using the scenario manager for sensitivity analysis

Tài liệu Using the SQL Server FOR XML Clause ppt

Tài liệu Using the SQL Server FOR XML Clause ppt

... attributes of the element Listing 16.1 shows an example SELECT statement that retrieves the top three rows from the Customers table The results of the SELECT are returned as XML using the FOR XML ... 'ALFKI' The Tag column specifies the numeric position of the row in the XML hierarchy The Parent column identifies the parent, which is in the previous SELECT statement; that's because this row is the ... 2002) Using the ELEMENTS Option You use the ELEMENTS option to indicate that the column values are returned as subelements of the row; otherwise the column values are returned as attributes of the...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 22:15

12 445 0
using the common criteria for it security evaluation

using the common criteria for it security evaluation

... explaining the purpose for which the book was written Limitations on the scope of the subject matter of the book, the intended audience for whom the book was written, and the organization of the book ... efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and the publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or for the consequences of their ... Discussing the CC user community and stakeholders Ⅲ Looking at the future of the CC 2.0 History The Common Criteria, referred to as the standard for information security,”117 represent the culmination...

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2014, 01:30

284 1,4K 0
Báo cáo " Using multi‐criteria analysis as a tool to select the feasible measures for sustainable development of brackish water shrimp culture in Quang Tri Province " doc

Báo cáo " Using multi‐criteria analysis as a tool to select the feasible measures for sustainable development of brackish water shrimp culture in Quang Tri Province " doc

... implementation:  The lower  the score the better.    Time  of  implementation:  The lower  the amount the better.  Manageability  by  farmers:  The easier  the better.  Economic benefits: The higher the better.  ... production:  The higher  the effect  the better.  Effect on diseases: The higher the effect the better.  Environmental impact: The higher the better.  Needed  policies:  The less  the amount  ... 2.7. Selection of the feasible measures  The final  stage  in  the decision  making  process  is  to  estimate  the scores  for each  of  the alternatives and choose the most suitable  measures for the objectives and conditions of ...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 12:20

13 488 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article High-Quality Time Stretch and Pitch Shift Effects for Speech and Audio Using the Instantaneous Harmonic Analysis" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article High-Quality Time Stretch and Pitch Shift Effects for Speech and Audio Using the Instantaneous Harmonic Analysis" pdf

... used for the synthesis of the signal’s periodic part that was subtracted from the source in order to get the residual All harmonics of the source are modeled by the harmonic analysis when the ... correspond to the length of the analysis frame, they can be estimated using DFT: S f = N −∞ ϕ(t) = arc tan H[s(t)] s(t) s(n)e − j2πn f /N , (5) n=0 where N is the length of the frame The transformation ... at the output of the system The deterministic/stochastic representation significantly simplifies the processing stage As it is shown in the experimental section, the combination of the proposed analysis, ...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20

10 465 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Optimization of Sensor Locations and Sensitivity Analysis for Engine Health Monitoring Using Minimum Interference Algorithms" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Optimization of Sensor Locations and Sensitivity Analysis for Engine Health Monitoring Using Minimum Interference Algorithms" potx

... we obtain for the spectral number of perturbed Gram matrix the following expression: λ G−i = G−i A survey of the literature shows that the sensitivity analysis for sensor location for systems ... Figure 8: Influence of the noise on different number of sensors optimally distributed approach for the sensitivity analysis and our simulations validated the mathematical formulation The proposed method ... (4) Several scalar performance measures related to the information matrix F were studied in the past The most general one is the following criterion based on the trace of the matrix: ms = trace...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20

9 281 0
The research proposal for recommender systems in academic domain using social network analysis approach

The research proposal for recommender systems in academic domain using social network analysis approach

... classifier [39] Their experiments with the Reuters data set showed that SVM and kNN significantly outperform the other classifiers, while Nave Bayes underperforms all the other classifiers In other work, ... recommender systems using social network analysis are still deficient Therefore, developing the recommendation system research using social network analysis will be an interesting area further research ... characteristics or the combination of these The traditional approaches not mention the relationship which can effect to the behavior and the interest of individuals Social network analysis (SNA)...

Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2015, 08:37

11 318 3


... importance of the linkage types The goal is at the top of the model 4.4.2 The Actors Like the AHP model formulated for overall linkage judgment, the second level in the hierarchy model for individual ... to the others For example, the flow from University to Industry and vice versa Therefore, these flows become the main factor in the individual model and are considered as the third level The ... structural The former is the familiar contextual dependence of elements on other elements in performing their function, whereas the later is the dependence of the priority of elements on the priority...

Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2013, 10:29

73 496 2
Analysis of Phosphorus Behavior in the Giant Reed for Phytoremediation and the Biomass Production System

Analysis of Phosphorus Behavior in the Giant Reed for Phytoremediation and the Biomass Production System

... from the fluorescent lamp to the top of the giant reeds was about 0.2 m at the start of the experiment The temperature in the experimental room was kept at about 28 °C The rhizomes and the roots ... are cropped before the start of the dying down period Then, after all of the above-ground part has died down, the whole plants including the roots and rhizomes are cropped except for the roots and ... Vol 7, No 2, 2009 Nonetheless, the value obtained in this study is important for the estimation of the accumulation in relatively small plants as well as for understanding the basic properties...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38

12 1K 0
Tài liệu UML Applied - Object Oriented Analysis and Design using the UML doc

Tài liệu UML Applied - Object Oriented Analysis and Design using the UML doc

... Phase, the key activities in the phase are: • • • • Specify the vision for the product Produce a business case Define the scope of the project Estimate the overall cost of the project The size of the ... Oriented Analysis and Design using the UML Summary The UML is a graphical language for capturing the artifacts of software developments The language provides us with the notations to produce models The ... recipe for staff retention! Figure –Over time on the waterfall, both the risks and the cost to rectify errors increase Also, as the analysis phase is performed in a short burst at the outset of the...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 14:16

123 747 2
systems with hysteresis. analysis_ identification and control using the bouc–wen model

systems with hysteresis. analysis_ identification and control using the bouc–wen model

... to the memory nature of inelastic behaviour where the restoring force depends not only on the instantaneous deformation but also on the history of the deformation The detailed modelling of these ... function of time, then the value of the force at the instant time t will depend not only on the value of the displacement x at the time t, but also on the past values of x The following simplifying ... easily that the stability proof of the feedback connection is exactly the same as in Theorem 13 In the following, the simplified version of Theorem 13 given in Theorem 14 is used Then the conditions...

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 22:41

223 525 1
Using compensation strategies in listening for 10th form students a case study at the high school for gifted students of vinh university

Using compensation strategies in listening for 10th form students a case study at the high school for gifted students of vinh university

... questions The interview consists of two parts: the first one for personal information and the second one for the content information The number of prepared questions for the content information ... over the country for some recent years There are two reasons for choosing the 10th form students as the participants of the study Firstly, both the authority and teachers at the high school for ... chart,); using clues from body language of speakers; using noises of the listening lessons; using the meaning of the words or phrases they already know to guess the unknown words; using inferred information,...

Ngày tải lên: 27/12/2013, 20:26

99 806 0
Ebook -  Becoming An Extraordinary Manager: The 5 Essentials for Success - “Trở thành Người quản lý tuyệt vời: 5 điều cần thiết để thành công”

Ebook - Becoming An Extraordinary Manager: The 5 Essentials for Success - “Trở thành Người quản lý tuyệt vời: 5 điều cần thiết để thành công”

... and their managers were the ones who needed the training What did I know? I believed them I got their managers together and presented them with some standard topics They said they weren’t the ... people if would they fire their manager on the spot if they were able to A full 25 percent of employees said, ‘‘Yes!’’ What does that tell you about their respect for the people they work for? So, why ... enough for them They’re always waiting for something They say things like, ‘‘I have the responsibility but not the authority.’’ They want things to be given to them On retirement day, they’ll...

Ngày tải lên: 30/12/2013, 01:05

256 367 0


... he/she focuses on the problem or issue (facts) instead of on the coachee or the other people involved c) Asks enough questions to understand/clarify the situation d) Clarifies the boundaries and ... respect for coachees by providing helpful suggestions and advice that allows them to a better job and by acknowledging their contributions and abilities II THE ABILITY TO HANDLE CONFLICT (i.e., using ... EXAMPLES OF ACTUAL BEHAVIOR I THE ABILITY TO DEVELOP EFFECTIVE 1:1 RELATIONSHIPS (i.e Build Trust) a) Takes the time to know coachees personally; their interests, their family, their values b) Is always...

Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2014, 15:20

6 374 1


... of the text as they can recall, they generally 17 remember some bits of the text and forget others By and large, they can not fulfill the tasks if they focus on linguistic items rather than the ... reactions to the content of the text, and analysis of the linguistic features Therefore, the students can use language naturally in target situations Also, they acquire more deeply the language ... This helps them take the information or whatever they have produced in the previous stage, and other meaningful activities There are two common forms that post-listening tasks can take They are...

Ngày tải lên: 05/02/2014, 22:02

53 1,2K 7
Tài liệu Evaluation of physical activity programmes for elderly people - a descriptive study using the EFQM’ criteria ppt

Tài liệu Evaluation of physical activity programmes for elderly people - a descriptive study using the EFQM’ criteria ppt

... of the coordinators Other information was gathered from the web page of the organization We used standard approaches to statistical analysis of data including frequencies and percentages for the ... review and the interviews’ content analysis For each sub-criterion, items were devised concerning the areas addressing the EFQM Excellence Model and the specificity of the PA programmes for elderly ... directly from the data, using an inductive method to identify the themes and subthemes that emerged To ensure rigour and reliability of analysis, the first three transcripts were coded in their entirety...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 06:20

16 959 0
Tài liệu the supply oF money – banK behaViour and the implications For monetary analysis doc

Tài liệu the supply oF money – banK behaViour and the implications For monetary analysis doc

... adjusting the level of outside money The volume of broad money supplied to the economy is then simply determined as a multiple of the monetary base, depending on the size of the money multiplier The ... assumption that the central bank unilaterally sets the level of the monetary base, i.e the monetary base is the instrument of monetary policy The money multiplier then determines the supply of ... money and credit may be informative as regards the evolution of the (unobservable) risk premia, both for the bank and for the non-financial private sector One strand in the recent academic literature...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 11:20

17 519 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Exploiting Structure for Event Discovery Using the MDI Algorithm" doc

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Exploiting Structure for Event Discovery Using the MDI Algorithm" doc

... that the performance of the clusterer depends somewhat on the chosen value of k (i.e the number of events in the document) This information is not readily available However, preliminary analysis ... inconsistent, but nonetheless are useful for producing tentative conclusions To determine why the annotators were having difficulty agreeing, we calculated the kappa score for each category For the “N”, “C” ... automaton depends on two values: the threshold α of the MDI algorithm and the amount of label sequences used for learning The closer α is to 0, the more general the inferred automaton becomes 35...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 12:20

6 365 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Method for Correcting Errors in Speech Recognition Using the Statistical Features of Character Co-occurrence" pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Method for Correcting Errors in Speech Recognition Using the Statistical Features of Character Co-occurrence" pptx

... errors, and the other is the corresponding correct string (the former string is referred to as the ErrorPart, and the latter as the Correct-Part respectively) These parts are extracted from the speech ... similar to the string including errors from the StringDatabase (the former string is referred to as the Similar-String, and the latter as the Error-String) Finally, the correction is made using the ... position of the error-block, the procedure branches in the following way If P1 is less than T (T=4), then go to the step for a top If a value L - P2 + T is less than T, then go to the step for a tail...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 18:20

5 588 0
Báo cáo " Development of climate change scenarios for small areas in Vietnam by using the MAGICC/SCENGEN software in combination with statistic correction" docx

Báo cáo " Development of climate change scenarios for small areas in Vietnam by using the MAGICC/SCENGEN software in combination with statistic correction" docx

... In the study, the temperature and rainfall scenarios are built in the monthly form of decades of the 21st century However, within the scope of this paper, we only introduce climate change scenarios ... Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECWMF) The conversion function which has been used to adjust climate change scenarios is the product of MAGICC/SCENGEN The conversion functions formed ... 0.05 However, most of the regression equations for the rainfall are not reliable enough and as the result, the scenarios for rainfall generated by the 181 Da Nang Quy Nhon Can Tho a b a b a b Jan...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 16:20

6 655 1