using http to access xml content

Module 5: Using HTTP to Access XML Data

Module 5: Using HTTP to Access XML Data

... “virtual directory” and “virtual root” both refer to an IIS virtual directory 2 Module 5: Using HTTP to Access XML Data Enabling HTTP Access to SQL Databases Topic Objective To introduce the topics ... database through HTTP Create an XML template to retrieve XML data over HTTP Create a client that uses the HTTP POST method to publish templates to SQL Server 2000 Use HTTP to enable access to database ... learn how to use a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) query to test a virtual directory Module 5: Using HTTP to Access XML Data Publishing SQL Server Data over HTTP Topic Objective Supplier To describe...

Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2013, 13:15

52 339 0
Module 4: Using ADO to Access XML Data

Module 4: Using ADO to Access XML Data

... ADO to transform recordsets into XML and retrieve data in XML format, and also describes the XML- related properties of the SQLOLEDB Provider Module 4: Using ADO to Access XML Data Using ADO to ... 22 Module 4: Using ADO to Access XML Data Using ADO and XML on an ASP-Based Web Site Topic Objective To introduce the topics in this section Lead-in ADO can be used to retrieve XML data for a ... Using ADO to Access XML Data 31 Best Practices Topic Objective To identify best practices for using ADO to retrieve XML data Lead-in Keep in mind the following best practices when using ADO to...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 16:15

38 441 0
Using SEO to achieve your content goals

Using SEO to achieve your content goals

... compelling content #seoforcontent AT #confabmn by @aleyda from @orainti + @tribalytics content relevance is a key SEO RANKING factor http: // ... -to- online-purchase.html #seoforcontent AT #confabmn by @aleyda from @orainti + @tribalytics COMPELLING CONTENT ATTRACTS links, citations, shares #seoforcontent ... #seoforcontent AT #confabmn by @aleyda from @orainti + @tribalytics in the age of the multi-channel customer journey -to- online-purchase.html #seoforcontent...

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2015, 21:19

104 169 0
Module 3: Using ADO.NET to Access Data

Module 3: Using ADO.NET to Access Data

... PURPOSES ONLY Module 3: Using ADO.NET to Access Data Animation: Using ADO.NET to Access Data Topic Objective To provide a high-level overview of how to access data by using ADO.NET Lead-in In ... 3, Using ADO.NET to Access Data” (2063A_03.doc) ! Lab 3, Using ADO.NET to Access Data” (2063A_L03.doc) ! Animation: Using ADO.NET to Access Data” (2063A_03A001.swf) Preparation Tasks To prepare ... PURPOSES ONLY 10 Module 3: Using ADO.NET to Access Data Connecting to a Data Source Topic Objective To describe how to connect to a data source by using ADO.NET Lead-in Connecting to a data source is...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 07:15

56 459 0
Using a DataGrid Control to Access a Database

Using a DataGrid Control to Access a Database

... you make to the rows in the DataGrid: Go ahead and add another button and set the Text property of this button to Update Double-click this button and add the following statement to the button2_Click() ... Make sure all the columns are selected from the Customers table using the Customers box at the top left of the Query Builder Click OK to continue To check the rows returned by this SELECT statement, ... Click the Close button to close the Data Adapter Preview dialog box Next, you need to create a DataSet object You use a DataSet object to a store local copy of the information stored in the database...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 10:15

8 486 0
Tài liệu Module 8: Using XQuery to Link and Query XML Documents ppt

Tài liệu Module 8: Using XQuery to Link and Query XML Documents ppt

... rerun the query vi Module 8: Using XQuery to Link and Query XML Documents (Optional) If you have time, repeat the demonstration, this time using Access a Using Access, open the pubs.mdb file ... emphasize that this is an introduction to an aspect of XML technologies that is going to be very important to XML and to Microsoft NET Use the following strategy to present this module: ! What Is ... Module 8: Using XQuery to Link and Query XML Documents iii Instructor Notes Presentation: 50 Minutes Lab: 20 Minutes This module is designed to provide participants with an introduction to the core...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 16:15

