understanding microstructural changes in biopolymers using light and electron microscopy

The effect of using light and darkness expressions in symbolism in english literature

The effect of using light and darkness expressions in symbolism in english literature

... is lit and held in the hand to give light 1.2.2 Adjectives used in expressions indicating Light: -blazing: burning brightly and fiercely/ shining brightly -bright: full of light/ shining strongly/ ... now, in all that brilliant light? (Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist) -dazzling: confusingly bright -flaming: glowing brightly -flashing: shining suddenly -glaring: shining oppressively -glistening: ... Tess and Angel are hiding in Stonehenge and its at night and in the early morning = 35= The expressions describing light are: the growing light , glistening , the light was strong, and a...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 12:59

49 481 0
Tài liệu Changes in Windows Server 2008 and Group Policy Architecture ppt

Tài liệu Changes in Windows Server 2008 and Group Policy Architecture ppt

... in operation; and easier to manage, maintain, and troubleshoot Is Group Policy now perfect? I'll withhold even thinking of using language like that until we see "undo" and "search" commands in ... of the seminars "Implementing and Maintaining Microsoft Windows Vista," "Migrating to Windows Vista," and "Deploying Group Policy." He also consults through his Colorado-based company Independent ... GPOE and look for the settings contained in that ADMX file They will have disappeared Finally, reinstate the ADMX file into its rightful location, and run the GPOE again You will see the settings...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 14:15

11 576 0
Tài liệu Changes in Business Cycles: Evidence and Explanations ppt

Tài liệu Changes in Business Cycles: Evidence and Explanations ppt

... genuinely aiming at price stability and attempting to restrain aggregate demand starting in 1955 It simply missed its target for a while because of outdated operating procedures and a misunderstanding ... expansions and inadequate restraint in the face of high growth and rising in ation is a topic of some debate De Long (1997) stresses historical accidents and a lingering fear of recession stemming from ... These findings about changes in the frequency and severity of recessions both reinforce and illuminate the findings on annual volatility The fact that recessions have become less frequent and slightly...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 21:20

22 566 1
Báo cáo " Community based coastal resources management behind changes in surface water environment and land policy: A case study in the Tam Giang Lagoon, Central Vietnam " ppt

Báo cáo " Community based coastal resources management behind changes in surface water environment and land policy: A case study in the Tam Giang Lagoon, Central Vietnam " ppt

... aquaculture, help each other when having disasters, diseases, and financial difficulty, and (iii) resolving conflicts in fishing grounds and about resources among individuals and/ or household members However, ... Re-inventing power and politics in coastal communities: community based and coastal resource management in the Philippines Marine Affairs Program, Dalhousie University, Canada McCay, B.J and ... marine and farm products between Vietnam and countries across the world, have been fueling the rapid changes in rural society of Vietnam, especially in the field of natural resources use and...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 15:20

11 531 0
Comparision metal analysis in sediments using EDXRF and ICP OES with the HCl and tessie extraction metho

Comparision metal analysis in sediments using EDXRF and ICP OES with the HCl and tessie extraction metho

... 57 S and 53◦ 26 38 W 2.2 Materials and methods The plastic (polyethylene) and porcelain utensils and glassware, used in the collections, storage and analytical determinations were kept in 20% ... C and 10−1 mmHg pressure, ground with a porcelain pestle and mortar with the help of a pistil, both in porcelain, immediately after being dried and sieved in a mm nylon sieve The samples obtained ... concentration (B) Ni (ᮀ) and Cu (᭺) areas and Ni (᭿) and Cu (᭹) concentration (C) Fe (ᮀ) and Co (᭺) areas and Fe (᭿) and Co (᭹) concentration 3.1 Potentially available metals using HCl method and ICP-OES...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:22

