasters is accompanied by managerial, logistic,technical, and medical challenges being also the case in the Bam earthquake in Iran. Our objective was to explorethe medical response to the Bam earthquake with specific emphasis on pre-hospital medical management duringthe first days.Methods: The study was performed in 2008; an interview based qualitative study using content analysis. Weconducted nineteen interviews with experts and managers responsible for responding to the Bam earthquake,including pre-hospital emergency medical services, the Red Crescent, and Universities of Medical Sciences. Theselection of participants was determined by using a purposeful sampling method. Sample size was given by datasaturation.Results: The pre-hospital medical service was divided into three categories; triage, emergency medical care andtransportation, each category in turn was identified into facilitators and obstacles. The obstacles identified wereabsence of a structured disaster plan, absence of standardized medical teams, and shortage of resources. The armyand skilled medical volunteers were identified as facilitators.Conclusions: The most compelling, and at the same time amenable obstacle, was the lack of a disastermanagement plan. It was evident that implementing a comprehensive plan would not only save lives but decreasesuffering and enable an effective praxis of the available resources at pre-hospital and hospital levels.BackgroundEarthquakes are renowned as being amongst the mostdangerous and destructive types of natural disastersknown. More than one million earthquakes occurworldwide each year. Major earthquakes occur on aver-age once every three years [1]. On a global scale a totalof 400,000 people have been killed and 46 millionaffected by earthquakes and tsunamis, between 1991and 2005 [2]. Consequently, an effective earthquakeresponse is paramount in saving lives and limiting longterm effects.More than 90% of all the deaths caused by natural dis-asters occur in developing and underdeveloped countries[3]. Iran, a developing country in Asia, is prone to earth-quake[4]andrankedasoneofthemostvulnerablecountries in the world in respect to earthquakes andmore than 180,000 people have died in earthquakes overthe last 90 years [4-6].An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 on the Richterscale hit the city of Bam in Iran (Figure 1) [7]. The Bamearthquake is considered to be one of the 21st century’smajor earthquakes [8-10]. Approximately 40 thousandpeople perished and nearly 30,000 were injured [11,12].Health services were rendered as non-functional(Table 1) [13]. More than 12 thousand injured peoplewere evacuated, which put enormous demands on thedisaster responding systems and admission sites [7,14].The medical response in disasters is normally accom-panied by managerial, logistic, technical, and medicalchallenges [15-19] which was also the case in the Bamearthquake [12,20,21]. Our objective was to explore the* Correspondence: lisa.kurland@ki.se† Contributed equally1Department of Clinical Science and Education, Karolinska Institute,Södersjukhuset (KI SÖS), Stockholm, SwedenFull list of author information is available at the end of the articleDjalali et al. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2011, 19:30http://www.sjtrem.com/content/19/1/30© 2011 Djalali et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative CommonsAttribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction inany medium, provided the original work is properly cited. medical response to the Bam earthquake with specificemphasis on the pre-hospital medical management dur-ing the first days.Our aim was to identify obstacles and facilitators inpre-hospital medical response focusing on analyzing theorganizational preparedness. We believe that the resultscan be used in designing an appropriate disaster man-agement plan for both pre-hospital and the hospitalservices.MethodsThe study was performed in 2008 on an interview basedqualitative study using content analysis [22,23]. We usedcontent analysis as a research method for the subjectiveinterpretation of the content of interview data through asystematic classification process of coding and identify-ing concepts or patterns.We conducted nineteen interviews with experts andmanagers of Iran’s emergency and disaster medicine sys-tem. The participants were involved in the medicalresponse to the Bam earthquake, including pre-hospitalemergency medical services, the Red Crescent, and Uni-versities of Medical Sciences. They had more than 5-year experience in disaster medicine and had partici-pated in previous disasters.The selection of participants was determined using apurposeful sampling method. The participants wereincluded until saturation of each concept was reachedand further data collection failed to contribute additionalinformation. Sample size was given by data saturation.Each interview lasted between 50 and 90 minutes. Theinterviews were conducted in Persian by the same inter-viewer, transcribed verbatim and then translated to Eng-lish. Content analysis was performed on the data writtenin Persian, before translation.The interview guide included a list of general ques-tions used as a tool for initiating the interviews. Com-plementary