vulvovaginal cervical infections and sexually transmitted diseases

current situation and factors affecting hiv infection and sexually  transmitted diseases in male homosexual sex worker group in hanoi, 2009-2010”

current situation and factors affecting hiv infection and sexually transmitted diseases in male homosexual sex worker group in hanoi, 2009-2010”

... (Gay, straight men), Pê – đê 1.1.3 Concept of sexually transmitted infections Infections due to bacteria, virus, monocle, fungus, parasitic and can be transmitted between people through sexual intercourse ... behaviors, use of addictions and use of medical services among male homosexual sex worker in Hanoi, 2009-2010 Identify current HIV infection and sexually transmitted diseases rate in male homosexual ... HIV infection and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among male homosexual sex worker/MSM have shown that: Male homosexual sex worker group has higher risk of HIV infection and STIs Other...

Ngày tải lên: 25/07/2014, 11:36

14 355 0
Tài liệu Diseases and Disorders Sexually Transmitted Diseases doc

Tài liệu Diseases and Disorders Sexually Transmitted Diseases doc

... Diseases and Disorders Sexually Transmitted Diseases Titles in the Diseases and Disorders series include: Alzheimer’s Disease Anorexia and Bulimia Arthritis Asthma ... people, about sexually transmitted diseases and encouraging them to take responsibility for their own health and well-being Chapter STDs: A Common Cause for Concern S EXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES ... the widespread 20 Sexually Transmitted Diseases construction of roads and train lines, people are now able to routinely move from place to place, transmitting STDs and other diseases wherever...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 18:20

113 949 0
sexually transmitted diseases, methods and protocols

sexually transmitted diseases, methods and protocols

... sensitivity 20 Gaydos and Quinn and specificity of endocervical swabs were 95.2 and 97.7%, respectively, and for urines, 88.9 and 94.3%, respectively, whereas the sensitivity of endocervical culture ... Methods m Molecular Medlone Vol 20 Sexually Edlted by R W Peehg and P F Sparllng 15 TransmItted Diseases Methods and Protocols Humana Press Inc , Totowa, NJ 16 Gaydos and Quinn chorioamnionitis, spontaneous ... prostatitis, and seminal vesiculitis In homosexuals, rectal infection and pharyngitis can occur In females, most cases are asymptomatic, and Infections of the urethra and rectum often coexist with cervical...

Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2014, 10:31

222 282 0
Báo cáo y học: "IV among pregnant women in Moshi Tanzania: the role of sexual behavior, male partner characteristics and sexually transmitted infections" pot

Báo cáo y học: "IV among pregnant women in Moshi Tanzania: the role of sexual behavior, male partner characteristics and sexually transmitted infections" pot

... use and on current and past sexually transmitted infection (STI) symptoms, by using a standardized pre-tested questionnaire Detailed information regarding the male partner's demographic and behavioral ... Gram-staining and identification of Trichomonas vaginalis, and Candida species An endocervical swab was collected for Gram-staining and Page of 10 (page number not for citation purposes) AIDS Research and ... visit All women were encouraged to inform their partners and bring them for counseling and testing, and those with proven sexually transmitted infections were given a contact card to give to their...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20

10 430 0
The long term effects of behavioral interventions on condom use and sexually transmitted infections among female brothel based sex workers in singapore, 1994 2002

The long term effects of behavioral interventions on condom use and sexually transmitted infections among female brothel based sex workers in singapore, 1994 2002

... vaginal and oral sex, with a corresponding decline in cervical and pharyngeal gonorrhea xii Chapter INTRODUCTION 1.1 Disease burden of sexually transmitted infections, human immunodeficiency virus and ... Chapter 1 1.1 Disease burden of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) HIV and AIDS 1.2 The interrelationship of STIs and AIDS 1.3 Determinants of transmission of STIs, HIV and AIDS 1.4 Sex workers ... SEAMEO Jasper Fellowship Award: Second best study ‘Women and Sexually Transmitted Diseases: A Sustainable Intervention to Increase Condom Use and Reduce Gonorrhea Among Sex Workers in Singapore 177...

Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2015, 17:20

190 382 0
sexually transmitted diseases

sexually transmitted diseases

... drugs useless in treating the symptoms and eliminating infection frmo the body In most cases, the herpes sores blisters and crusty form on the genitals and heal and disappear on their own in a few ... ointments CANDIDIASIS (MONILIA) Candidiasis also known as monilia is a common yeast infection caused by Candida also known as monilia is a common yeast infection caused by Canidida albicans.Candidiasis ... "ping-pong" STD's PEDICULOSIS AND SCABIES Pediculosis and scabies are two disorders labeled infestations than infections Both are caused by parasites, pediculosis by the crab louse and scabies by the itch...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 17:59

