using xpath to query data in a dataset

Tài liệu Using XPath to Query Data in a DataSet doc

Tài liệu Using XPath to Query Data in a DataSet doc

... functionality more conveniently than could be accomplished using the DataSet directly. To execute an XPath query against the contents of a DataSet, call the SelectSingleNode( ) method of the XmlDataDocument ... XmlDataDocument for the DataSet, passing the XPath query as an argument as shown in the example: XmlNode xmlNode = (new XmlDataDocument(ds)).SelectSingleNode(xPathQuery); The example iterates ... Form.Load Sets up the sample by creating a DataSet containing the Orders table and Order Details table from Northwind and a nested relation between the two tables. Go Button.Click Executes an XPath...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 10:20

4 443 0
Tài liệu Module 6: Using XPath to Navigate a Tree of Nodes ppt

Tài liệu Module 6: Using XPath to Navigate a Tree of Nodes ppt

... Application of XPath 21 Lab 6: Using XPath to Navigate and Select Data 27 Review 37 Module 6: Using XPath to Navigate a Tree of Nodes Module 6: Using XPath to Navigate a Tree of Nodes ... the lab files are available. Lab 6: Using XPath to Navigate and Select Data Module 6: Using XPath to Navigate a Tree of Nodes 31 2. In Windows Explorer, right-click the file, and then ... take more time to interpret. Introduction T ypes of axes Module 6: Using XPath to Navigate a Tree of Nodes 27 Lab 6: Using XPath to Navigate and Select Data ! Exercise 1: Creating an...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 16:15

46 544 0
Tài liệu Using XSD Schema Files to Load and Save a DataSet Structure pptx

Tài liệu Using XSD Schema Files to Load and Save a DataSet Structure pptx

... XSD schema for the DataSet is written both to a file and to a text box on the form. Read Button.Click Creates a DataSet and reads in the schema from a file containing a previously serialized ... and Save a DataSet Structure Problem You need to create an XSD schema from a DataSet and define the schema of a DataSet from an XSD schema. Solution Use the XmlTextWriter and XmlTextReader ... private void writeSchemaButton_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { DataSet ds = new DataSet( ); SqlDataAdapter da; // Fill the Order table and add it to the DataSet. da =...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 10:20

8 403 0
In order to become competent in a foreign language

In order to become competent in a foreign language

... hand in marriage: Pet: And you, good Sir! Pray, have you got a daughter Calld Katherina, fair and virtuous? Bap: I have a daughter, sir, calls Katherina. (61: 69) By confirming that he has a ... strategy in conversation analysis is to examine actual verbal interactions in order to bring the structural properties of talk. The descriptive units that the conversation analysis has been using ... observe that a conversation is a string of at least two turns which are produced by different speakers and are related to each other in such a way they form a pair type. They call them an adjacency...

Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2013, 08:49

42 568 0
In order to become competent in a foreign language, it is important for language learners not only to acquire new vocabularies and a new set of phonological and syntactic rules but also to learn what Wilson (1986)

In order to become competent in a foreign language, it is important for language learners not only to acquire new vocabularies and a new set of phonological and syntactic rules but also to learn what Wilson (1986)

... -9- tức là vỏ âm thanh, vỏ ngữ âm c a từ, hoặc là từ ngữ âm; thứ hai, sự vật được gọi bằng từ đó; thứ ba, ý ngh a mà từ gây ra trong ý thức chúng ta. Tất cả ba yếu tố này gắn với nhau…” [71; 34]. Tên ... thông qua các tài liệu có được c a các tác giả đi trước, qua thực tiễn lời ăn tiếng nói hằng ngày c a người dân đ a phương, luận văn nhằm tìm hiểu về định danh từ vựng c a PNNB, đ a ra những ... niệm “sự cố định (hay gắn) cho một kí hiệu ngôn ngữ một khái niệm – biểu niệm (signifikat) phản -47- đ a lí tự nhiên Nam Bộ mà chúng ta đang quan niệm hiện nay. Đây cũng là quan điểm trong việc...