probe questions were added when neededand, data collection and content analysis identifiedideas, as is in accordance with the methodology.During the open coding phase, all the interviews wereread several times, and key words and phrases, incidentsand facts in the text were noted. Primary codes wereextracted. The codes and data were compared for simi-larities and differences.Categories and sub-categories were developed. Fromthe first interview, a preliminary set of codes, categoriesand sub-categories was created. These codes weredescribed as the results [22-24]. In accordance with themethodology of content analysis [23,24]; this was per-formed by the same investigator for all interviews.Data validation was performed through in-depth pro-longed engagement with the data [22-24]. This proce-dure, combined with the available transcribed data andnotes from the analysis process, are considered toensure trustworthiness. Also, the transcriptions and asummary of primary result (codes and categories)checked by the participants in order to improve validity(member check).Ethical considerationsEthical clearance of the study was obtained from theNatural Disaster Research Institute in Iran. InformedFigure 1 The geographical place of the Bam earthquake.Source: International Institute of Earthquake Engineering andSeismology, Iran.Table 1 Damage of health care infrastructures due to theBam earthquakeHealth Facility Number % of DamageHealth house 95 100Rural Health Center (RHC) 14 100Urban Health Center (UHC) 10 100Health posts (Urban) 5 100Maternity facilities (as part of RHC) 5 100Emam district hospital (public) 136 beds 50Mahdieh maternity hospital (public) 54 beds 40Aflatoonyan hospital (private) 65 beds 100Emergency station (115) 1 100Behvarz training center 1 100District health network expansion center 1 100District health care management center 1 100Facualty of nursing and paramedics (2000 sq.m.) 100Dormitory of the faculty of nursing (1500 sq.m.) 100Source: World Health Organization (Ref: [7])Djalali et al. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2011, 19:30http://www.sjtrem.com/content/19/1/30Page 2 of 9 consent was obtained and all participants were informedthat they could refuse to participate or withdraw fromthe study at any time.ResultsDemographic characteristics for the participantsThe mean age of the participants was 43.5; well-edu-cated in both health and medical sciences (Table 2).The process of triage, treatment and transportation ofcasualtiesThe pre-hospital medical services were divided intothree categories; triage, treatment (emergency medicalcare) and transportation, and for each category in turnwe had identified facilitators and obstacles (Table 3).Obstacles to TriageThe most important factor which affected the perfor-mance and workload of the medical services was theabsence of triage. This was observed both at the pre-hospital and hospital level. The casualties were trans-ferred to the airport or hospitals in nearby cities withoutbeing triaged. The lack of triage had detrimental conse-quences for both treatment and transportation, as wellas the workload for the responding emergency medicalservices. For instance, a participant said “Triage wasn’tconducted during the medical response to the earth-quake. Most of the casualties that were transported tonearby cities or to the airport only had minor injuries.”The absence of a structured procedure and organizedteams were the reasons for the lack of triage. In fact,there was no standardized operational plan for perform-ing triage at the scene whatsoever. The lack of materialresources was another contributing factor limiting theexecution of triage. This included the lack of markers,tags, data forms, and basic medical equipment. Conse-quently, relatives and responders took the casualtiesdirectly to the airport or transferred them to hospitals atof nearby cities. A manager explained that “With thelack of a disaster management plan and triageprocedures, as well as incorrect policies, these were themain reasons that triage was not performed.““Triage was missed due to the lack of both triageteams and resources. There was no organized triageteam on the scene. There was also a complete andapparent lack of essential triage resources during thefirst day.“Facilitators of TriageGroups of medical personnel, from the army and medi-cally trained volunteers from the universities, were trans-ferred to the earthquake area by the military air forcewithin a few hours of locating the earthquake. Some ofthem were medical doctors, including surgeons andemergency medicine physicians. The airport was full ofcasualties needing medical attention and there was a con-tinuous flow of earthquake victims being transportedfrom the city to the airport. The medical personnelstayed at the airport and initiated medical treatment.These specialists weren’t planned to be part of thestandardized emergency medical teams, and were notequipped with the necessary medical equipment or pro-vided with resources to enable triage. However, theyorganized themselves as a response team and used theavailable resources and facilities to help the casualties atthe airport as much as possible under the given circum-stances. “When we arrived in Bam, as individual medi-cal officers