5 125 0


... mẫu nghiệm để làm bệnh phẩm ướt bệnh phẩm với potassium hydroxide  Bệnh nấm candida âm hộ-âm đạo (vulvovaginal candidiasis) bệnh lây truyền đường sinh dục, tạo nên khí hư trắng, sữa đông (curdlike), ... Các hyphae diện bệnh phẩm potassium hydroxide Việc sử dụng kháng sinh gần yếu tố nguy bệnh nấm candida, bệnh đái đường HIV Điều trị fluconazole (Diflucan) với liều đường miệng thuốc thuộc loại ... Bệnh viêm vùng chậu chẩn đoán dựa tiêu chuẩn lâm sàng gồm có nhạy cảm đau lúc lay động cổ tử cung (cervical motion tenderness), nhạy cảm đau phần phụ (adnexal tenderness) nhạy cảm đau bụng Những...

Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2014, 18:20

25 494 1


... Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: 1998 guidelines for treatment of sexually transmitted diseases MMWR 1998;47(RR-1):82–84 CHAPTER 24 SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES 699 Treatment is reasonable ... contrast, CHAPTER 24 SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES 687 N gonorrhoeae infections have an acute onset, cause more acute symptoms, and remain in the tubes only 24–48 h Gonorrheal infections appear ... authorities The patient and all sexual partners must be treated Other concomitant diseases must be ruled out and treated if present The CHAPTER 24 SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES 685 preferred adult...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 16:20

26 182 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Sexually transmitted Human Papillomavirus type variations resulting in high grade cervical dysplasia in North-East North Dakota and North-West Minnesota" pot

Báo cáo hóa học: " Sexually transmitted Human Papillomavirus type variations resulting in high grade cervical dysplasia in North-East North Dakota and North-West Minnesota" pot

... HPV 16 and 18, sample (6 %) were doubly infected with HPV 16 and 31 and samples (24 %) were doubly infected with HPV 18 and 31 Two samples (12 %) showed triple infections with HPV 16,18 and 31 ... Matthew Nilles and Dr Luis Padilla for providing us with HeLa and CaSki cells respectively References Cates WJ: Estimates of the incidence and prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases in the ... respiratory papillomatosis, cervical dysplasia and cervical cancer Fifteen HPV types are classified as high-risk types {16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68, 73, and 82} and twelve are classified...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

4 241 0
Chapter 124. Sexually Transmitted Infections: Overview and Clinical Approach (Part pdf

Chapter 124. Sexually Transmitted Infections: Overview and Clinical Approach (Part pdf

... pseudobubo unilateral usually es unilateral Source: From RM Ballard, in KK Holmes et al (eds): Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 4th ed New York, McGraw-Hill, 2008 ... Superfici al or deep Elev ated deep Base Sm ooth, Sero us, Puru Variable, lent, bleeds nonvascular Red and velvety, nonpurulen erythematou easily bleeds t, relatively s, readily nonvascula nonvascular...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 15:20

5 304 0
Chapter 124. Sexually Transmitted Infections: Overview and Clinical Approach (Part 18) Table 124-8 pps

Chapter 124. Sexually Transmitted Infections: Overview and Clinical Approach (Part 18) Table 124-8 pps

... within months) seronegative partner(s), and all seropositive partners Chancroid confirmed or suspected (diagnostic test positive, or HSV and syphilis excluded, and lesion persists): Ciprofloxacin ... primary syphilis If dark-field examination and a rapid serologic test for syphilis are initially negative and the patient will comply with follow-up and sexual abstinence, the performance of two ... weeks) and not resolve with syndrome-based antimicrobial therapy, then—in addition to the usual tests for herpes, syphilis, and chancroid—biopsy is indicated to exclude donovanosis, carcinoma, and...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 15:20

5 286 0
Chapter 124. Sexually Transmitted Infections: Overview and Clinical Approach (Part 19) Ulcerative docx

Chapter 124. Sexually Transmitted Infections: Overview and Clinical Approach (Part 19) Ulcerative docx

... syphilis and chancroid has helped bring these two diseases under control Finally, empirical antimicrobial therapy may be indicated if ulcers persist and the diagnosis remains ... of observation despite attempts to diagnose herpes, syphilis, and chancroid Proctitis, Proctocolitis, Enterocolitis, and Enteritis Sexually acquired proctitis, with inflammation limited to the ... as Helicobacter cinaedi and Helicobacter fennelliae, and both have subsequently been isolated from the blood of HIVinfected men with a syndrome of multifocal dermatitis and arthritis Acquisition...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 15:20

5 252 0
Chapter 124. Sexually Transmitted Infections: Overview and Clinical Approach (Part 20) Proctitis, pdf

Chapter 124. Sexually Transmitted Infections: Overview and Clinical Approach (Part 20) Proctitis, pdf