10 1,1K 0
Advanced Modelling in Finance using Excel and VBA pot

Advanced Modelling in Finance using Excel and VBA pot

... A Guide to Instruments and Applications Janet Tavakoli Implementing Derivatives Models Les Clewlow and Chris Strickland Interest-Rate Option Models: Understanding, Analysing and Using Models ... become the norm in the remaining chapters, Solver is used both in the spreadsheet Advanced Modelling in Finance and automated in a VBA macro By using the array functions in Excel and VBA, we detail ... Advanced Modelling in Finance using Excel and VBA Wiley Finance Series Operational Risk: Measurement and Modelling Jack King Advance Credit Risk Analysis: Financial Approaches and Mathematical...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 04:20

278 1K 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Evaluation of changes in the landscape management and its influence on animal migration in the vicinity of the D1 motorway in Central Bohemia" ppsx

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Evaluation of changes in the landscape management and its influence on animal migration in the vicinity of the D1 motorway in Central Bohemia" ppsx

... Methodology Using GPS and a GIS application, the project involves mapping both the landscape permeability regarding migration and landscape structure changes in an area influenced by a linear construction ... combination help to explain the existence of diverse landscapes? Fenina, 178: 55–80 Wrbka T (1998): Landscape structure as indicators for sustainable land use? A case study in alpine and lowland ... pressure influencing the landscape structures in the vicinity of the linear construction in the form of a motorway, and especially due to the accompanying structures of linear or polygon character and...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 10:21

9 353 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Changes in foliar nutrient content and resorption in Fraxinus" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Changes in foliar nutrient content and resorption in Fraxinus" docx

... occurred in flooded and unflooded stands and varied with the species (figure 2) Nutrient resorption was 40 and 70 % for N, P and K in the three test species and lower for Ca and Mg (0-45 %), Ca showing ... site than in the flooded one in Fraxinus and Ca was more resorbed in Clematis in the flooded site than in the unflooded one suppression of floods leads to a reduction in soluble phosphorus input, ... sites both behind and in front of the dykes We measured up to 17 mg·L N-NO in groundwater after -1 a flood when water is infiltrating [33] and 29 mg·L N-1 NO in the soil solution of a sandy-silty...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 14:21

10 327 0
Báo cáo y học: "Changes in Two Point Discrimination and the law of mobility in Diabetes Mellitus patients" pps

Báo cáo y học: "Changes in Two Point Discrimination and the law of mobility in Diabetes Mellitus patients" pps

... 1985, 72:1-6 Bell-Krotoski JS, Weinstein S, Weinstein C: Testing sensibility, including touch-pressure, two point discrimination, point localization and vibration J Hand Ther 1993, 6:114 Dellon AL: ... all data in the study VBN carried out the clinical studies and participated in drafting the manuscript Both MM and PR conceived of the study and participated in its design and coordination All ... was undertaken in the nineteenth century by Vierodt [6] and Weber [7] Weber introduced the point localization test and the accompanying measures, two-point discrimination (TPD) and localization...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:20

6 500 0
Báo cáo y học: "Excitability changes in the sciatic nerve and triceps surae muscle after spinal cord injury in mice." docx

Báo cáo y học: "Excitability changes in the sciatic nerve and triceps surae muscle after spinal cord injury in mice." docx

... design, analyze and perform the experiments and wrote the paper RF assisted in data analysis and revising the manuscript AW assisted in interpreting the data and in writing and revising the manuscript ... generated by delivering stimuli (1 ms duration), which were increased in steps (in Volts) starting from 0.05, and then increasing from 0.1, to 1.0, and from to 10, in 0.1 V and V increments, respectively ... human spinal cord injury Brain 2002, 125:1150-1161 14 Jankowska E, Hammar I: Spinal interneurones; how can studies in animals contribute to the understanding of spinal interneuronal systems in man?...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:20

11 265 0
Báo cáo y học: "Time-dependent changes in pulmonary surfactant function and composition in acute respiratory distress syndrome due to pneumonia or aspiration" pot

Báo cáo y học: "Time-dependent changes in pulmonary surfactant function and composition in acute respiratory distress syndrome due to pneumonia or aspiration" pot

