... leads to cancer. Activity 4 Evaluating Claims About Cancer Scientists use systematic and rigorous criteria to evaluate claims about factors associated with cancer. Consumers can evaluate ... ã analyze assessment data to guide teaching. Annotations provide answers to questions that can help teachers analyze student feedback. The annotations also suggest ways for teachers to change ... remain unconvinced about the power of preven tion as a defense against cancer. Part of the reason may be that the only data we have about factors related to cancer are drawn from whole popula...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 00:20
... concepts. You already do know that functions are a way to organize a program, that every program has a main() function, and what a function looks like. However, I have to admit that I can't fully ... variables While variable names themselves have no special meaning to the compiler, descriptive variable names can make a program much easier for humans to read and hence easier to understand. at is a big ... memory and manipulate them using math operators and mathematical functions. is is great when your application deal with numbers (e.g. a calculator). But what if your application is, say, a music...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 22:20
under a green sky - global warming, the mass extinctions of the past, and what they can tell us about our future
... rivers, streams, and creeks with their attendant ponds, swamps, and small lakes that made up the area. This now-ancient place must have been alive with animals, big and small, and the sheer ... years awaiting disinterment, had changed. Perhaps rivers had dried up, and the subsequent traps for bones disap- peared as well. But perhaps the animals themselves gradually became r are, as ... 2006, a team from Ohio State Uni versity announced (at a scientific conference, not in print) that a large structure far beneath Antarctic ice was probably “the” Permian crater—but this was really...
Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 01:22
Báo cáo sinh học: " Research Article Estimation of Sound Source Number and Directions under a Multisource Reverberant Environment" doc
... location and signal param- eter estimation,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propaga- tion, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 276–280, 1986. [9] M. Wax, T. Shan, and T. Kailath, “Spatio-Temporal spectral analysis ... 2007. [15] A. P. Badali, J. M. Valin, and P. Aarabi, “Evaluating real- time audio localization agorithms for artificial audition on mobile robots,” in Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference ... time delay values, Walworth and Mahajan [12] proposed a linear equa- tion formulation for the estimation of the three-dimensional (3D) position of a wave source. Later, Valin et al. [13]gave a simple...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 16:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Electroelastic Wave Scattering in a Cracked Dielectric Polymer under a Uniform Electric Field" doc
... 0 a ≤ x<∞ , 4.70 12 Boundary Value Problems where a a α, A 1a α, A 2a α,anda a α are unknown functions. The displacements and stresses are obtained as u xa 2 π ∞ 0 A 1a α e −γ 1 α y − ... release rate. It is found that the dynamic stress intensity factor and dynamic energy release rate tend to increase with frequency reaching a peak and then decrease in magnitude. These peaks ... a Griffith crack be located in the interior of an infinite elastic dielectric. We consider a rectangular Cartesian coordinate system x, y, z such that the crack is placed on the x-axis from −a...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 20:20
Báo cáo toán học: "Partitioning 3-edge-colored complete equi-bipartite graphs by monochromatic trees under a color degree condition" doc
... partite set A in Lemma 6. Then by Lemma 6, K(b(D k ), b(C k )) has a tree partition satisfying Case A or Case B, and K(b(D k ), X b (C k )) has a tree partition satisfying Case A, Case B or Case C. ... sat- isfying Case A, the other has a tree partition satisfying Case B. By a similar argument to that of Subcase, the vertices of K (A, B) can be covered by a blue tree, a green tree and a red ... types of graphs. Let G = K (A, B) be a 2-edge-colored complete bipartite graph, and all the edges are colored with blue or green. If the partite sets A and B have partitions A = A 1 ∪ A 2 and B =...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 21:20
Báo cáo toán học: "Enumeration of alternating sign matrices of even size (quasi-)invariant under a quarter-turn rotation" pot
