using the process of long division

Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Using FFS to enhance farmers'''' knowledge and skills in citrus production management in the process of implementing GAP in the South of Vietnam " docx

Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Using FFS to enhance farmers'''' knowledge and skills in citrus production management in the process of implementing GAP in the South of Vietnam " docx

... not know the origin of their planting material. In both regions the use of mineral fertilisers was very high, with 95% of farmers reporting their use in the MD and 88% in the CC. Use of organic ... coefficient of variation of 108% and in Vinh Long province difference was due to the small sample size (only 2 farmers) and the net profit given by officials being based on the profit of advanced ... quarter of respondents (28.9%) did not know the origin of their planting material. The farmers that did not know the source of the planting material probably bought it from boat traders who sail the

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20

13 523 0
Examining the effectiveness of using the process approach in developing paragraph writing to high school students

Examining the effectiveness of using the process approach in developing paragraph writing to high school students

... Table 4.2 The score and the percentage of the two groups in terms of written content before the intervention 42 Table 4.3 The score and the percentage of the two groups in terms of written ... before the intervention 48 Table 4.7 The score and the percentage of the two groups in terms of written organization after the intervention 50 Table 4.8 The proficiency of the ... 4.7 The score and the percentage of the two groups in terms of written organization after the intervention 51 Figure 4.8 The comparison of the pre- and post-test’s proficiency in term of

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2021, 11:42

95 3 0
Nghiên cứu quá trình tinh chế cinnamaldehyde từ tinh dầu quế bằng hệ thống chưng luyện tiên tiến = study on the process of purifying cinnamaldehyde from cinnamon cassia oil by using an advanced distillation method

Nghiên cứu quá trình tinh chế cinnamaldehyde từ tinh dầu quế bằng hệ thống chưng luyện tiên tiến = study on the process of purifying cinnamaldehyde from cinnamon cassia oil by using an advanced distillation method

... corresponding to the minimum energy demand of the column Effect of the number of stages In the section, the change of the heat duty of the reboiler is studied when the number of stages of one section ... refrigerant fully condenses the vapor at the top of the column The temperature of the reboiler and the top of the column were measured using thermometers The efficiency of the packings is commonly ... However, the disadvantages of the process are the relatively long separation time, the high energy consumption, and the loss of a large amount of Cinnamaldehyde into the light and middle cut -of components

Ngày tải lên: 09/01/2023, 14:23

81 19 0
The process of applying warehouse management system to operate warehousing activities for thien long group at smartlog supply chain solutions corporation

The process of applying warehouse management system to operate warehousing activities for thien long group at smartlog supply chain solutions corporation

... and many other software such as SAP-Hana or Infor 3.2 Soft-skills The internship period at the company also helps the author to practice and develop the necessary soft skills in a professional ... Corporation, the author has received the enthusiastic support and guidance of the employees in the company That helps the author to understand more about the logistics industry in particular and the supply ... improve it under the aid of technology Through the internship process as well as the dedicated guidance and instruction of Deputy manager and Team leader, the author has improved the logistics knowledge

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2023, 15:41

44 31 0


... Vietnam”, along with the goal of the topic and scope of the study The author will also present the practical meanings of the topic for Long Huei Vietnam company and for the author Chapter 2: In the ... design the control system, document the process Verify the long- term capacity of the process, determine the post-improvement process capability to evaluate the improvement effect, and to know the ... of variation: the variation of the process itself and the variation of the measurement system The purpose of conducting the GR&R is to be able to distinguish the former from the latter, and

Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2024, 10:02

119 1 0
Chuyên đề tốt nghiệp: The Impact of using Google Translate on the Process of English-Vietnamese Translation of Business English majors at National Economics University

Chuyên đề tốt nghiệp: The Impact of using Google Translate on the Process of English-Vietnamese Translation of Business English majors at National Economics University

... variety of languages.On the other hand, the negative aspect of using this particular technology is thatthe software often produces out -of- context, irrelevant, and absurd translations Thequality of ... Overview of Translation2.1.1 The Definition of TranslationTranslation is the act of converting communications from one language to another,although there are various meanings of the term, such as the ... translation Because the linguistic model does not take intoconsideration the totality of the text or the context of the text, it cannot be viewedas a representation of the translation process that aims

