... directory, checking the path to the working directory, and changing the working directory. MATLAB checks for MATLAB files in certain directories which are controlled by the command ‘path’. The command ... 5.1 Arithmetic matrix operations The basic arithmetic operations on matrices (and of course scalars which are special cases of matrices) are: + addition - subtraction * multiplication / right ... MathWorks, Inc.) whose URL is http://www.mathworks.com. Full documentation can be purchased by contacting The MathWorks. 2 Getting Started On Project Athena, MATLAB can be accessed directly from...
Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 07:15
... chi cua ngat %x : %x",seg,off); } } Số hiệu c a ngắt đ c đánh số từ 0 nhng n đ c nhập từ 1 , mỗi ngắt chiếm 4 byte nên ta c k=(n-1)*4; ... ngat(Bam 0 de ket thuc): "); scanf("%d",&n); if (n==0) break; k=(n-1)*4; off=p[k]+256*p[k+1]; seg=p[k+2]+256*p[k+3]; printf("\nDia chi cua ngat %x : %x",seg,off);...
Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 22:18
Tài liệu Turbo C nâng cao P3 pdf
... viện c a C cho phép truy c p tập tin và chia là 2 c p kh c nhau : - c c hàm c p 1 là c c hàm ở c p thấp nhất , truy c p tr c tiếp đến c c tập tin trên đĩa .C không cung c p vùng nhớ đệm cho c c ... char chso[10]; FILE *fp; 40 io.h - chứa c c prototype c a c c hàm c p 1 fcntl.h - chứa c c định nghĩa quyền truy c p sys/stat.h - chá c c định nghĩa thu c tính dó.h - chứa c c ... biên dịch tự động cung c p vùng kí c đệm cho chúng - c thể truy xuất c c mẫu tin mà không gặp khó khăn nh với c c hàm c p 1 Trong C , c c thông tin c n thiết cho c c hàm xuất nhập c p 2 đ c đặt...
Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 22:18
Tài liệu Turbo C nâng cao P1 pdf
... biểu char *chao = “ Xin chao !” thay cho static char chao[]= Xin chao ! C hai c ch đều cho c ng một kết quả . Trong phơng án dùng con trỏ , chao là biến con trỏ nên c thể thay đổi đ c . ... nào đ c chấp nhận trong C và <tên biến> là tên c a một biến con trỏ. Kiểu dữ liệu c bản x c định kiểu c a những biến mà con trỏ c thể chỉ đến. Ví dụ khai báo biến con trỏ chỉ đến c c biến ... c u và một kí tự c n định vị trong c u . Chơng trình sẽ cho ta : - địa chỉ bắt đầu c a chuỗi - địa chỉ c a kí tự c n định vị - độ lệch so với điểm đầu chuỗi Chơng trình 1-11 : #include<string.h>...
Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 22:18
Tài liệu Basic Perspective for Beginners - Cơ bản về hội họa cho người mới bắt đầu ppt
... media including graphite, technical pen, colored pencil, chalk pastel, charcoal, conté crayon, and oil paints. My philosophy on teaching art is to focus primarily on the enjoyment aspects while ... visually correct and more realistic. Understanding the rules of perspective can even enhance your creative skills, by allowing you the confidence to explore new concepts in depth perception ... locate the horizon line. One point perspective occurs when the frontal face of an object (such as a cube) is closest to you, and its edges recede in space and converge at a single vanishing point....
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 02:18
Tài liệu Turbo C nâng cao P10 pdf
... là ma trận nghịch đảo c a A . Do vậy tr c hết ta c n tìm A -1 và sau đó tính tích A -1 B . 173 Định lí Crame : Hệ thống Crame c nghiệm duy nhất đ c cho bởi c ng th c : i i x A A n = = () (i ... float c, d; char tl; clrscr(); printf("Cho so an cua phuong trinh n = "); scanf("%d",&n); printf("Cho cac phan tu cua ma tran a : \n"); for (i=1;i<=n;i++) ... s,t,a[max][max],b[max][max],x[max]; clrscr(); printf("Cho so an so cua phuong trinh n = "); scanf("%d",&n); printf("Cho phan thuc cua cac he so,ke ca ve phai\n"); for (i=1;i<=n;i++)...
Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 22:20
Tài liệu Basic Ship Theory K.J. Rawson E.C. Tupper 10/2011 volume2 pdf
... section area B beam or moulded breadth BM metacentre above centre of buoyancy C B block coecient C M midship section coecient C P longitudinal prismatic coecient C VP vertical prismatic coecient C WP coecient ... attack pitch angle of screw propeller RESISTANCE AND PROPULSION a resistance augment fraction C D drag coe. C L lift coe. C T speci c total resistance coe. C W speci c wave-making resistance coe. D ... equivalent surface area. The second component is the increased frictional resistance occasioned by the actual form of the ship and this component is known as the frictional form resistance. Hull roughness...
Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 11:20
Candle Making Craft For Beginners pdf
... over colored waxes. You will be using a basic candle making method. You will need: Candle Wax Fragrance Oil (Optional) Candle Dye Wicks and/or Wick Pins Ice cubes or crushed ... to form abstract colored candles. COFFEE BEANS Add coffee beans to the base of your molds and coffee essence to the wax for the fragrance. Gently pour in the wax. COLORED BEANS Add colored ... Candle 7. Candle Making Projects - Votive Candles 8. Candle Making Projects - Marble Candles 9. Candle Making Projects - Ice Candles 10. Candle Making Projects - Innovative Candle Ideas ENJOY AND...
Ngày tải lên: 11/03/2014, 13:20
... University for technical assistance. 38 i8 the first period consumption pair of an equilibrium But clearly, since ~ , , Cl - C. Cl < C < C2 . vD(k .c) -vD(k .c~ ) +vD(k .c) - vD(k.ci):s 2wD(k ,c) -wD(k .c~ ) ... to conclude that at least one of the terms V:(k)-VD(k ,c: ,) i. negative, contradicting the assumption that the pair (c: .c~ ) 44 Cl + C2 ~ £(k) or Cl ~ £(k)/2 if Cl Cl+CZ~ f(k) and Cl ~ f(k)f2 ~ C2 if Al ... ~1 .C2 ' 1 a C~ -l' C~ .l) . Let ~ be the capital stock We claim that ct,2 is an optimal choice for player 2 next period, in F.'. The best D 1 D alternative choice is cz (~. Ct) - C...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 21:20
Canvas Painting for Beginners pdf
... All links are for information purposes only and are not warranted for content, accuracy or any other implied or explicit purpose. 1) Baroque – Caravaggio, Carracci 2) Classicism – Mengs, ... perfect. Be careful not to let the fabric touch the art piece. You can actually buy extender clamps to attach to your canvas at the top. This allows the covering to drape without coming in contact ... perspective. Pigment – The colored substance created by natural elements and synthetic ones which are mixed with certain binders to create paints. Primary colors – A color which can not be created...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 14:20
microsoft c programming for absolute beginners
... to type special characters, such as the tab character or quotation marks, to the screen or force a carriage return at a specific place. Take a look at the program in Figure 1.15, which illustrates ... 102 Adding a Constructor to the Critter Class 103 Creating the CritViewer Class 104 Reviewing the Static Keyword 105 Calling a Constructor from the Main() Method 106 Examining CritViewer’s Constructor ... Inheritance to Make New Classes 111 Creating a Class to View the Clone 112 Creating the Critter Class 113 Improving an Existing Class 113 Introducing the Glitter Critter 114 Calling the Base Class’s Constructors...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:42
Basic recommendations for earthquake protection_4 pdf
... EMERGENCY 109 Figure 4.8 Likely locations for survivors in collapsed reinforced concrete buildings of a reinforced concrete building in the search for victims can take many weeks. Concrete is ... International Search and Rescue Assistance The specialist skills employed in the location and rescue of victims trapped in collapsed reinforced concrete structures have become the province of international search ... tests a scenario for a fictional earthquake occurring at a specified location is normally played out, with incoming incident reports (damage and casualty reports), cross- communication of activity...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 13:20
Basic recommendations for earthquake protection_3 pdf
... manuals but offer best practice to inform decision-making in particu- lar circumstances. Facilities such as latrines, ablution blocks, canteens, laundry facilities, garbage collection and disposal points ... tents or to build core houses, or go for accelerated reconstruction all influence the timescale and strategy of reconstruction. Decisions on where to locate temporary camps will affect the spatial ... services, which favours reducing spare, unused capacity of hos- pitals to a minimum. Possible future mass-casualty occurrences are an argument for maintaining certain levels of spare capacity...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 21:20
Basic recommendations for earthquake protection_5 pdf
... manufacture in developing regions. 27 Choice of building materials for use in reconstruction should largely reflect the policy of preference for local production. Designs for new construction ... that occupancy is sustained, and other measures of the importance attached to each structure. Protection could be prioritised by income generated for an organisation in each building or, for an ... vulnerable to earthquakes; even in the city centre buildings of reinforced concrete are constructed with no proper provision for earthquake forces. The recurrence of the 1935 event today would without...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 21:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article A Domain-Specific Language for Multitask Systems, Applying Discrete Controller Synthesis" pdf
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 03:20