... access is preferable when the risk for infection is high Because the risk for infection increases with the duration of catheter use, the subclavian approach is probably the best choice if the patient ... normal, anticoagulant therapy) were not included When the expected duration of catheter use is less than 5 7 days, the risk for infection is limited and the jugular approach is therefore preferable, ... because the risk for cerebral thromboembolism or airway compromise is practically nonexistent However, bleeding from the subclavian artery is far more difficult to control by pressure alone and is...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:22
... 86 Chinese 90 87 85 96 90 English3 88 84 90 91 91 Other than English4 84 80 81 88 84 Unclassified5 56 52 57 64 57 FSM 76 70 79 82 80 All Other Pupils6 90 86 90 93 92 All pupils 87 83 88 91 89 ... to be published at the national and local authority level National Curriculum tests were published for last time for the academic year 20 07/ 08 Writing at Key Stage is part of the English assessment ... assessments continue to be published at the national and local authority level NC tests were published for last time for the academic year 20 07/ 08 Writing at KS3 is part of the English assessment Teacher...
Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2014, 18:20
What qualities and skills are needed for the managers to manage people?• What is the importance of good human resources management
... yourself for the necessary knowledge to be able to face these changes 5 Dealing with changes Dealing with changes Each manager need to make the correct and flexibility decision for their work They ... individual in a large organization where the air is due to work or the work culture of the organization that brings Increase work efficiency Therefore the employee in the company can get very creative, ... include: listen for what is felt as well as said; make conflict resolution the priority rather than winning or being right; focus on present; know when to let something go 2 Conflict resolution The...
Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 10:33
Báo cáo y học: "Percutaneous dilatation tracheostomy: which technique is the best for the critically ill patient, and how can we gather further scientific evidence" pptx
... (introduction of a Crile’s forceps for blunt dissection of the pretracheal tissue), but it is unclear whether they controlled for the resulting effects in their data analysis and presentation 320 ... was related to the level of procedural experience in the individuals performing the procedures or due to other factors These observations shed light on the benefits but also on the apparent limitations ... effective This new work from Fikkers and coworkers in large part summarizes data ( 271 patients) from previous reports from the same group [13,14] Their report in this issue includes 71 additional...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 20:20
Báo cáo y học: "Sepsis therapy: what’s the best for the mitochondria" doc
... while the targets of mitochondrial therapy are not clearly defined Efforts in this direction have already been made [15] and may be among the keys to future sepsis therapy Competing interests The ... Clearly, these haemodynamic effects are typical for endotoxininduced sepsis but not for hyperdynamic sepsis, as is encountered in patients receiving adequate haemodynamic support Organs, and the liver ... equal Therefore, the advantages of greater mitochondrial activity in the septic animal in vivo remain open to question In this regard, we should not forget that respiratory activity in isolated...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 11:22
Báo cáo y học: " Intensive glycemic control in traumatic brain injury: what is the ideal glucose range" pps
... during the second week after injury in the intensive control group, the preponderance of data points against the use of intensive glycemic control This finding stands in sharp contrast to the results ... injury in the intensive glycemic control group This unexpected worsening of mortality is cause for great concern among those who advocate intensive glycemic control in brain trauma The stage is clearly ... range is identified, a multicenter randomized control trial will be needed to determine whether some form of glycemic control is better than moderate hyperglycemia for brain-injured patients For...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 11:22
Báo cáo y học: "Clinical review: What is the role for autopsy in the ICU" doc
... As Goldman postulates, the persistent high rate of missed pulmonary embolism is more a reflection of the high mortality of the pathology when this diagnosis is missed [35] The availability of new ... pathologists The clinicians need to inform the pathologist about the patient’s pre-mortem status, the expected findings and the unsolved questions The pathologist needs to understand the importance of the ... diagnosis and histology A few studies investigating this have been performed in the ICU Combes and colleagues [ 17] performed the largest, prospective study, corroborating the results of other studies...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 20:21
Đề tài:what qualities and skill are needs for the manage people in a company? what is the importance of good human resources?
... managers The objective of this skill is to enhance mutual understanding and respect on the basis of identification and recognition of the values and needs of the communication object This is the basis ... 3.Accommodate to the person you are talking to • 4.Take into account that you can be wrong • 5.Leave the space for others to think • 6.Timing is the key • 7 .What you send is what you get • 8 .What kind ... people This is your daily bread The way you communicate with others can be a key to either your success or failure • 1.Respect the person you talk to • 2.Listen, listen, listen and then speak...