... resuspended in saline solution, counted and subjected to a cyto spin maneuver [27] Staining was performed according to the Papenheim method (2 in Table 1: Clinical and basic BALF data and cell counts§ ... May-Grünwald solution, followed by 10 in Giemsa solution and final rinsing with water) tension values (T0, T1 and T2) were only measured in six patients Lipid and protein analysis Lipids were extracted ... SP-C and human recombinant SP-C as standard SP-D was measured using a sandwich ELISA with two monoclonal antibodies (IE11, VIF11-Biotin, Bachem, Heidelberg, Germany) and human SP-D as standard,...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:21

11 273 0
Báo cáo y học: "Effects of short-term glucocorticoid treatment on changes in cartilage matrix degradation and chondrocyte gene expression induced by mechanical injury and inflammatory cytokines" doc

Báo cáo y học: "Effects of short-term glucocorticoid treatment on changes in cartilage matrix degradation and chondrocyte gene expression induced by mechanical injury and inflammatory cytokines" doc

... Traumatic joint injury in young adults greatly increases the risk of developing OA [1,2] and post-traumatic OA remains a major clinical and societal problem Treatments following joint trauma initially ... in explants subjected to mechanical injury and inflammatory cytokine challenge In one series of experiments using bovine and human cartilage, DEX was added immediately at the time of injury and ... sulfate incorporation and nitrite accumulation in cytokine-treated and mechanically-injured bovine and human cartilage, as well as the effect of CMK on GAG loss in bovine cartilage, a general linear...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 18:20

15 290 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Universal changes in biomarkers of coagulation and inflammation occur in patients with severe sepsis, regardless of causative micro-organism [ISRCTN74215569]" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "Universal changes in biomarkers of coagulation and inflammation occur in patients with severe sepsis, regardless of causative micro-organism [ISRCTN74215569]" doc

... thrombin– antithrombin complex (TAT), plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI)-1, thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI), α2antiplasmin (α2-AP), plasminogen, and soluble thrombomodulin ... α2-antiplasmin; APTT, activated partial thromboplastin time; AT, antithrombin; F1.2, prothrombin fragment 1.2; IL, interleukin; PAI, plasminogen activator inhibitor; PT, prothrombin time; TAFI, thrombin-activatable ... of the biomarkers in the study and participated in writing the manuscript; P Laterre collected data and reviewed the manuscript; and JF Dhainaut was involved in the design and execution of the...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 20:20

9 263 0
Probing heat transport in nanowires using a focused electron beam heating technique

Probing heat transport in nanowires using a focused electron beam heating technique

... Raman thermography, and the thermal bridge method Chapter introduces the electron beam heating technique, starting with the working principle Electron beam – sample interaction and its impact on ... exponentially as the dose increases, and only 4% point defects could reduce the thermal conductivity by ~70%, indicating a strong phonon scattering effect by point defects Finally, the annealing effect on ... determining the interface position in experiments 54 Figure 3.7: Excitation and De-excitation process of electrons111 The energylevel diagram of a solid includes K- and L-shell core levels and...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:27

187 341 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Cold- and light-induced changes in the transcriptome of wheat leading to phase transition from vegetative to reproductive growth" pot

báo cáo khoa học: " Cold- and light-induced changes in the transcriptome of wheat leading to phase transition from vegetative to reproductive growth" pot

... occur during the winter in a northern climate – a gradual decline in temperature, day-length and light intensity In most previous studies, unnaturally high light intensities have been maintained ... expressed in spring varieties: it remained low and unchanging in both tissues, however Thus, TaAGL42 might not be involved in phase transition at all A clue that instead it might be involved in cold ... relationship to each other in circadian cycling In crown tissue, transcript of TaLHY increased in abundance and then declined; conversely, that of TaTOC1 declined and later increased The profile for...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 03:20

14 351 0
Understanding interaction of visual and verbal grammar in comics using systemic functional linguistics