and not part of a specific team, and withoutany pre-packed medical resources, we were struck by thelarge number of casualties at the airport.” reported by amedical professional.Developing a triage system at the airport was the mostimportant activity providing by this team. The airportwas the only place where the earthquake victims weretriaged, albeit in a limited fashion, without standardiza-tion or overall coordination and with a delayed start.They divided the airport waiting rooms into a few sepa-rate areas. They evaluated most of the casualties beforefurther transport with airplanes and used the availableresources for marking the casualties as triage groups. Inaddition, life saving medical care was administered. “Weorganized the personnel as a team with the objective ofconducting triage and giving life saving interventions onsite at the airport. However, due to the shortage ofresources, security and managerial problems, our systemwasn’t effective enough.“ an expert said.Another participant reported that “The absence of triageon scene made us perform primary triage at the airport.Performing triage decreased the overall workload for themedical service and transport organizations at all levels.“Obstacles to TreatmentEmergency medical care on scene is life saving. Partici-pants explain that this critical function was missed atTable 2 The background of the experts and managersparticipating in the current studyAge (years) Mean (range) 43.5 (35-63)Gender (%) Male 100%Field of knowledge (n) Medical science 12Health management 4Emergency medicine 3Level of education (n) PhD 4General Practitioner 7Master of Science 5Bachelor of Science 3n = numberDjalali et al. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2011, 19:30http://www.sjtrem.com/content/19/1/30Page 3 of 9 the scene and basically all of the casualties were trans-ferred to other cities without receiving initial medicalattention. A medical doctor working at the airport saidthat “All of the casualties arrived at the airport withoutfirst having medical attention before transportation fromthe earthquake site. Only, a few casualties had an intra-venous line or wound dressings. In fact, the majority ofthe casualties received medical attention at the receivinghospitals.“However, the absence of a disaster management planwas the main reason for the lack of treatment. Forinstance, a manager said that “We tried to provide onscene medical care for the casualties before taking themto the hospitals but it wasn’t possible due to the lack ofplan for how the medical system was supposed to man-age the large number of casualties in a city structurallydestroyed by the earthquake.“A disaster management plan along with emergencymedical teams is the most important functions in orderto guarantee appropriate medical care in a disaster area.During the Bam earthquake, a large number of disastermedical assistance teams were needed in order to pro-vide emergency medical care. This need was not met.An expert explained that “One of the main shortcomingsin Iran’s medical disaster management system, withrespect to the Bam earthquake, was the lack of standar-dized disaster medical teams.”Another expert mentioned that “Due to the lack ofstructured medical teams, untrained medical volunteersthat were involved in rescuing and caring for casualties.They were not organized as teams. They were like smallislands and their performance was not good enough.Actually, we had to support them with medical and gen-eral equipment.“The interviewees emphasized the shortage of resourceson the scene. Medical teams did not have enough equip-ment during the acute phase, and the destruction of allmedical facilities made the situation worse. Conse-quently, medical services ceased during the first night.This, along with the cold weather, worsened the medicalcondition for the casualties.A manager said that “We had a considerable shortageof resources for providing medical services at the earth-quake area during the first days.”And another added that “Working at the earthquakearea amongst extensive destruction, a large number ofcasualties, with too few medical responders and with alack of resources was difficult. As a result, medical ser-vices stopped during the first night. Besides, it was verycoldandmostofvictimswereexposedandcouldnotkeep warm. Consequently, some of them died due toexposure.”Facilitators of TreatmentExperienced and trained medical responders hadenhanced the emergency medical response performance.Several organizations mobilized with the aim of redu-cing the impact of the Bam earthquake. Especially thearmy and the Red Crescent assisted the EMS. They sentmedical teams to the scene, who participated in thesearch for buried victims, and contributed to the trans-portation of casualties. These teams included trainedmedical staff with experience from previous masscasualties, along with medical supplies. The army andthe Red Crescent also provided logistics support. “Mili-tary medical teams were one of the first teams thatarrived at the earthquake site. They supported the pre-hospital medical system in every way, providing medicalservices, equipment and personnel.