unidirectional and one dimensional flow and heat transfer problems

Effect of periodic suction on three dimensional flow and heat transfer past a vertical porous plate embedded in a porous medium

Effect of periodic suction on three dimensional flow and heat transfer past a vertical porous plate embedded in a porous medium

... Mass transfer effects on MHD flow and heat transfer past a vertical porous plate through a porous medium under oscillatory suction and heat source Int J Heat Mass Transfer 2009, 52, 5962-5969 ... -6.4648 4.4 Rate of heat transfer The rate of heat transfer at the wall i.e the heat flux in terms of Nusselt number Nu for different values of α and Kp are entered in Table The heat flux at the ... velocity and temperature of the flow field and also on skin friction and the rate of heat transfer at the wall The effect of growing permeability parameter is to accelerate the velocity of the flow...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 14:58

12 494 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article Variable Viscosity on Magnetohydrodynamic Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer over an Unsteady Stretching Surface with Hall Effect" pot

báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article Variable Viscosity on Magnetohydrodynamic Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer over an Unsteady Stretching Surface with Hall Effect" pot

... variable surface heat flux Chen and Char presented an exact solution of heat transfer for a stretching surface with variable heat flux P S Gupta and A S Gupta examined the heat and mass transfer for ... R Tsai, K H Huang, and J S Huang, Flow and heat transfer over an unsteady stretching surface with non-uniform heat source,” International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, vol 35, no ... suction and blowing Elbashbeshy and Bazid studied heat and mass transfer over an unsteady stretching surface with internal heat generation Abd El-Aziz analyzed the effect of radiation on heat and...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 11:20

20 334 0
Manipulation of turbulent flow for drag reduction and heat transfer enhancement 1

Manipulation of turbulent flow for drag reduction and heat transfer enhancement 1

... 1998; Quadrio and Ricco, 2004; Ricco and Wu, 2004; Xu and Huang, 2005; Ricco and Quadrio, 2008; Yudhistira and Skote, 2011) have been done on this topic to examine the performance and possible ... Modified dimples Heat transfer efficiency measured in terms of area and volume goodness factors (see Shah and London, 1978) is affected by both heat transfer rate and pressure loss Though ... Chapter Heat transfer over protrusions 186 5.1 Configuration of protrusions 186 5.2 Results and Discussion 189 5.2.1 5.2.2 Distribution of local drag and heat transfer...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:10

72 281 0
Manipulation of turbulent flow for drag reduction and heat transfer enhancement 2

Manipulation of turbulent flow for drag reduction and heat transfer enhancement 2

... Prandtl number, Aw is the heat transfer surface area, Q is the flow rate, and L is the length of channel No slip boundary condition (2.13) for velocity and constant heat flux boundary condition ... area/volume goodness factor means smaller heat transfer surface area/volume under a given pumping power and fluid, resulting in a smaller and lighter heat exchanger matrix 53 2.3 2.3.1 Numerical ... calculated friction and heat transfer coefficients As such, three different domain sizes are tested and their results are listed in Table 2.4 It is observed that the variances of the friction and Nusselt...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:11

24 232 0
Manipulation of turbulent flow for drag reduction and heat transfer enhancement 3

Manipulation of turbulent flow for drag reduction and heat transfer enhancement 3

... predicted velocity and random components, see Eq 5.3 The velocity fluctuations and mean spanwise and vertical velocities w and v tend towards 10−9 value during the development of the flow, and finally the ... Considering the non-slip and periodic boundary conditions applied at the walls and in z-direction, respectively, the laminar channel flow is 2dimensional (uniform in x-direction) and steady (time-independent) ... walls and with single corrugated wall (i.e velocity and flux) can be derived by perturbation method (see details in Appendix A and B) The flow rate for channel with both corrugated walls in the one...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:11

72 333 0
Manipulation of turbulent flow for drag reduction and heat transfer enhancement 4

Manipulation of turbulent flow for drag reduction and heat transfer enhancement 4

... dimple, which may be the cause of the enhancement of heat transfer 4.4.2 Mean characteristics of drag and heat transfer Since Case has higher heat transfer characteristics than Case 2, we shall examine ... dimple Heat transfer rate and friction of symmetric dimple are studied before asymmetric dimple is investigated in symmetric dimple A fair bit of work has been done Summary of the results on heat transfer ... (2.25) and (2.26) All these factor ratios are calculated in order to quantitatively assess the performances such as the pressure loss Cf /Cf and heat transfer capacity N u/N u0 for different heat transfer...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:11

44 238 0
Manipulation of turbulent flow for drag reduction and heat transfer enhancement 5