32 624 0
Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article Enabling Seamless Access to Digital Graphical Contents for Visually Impaired Individuals via Semantic-Aware Processing" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article Enabling Seamless Access to Digital Graphical Contents for Visually Impaired Individuals via Semantic-Aware Processing" pdf

... ’02), pp 67–72, Orlando, Fla, USA, March 2002 SmartTouch: http: // http: // http: // releases/2004-06/uomaeo060204.php ... implementation in a prototype system Digital graphical contents range from simple line drawings to complex continuous-tone-scale images By simple line drawings, we refer to binary graphics that ... will be attributed to either a line drawing or a continuoustone-scale image It is relatively easy to convert a line drawing to tactile image (e.g., by simply mapping the lines to tactile lines)...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 06:20

14 315 0
accidental genius using writing to generate your best ideas, insight, and content

accidental genius using writing to generate your best ideas, insight, and content

... Fascination Factor” is a favorite of mine When people want to write a book, they often look to the marketplace first That approach leads to a boring me-too book Instead, they should look to the things ... to cull the crunchy details from Iron Man and paste them into some A to B form To Stella and Susan, that worked But to Michael and Floyd, it didn’t How can I use good details (there are few to ... teachers To Elbow, freewriting was an all-purpose tool that was a spigot to the deepest part of the mind It helped you generate words and ideas; write essays, poems, and stories; and access an...

Ngày tải lên: 19/07/2014, 06:19

207 579 2


... Equitable Access to Cataract Surgery in Rural Southern China: Using Willingness to Pay Data to Assess the Feasibility of a Tiered Pricing Model to Subsidize Surgeries to the Poorest Aim: To assess ... and used to predict the impact of the model on the equity of access to cataract surgery 1.1 Objective To determine whether access to cataract surgery is equitable in this population using willingness ... designed to evaluate whether access to cataract surgery is equitable in the Guangdong Province of the People's Republic of China (PRC) and to explore the feasibility of using a tiered pricing model to...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2015, 16:20

206 295 0
AN1243   low latency driver to access external EEPROM using PIC18 family devices

AN1243 low latency driver to access external EEPROM using PIC18 family devices

... are open-drain terminals, they require pull-up resistors to VCC (typically, 10 kΩ for 100 kHz and kΩ for 400 kHz and MHz) The WP pin is tied to ground as the write-protect feature is not used ... must be called before each read/write to ensure that the driver is free It must be called after every read to ensure that the data has been successfully copied to the user’s space API, EE_Task(), ... runs through different states to get the SPI/I2C EEPROM read/write done using the low-level SPI/I2C driver • SPI Driver The SPI driver chops the EEPROM writes into page sizes The driver waits...

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2016, 17:02

18 87 0
Optimal cost and allocation for UPFC using HRGAPSO to improve power system security and loadability

Optimal cost and allocation for UPFC using HRGAPSO to improve power system security and loadability

... large constant positive constant M is selected to convert the MLL into a maximum one The coefficient a1 to a3 are optimized by trial and error to 0.237 , 0.315 and 0.448 respectively 3.5 Problem ... The term vi is limited to its bounds If the velocity violates this limit, it is set to its proper limit w is the inertia weight factor and in general, it is set according to the following equation: ... The objective of this section is to give a power flow model for a power system with a UPFC device Modified Newton-Raphson algorithm as described in [5] is used to solve the power flow equations...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 15:28

16 548 0
Using Expectations to Improve Learning

Using Expectations to Improve Learning

... time, work together to exceed those expectations Students will live up, or down, to your expectations Encourage your students to set high expectations of themselves, then challenge them to exceed ... your administration expects a certain percentage on a test or has a goal to reduce absenteeism, work together with the class to exceed those expectations Whatever expectations your students or their ... our expectations Some expectations will be easy to exceed if students not expect to learn anything, for example Work as a team with your class to exceed expectations If your administration expects...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10

2 304 0
Using Games to Promote Communicative Skills in Language Learning

Using Games to Promote Communicative Skills in Language Learning

... Man, etc) After listening to the entire excerpt, competitors correctly identify the title of the story from a provided list The recorded stories are all classical bedtime stories for young children ... Competitors revealed that they felt less afraid of using their English during game play I also observed that they were more willing to ask questions and think creatively about how to use English to ... translated into most of the major languages worldwide Students should be familiar with those stories This game focuses on gist-listening skills Students only need to catch the key terms to figure...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10