““Iran’s Red Crescent sent many ambulances and medi-cal teams to the earthquake area. They conducted rescueoperations, provided basic medical care for the casual-ties, and transported them to the airport or nearby citiesas required.“Many volunteers from the Universities of MedicalSciences arrived at the earthquake area in addition to theabove mentioned organizations. Some of whom werewell educated and had previous experience of disasters.Volunteers with advanced medical degrees could, partly,compensate for a lack of standardized medical teams.The medical response could have been different hadthere been a disaster management plan, an organizationTable 3 Key factors related to the pre-hospital medical services during the medical response to the Bam earthquakePre-hospital medical response Obstacles FacilitatorsTriage - Absence of triage plan- Absence of triage teams- Absence of resources- Medical specialists at the airportTreatment - Absence of disaster plan- Lack of Disaster Medical Assistance Teams- Shortage of resources- Trained medical personnel from Army- Large number of medical volunteersTransportation - Absence of transportation plan- Lack of standardized transportation system- No control on transportation of the casualties- Airlifting of casualties by ArmyDjalali et al. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2011, 19:30http://www.sjtrem.com/content/19/1/30Page 4 of 9 for coordinating the rescue efforts and sufficientresource. “The presence of medically trained volunteershelped the medical system to care for thousands ofcasualties on scene, despitethemnotbeingorganizedasstandardized teams“ according to one of the interviewee.Another study participant said that “if the managershad organized the medical volunteers as coordinatedteams, the medical services could have been conductedmore effectively.”Other responders were international emergency medi-cal teams. These teams arrived late, when the earth-quake site was cleared of trauma victims, hence despitehaving structured teams their contribution wasinsignificant.Obstacles to TransportationThe transportation of casualties to medical centres is anessential function in disaster response. The governmentdecided to transfer all casualties to other cities since theBam earthquake had destroyed all the local medicalfacilities. The lack of a disaster plan affected theseoperations also. In fact, there was no coordinated trans-portation plan at any level, neither was there an organi-zation or a team responsible for the transportation ofvictims. At times, casualties were airlifted from theearthquake area without coordination with the receivingmedical system. A participant mentioned “There was nooperational plan nor were there procedures for transpor-tation. All decisions were made on the spur of themoment.““Casualties were, in some cases, transferred from theearthquake area to a specific city, and because of theinability to admit the casualties, they were referred toyet a second city“ according to another interviewee.The lack of a coordinated plan for transportation ofthe casualties resulted in traffic chaos and a stop in airtransportation. The roads were not controlled by thepolice and became blocked by vehicles. Additionally alltransportation from Bam to the airport and the furtherevacuation by air was stopped during the first nightbecause of darkness, very cold weather and lack ofsafety. A participant reported “The roads were comple-tely congested, to the extent that evacuating the casual-ties by road way was impossible.““Only a few hours after the arrival of the first responseteams, the evacuation by air was stopped“ according toanother participant.Furthermore, there were no standardized transporta-tion methods, neither for ground vehicles nor by air.There were, also, no standard protocols for evacua-tion, a shortage of transportation vehicles and trainedmedical personnel. There was a long delay in initiatingthe evacuation which resulted in a disorganised evacua-tion of the earthquake casualties. This may haveincreased the mortality and the long term medical com-plications, e.g. spinal injury.“Since the arrival of rescue workers was delayed, someuntrained response workers and laypeople began evacu-ating the casualties to nearby cities in private vehicles,without taking medical considerations.“Another expert said “there weren’t sufficient resources,equipment or ambulances. As a result, the casualtieswere evacuated without medical considerations.”“Victims transported by air must be done based onstandardized protocols. Unfortunately many casualtieswere left on the floor of the airplanes without properfixation or a plan for medical care during the flight.” asmentioned by another interviewee.Furthermore, the absence of a prioritization for eva-cuation of the individual casualties was a problem.There were no rules or plans for the evacuation ofcasualties from the city to the airport, and from thereon to the receiving cities. All casualties, both mild andsevere, as well as relatives, were transported to thereceiving cities, without a priority for the severe injured.This resulted in prolonged waiting times for all casual-ties involved. “There was no control or security system atthe airport.”Another participant reported that “medical prioritywas often missed while evacuating the casualties. Manycasualties with mild or even without