Ngày tải lên: 26/12/2014, 08:36
What is the real MLM business?
... someone depending on their position in the plan As you progress to the higher positions, you will get a larger discount The distinguishing characteristic of this plan is the "breakaway," a position ... upline - ask them what works and what you should to succeed Draw on them for help They've found out from experience what works and what doesn't, and they're interested in your success The fundamental ... place - AT THE BOTTOM - and everyone has the SAME chance to build a downline of their own The major exception to this is in the theoretical case of "saturation." In this situation the company...
Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2012, 14:02
What is the meant “ globalization”
... , leading to the into the " bubble" financial - caused the financial crisis scale They always find ways to win the economic advantage on their side , pushing the disadvantage of the developing ... in the international division and in the process of globalization They always find ways to win the economic advantage on their side, pushing the disadvantage of the developing countries This ... every component in the system When the borders between nations are protected by tariff barriers , " hard " , then the wave is damped And now when the other border is disabled , the effect due to...
Ngày tải lên: 10/10/2013, 23:41
What Is the Managed Preferences System
... Chapter 1, this may take the form of restrictions for security purposes This may also take the form of creating a familiar environment that lets people hit the ground running when they use a new ... enough history fast-forward to today, when we’re writing this book Mac OS X v10.6, ‘‘Snow Leopard’’ is the current release OS X is ten happy birthday! Ten years is a good amount of time for a ... 10 CHAPTER 2: What Is the Managed Preferences System? Typically, this manageability came in the form of DOS batch scripts that ran on machine startup, or at network login (the then-popular Novell...
Ngày tải lên: 21/10/2013, 22:20
Longman Press 1-1 We Mean Business Student''s Book_BOS IS THE BEST
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 17:20
What is the question to which ‘substitution’ is the answer
... Infinity is that it is only for an already established ‘I’ that the other arises The separated I, the subject, is put in question by the other but it is only with the somewhat problematic analysis ... imagination of the poet precisely because it is but the play of the same: the negation of the I by the self is precisely one of the modes of identification of the I [ti 37] That is to say, Levinas in ... hypothesis This is the meaning of the sentence, ‘It is through the condition of being a hostage that there can be pity, compassion, pardon, and proximity in the world – even the little there is, ...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 10:20
What is the CBEST
... need to pass the entire CBEST once to qualify for the initial issuance or future renewal of any teaching credential How Do I Register for the CBEST? When is the Test Given? The CBEST is offered ... What is the CBEST Like? What Sorts of Questions Does the CBEST Ask? The CBEST exam is comprised of three separate sections: (1) Reading, which consists of 50 multiplechoice questions; (2) Mathematics, ... uncertain whether the CBEST is required in the school district where you are considering employment, contact them for the necessary information You are applying for admission to either a teacher-preparation...
Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 17:20
What Is the THEA
... and the registration fee is higher than the fee for the paper-and-pencil test How Do I Register for the THEA? You may not have to take the THEA if one of the following is true of you: ■ ■ ■ ■ ... should understand whether these exemptions apply to you before registering for the exam – WHAT IS THE THEA? – Important Contact Information 50 multiple-choice questions; the Writing section also ... TX 78 711- 278 8 512-4 27- 6330 What Is Tested Three subjects—reading, math, and writing—will be tested All of the questions on the THEA will be in multiple-choice format, with the exception of the...
Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 18:20
Tài liệu Final presentation Topic: “What is the marketing mix? Key points to successful marketing” pdf
... Product is goods or services to satisfy the need or demand of the customers Designing and Producing a product depend on the aims of product, the benefit that the company expect, the position that they ... Market what has appeared earlier than the other? This question is similar to Eggs or Chicken Some businesses only think about improving and selling their product They not know exactly what their ... competitors’? To this, the first thing is researching market carefully Nowadays, people always focus on their needs They may be ignoring about the products or services you offer before Therefore you must...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 14:15
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 02:21
What is the price of a mousetrap? The assessment of value from cloud services pptx
... An example of the disruptive consumption rates is shown in the chart below This chart presents the forecasted market growth-rate for cloud services (Forrester, 2011 http://www.zdnet.com/blog/btl/cloud-computing-market-241-billion-in-2020/ 477 02; ... Services (AMS) This is yet another approach businesses should use when assessing cloud value AMS is the paradigm where a predefined level of demand is managed internally and the remainder augmented ... augmented with cloud services The apothegm is ‘Own the base and rent the peak’ Conclusion The customer’s overall cloud health starts with an assessment of value The assessment of value of cloud...
Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 02:20