... employee insight report ] Opinion items were rated using a 5-point Likert-like scale The percent favorable is the percentage of people who chose either of the two most positive answers (typically “strongly ... Germany, India, the United Kingdom and the United States to rate the overall effectiveness of their immediate manager We then identified the key “drivers” of managerial effectiveness They are shown ... Kenexa® Research Institute, 2010 Note: values represent percent favorable [ employee insight report ] Figure 4: Manager Effectiveness by Industry Figure 5: Manager Effectiveness by Tenure Percent...
Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 11:05
... bases are often written by different developers, at different times, with different design goals – Interfaces expected by one piece of code are not always the same as those provided by the other code ... capability by wrapping functions (e.g., socket calls, etc.) CSE 332: Design Patterns Adapter Pattern • Problem – Have an object with an interface that’s close to (but is not exactly) what we ... an existing class – Can’t change its interface – It s impractical to extend class hierarchy more generally • Solution Core – Wrap a particular class or object with the interface needed (2 forms:...
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 22:27
GFSI, BRC, IFS, ISO 22000 what do they mean
... makes it possible to substantially improve the control of food safety and responsibility within a company The questions relating to food safety are then taken in hand by the company itself, without ... audit is more rigorous, more complete and is concerned with the systematic application of HACCP In particular, the company has to prove that it is able to self-evaluate the risks associated with ... (following the 12 steps), on which the auditor has to evaluate the relevance and reliability of the control measures selected and a pplied by the company The audits also concern the elements of management...
Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2013, 08:28
Style - It’s Not What They Say but How They Say It
... somewhat choppy If you read those short sentences out loud, how they sound? They re not very inviting, are they? They sound somewhat mechanical and empty of any feeling 108 – HOW THEY SAY IT, ... relationship to the reader; it can distance us with its objectivity or draw us in with its description and detail As readers, we tend to react strongly to style, often without knowing why But now ... the same information, but they are written in radically different styles Read the letters carefully and then list 103 – STYLE: IT S NOT WHAT THEY SAY BUT HOW THEY SAY IT – At the same time, you...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 17:20
the art of doing how superachievers do what they do and how they do it so well camille sweeney
... attention It s soul Callas had it You have to find it in yourself It took me years to find it I couldn’t even tell someone how I did it except to keep searching for it and allowing it to come out It s ... bounds of what that character should be And if you work with likeminded actors, the cameras roll and you just get on with it It’s like having a great dance partner And it s fun Such as with Liam ... to spark on stage Be modern It s a pity that lots of people have never been to opera because they are put off by its stuffy image They have no idea how wonderful it can be The opera world, like...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 07:23
Báo cáo khoa học: "Measurements in the intensive care unit: what do they mean" doc
... [7] The utility of PCT as a diagnostic marker appears to be less in its sensitivity to detect infection than in its specificity to rule it out [8] In particular, a low level of PCT permits the clinician ... C, Pittet D, Ricou B, Grau GE, Vadas L, Pugin J: Diagnostic value of procalcitonin, interleukin-6, and interleukin-8 in critically ill patients admitted with suspected sepsis Am J Resp Crit Care ... resuscitated, septic patient Is it, therefore, either artefactually increased in renal failure or reduced by hemodialysis? 416 Herget-Rosenthal and colleagues studied PCT levels in 68 patients with...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 20:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Levels of protein C and activated protein C: what do they mean" doc
... of de Kleijn and colleagues in children with meningococcal sepsis, the APC levels paralleled thrombin markers and were positively related to severity with the highest levels in nonsurvivors [11] ... pre-existing conditions are known to be among these factors Limits of this study Acute pancreatitis is a local inflammatory process that leads to a systemic inflammatory response in the majority of cases, ... certainly valid and supported by animal experiments [12] The units in which APC was expressed are not very common, and make it difficult to compare the results with other studies The differences...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:21
21 Powerful Ways To Persuade People To Do What You Want - By Michael Lee
... little money for the meal, it' s nothing compared to the big profits they' ll be getting once they get what they want from their prospects They know that the satisfying emotions accompanied with ... eventually agree with you without them noticing it (because they thought it was their idea) This is a rather tricky method of persuasion and not many people might agree with it But, hey, it works! When ... People want to be consistent with their statements If they act in a way that is incompatible with what they said, they will feel uneasy and might even feel that they' re not worthy to be trusted...
Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2012, 09:37
Torment Your Customers (They’ll Love It)
... friends, it s gone too far The truth is, customers don’t know what they want They never have They never will The wretches don’t even know what they don’t want, as the success of countless rejected -by- focus-groups ... it, by limiting availability, by delaying gratification, by heightening expectations, by fostering an enigmatic air of unattainability It doesn’t serve demand; it creates it As marketing strategies ... so that they are available when and where they re wanted, at a price people are prepared to pay Could anything be more boring? By contrast, retromarketing makes ’em work for it, by limiting availability,...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 08:20
KRONE - What is Patch by Exception
... on what are now permanent circuits and replaced them with jumper wire Although a maintenance contract is not essential, it can provide the Network manager with numerous benefits Most often IT ... manageability even easier HOW TO GET THE MOST OUT OF PATCH BY EXCEPTION Many organisations have successfully implemented the Patch by Exception solution by establishing a maintenance contract with ... of any competitor module by providing the maximum available headroom above category minimum standards This means that data integrity is preserved to the highest possible level Immunity to noise...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 19:15