injuries were trans-ported to other cities, while some casualties with severeinjuries were still waiting for evacuation.”Facilitators of TransportationThe evacuation of thousands of victims from Bam intwo days was one of largest rescue operations ever per-formed in the history of Iran. Ground transportationwas the most common means of transporting victims onthe first day and by air on the second. In fact, therewere two evacuation waves. A small number of casual-ties were evacuated on the first day. The second wavestarted in the early morning on the second day and con-sisted of casualties evacuated mainly by air.It was the air force’s responsibility, along with the airtransport organization, to provide the evacuation by air.In addition they carried managers, medical teams andequipment to the earthquake area.A participant said “The air force managed to reopenthe airport, which had been damaged by the earthquake,and more than 10,000 casualties were evacuated within24 hours through this airport.”Another participant added that “Theairforceandairtransport organization concentrated all efforts on estab-lishing a reliable evacuation path by air from Bam tothe rest of the country.”This situation was also seen in other cities, especiallyin the capital, Tehran. A manager quoted “SeveralDjalali et al. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2011, 19:30http://www.sjtrem.com/content/19/1/30Page 5 of 9 thousand casualties had been taken to Tehran’s airport.TheAirforceestablishedanairbridgebetweentheair-port and other large hospitals.”DiscussionIn this article we focused on the pre-hospital issues of theearly response phase to the Bam earthquake. The key ele-ments in the pre-hospital medical response to disasters arecorrect triage, immediate treatment and in giving prioritiesfor evacuation [25], which our study also addressed.Obstacles to the pre-hospital medical response could besummarized as the lack of a comprehensive disaster man-agement plan, the absence of standardized disaster medicalassistance teams, and a shortage of resources. While thefacilitators were skilled medical volunteers and supportfrom other organizations especially the army.TriageDuring the medical response to a disaster, triage isneeded at three locations: (1) on scene; (2) in the treat-ment and resuscitation area; and (3) at the receivinghospital [8].The current study emphasized that the triage processwas problematic, not performed on scene but was to acertain extent at the airport. All previous studies fromthe Bam earthquake [11,14,26], with exception of one[13], support the observation in the absence of triage.Reports from other earthquakes show divergent resultswith respect to triage. During the tsunami in Thailandin 2004, field triage was performed and 70% of the vic-tims were primarily treated in the field or triaged toemergency healthcare centres [27]. Yasin, however,explains that after the earthquake in Pakistan in 2005,most of the casualties received at the hospital werereferred directly from the earthquake site without beingtriaged [28].In summary, the lack of triage could affect medicalresponse at all levels. In other disasters, triage has beenperformed to a varying extent. With the current medicalresponse organization in Iran, hospitals should expect toreceive many non-triaged casualties in the event of anearthquake. Therefore, some of the resources will be“unnecessarily” used for low priority cases, instead ofthe severely injured casualties. Triage is a vital issue in adisaster plan.TreatmentThere was a lack of on site emergency medical treat-ment. This finding was supported by other studies[10,11,14,21]. Mirhashemi et al. studied 185 casualties ofthe Bam earthquake and saw that as much as 72.4-85.9% of the patients did not receive primary medicaltreatment on site [10].Reports from other earthquakes show a similar situa-tion worldwide, that medical response was inadequateon site, and most of the casualties were transportedaway from the earthquake area without initial medialtreatment [28-30].In summary, there was lack of immediate and ade-quate emergency medical care during the Bam earth-quake. This could be one of the reasons for the highdeath toll in the Bam earthquake. Also, it is to beexpected that the receiving hospitals not only receivenon-triaged casualties but also casualties not havingreceived primary medical treatment in the field. Thislack of pre-hospital care will necessitate a large con-sumption of medical resources and strategic facilities tosurge capacity. This point must also be considered indisaster planning.TransportationThis study shows that the overall effort of transportingvictims was uncoordinated and insufficient. However, anair bridge did provide a means of rapid transportationfor earthquake victims. Approximately 12,000 injuredpeople were evacuated within 48-72 hours using civiland military aircrafts, road transportation and helicop-ters [31,32].These findings are supported by other studies [10].Furthermore, insufficient capacity of evacuation by airwithin the first 24 hours has been shown to lead to ahigher mortality rate [10]. Consequently, this leads topatients being moved by non-standard methods [10].Our observation that traffic jams inhibited transporta-tion was