... bits is an int, what we'd like to be able to write to access the bit at index 6 is: bits[6] What Is an Indexer? An indexer is a smart array in exactly the same way that a property is ... important differences between indexers and arrays: • Indexers can use non-numeric subscripts, whereas arrays can use only integer subscripts: public int this [ string name ] { } // okay And, ... use an indexer in a combined read/write context. In this case, the get and set accessors are used. For example, consider the following statement: bits[6] ^= true; This is automatically translated...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 00:15
... method called Clone, which can be used to create an entire array and copy it in one action: int[] pins = { 9, 3, 7, 2 }; int[] copy = (int[])pins.Clone(); NOTE The Clone method actually ... live in a contiguous block of memory and are accessed by using an integer index (unlike fields in a struct or class, which are accessed by name). Declaring Array Variables You declare an array ... The size of an array instance does not have to be a constant; it can be calculated at run time, as shown in this example: int size = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); int[] pins = new int[size];...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 00:15
– ACT MATH TEST PRACTICE – 74. Choice f is correct. Since YW is an altitude in an equilateral pptx
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20
Báo cáo khoa học: LIN54 is an essential core subunit of the DREAM / LINC complex that binds to the cdc2 promoter in a sequence-specific manner ppt
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:20
Questions to .NET and Programming in C#
... Which of the following statements are true with respect to destructors? [2.0] a) Destructors can be invoked explicitly. c) When an instance is destructed, the destructors in an inheritance ... explicitly or implicitly. b) Static constructors can have accessibility modifiers. e) Static constructors are called when the class is loaded. c) Static constructors cannot be called ... when the object is accessed. c) A static constructor can have public as a accessibility modifiers 74. class A { public static int X = B.Y + 1; } class B { public static int Y = A.X...
Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2012, 15:55
Question Bank Introduction to .NET and Programming in C#
... following statements are true with respect to destructors. [2.0] a) Destructors can be invoked explicitly. c) When an instance is destructed, the destructors in an inheritance chain are called ... static constructor for a class is called automatically when the object is accessed. c) A static constructor can have public as a accessibility modifiers 74. class A { public static int X ... False 25. Access Modifiers for variables in C# can be the following (Select all that apply) [1.0] a) Public c) Private b) Protected d) Public protected 26. In C# , an underscore is allowed as an initial...
Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2013, 09:10
4-Tier Architecture in ASP.NET with C#
... objects for enhancements. Change in the object definition can be done without touching the entire Business Access Layers Let me explain you step-wise process of creatioin of 4-Tier architecture ... objects for enhancements. Change in the object definition can be done without touching the entire Business Access Layers Let me explain you step-wise process of creatioin of 4-Tier architecture ... public int Update(Person person) { SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connStr); conn.Open(); SqlCommand dCmd = new SqlCommand("UpdateData", conn); dCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; ...
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 14:15
Pro .NET 2.0 Windows Forms and Custom Controls in C#
... Brooks-Copony Production Editor: Janet Vail Compositor: Susan Glinert Proofreader: Nancy Sixsmith Indexer: Michael Brinkman Artist: Kinetic Publishing Services, LLC Interior Designer: Van Winkle ... Mills, Dominic Shakeshaft, Jim Sumser Associate Publisher: Grace Wong Project Manager: Beckie Brand Copy Edit Manager: Nicole LeClerc Copy Editor: Candace English Assistant Production Director: Kari ... Matthew MacDonald All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information...
Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 21:15
Gián án Ve trang tri Tim hieu kieu chu in hoa net thanh net dam
... chiều cao, ngang c a dòng chữ trong tờ giấy 2.X c định chiều rộng c a từng con chữ và khoảng c ch giữa c c con chữ. 3.Đánh dấu và ph c nét từng con chữ. 4.Kẻ chữ. 5.Vẽ màu cho c c con chữ và ... Kiểu chữ in hoa nét thanh nét đậm và kiểu chữ in hoa nét đều là hai “kiểu chữ c bản” từ hai kiểu chữ này c thể sáng tạo ra nhiều kiểu chữ kh c nhau. Những kiểu chữ đư c trang trí ... h c, phòng h c, khẩu hiệu, sách báo truyện với nhiều kiểu dáng chữ kh c nhau. - Những nét đưa lên, nét đưa ngang là nét thanh. - C c nét kéo xuống (nhấn mạnh) là nét đậm. 1.X c định chiều...
Ngày tải lên: 01/12/2013, 06:11