4 859 3
Using participles to join sentences (Exercise with key)

Using participles to join sentences (Exercise with key)

... murderer was still at large, I was 26 Having stolen the silver, he looked 27 Soaked to the skin, we reached 28 Sitting/Seated in the front row, and using I saw 29 sitting by the fire, you ... his cage door open and seeing no sign of his keeper, left 34 The government, trying to tax people according to the size of their houses, once put a tax 35 Having heard that the caves were dangerous, ... Becoming tired of my complaints, she turned it off Finding/having found no one at home, he left Hoping to find the will, she searched Having removed all traces of his crime, he left Realizing that he...

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2013, 21:10

2 10K 54
Using LINQ to DataSet

Using LINQ to DataSet

... aren’t able to first reduce the number of ADO.NET-managed rows, you might wish to consider alternatives to LINQ to DataSet LINQ to Entities, discussed in Chapter 19, Using LINQ to Entities,” ... DataTable instances You must link tables together using LINQ’s standard Join operator or use the Where clause to create an implicit join 306 Chapter 18  Using LINQ to DataSet 307 C# // - Explicit ... Writing Queries with LINQ to DataSet With the exception of the new enumerated methods specific to LINQ to DataSet, using ADO.NET DataTable objects in LINQ queries is identical to using standard collection...

Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2013, 00:20

10 561 0
Using LINQ to Entities

Using LINQ to Entities

... logic directly to the database within a custom function and using the preceding steps to enable LINQ to call the custom functionality 326 Microsoft ADO.NET Step by Step Calling Custom Database ... Where cu.ID = ord.Customer Select CustomerID = cu.ID, CustomerName = cu.FullName, OrderID = ord.ID, OrderDate = ord.OrderDate, OrderTotal = ord.Total, ord.StatusCode Order By CustomerName, OrderID ... select the Include One Customer By ID option, enter in the Customer ID field and then click View Chapter 19  Using LINQ to Entities 321 The grid displays content from the Customer and OrderEntries...

Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2013, 00:20

16 840 0
Using LINQ to SQL

Using LINQ to SQL

... underlying tables make it a useful tool for applications that need easy access to a specific SQL Server database Comparing LINQ to SQL with LINQ to Entities The LINQ to SQL provider first appeared ... LINQ to SQL Chapter 20  Using LINQ to SQL 333 Using LINQ to SQL, especially when building models with its visual designer, is straightforward and often much quicker than setting up a LINQ to Entities ... Components of LINQ to SQL The focus of an Entity Framework model is the XML- based definition of the three different layers: conceptual, storage, and mapping While LINQ to SQL can use an XML definition...

Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2013, 00:20

13 594 0
Module 9: Using Dfs to Share File Resources

Module 9: Using Dfs to Share File Resources

... Nodes Fault-Tolerant Dfs Root Fault-Tolerant Dfs Root ? Stores the Dfs Topology in Active ? Stores the Dfs Topology in Active Directory Directory ? Continues to Function When a ? Continues to Function ... how to gain access to file resources through Dfs Using an example, describe how the universal naming convention (UNC) syntax is used to gain access to file resources ?? Setting Up a Fault-Tolerant ... Server Hosting Dfs Root To describe how to gain access to file resources through Dfs Lead-in You gain access to file resources through Dfs in the same way that you gain access to other shared folders...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 23:15

36 356 0
Accessing SQL Server Using HTTP

Accessing SQL Server Using HTTP

... the XML To run the Customers .xml file, point your browser to the following URL: http: //localhost/Northwind/Templates/Customers .xml Figure 16.15 shows the result of running the Customers .xml file ... any XML generated by SQL Server Listing 16.14 shows an XML file named CustomersUsingStylesheet .xml, which uses the CustomersStylesheet.xsl file CustomersUsingStylesheet .xml retrieves the top ... assigned to the database user You could also allow access to the database using only stored procedures; you'll see how to run a stored procedure using a URL in the next section Running Stored Procedures...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 19:15

13 303 0