confirmed by other researchers. Most of theroads leading both to and from Bam were blocked dueto the rapid influx of rescue workers and by victims’relatives coming from neighbouring cities [14,33].The effects of earthquakes on transportation are simi-lar worldwide. For instance, on the first day after theKobe earthquake in Japan in1995, only one person wastransported by helicopter, and a total of 17 people weretransported within the first 72 hours [1,34]. The familycar was the most frequent means of transportation, andambulances were used in only 26% of the transports[35]. Other studies have also reported similar observa-tions [27,30,36].We conclude that ground transportation is alwaysaffected in major earthquakes. In addition, air transpor-tation services are often unavailable. The failure oftransportation of casualties could seriously affect themedical response. Therefore, the receiving hospitalscould receive the casualties only after a long delay.Thus, enabling these hospitals to prepare for incomingcasualties, and effectuate their disaster managementplan if it exists.Djalali et al. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2011, 19:30http://www.sjtrem.com/content/19/1/30Page 6 of 9 ObstaclesLack of disaster management planTimely and effective response to disasters requires anorganized disaster response system which can providethe appropriate aid [10,37,38].The lack of a disaster management plan was found tobe the main obstacle in the pre-hospital medical man-agement, with respect to triage, treatment, and transpor-tation. Preparedness was not a priority for the Ministryof Health of Iran prior to the Bam earthquake, asexplained by de Ville [18]. The major problem was thelack of coordination between the organizations responsi-ble for disaster management, this in turn, is the conse-quence of the lack of both local and regional disastermanagement plans [12,14,26].The lack of a disaster management plan has beenrecognized as a challenge worldwide regarding disasterresponse. The preparedness of the Ministry of Health inPakistan was far from sufficient regarding the earth-quake in 2005 [18]. Since there was no disaster manage-ment plan during the Gujarat earthquake, in India,2001, most of the decision-making was completely adhoc [36]. The problem with coordination in theresponse is also confirmed by Schwartz et al, as reportedfrom the Tsunami in 2004 [27].Our results emphasized the necessity in developing acomprehensive and integrated disaster management planfor the medical system.Absence of disaster medical assistance teamAnother obstacle in the pre-hospital medical responseduring the Bam earthquake was the absence of standar-dized disaster medical assistance teams (DMATs).DMATs defined as “mobile, trained medical teams thatcan be rapidly deployed during the acute phase of a dis-aster, provide medical treatment and relief activities,assisting in transferring casualties from disaster-affectedareas to appropriate medical facilities” [34].The absence of standardized DMATs effects triage,treatment and transportation. Although, no previousstudies have clearly analyzed the role of DMATs in theBam earthquake, two studies point out that physiciansand responders had not received training for aid, rescue,and treatment in critical conditions [12,14].There was a similar situation during the earthquakes inTaiwan (1999), and Japan (1995). Only a small number ofmedical teams were able to provide critical care neededduring these earthquakes. These experiences actually leadto the development of disaster medical assistance teamsand the recognition of their importance [30,34,39].Taking all of this into account is of great importancein establishing DMATs in Iran.Lack of resourcesThe post-earthquake environment has normally verylimited medical resources in the face of overwhelmingneeds [40]. The shortage of medical resources duringthe early phase of the Bam earthquake was an importantobstacle for pre-hospital medical management. Ourstudy is one of few, which took the shortage of medicalresources in the early phase into consideration. Therewas a noticeable shortage of beds, blankets, triage tags,medicine and intravenous fluids, during the first daysafter the earthquake [14,41].Reports from other earthquakes show a similar situa-tion worldwide. de Ville explained that in spite of anoverwhelming budget, after the tsunami in 2004, theexternal responses were burdened by serious shortcom-ings [18]. Kohl et al. discusses also, the shortage ofresources in the healthcare systems in the affected coun-tries, before and during the Tsunami [42].Limiting factors for the medical response during thePakistan earthquake were operating space, equipment,supplies, and paramedical staff [28].Based on these findings, it is essential to develop aneffective logistics system, and define its role as part of acomprehensive disaster management plan in order toprovide the necessary medical resources in the earth-quake area.FacilitatorThe military systemThe current study illustrated the comprehensive role ofmilitary teams, especially their participation in the air-lifting of casualties and the provision of necessaryresources.These results are supported by other studies[14,18,26,32,33] demonstrating the role of the