Ngày tải lên: 20/05/2024, 01:00

48 0 0
Removal of arsenic from synthetic groundwater by adsorption using the combination of laterite and ironmodified activated carbon

Removal of arsenic from synthetic groundwater by adsorption using the combination of laterite and ironmodified activated carbon

... is also possible to realize that the longer the portion of AC-Fe, the higher the adsorbent cost Therefore, optimizing the AC-Fe portion in the column is one of the key factors for a feasible arsenic ... isotherm, laterite INTRODUCTION Arsenic is known as one of the most toxic chemical elements Long- term exposure of which can cause cancer of the skin, lungs and many others In view of this, the ... ratio, the value of V/WACFe (V, the volume of drinkable water produced from the start using adsorbents until breakthrough / WACFe, the weight of AC-Fe in the column) was calculated and found that the

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38

12 530 0
the healing flow artistic expression in therapy creative arts and the process of healing an imageword approach inquiry

the healing flow artistic expression in therapy creative arts and the process of healing an imageword approach inquiry

... with the image-making process The pictures in the images contained in this book are their own record of the process of art toward healing They show the possibilities they... ... work The meaning of the metaphor of the Healing- Flow Model itself has significance for my work as a therapist, researcher, and. .. such as the lighting, the placement of the ... THERAPY language Art serves the healing of the psyche through the material substances of what is used in the making of an image Here, it is the tactile sensuality of

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 10:52

253 610 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Beyond satisfaction: Using the Dynamics of Care assessment to better understand patients'''' experiences in care" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Beyond satisfaction: Using the Dynamics of Care assessment to better understand patients'''' experiences in care" pptx

... 4% in the area of Substance Use to 16% in the area of Specialty and Inpatient Hospital Care (see Table 3) Overview of analysis of the Dynamics of Care We conducted a series of analyses on the Dynamics ... stability (whether or not the respondent lives in a place of his/her own); whether the respondent self-identified as gay or bisexual; whether the respondent had a spouse or partner; whether the respondent ... than three of the nine areas, three events are selected for further probing based on the area of greatest concern to the patient, the area that the patient rated highest in terms of satisfaction

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

20 551 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Compression of Human Motion Animation Using the Reduction of Interjoint Correlation" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Compression of Human Motion Animation Using the Reduction of Interjoint Correlation" doc

... the simple predicted sequence of the end effectors. The bits of the end effectors and the other general joints are sent to the decoder, respectively. For the bits of the general other joints, the ... Figure 6. In the encoder, the data of the rotation angles of the end effectors and the other general joints are processed separately. Firstly, for the general joints, the change of the rotation ... quantization of the bits, we retrieve the position of the end ef- fector of each frame. Finally, the angle conversion of the end effectors is added to convert the position of the end effectors to the rotation

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20

15 245 0
Báo cáo tin học: "On the Resilience of Long Cycles in Random Graphshan" ppsx

Báo cáo tin học: "On the Resilience of Long Cycles in Random Graphshan" ppsx

... present the proof of Theorem 7 in Section 3.1 and of Theorem 8 in Section 3.2, respectively. Both heavily depend on the results presented in Section 2.2. 3.1 Proof of Theorem 7 Proving Theorem ... paper, we study the resilience of random graphs w.r.t. having a cycle of length proportional to the number of vertices n. The circumference circ(G) of a graph G is the length of a longest cycle ... suppose that the circumference of graph G is strictly less than . Then, by the electronic journal of combinatorics 15 (2008), #R32 10 [...]... This concludes the proof of Theorem 7 the electronic

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 15:23

26 288 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Simulated soil CO2 efflux and net ecosystem exchange in a 70-year-old Belgian Scots pine stand using the process model SECRETS" pps

Báo cáo khoa học: "Simulated soil CO2 efflux and net ecosystem exchange in a 70-year-old Belgian Scots pine stand using the process model SECRETS" pps

... in “closing” the C budget; over one-half of the C accumulated in forests may reside in the soil as organic matter [31, 41]. Of course, the crit- ical issue is whether forests (and other terrestrial ... modified the model to include V CMAX as an input Figure 1. Schematic flow-chart with the structure and process modules of the model SECRETS. The model enables simulation of multiple patches within the ... production (SBCR). The allocation coefficients among these tissues are determined by the relative mass of each tissue at the start of the simulation cycle. We assume proportionality among these tissue

