what is the meaning of sovereignty in international law

Democratic Accountability and the Use of Force in International Law docx

Democratic Accountability and the Use of Force in International Law docx

... principle of classical international law. Intergove rnmental international institutions are associations of states. Because of the doctrine of sovereign equality of states, decisions in such international ... Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry and at the Moscow State Linguistic University. He is deputy editor -in- chief of the Moscow Journal of International Law and a member of the Board of the Russian Association ... obligations of this kind will either end in their being nugatory or in the destruction of the League itself. The thing that really matters is that the nations should remain in continuous consultation...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 11:20

468 5,9K 0


... states considered the inclusion of military threats in any of these pacts. 74 It is unsurprising that in view of the abundance of at best loosely consistent treaties, the content of law was in the eye of the ... n. The outlaw ing of force as the first pillar is one of the key dictates of international law: All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against ... these are distinct legal sub-disciplines, de velopments since 1946 con firm their interrelation. Comparative law is increasingly used as a tool in the making of law at national, regional and international...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 13:20

386 590 0
What is the price of a mousetrap? The assessment of value from cloud services pptx

What is the price of a mousetrap? The assessment of value from cloud services pptx

... know the price of a mousetrap? Customers no longer need to know the price of servers, software and the rest of the parts making up the IT service stack. This knowledge is as useful as knowing the ... undertaking a Return on Investment (ROI) without taking into consideration the time value of money, or where applicable, foreign currency exposure. The title of this ebook hints at the error in this ... against their cloud services costs. This is best seen as a ‘generation one’ performance measure. This measure is no longer suitable for the assessment of value from cloud services. It is akin...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 02:20

3 508 0
The role of credit in international business cycles ppt

The role of credit in international business cycles ppt

... been done in quantifying the importance of credit in explaining business cycle dynamics and in analysing the international transmission of credit shocks in a global framework, including advanced economies ... the over-identifying restrictions, including the co-trending hypothe- sis, the Fisher equation and the term structure of interest rate relationships for the US model. In the current version of ... 1990 Banking Crisis Glick and Hutchison (2001) Austria 1985Q1 Banking Crisis Hagen and Ho (2008) Finland 1991Q3 Banking Crisis Kaminsky and Reinhart (1999) New Zealand 1983Q1 Banking Crisis Hagen...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 07:20

61 1,4K 0
The Causal Effect of Education on Health: What is the Role of Health Behaviors? pot

The Causal Effect of Education on Health: What is the Role of Health Behaviors? pot

... smoking, drinking, ex- ercising and the body mass index - contribute to explaining the gradient. The size of this contribution is larger when we consider the entire history of behaviors rather than ... behaviors in the immediate past. In the former case, we find that the effects of education on smoking, drinking, exercising and eating a proper diet account for at most 23% to 45% of the entire effect of ... countries. Defining P (D) as the probability of reporting a condition, this probability is the product of the probability of undergoing screening P (S) and the probability of having a condition...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 14:20

39 620 0
What is the impact of microfinance on poor people? a sysTemaTic review of evidence from sub-saharan africa pptx

What is the impact of microfinance on poor people? a sysTemaTic review of evidence from sub-saharan africa pptx

... on what entails success in the microfinance industry also makes a systematic review of the evidence of the impact of microfinance timely. And in the latter half of 2010 the microfinance industry ... Details of 35 studies included in the map 83 Appendix 4.1: Further details of 15 studies included in the in- depth synthesis 85 Appendix 4.2: Narrative synthesis of findings relating to the impact of ... Robinson 1995). One aspect of the commercialisation of the microfinance industry is its formalisation, i.e. microfinance institutions (MFIs) transforming themselves into banks and turning...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20

104 546 0
Free Movement of Goods and Their Use – What Is the Use of It? pptx

Free Movement of Goods and Their Use – What Is the Use of It? pptx

... It is therefore, in my view, preferable to examine measures of that kind in the light of the Treaty rules rather than to remove them from the scope of the Treaty. 79 In the light of these ... but this is nothing more than what the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (and previously the EC Treaty) actually envisages, and is the logical consequence of a finding that the ... access plays the central role in the argumentation, the intention of the ECJ is not to revise its view of the certain selling arrangements as expressed in Keck, nor to revise the conditions...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 06:20

42 761 0


... series of case studies of nine of the SSI projects. In a report of a secondary analysis of all nine case studies, Clune (1998) identified the goals of the study as testing the central thesis of systemic ... perspective of the landscape, I believe this is a fair representation of the state of knowledge in the field. Adding further pieces of high-quality work would certainly influence the details of the story ... is at these other levels one must look to deter- mine the impact of the NSES on the science curriculum in the nation’s schools. 82 WHAT IS THE INFLUENCE OF THE NSES? Student Accountability The...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 12:20

223 480 0
– GED SOCIAL STUDIES PRACTICE QUESTIONS – 29. What is the author’s purpose in including Joe pot

– GED SOCIAL STUDIES PRACTICE QUESTIONS – 29. What is the author’s purpose in including Joe pot

... d is not supported by the passage. 53. b. Ch in Shih Huang-ti abolished the aristocracy of feudalism, instead appointing of cials to carry out his rules in all of China’s provinces. 54. e. The ... compare the rate of population growth with the growth of the population. The growth rate is decreasing, while the population is increasing. None of the other statements is supported by the graphs. 9. ... population of the wolves increased ini- tially but decreased after 1965. d. The population of the deer increased over time. e. The population of deer in 1975 in the area was 45. 4. Which of the following...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

48 776 0
A Modern Treatise on the Principle of Legality in Criminal Law doc

A Modern Treatise on the Principle of Legality in Criminal Law doc

... Chapter 1 The Meaning and Structure of the Principle of Legality in Criminal Law Contents 1.1 The Role of the Principle of Legality in the Criminal Law Theory . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1.1 The Basic ... and the second one. The second power is individualism. In the context of criminal law, it is legal individualism, 28 manifest in the fundamental freedoms of the individual, for exam- ple, the ... cont ext of criminal law. The first is the power of the sovereign to impose social control. This power exists in all parts of the socialization process. In the context of criminal law, it is manifest...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 03:20

214 2,1K 0


... 954 2 As discussion of the Refugee Convention in general permeates the whole of the text (i.e. passim) only discussion of particular articles is included in this Table. xxxvi TABLE OF TREATIES ... well as in the broader community of persons working with refugees in govern- ment, academia, and on the front lines. My hope is that this study will contribute to the work of others who, like Lisa, ... 33 June 26 Statute of the International Court of Justice (961 UNTS 183) 15 1946 Oct. 15 Agreement relating to the Issue of Travel Documents to Refugees who are the Concern of the Intergovernmental...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 10:21

1,2K 814 0