militaryduring the early phase of response. These among others;established field hospitals, triage, albeit to a limitedextent, transporting medical and health care personnelto the disaster area and playing a significant role in airtransportation of casualties to other receiving hospitals[14,18,26,32,33].Similar experiences are reported in other disasters, e.g.the Tsunami in Thailand and Indonesia [27,43], theChi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan [16,39] and the Gujaratearthquake in India [44].As demonstrated, the army plays an important part inthe early response to earthquakes. The army can beused in all parts of the medical response to an earth-quake which should be taken into consideration whendeveloping a comprehensive disaster management plan.Skilled medical volunteersMedical volunteers that came to the earthquake area, aspart of a team or individually, during the early responseto the earthquake were another facilitator. The firstvolunteer medical relief team consisted of 40 specialists,and arrived in the area a few hours after the event.These volunteers conducted the triage at the BamDjalali et al. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2011, 19:30http://www.sjtrem.com/content/19/1/30Page 7 of 9 airport [31]. Numerous teams consisting of physicians,paramedics, and volunteers from Universities of MedicalSciences from all over the country were dispatched tothe area [33].Volunteers played a crucial role in mass-casualtyincidents [45]. Volunteer doctors from various back-grounds teamed up to meet the medical crisis in theGujarat earthquake [36]. The rapid deployment ofmedical personnel from unaffected areas and volun-teersfromabroadhelpedkeypersonnelhandlethemedical needs of the tsunami victims in Thailand [27].This is also confirmed by Yasin et al. showing thatmedical teams composed of volunteers from Pakistanand abroad came in large numbers in response to thePakistan earthquake [28].In spite of the long delay, the role of internationalvolunteer teams is important in helping the affectedcommunity. International organizations can assist theaffected country by providing urgent medical services inproximity to the disaster area, thereby compensating forthe shortages of medical facilities at national level [46].The number of volunteers is virtually unlimited inIran, and medical volunteers are most willing to assist[18]. Organizing the volunteers is not possible duringthe response phase of a disaster. However, it could beconsidered during the preparedness phase.ConclusionsThis study was based on interviews from the managersat Iran’s emergency and disaster medicine system, whowere responsible for the initial response to the Bamearthquake. We focused on the initial triage, treatmentand transportation. Skilled medical volunteers and themilitary medical teams were facilitators of the earlyphase of the medical response. The main obstacles tothe pre-hospital medical response were the lack of a dis-aster management plan, the absence of disaster medicalassistance teams and the overall lack of resources. Themost compelling, and at the same time amenable obsta-cle, was the lack of a disaster management plan. It isevident that implementing a comprehensive plan wouldnot only save lives but decrease suffering and enable aneffective usage of the available resources. Due to thecrucial role of pre-hospital care system in disasters thereis a need for further investigation based on the result ofthis study to develop strategies for improving thesystem.List of AbbreviationsEMS: Emergency medical services; DMATs: Disaster medical assistance teamsAcknowledgementsThis study was supported by the Natural Disaster Research Institute. Theauthors wish to thank all participants for their support and involvement inthis study. We also, thank Mr Hasan Haghparast-Bidgoli for his usefulcomments.Author details1Department of Clinical Science and Education, Karolinska Institute,Södersjukhuset (KI SÖS), Stockholm, Sweden.2Nursing Department,University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation, Tehran, Iran.3Department ofClinical Science, Intervention and Technology, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm,Sweden.Authors’ contributionsARD was involved in the study conception and design, data collection,analysis, revision, editing and manuscript writing. HK was involved in theconception and design of study and took an active part in the data analysisand results interpretation. GO participated to the study conception anddesign, writing-up and finalization of the manuscript. MC contributed toanalyze and interpret the data and to write the manuscript. LK participatedto the study design, analysis and results interpretation and writing-up of themanuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.Received: 23 March 2011 Accepted: 16 May 2011Published: 16 May 2011References1. Ashkenazi I, Isakovich B, Kluger Y, Alfici R, Kessel B, Better OS: Prehospitalmanagement of earthquake casualties buried under rubble. PrehospDisast Med 2005, 20(2):122-133.2. Disaster statistics 1991-2005. International Strategy for Disaster Reduction[http://www.unisdr.org/disaster-statistics/impact-killed.htm], AccessedOctober 2010.3. 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