... he met Cara at his coed dodgeball tournament. She was pretty and nice and seemed to like him back. They started dating and things were going well. At a party soon after Sam and Cara started seeing ... seeing each other, Sam ran into Katie, who threw her arms around him and whispered that they needed to talk; she’d heard he was dating someone and wanted to know all about it. After hearing about ... about Cara, Katie bad- mouthed her, even going so far as implying that Sam should break up with her because Cara wasn’t right for him. Katie hinted that she was more his type. Sam thought that...
Ngày tải lên: 10/02/2014, 18:17
... outperform your competition using free analysis tools. 1. Define the nature and scope of your industry niche. Any marketing department worth its salt has this information on file. However, these values ... in search, then they are not a competitor in the world of digital marketing. So who are your digital competitors? Measure organic search visibility by searching phrases that fall in the categories ... these values can easily be lost if they're not kept in the front of marketers' minds. For example, examine that pet keyword ranking that a key executive insists on maintaining at position...
Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 13:47
91 Mistakes Smart Salespeople Make : How to Turn Any Mistake into a Successful Sale
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Developing your own Franchise - A framework for Vietnamese Franchisors
Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2015, 08:46
Báo cáo y học: "CONTRAST: a discriminative, phylogeny-free approach to multiple informant de novo gene prediction" ppt
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:20
Tài liệu Module 4: Incorporating CDO for Exchange 2000 into a Web Solution ppt
... applications that are typically used in Internet applications, such as automatic registration of users, and creating and managing e-mail accounts. You can also install CDO for Exchange Management ... in calendars, which are folders in the Web Storage System. An appointment represents an activity that takes place on a particular date and at a specific time. A meeting is an appointment that ... heavily on MAPI as the data access and transport format. CDO for Windows 2000 and CDO for Exchange are based on Internet-defined standards, such as Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 14:15
Tài liệu Developing Your Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan: A Guide for Construction Sites doc
... handle anticipated washout water. Washout areas should also be provided for paint and stucco operations. Because washout areas can be a source of pollutants from leaks or spills, Material Staging ... this is stated as a condition for permit coverage, the National Historic Preservation Act and any applicable state or tribal laws apply to you. Contact your State Historic Preservation Officer ... States, or the regulated community, and may not apply to a particular situation based upon the circumstances. EPA and State decisionmakers retain the discretion to adopt approaches on a case-by-case...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 10:20
... Examples are being in a country (e.g., 'in England' and 'in France') and being in a piece of clothing (e.g., 'in a hat', 'in a shirt', and 'in a ... conceptualized, given a particu- lar language, a particular situation, etc. Typ- ically, in our application, these conceptualiza- tions are geometrical objects, such as points, lines, surfaces, and ... 'on the floor', 'on the chair', and 'on the roof') and being at an artifact with a given purpose (e.g., 'at the door', 'at his books', 'at...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 21:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Framework for Processing Partially Free Word Order" ppt
... interpreted as a metagrammar, i.e a grammar for generating the actual CF-PS grammar. A GPSG can be defined as a two-leveJ grammar containing a metagrammar and an object grammar. The object grammar combines ... free order of major phrasal constituents in German belongs to the class of natural-language phenomena that require a closer interaction of syntax and pragmatics than is usually accounted for ... English and German are closely related makes it easier to assess these data and to draw parallels. The .~imple analysis presented here for dealing with free word order in German syntax is based...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 20:20
Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 00:20
When Your Brother or Sister Has Cancer: A Guide for Teens potx
... before cancer came into your lives. Getting back to your “old life” may take a long time—and it may not happen as you expect. “My sister Dana had to go to a cancer treatment center 6 hours away. ... TTY line at 1-800-332-8615. American Camp Association 1-800-428-2267 www.acacamps.org The American Camp Association can help you find camps that are specifically for kids who have a brother ... information specialist. NCI can also help connect you with a support organization in your area. NCI offers many materials in both English and Spanish. People who are deaf may call a special TTY...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 00:22
When Your Parent Has Cancer: A Guide for Teens ppt
... has cancer page 1 CHAPTER 2 Learning about cancer page 9 CHAPTER 3 Cancer treatment page 13 CHAPTER 4 What your parent may be feeling page 21 CHAPTER 5 Changes in your family page 23 CHAPTER ... end of your rope, CHAPTER 8 You and your friends page 43 CHAPTER 9 How you can help your parent page 47 CHAPTER 10 After treatment page 51 CHAPTER 11 The road ahead page 57 CHAPTER 12 Learning ... questions? Ask your parent or other trusted adults any questions that you have. Ask your dad or mom if it is okay to go with them to their appointment. Perhaps your parent can arrange for you to talk...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 01:20
... transaction. At that time, we were consider- ing declaring a material adverse change, which, as a matter of con- tract law, can, if upheld, allow an acquirer to avoid to consummate a deal. Treasury ... He has been the former chairman of the National Urban League and has been in- volved in every possible community cause in Charlotte, large and small, and for that we do thank you for your leadership ... Drabo and Katherine Graham, investigators; Brian Eiler, investigative counsel; Aaron Ellias, staff assistant; Linda Good, deputy chief clerk; Jean Gosa, clerk; Adam Hodge, deputy press secretary;...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 09:22
... mayfallthrough. Ifyouidealizethevalueofthatwhichyouwishtosell,yougiveit additionalsellingvalue.Ifyouidealizethe processofsellingit,youdiscovernewmeansofselling.Ifyouidealize allkindsofpossiblebuyersofthatwhich youhave for sale,youdiscover a buyercapableofperceivingthe additionalvalueyouhavegiven your product and a buyercapableandwillingtopay for thatvalue. A Case for Illustration: A manowned a tractoflandnearPasadena, California;onthistherewas a $10,000 mortgage;hehadboughtiton a shoestring,planningsoontosellit,- for itwasexpectedthat a buildingboom wouldmakeit a desirableresidencesitelongbeforethe$10,000wasdue. ConditionsatEndofSixMonths:Thebuildingboomhadnotmaterialized; themortgagewasdueintendays; realestatemenrefusedtotakeitup;thoseholdingthemortgagerefused toextendit;thebankerswouldn'ttouch it. Cause for Refusal:Thelandwasin a hollow;realestatemenandbankers wereconvincednoonewouldbuyit untileveryotherresidencesitenearithadbeensold;thatmightbe yearshence. TheOwner'sFirstEfforts:When,attheendofthefirstthreemonths, theboomfailedtoboom,herecognized abundantsupply,andfaithfullyandpersistentlyandconfidentlyaffirmed “GodISALLAbundance”and“Allis God.” Threemonthswentby.Themoneydidnotdropfromtheheaven;but somethingelsedropped-thecornersofhis banker'smouth.Whatwasthetrouble?Faithfullyandconfidentlythe owneraffirmedthetruth:“GodIsthe SourceofAbundantSupply.”Whythenthefailure?BecauseGodisSpirit; andconsequentlyaslongashe continuedmerelytoaffirmGodasAbundantSupply,-thesupplycontinued in a spiritualstate.Thisthebankers refusedtocash;theywantedcertifiedchecks.After a failureofmore thantwoand a halfmonths,theownertried IdealizingtheProcess.First,heidealizedthelandinallitsdetails. Andatonce a newthoughtcame:Ifthisland isnotnowvaluableas a residencesite,certainlythereareotheruses for it;andsinceGodknowsalluses,the ideaofanotherusewillcometome. Second,heidealizedthechangesinitsconditionatdifferentseasonsof theyearand-hurrah-anothernew thoughthehadnotthoughtbefore:Sincethelandwasin a hollowandthe moistureofthesurroundingland ... theafternoonweremostefficient.Butwhatdidhedowhilesittingat hisdesk?Didhewastethosefirstfive minutes?Thisiswhathedid: First,heidealizedallthedifferentkindsofinjuriesreportedtohim, and,inaddition,allthepossibleinjurieshe mightbecalledupontotreat; Second,hevisualizedallofthemedicines,antiseptics,accessories, etc.,thatwouldberequiredandmightbe