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 14:21

17 359 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Healthcare professionals'''' intentions to use clinical guidelines: a survey using the theory of planned behaviour" doc

báo cáo khoa học: " Healthcare professionals'''' intentions to use clinical guidelines: a survey using the theory of planned behaviour" doc

... [36], and the questionnaire was piloted and refined on the basis of the findings from the pilot tests [33]. These actions con- firmed the content validity of the questionnaire. Similarly, the internal ... organisations, the chief medical officers of which approved the study. The final target study population consisted of 2,252 professionals (61 professionals were excluded because of, for example, ... link to the web pages of the EBMeDS project, approval of the study, and investigator information [33]. Indicators The items in the guideline-based set of questions were designed according to the

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:23

10 290 0
Báo cáo y học: "The effects of long-acting bronchodilators on total mortality in patients with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease" pdf

Báo cáo y học: "The effects of long-acting bronchodilators on total mortality in patients with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease" pdf

... consideration was the differential drop-out rate between the active treatment and the comparator arms of the study. Collectively, the patients in the comparator arm were more likely to drop- out of the trials ... become the 3 rd leading cause of death (accounting for 5 million deaths per year) and the 5 th leading causing of disability world- wide [2]. Expert guidelines recommend the use of long- acting ... tiotropium or salmeterol). Quality of the trials was assessed using the QUOROM guidelines as well as using the Jadad scale [10]. Data Synthesis and Analysis The results were analyzed by intention-to-treat

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 11:21

13 438 0
Báo cáo y học: " Does respiratory health contribute to the effects of long-term air pollution exposure on cardiovascular mortality?" pot

Báo cáo y học: " Does respiratory health contribute to the effects of long-term air pollution exposure on cardiovascular mortality?" pot

... function by using FEV 1 < 80% and FVC < 80% of the predicted value of each parameter. These cut-offs were also used in the re-analysis of the Har- vard Six City Study [5]. To verify that these ... causes at the age of 60 years, was 3.8 to 5.0 times higher than the risk of women without pathological findings of the lung func- tion. The risk ratio at the age of 67 years declined near the null ... applied them to the women living in the rural areas (reference areas). It turned out that the reference equations fitted very well the lung function values of these women, i.e. 5% of these women

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:20

11 338 0
Studying on the actual status of the vegetation cover and the process of natural forest recovery in Vi Xuyen district, Ha Giang province (Nghiên cứu hiện trạng thảm thực vật và quá trình phục hồi rừng tự nhiên ở huyện Vị Xuyên, tỉnh Hà Giang)

Studying on the actual status of the vegetation cover and the process of natural forest recovery in Vi Xuyen district, Ha Giang province (Nghiên cứu hiện trạng thảm thực vật và quá trình phục hồi rừng tự nhiên ở huyện Vị Xuyên, tỉnh Hà Giang)

... make forest quality of serious deterioration. Due to the above reasons, I choose the research thesis "Studying on the actual status of the vegetation cover and the process of natural forest ... Structure of the dissertation The dissertation consists of 127 pages. Apart from the foreword part with 3 pages and two pages of conclusions and recommendations. The main contents of the dissertation ... During the research process of data collection, we use the method of survey routes and standard plots of Hoang Chung (2008) and Nguyen Nghia Thin (2004). * The method of survey routes (SR) The

Ngày tải lên: 19/09/2014, 09:45

27 484 0
the process of import in containers at cong thanh logistics services and trade co., ltd

the process of import in containers at cong thanh logistics services and trade co., ltd

... compulsory mission of the innovation process. During this stage, the economy appeared special changes. The integration into the international market and the expansion THE PROCESS OF IMPORT IN CONTAINERS ... issuing date of the Invoice and Packing List The issuing date of these must follow the signing date of the Sales Contract and predate or coincide with the delivery date The Invoice ... significance of the above matter, our country has increasingly integrated into the world’s economy. Therefore, the Export and Import Operation has become one of the fields of business having the strongest

Ngày tải lên: 24/09/2014, 22:46

41 611 5

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