... 2009; Accepted: Mar 19, 2010; Published: Mar 29, 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 0 5A1 5, 0 5A9 9 Abstract The aim of this work is to enumerate alternating sign matrices (ASM) that are quasi-invariant ... questions are presented in Section 5. 2 ASM’s quasi-i nvariant under a qu arter-turn The class of ASM’s invariant under a rotation by a quarter-turn (QTASM) is non-empty in size 4N − 1, 4N, and 4N ... following application of the Yang-Baxter equation, which allows, under certain condition, a line with a change of parameter to go through a grid. Lemma 15 x ax = x ax (30) the electronic journal of...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 12:22
Báo cáo sinh học: " Power and parameter estimation of complex segregation analysis under a finite locus model" pot
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 18:22
Báo cáo sinh học: " Detection of multiple QTL with epistatic effects under a mixed inheritance model in an outbred population" pot
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 13:22
Báo cáo y học: "Prevalence of Overactive Bladder, its Under-Diagnosis, and Risk Factors in a Male Urologic Veterans Population"
... demographic data. Mean age was 68 years old (quartile range: 59-77). The major ethnicities were European American (44%), African American (37%) and Hispanic Ameri- can (11%). Table 1. Demographics ... 2010.11.12 Abstract Purpose: We assess the prevalence of overactive bladder (OAB) a n d i t s r i s k f actors i n a m a l e urologic veterans population. Materials and Methods: Validated self-administered ... Prevalence of Overactive Bladder, its Under- Diagnosis, and Risk Factors in a Male Urologic Veterans Population Wellman W Cheung 1 , William Blank 1 , Dorota Borawski 1 , William Tran 1 , Martin H Bluth 2...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:35
Enhancement of domestic wastewater treatment under long sewer line condition in a laboratory set-up by Aspergillus niger bioaugmentation
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:08
DMF Decomposition and Nitrogen Removal Performance by a Mesh-Filtration Bioreactor under Acidic Conditions
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38
Tài liệu 20 Terabytes a Night by Doug Rosenberg with Matt Stephens doc
... a night 21 summarizes the challenge facing Jeff and Tim very nicely: The LSST website The science archive will consist of 400,000 sixteen‐megapixel images per night (for 10 years), comprising 60 PB of pixel data. This enormous LSST data archive and object database enables a diverse multidisciplinary research program: astronomy & astrophysics; machine learning (data mining); exploratory data analysis; extremely large databases; scientific visualization; computational science & distributed computing; and inquiry‐based science education (using data in the classroom). Many possible scientific data mining use cases are anticipated with this database. The LSST scientific database will include: * Over 100 database tables * Image metadata consisting of 700 million rows * A source catalog with 3 trillion rows * An object catalog with 20 billion rows each with 200+ attributes * A moving object catalog with 10 million rows * A variable object catalog with 100 million rows * An alerts catalog. Alerts issued worldwide within 60 seconds. * Calibration, configuration, processing, and provenance metadata Sky Movies—Challenges of LSST Data Management The Data Management (DM) part of the LSST software is a beast of a project. LSST will deal with unprecedented data volumes. The telescope’s camera will produce a stream of individual images that are each 3.2 billion pixels, with a new image coming along every couple of minutes. In essence, the LSST sky survey will produce a 10 year “sky movie”. If you think of telescopes like LBT producing a series of snapshots of selected galaxies and other celestial objects, and survey telescopes such as Sloan producing a “sky map” 22 , then LSST’s data stream is more analogous to producing a 10 year, frame‐by‐frame video of the sky. LSST’s Use Cases Will Involve Accessing the Catalogs LSST’s mandate includes a wide distribution of science data. Virtually anyone who wants to will be able to access the LSST database. So parts of the LSST DM software will involve use cases and user interfaces for accessing the data produced by the telescope. Those data mining parts of the software will be designed using regular use‐case‐driven ICONIX Process, but they’re not the part of the software that we’re concerned with in this book. ... A Few More Thoughts About ICONIX Process for Algorithms as Used on LSST Modeling pipelines as activity diagrams involved not only “transmogrifying” the diagram from a use case diagram to an activity diagram, but also incorporating “Policy” as an actor which defined paths through the various pipeline stages. Although the LSST DM software will run without human intervention, various predefined Policies act as proxies