required;visionedhisownsupplyandsuch a surplustobeobtainedat thedrugstoreaswouldmakeanylack impossible; Third,heidealizedwhatshouldbedoneatoncetoaidthefuture recoveryofthoseinjured-thewisdomof wrappingeachupin a warmblanketimmediatelyafterthefirstaid-as protectionfromtheafter-chillofthestorm; Fourth,hevisualizedtheplaceswherethemostseriouslyinjuredwere reportedtobe;idealizedhimselfgoing fromonetoanotherbyshortestroutes;andrepeatedtheprocess- visioningtheplaceswherethelessseriously injuredwere.Allthisinfiveminutes! Yes,themind-trainedtoIdealizetheProcessandknowingthatGodisin everyprocess-worksmorerapidly thanradio.Werethefirstfiveminuteswasted?Thosefiveminutesmore thandoubledhisservicethatafternoon andevening,andtherewasnofailuretogiveaidbecausesomenecessary thingwaslacking.Butwe-yes,wesee thevalueofIdealizingtheProcessofDoingThingsinanemergency;but weforgetthatinourliveseachhouris anemergency -a calltodothemost,livethemost. TURNINGDESIRES FOR SALES INTO ACTUALSALES CHAPTER19 Inessenceeveryphaseofcontactinhumansocietyis a sale.Ifyou apply for andsecure a positionyousell yourselftotheemployer,whobuys your servicesincompetitionwithmany others.Ifyouaretheleaderof a greatreformmovement,carryingtheidealofthatreformtothemassesof peopleandwinningthemtosupportit, youareselling your idealstothem.Ofcoursetherearebusinesssales, for everyphaseofbusinessoperationand managementis a saleofthings,ideas,idealsofservices.Theprocessof sellingisalwaysthesame.Anysaleyou desiretomake-anysaleyouhaveinmindasanideal-canbemade a reality;butevery“idea”youhaveof a sale ... theactuallandbycreatinganidealizeduseofit, a visionof a little parkamongthemillionaires -for forty familieseachwithitsownlittlecountryhome.Thefirstresultwas accomplishedwithinforty-eighthours.The planwaspresentedto a realestatemaninNewYorkCity.Atoncehe wishedtobuytheentireplotat$300an acre.Butthenephewshadseen a vision-theidealizationhadgivenvalue totheirland-andtheyrefused.Thereal estatemanoffered$400,andthen$500anacre for it. Thesecondresultwasthatwithinfourdaysthenephewswereoffered $1,000anacre for thefirstplotthatwasto besold.Andwhy?Thelandwasexactlythesamelandithadbeen a week before,butvaluehadbeenaddedby idealizing a littlecommunityoffortyculturedfamilieslivingnear a colonyofmillionaires,andvaluehadalso beengiventoitbycreating a desire for suchhomes.Thesetwofactors, thementalplanandthedesirecreated, gave a greatlyincreasedvalue(from$200to$1,000anacre)infour days.Becauseoftheplanandthedesire createdinthemindsofthosetowhomtheplanwasgiven,thisrun-down, neglectedfarmlandledinvalueallthe otherfarmland,eventhoughtheotherfarmlandswereimprovedand cultivated.Thiswaspossiblebecausethis landwashillyandrollingandpartlywoodedThereforeotherfarmland couldnotcompetewiththisasplots for homes. Moreover,invaluethislandwithinfourdaysaftertheplanwasmadeand presentedwasworthjustfivehundred percentmorethanthelandsofthegreatestatessurroundingthem.Itwas worthmorebecauseitcouldbe purchasedinsmallplots,whiletheownersoftheestateswouldnot considersellinganacreoreventenacresof thelandtheyowned.Hencethisland,which-fourdaysbeforetheplan wasconceivedbyidealization-asatthe tailoflandvalues,becametheleaderoflandvaluesincomparisonwith farmlandvalueandthatofthegreat estates. Wheneveryouwishtoincreasethevalueofanythingyouhavetosell,add mentaleffortbysaneidealizationthat fitsthebestusethatcanbemadeofthething.Wheneveryouwishto give a predominantvaluetoanything, idealize a planandcreate a desire for itinsuch a waythatthething youhavetosellleadsallotherthingsnearit orapproximatelylikeit. Thus,byactualpractice,youprovethatallvalueisofmindandthus thatallvalueisofGod.Thevalueofthat ...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 20:20
A Manual for Integrating Gender Into Reproductive Health and HIV Programs: FROM COMMITMENT TO ACTION pptx
... data that the information can be meaningfully incorporated into management decisions and reporting. It is as important to involve participants and stakeholders in the analysis of M&E data ... chief also lent his support by saying that life changes and traditions change. ã The Bambara village where this series of data collection, analysis, and attitudinal change took place also made ... for Proposals-RFPs) and program descriptions (Requests for Applications-RFAs); and develop gender-related evaluation criteria for ranking the responses submitted by bidders and applicants. A...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 15:20