Ngày tải lên: 17/04/2013, 16:09

137 855 0
Localizing Client-Side Data in a Web Forms Application

Localizing Client-Side Data in a Web Forms Application

... Example 3-5. File: ADOCookbookCS0305.aspx.cs // Namespaces, variables, and constants using System; using System.Threading; using System.Globalization; using System .Data; using System .Data. SqlClient; ... client rather than the server. Solution Use client culture and encoding to return data to the client formatted according to the client's localization settings rather than the server's ... data that might come from a database // displayed according to culture set by user. dateLabel.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("D"); shortDateLabel.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("d");...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 18:15

4 367 0
Tài liệu Module 9: Using XML to Exchange Data pptx

Tài liệu Module 9: Using XML to Exchange Data pptx

... XML is a standard for defining data in a tagged form. It allows you to define extra information beyond the raw data contained in a file or stream. This extra information takes two primary forms: ... adding tagged information to character data. This extra information can help to convey additional context, or metadata, or it can define the structure of the data contained within the tags ... Imposing a structure on the underlying raw data ! Providing extra information, or metadata, about part of the underlying raw data An XML tag consists of a name enclosed in angle brackets,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 19:15

80 489 0
Tài liệu Module 2: Updating Data in a Database doc

Tài liệu Module 2: Updating Data in a Database doc

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o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`=%#)(.)5+)'8!H&%#)I(30!.&0()0,!(! -()(1(,0!#('0-!=/,)%'0&`=%#)(.)5'-1!/#-0&!)+0!$7-1!$%9-0&!(#-!)+0! -()(1(,0!.%##0.)*%#!#('0-!=/,)%'0&`=%#)(.)5! B'.%("D2J(6...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 19:15

40 444 0
Tài liệu Retrieving Hierarchical Data into a DataSet ppt

Tài liệu Retrieving Hierarchical Data into a DataSet ppt

... Team LiB ] Recipe 2.1 Retrieving Hierarchical Data into a DataSet Problem You want to fill a DataSet with parent and related child data, even if the DataSet already has a schema that includes ... parent table, Orders, is bound to a data grid on the form. Load DataSet Button.Click Starts by clearing the data from the DataSet and refreshing the data grid. DataAdapter objects are created ... using System .Data; using System .Data. SqlClient; private DataSet ds; // . . . private void HierarchicalDataSetForm_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { ds = new DataSet( ); ...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 05:15

4 316 0
Tài liệu Add and Delete Rows in a Dataset with ADO.NET pdf

Tài liệu Add and Delete Rows in a Dataset with ADO.NET pdf

... Comments As you can see, adding and deleting a record does not take much more than editing and updating a record using ADO.NET. Using the commands in this How -To and the prior one, you can set ... 80. ' Have the command builder create an Insert SQL command 81. modaCustIndiv.InsertCommand = ocbCustIndiv.GetInsertCommand 82. Else 83. ' Have the command builder create an update ... up to handle updating and canceling of multiple records as well. 3. Add the following line of code where you placed the other module-level variable declarations. This variable will be set to...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 12:20

6 504 0
Tài liệu Editing and Updating Data in a Web Forms DataGrid pdf

Tài liệu Editing and Updating Data in a Web Forms DataGrid pdf

... if(!Page.IsPostBack) { dataGrid.DataSource = CreateDataSource( ); dataGrid.DataKeyField = "Id"; dataGrid.DataBind( ); } private DataTable CreateDataSource( ) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(TABLENAME); ... Session["DataSource"] = dt; return dt; } private DataTable UpdateDataSource(DataTable dt) { // Create a DataAdapter for the update. SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT ... table and stores the DataTable to a Session variable to cache the data source for the DataGrid. UpdateDataSource( ) This method creates a DataAdapter and uses it with updating logic generated...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 10:20

10 387 0
It’s Not You, It’s Your Strategy: The HIAPy Guide to Finding Work in a Tough Job Market

It’s Not You, It’s Your Strategy: The HIAPy Guide to Finding Work in a Tough Job Market

... pool has been devastated, and also many industries that have been devastated, including automobiles, manufacturing, textiles, airlines, media and information technology. I also know that many ... high-reliability, low-maintenance code, and applications that are really intuitive and easy to use. We did a giant customer service application, last year, and it was so easy to use that there ... bad situation. A few minutes later, I was less detached, and able to recognize both the partial accuracy and inappropriateness harshness of the criticism, as well as the fact that I had “failed.”...

Ngày tải lên: 09/02/2014, 20:53

48 560 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Paraphrasing Using Given and New Information in a Question-Answer System" docx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Paraphrasing Using Given and New Information in a Question-Answer System" docx

... Reptuentatton in Natural Language Inferenctng', to appear in IJCAI Proceedinqs 79. 13. [KAMAN 79]. Kaplan, S. J., "Cooperative Responses from a Portable Natural Larquage Data Base Query ... the paraphraser to generate questions. I • INTRO~ION In a natural language interface to a database query system, a paraphraser can be used to ensure that the system has correctly understood ... answer to the question asked and not to a deviant version of it. The idea of using a paraphraser in the above way is not new. To date, other systems have used canned templates to form paraphrases,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 20:20

6 533 0

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