for how a human user would guide the software. As it turned out on LSST, there were two parallel sets of image processing pipelines that differed only in the policies to guide them, so making the pipeline activity diagram “policy driven” immediately allowed us to cut the number of “pipeline use case diagrams” in half. This was an encouraging sign as an immediate simplification of the model resulted from the process tailoring we did. Modeling pipeline stages as high‐level algorithms meant replacing the “schizophrenic” algorithm‐ use case template of Inputs: Outputs: Basic Course: Alternate Courses: With an activity specification template more suited to algorithms, namely: Inputs: Outputs: Algorithm: Exceptions: Not surprisingly, writing algorithm descriptions as algorithms and not as scenarios made the model much easier to understand. This simple process modification went a long way towards addressing the lack of semantic consistency in the model. We used robustness diagrams to elaborate activities (is that legal?) 29 The “algorithm‐use cases” that had been written in Pasadena had been elaborated on robustness diagrams, and we made the non‐standard process enhancement to elaborate the pipeline stage activities with these robustness diagrams as well. Enterprise Architect was flexible enough to support this. Modeling Tip: Good modeling tools are flexible I’ve been bending the rules (and writing new ones) of software development processes for more than 20 years. One of the key attributes that I look for in a tool is flexibility. Over the years, I’ve found that I can make Enterprise Architect do almost anything. It helps me, but doesn’t get in my way. Keeping this elaboration of pipeline stage algorithms on robustness diagrams was important for a number of reasons, one of the primary reasons being that we wanted to maintain the decomposition into “controllers” (lower level algorithms) and “entities” (domain classes). Another important reason was that project estimation tools and techniques relied on the number of controllers within a given pipeline stage (and an estimate of level of effort for each controller) for cost and schedule estimation. ... a night 21 summarizes the challenge facing Jeff and Tim very nicely: The LSST website The science archive will consist of 400,000 sixteen‐megapixel images per night (for 10 years), comprising 60 PB of pixel data. This enormous LSST data archive and object database enables a diverse multidisciplinary research program: astronomy & astrophysics; machine learning (data mining); exploratory data analysis; extremely large databases; scientific visualization; computational science & distributed computing; and inquiry‐based science education (using data in the classroom). Many possible scientific data mining use cases are anticipated with this database. The LSST scientific database will include: * Over 100 database tables * Image metadata consisting of 700 million rows * A source catalog with 3 trillion rows * An object catalog with 20 billion rows each with 200+ attributes * A moving object catalog with 10 million rows * A variable object catalog with 100 million rows * An alerts catalog. Alerts issued worldwide within 60 seconds. * Calibration, configuration, processing, and provenance metadata Sky Movies—Challenges of LSST Data Management The Data Management (DM) part of the LSST software is a beast of a project. LSST will deal with unprecedented data volumes. The telescope’s camera will produce a stream of individual images that are each 3.2 billion pixels, with a new image coming along every couple of minutes. In essence, the LSST sky survey will produce a 10 year “sky movie”. If you think of telescopes like LBT producing a series of snapshots of selected galaxies and other celestial objects, and survey telescopes such as Sloan producing a “sky map” 22 , then LSST’s data stream is more analogous to producing a 10 year, frame‐by‐frame video of the sky. LSST’s Use Cases Will Involve Accessing the Catalogs LSST’s mandate includes a wide distribution of science data. Virtually anyone who wants to will be able to access the LSST database. So parts of the LSST DM software will involve use cases and user interfaces for accessing the data produced by the telescope. Those data mining parts of the software will be designed using regular use‐case‐driven ICONIX Process, but they’re not the part of the software that we’re concerned with in this book. ...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 00:15
iec 60332-1 tests on electric cables under fire conditions - test on a single vertical insulated
Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 10:59
iec 60332-2 tests on electric cables under fire conditions - test on a single small vertical insu
Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 10:59