Manipulation of turbulent flow for drag reduction and heat transfer enhancement 5

... features In this section, heat transfer and flow structure over protrusions with different height ratios (h/D = 5%, 10%,15%, 20%, 25%) are presented and discussed 5.2.1 Hydrodynamic and thermal performance ... surface area of the heat exchanger is still similar 5.2.2 Distribution of local drag and heat transfer rate The distributions of local average friction factor Cf (comprising the components of time ... vorticity and streamlines on each Z-Y plane, it is thought expedient to introduce and demarcate the different zones of the Z-Y plane, which are given as follows: Zone I with 1.25 ≤ Z ≤ 3.75 and 6.25...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:11

23 188 0
A generalised lattice boltzmann model of fluid flow and heat transfer with porous media

A generalised lattice boltzmann model of fluid flow and heat transfer with porous media

... presented for simulating two dimensional flow and heat- transfer in porous media The drag effect of the porous medium is accounted by an additional force term To deal with the heat transfer, a temperature ... electronic and transportation cooling, drying process, porous bearing, solar collectors, heat pipes, nuclear reactors, and crude oil extraction, the characteristics of fluid flow and heat transfer ... computational methods have been presented to solve the problems of fluid flow and heat transfer in porous media Most conventional simulations use the standard approaches based on the discretizations...

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 12:42

135 446 0
Granular flow and heat transfer in a screw conveyor heater  a discrete element modeling study

Granular flow and heat transfer in a screw conveyor heater a discrete element modeling study

... (Chaudhuri et al., 2006) Double-cone blender 3D DEM Flow and heat transfer (Chaudhuri et al., 2006) Hopper 2D DEM Flow study (Cleary and Sawley, 2002) 2D CFD-DEM Flow and heat transfer study (Kruggel-Emden ... simulate the flow and heat transfer non-Newtonian fluid through a single screw extruder (Gopalkrishna and Jaluria, 1992) Screw extruder 3D DEM Flow and heat transfer study; (Moysey and Flood feeding ... Table 1.4 Study of granular flow and heat transfer in screw conveyors Configuration Method Details Reference Screw extruder Experimental and theoretical model Flow and heat transfer study; Developed...

Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2015, 17:14

144 487 0
Granular flow and heat transfer in a screw conveyor heater a discrete element modeling study

Granular flow and heat transfer in a screw conveyor heater a discrete element modeling study

... (Chaudhuri et al., 2006) Double-cone blender 3D DEM Flow and heat transfer (Chaudhuri et al., 2006) Hopper 2D DEM Flow study (Cleary and Sawley, 2002) 2D CFD-DEM Flow and heat transfer study (Kruggel-Emden ... simulate the flow and heat transfer non-Newtonian fluid through a single screw extruder (Gopalkrishna and Jaluria, 1992) Screw extruder 3D DEM Flow and heat transfer study; (Moysey and Flood feeding ... Table 1.4 Study of granular flow and heat transfer in screw conveyors Configuration Method Details Reference Screw extruder Experimental and theoretical model Flow and heat transfer study; Developed...

Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2015, 10:10

144 652 0
Numerical computation of the fluid flow and heat transfer between the annuli of concentric and eccentric horizontal cylinders

Numerical computation of the fluid flow and heat transfer between the annuli of concentric and eccentric horizontal cylinders

... the flow patterns were categorized into three types, and characteristics of flow patterns and heat transfer are elucidated For the flows in horizontal eccentric annulus, the flow and the heat transfer ... which experimental and numerical study were performed to determine velocity and temperature distributions and local heat transfer coefficients for convective flows of air and water within a horizontal ... oscillatory multicellular flow occurred 1.3 Objectives and Scope The effects of the rotation of the outer cylinder on the flow and the heat transfer, in concentric configuration and eccentric configuration,...

Ngày tải lên: 27/11/2015, 11:12

173 384 0
engineering thermofluids thermodynamics fluid mechanics and heat transfer

engineering thermofluids thermodynamics fluid mechanics and heat transfer

... Viscous Flow IIIb Heat Transfer (IV) Compressible Viscous Flow IIIc Conduction Convection IVa Radiation IVb & IVc Two-Phase Flow & Heat Transfer (V) Two-phase Heat Transfer Two-Phase Flow Pressure ... Introduction, Thermodynamics, Single-Phase Flow, Single-Phase Heat Transfer, Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer, Applications of Thermofluids in Engineering, and the supplemental chapter on Engineering ... 592 Problems 592 V Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer 601 Va Two-Phase Flow Fundamentals 601 Definition of Two-Phase Flow Terms 601 Two-Phase Flow Relation...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 15:51