... males and females against all STIs that have been examined, including HIV, HPV, and HSV infections as well as gonorrhea and chlamydial infection The only exceptions are probably sexually transmitted ... affordable, and acceptable, especially to the young indigent patients most likely to acquire an STI Figure 124-8 Critical control points for preventive and clinical interventions against sexually transmitted ... interventions against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) [Adapted from HT Waller and MA Piot: Bull World Health Organ 41:75, 1969 and 43:1, 1970; and from "Resource allocation model for public...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 15:20

5 231 0
Chapter 124. Sexually Transmitted Infections: Overview and Clinical Approach (Part 21) Although ppsx

Chapter 124. Sexually Transmitted Infections: Overview and Clinical Approach (Part 21) Although ppsx

... prevention in men in Rakai, Uganda: A randomized trial Lancet 369:657, 2007 [PMID: 17321311] Kamali A et al: Syndromic management of sexually transmitted infections and behaviour change interventions ... Holmes KK et al (eds): Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 4th ed New York, McGraw-Hill, 2008 Manhart LE, Holmes KK: Randomized controlled trials of individual-level, population-level, and multilevel interventions ... 55(RR-16):1, 2006 Workowski KA: Sexually transmitted disease treatment guidelines Clin Infect Dis 44(Suppl 3):S1, 2007 World Health Organization: Sexually transmitted diseases diagnostics initiative...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 15:20

10 226 0
Chapter 124. Sexually Transmitted Infections: Overview and Clinical Approach (Part 1) pot

Chapter 124. Sexually Transmitted Infections: Overview and Clinical Approach (Part 1) pot

... countries, and HPV and hepatitis B virus (HBV) remain important causes of cervical and hepatocellular carcinoma, respectively—two of the most common malignancies in the developing world Sexually transmitted ... 124-1 Sexually Transmitted and Sexually Transmissible Microorganisms Bacteria Othera Viruses Transmitted in Adults Predominantly by Sexual Intercourse Neisseria gonorrhoeae HIV (types and 2) ... promotion of condom use and safer sexual practices and recently through male circumcision) In all societies, STIs rank among the most common of all infectious diseases, with >30 infections now classified...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 15:20

6 262 0
Chapter 124. Sexually Transmitted Infections: Overview and Clinical Approach (Part 3) ppsx

Chapter 124. Sexually Transmitted Infections: Overview and Clinical Approach (Part 3) ppsx

... today and to understand your risk for certain infections, it is necessary for us to talk about your sexual behavior Screening Questions: (1) Do you have any reason to think you might have a sexually ... sexually transmitted disease? If so, what reason? (2) For all adolescents

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 15:20

5 338 0
Chapter 124. Sexually Transmitted Infections: Overview and Clinical Approach (Part 4) pps

Chapter 124. Sexually Transmitted Infections: Overview and Clinical Approach (Part 4) pps

... as well as sexually inactive men with urethritis should undergo prostate palpation, urinalysis, and urine culture to exclude bacterial prostatitis and cystitis Evaluate for gonococcal and chlamydial ... disseminated gonococcal infection (DGI) and Reiter's syndrome Although digital examination of the prostate gland seldom contributes to the evaluation of sexually active young men with urethritis, ... problems and generally not benefit from repeated courses of antibiotics Evaluate for complications or alternative diagnoses A brief history and examination will exclude epididymitis and systemic...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 15:20

5 264 0
Chapter 124. Sexually Transmitted Infections: Overview and Clinical Approach (Part 5) pot

Chapter 124. Sexually Transmitted Infections: Overview and Clinical Approach (Part 5) pot

... partner, repeat treatment of patient and partner If patient was not reexposed, consider infection with T vaginalisb or doxycycline-resistant M genitalium or Ureaplasma, and consider treatment with metronidazole, ... co-infection in men with gonococcal urethritis Sexual partners should be tested for gonorrhea and chlamydial infection and should receive the same regimen given to the male index case Patients with confirmed ... intraurethral swab specimen and a first-voided urine sample should be tested for T vaginalis (currently best done by culture, although NAATs appear to be more sensitive and are likely to become...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 15:20

5 254 0
Chapter 124. Sexually Transmitted Infections: Overview and Clinical Approach (Part 6) pdf

Chapter 124. Sexually Transmitted Infections: Overview and Clinical Approach (Part 6) pdf

... frequency), pyuria, and an absence of Escherichia coli and other uropathogens in urine at counts of ≥102/mL In contrast, the dysuria associated with vulvar herpes or vulvovaginal candidiasis (and perhaps ... µg/mL) (From Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: MMWR 56:332, 2007.) Urethritis and the Urethral Syndrome in Women C trachomatis, N gonorrhoeae, and occasionally HSV cause symptomatic urethritis—known ... differentiated from the urethral syndrome by assessment of risk, evaluation of the pattern of symptoms and signs, and specific microbiologic testing An STI etiology of the urethral syndrome is suggested by...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 15:20

5 333 0
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