Understanding interaction of visual and verbal grammar in comics using systemic functional linguistics

... comics and single-panel cartoons within any single definition of comics’ Adopting a Wittgenstein approach to definitions (in which Wittgenstein considered the definition of games3), Varnum and Gibbons ... study of comics and highlight the main elements studied in this thesis In Chapters 4, 5, and 7, I will present my analysis and findings for each of the four main analytical areas and Chapter will ... McCloud, comic artist and author of Understanding Comics (1993: 20) defined comics as ‘juxtaposed pictorial and other images in deliberate sequence, intended to convey information and/ or to produce...

Ngày tải lên: 13/10/2015, 15:55

181 440 0
Characteristics of Leachate from Citrus Groves and their Changes in the Collecting Reservoirs in Matsuyama, Japan

Characteristics of Leachate from Citrus Groves and their Changes in the Collecting Reservoirs in Matsuyama, Japan

... grove from points Sampling points St.1 and St.2 are in the same stream, and sampling point St.3 is in the other stream The two streams flow together to be one stream and the sampling point St.4 is ... and periphery of the Seto Inland Sea The location of the research area and the distribution of the citrus groves in Matsuyama region are shown in Fig Matsuyama is situated in Shikoku Island in ... under dark condition, and the temperature was maintained constant between 10°C and 30°C RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Materials runoff characteristics and variation in the reservoir Fig indicates time courses...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:17

10 717 0
Tài liệu Using Simulink and Stateflow in Automotive Applicationsl doc

Tài liệu Using Simulink and Stateflow in Automotive Applicationsl doc

... investigating ride and handling characteristics In conjunction with a powertrain simulation, the model could investigate longitudinal shuffle resulting from changes in throttle setting Analysis and ... pp 332-340 R W Weeks and J J Moskwa, "Automotive Engine Modeling for Real-Time Control Using Matlab/Simulink," 1995 SAE Intl Cong paper 950417 USING S IMULINK AND S TATEFLOW IN A UTOMOTIVE A PPLICATIONS ... assigning USING S IMULINK AND S TATEFLOW IN A UTOMOTIVE A PPLICATIONS 41 individual values for K, Ac and, in one case, β, each of the four cylinders exhibit distinctive transient responses In relationship...

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 11:15

93 677 4
Tài liệu Adding, Updating, and Deleting Related Rows In this section, you''''ll learn how to make changes in docx

Tài liệu Adding, Updating, and Deleting Related Rows In this section, you''''ll learn how to make changes in docx

... Orders"; // create a SqlCommand object to hold the INSERT SqlCommand ordersInsertCommand = mySqlConnection.CreateCommand(); ordersInsertCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Orders (" + " CustomerID, ... customersDA.SelectCommand = customersSelectCommand; customersDA.InsertCommand = customersInsertCommand; customersDA.UpdateCommand = customersUpdateCommand; customersDA.DeleteCommand = customersDeleteCommand; ... the changes to the database shortly in the section "Pushing Changes in customersDT and ordersDT to the Database." The ModifyingRelatedData.cs program performs the previous code in the Main()...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 01:17

10 409 0
Using dialogue and drama activities in teaching speaking skill to the 11th form students at nghen high scholl in ha tinh province

Using dialogue and drama activities in teaching speaking skill to the 11th form students at nghen high scholl in ha tinh province

... Discussion and Major Findings which results from the survey of the situation of learning and teaching English Speaking and using Dialogue and Drama at Nghen High School in Ha Tinh province Chapter ... Spending two months on training teaching, the author had a chance to find out the real state of learning English speaking at Nghen high school in particular and in Ha Tinh province in general During ... thesis Handout A Go around interviewing your classmates to find someone who Likes Swimming Fishing Stamp-collecting Mountain-climbing Playing computer games Reading books Watching TV Chatting with...

Ngày tải lên: 27/12/2013, 20:26

70 906 3