1,1K 495 0
hydrodynamics, mass, and heat transfer in chemical engineering, crc (2002) - opet

hydrodynamics, mass, and heat transfer in chemical engineering, crc (2002) - opet

... Mass and Heat Transfer in Liquid Films Tubes and Boundary Layers 3.1 Convective Mass and Heat Transfer Equations and Boundary Conditions 3.1-1 Mass Transfer Equation Laminar Flows ... Fluxes and the Sherwood Number 3.1.6 Heat Transfer The Equation and Boundary Conditions 3.1-7 Some Methods of Theory of Mass and Heat Transfer 3.1-8 Mass and Heat ... through tubes and channels of various shapes, and flow past plates, cylinders, and disks are examined In Chapters and we analyze mass and heat transfer in plane channels, tubes, and fluid films...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 15:52

406 354 0
mass and heat transfer analysis of mass contactors and heat exchangers (cambridge series in chemical engineering)

mass and heat transfer analysis of mass contactors and heat exchangers (cambridge series in chemical engineering)

... mass and heat transfer based on the relationship between experimental data and model Using these model equations, teach students to design and interpret laboratory experiments in mass and heat transfer ... transfer and then to effectively translate this knowledge to the operation and design of mass and heat transfer equipment Develop the students’ molecular understanding of the mechanisms of mass and heat ... mass and heat transfer phenomena in fluids and the associated equipment based on a simple fluid mechanical model of the devices r Treat mass transfer on an equal level with heat transfer, and, ...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 15:52

405 3,2K 0
introduction to thermal systems engineering thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer

introduction to thermal systems engineering thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer

... open and mutually supportive, and have shared common goals Concepts were honed and issues resolved in weekly telephone conferences, countless e-mail exchanges, and frequent one- to -one telephone ... Compressible Flow (CD-ROM) 286 One- dimensional Steady Flow in Nozzles and Diffusers (CD-ROM) 286 Flow in Nozzles and Diffusers of Ideal Gases with Constant Specific Heats (CD-ROM) 286 Chapter Summary and ... Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer (4ed, 2002) and Introduction to Heat Transfer (5ed, Wiley, 2002), and includes a number of features that will enhance your study of heat transfer However,...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 16:45

801 1,2K 0
Evaporation Condensation and Heat transfer Part 1 docx

Evaporation Condensation and Heat transfer Part 1 docx

... includes 25 advanced and revised contributions, and it covers mainly (1) evaporation and boiling, (2) condensation and cooling, (3) heat transfer and exchanger, and (4) fluid and flow The first section ... Nocera and A Galesi Contents Chapter 18 Turbulent Heat Transfer in Drag-Reducing Channel Flow of Viscoelastic Fluid 375 Takahiro Tsukahara and Yasuo Kawaguchi Chapter 19 Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer ... Calogine and T Soubdhan Chapter 12 Heat Transfer in the Transitional Flow Regime JP Meyer and JA Olivier Chapter 13 Numerical Modeling of Cross -Flow Tube Heat Exchangers with Complex Flow Arrangements...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 12:20

40 403 0
Evaporation Condensation and Heat transfer Part 2 docx

Evaporation Condensation and Heat transfer Part 2 docx

... at 60 °C, flowing at 0.2 m/s From this image it is clear that the transition from one mode to another is not sharp: on the one hand, the bubble 58 Evaporation, Condensation and Heat Transfer density ... nucleate boiling [NB], and convective heat transfer [CONV] with significantly varying heat transfer coefficients αFB (100 to 250 kW m-2 K-1); αNB (10 to 20 kW m-2 K-1), and αCONV (ca 700 W m-2 ... B and C-stage cooling which are currently designated as film boiling, nucleate boiling and convective cooling, based on the cooling time-temperature and 50 Evaporation, Condensation and Heat Transfer...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 12:20

40 330 0
Evaporation Condensation and Heat transfer Part 3 docx

Evaporation Condensation and Heat transfer Part 3 docx

... M., and Quershi Z H.(February 2000) The onset of flow instability in uniformly heated horizontal microchannels Journal of Heat Transfer, 122:118–125 Qu W., Mudawar I (2003) Flow boiling heat transfer ... Phase Flow Experimental Study Inside a Microchannel: Influence of Gravity Level on Local Boiling Heat Transfer 75 State of the art One of flow boiling characteristics is the high value of heat transfer ... spectrum of data for flow boiling heat transfer in vertical and horizontal channels: Fig 12 Convective boiling heat transfer coefficient variation with quality level x (here χv) for Kandlikar’s correlation...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 12:20

40 328 1