tri thức có trong bài toán tư vấn thời trang

Thiết kế đường ống trong PDMS

Thiết kế đường ống trong PDMS

... United Kingdom Trademarks AVEVA and Tribon are registered trademarks of AVEVA Solutions Ltd or its subsidiaries Unauthorised use of the AVEVA or Tribon trademarks is strictly forbidden AVEVA product ... unauthorised action is strictly prohibited, and may give rise to civil liabilities and criminal prosecution The AVEVA products described in this guide are to be installed and operated strictly in accordance ... C:1 Pipe-Piece Attributes C:2 Pipe-Piece Pseudo Attributes ...

Ngày tải lên: 20/04/2015, 07:41

382 3,2K 4
Fabrication, surface modification and growth factor encapsulation of polymeric microspheres as scaffold for liver tissue regeneration

Fabrication, surface modification and growth factor encapsulation of polymeric microspheres as scaffold for liver tissue regeneration

... incorporation into the polymer matrix (Tabata and Ikada, 1998) High temperatures, strong mechanical mixing and use of organic solutions are potential factors which contribute to the loss of activity ... agent for smooth muscle cells; extracellular matrix synthesis and deposition 5.5 Migration and proliferation of keratinocytes; extracellular matrix synthesis and deposition TGF-β 25.0 Proliferation ... the exchange of oxygen, nutrients and removal of metabolic wastes This is essential in engineering thick tissue since diffusion is not enough to provide oxygen and nutrients to the cells growth...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 08:18

182 296 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Syntax-to-Morphology Mapping in Factored Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation from English to Turkish" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "Syntax-to-Morphology Mapping in Factored Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation from English to Turkish" ppt

... null string or any previously appended function word markers.)5 • Prepositions attach to the head-word of their Fraser (2009) uses the first four letters of German words after morphological stripping ... scores are shown in the two halves of Table It seems that larger n-gram LMs contribute to the larger n-gram precisions contributing to the BLEU but not to the unigram precision 3.2.4 Augmenting the ... these two variables statistically, we performed a correlation analysis and found that there is a strong negative correlation of -0.99 between the BLEU score and the number of English tokens We can...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 22:20

11 452 0
Development of localized electrochemical deposition process for the fabrication of on machine micro EDM electrode

Development of localized electrochemical deposition process for the fabrication of on machine micro EDM electrode

... flexible mold with an electrically conductive powder; g) cold isostatically pressing the electrically conductive powder filled mold of step (f) to form a solid electric discharge machining electrode; ... melting and evaporation These electrical discharges melt and vaporize tiny amounts of work material, which are then driven out and flushed away by the dielectric It involves almost negligible ... worldwide to build micro electromechanical structure for industries like aerospace, automotive, precision engineering and so on These industries are frequently using mechanical tool-based micromachining...

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2015, 06:26

174 516 0
build a factory

build a factory

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 10:24

1 496 0
Chip - Fabrication

Chip - Fabrication

... nguồn thu dịch chuyển xa nguồn tần số: fr = f0.( ) vr 1 c Trở lại với toán toán siêu âm: Ta có, ban đầu nguồn phát phát sóng tần số f0, đập tới vật chuyển động vận tốc v, phản xạ lại tần ... phát đứng yên phát sóng tần số fo Ta xét gặp chúng đỉnh sóng Ta bước sóng λ, vận tốc truyền sóng c Thời gian để nguồn thu nhận hai đỉnh sóng liên tiếp Tr Trong thời gian T’ sóng quãng đường ... v   vs T0   vs To 1 s  c Nếu ta vs

Ngày tải lên: 12/10/2012, 15:01

5 378 0
Phân tích nhân tố khám phá (Exploratory Factor Analysis) bằng SPSS

Phân tích nhân tố khám phá (Exploratory Factor Analysis) bằng SPSS

... thêm a Rotation converged in iterations Trong bảng kết Hình 10, cột tức nhiêu thành phần (nhân tố) rút nhân tố rút Các số bảng Rotated Component Matrix(a) gọi Factor loading, hay hệ số ... dòng, biến quan sát Factor loading cột ng ứng (Nếu chọn phương pháp trích Principal axis factoring, thay xem bảng Rotated Component Matrix, bạn xem bảng Pattern Matrix) Trong ví dụ này, Hình ... thang đo CEQ lý thuyết Tên Thúc đẩy tri thức khoa học ims1 Tơi nhận thấy q trình học tập, nghiên cứu tơi hứng thú mặt tri thức khoa học ims2 Tơi cảm thấy động học tập tốt tham dự khóa học...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2012, 09:05

24 6K 78
Báo cáo y học: " Effect of Weight Reduction on Cardiovascular Risk Factors and CD34-positive Cells in Circulatio"

Báo cáo y học: " Effect of Weight Reduction on Cardiovascular Risk Factors and CD34-positive Cells in Circulatio"

... overweight subjects attempt to lose weight through calorie restriction The particular weight loss regimen we examined consisted of severe calorie restriction along with vitamin supplements and administration ... per day dietary restriction in combination with the following: Daily sublingual treatments by vitamin B12 (1,000 g per day) Oral supplements consisting of the following nutrients: 250 mg tyrosine, ... measured by bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) The BIA is a non-invasive method for measuring body composition through reactance and resistance, the two components of impedance Bioelectrical impedance...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:51

8 594 0
Báo cáo y học: "Prevalence of Overactive Bladder, its Under-Diagnosis, and Risk Factors in a Male Urologic Veterans Population"

Báo cáo y học: "Prevalence of Overactive Bladder, its Under-Diagnosis, and Risk Factors in a Male Urologic Veterans Population"

... of urinary incontinence, overactive bladder, and other lower urinary tract symptoms in five countries: results of the EPIC study Eur Urol 2006; 50:1306 Herschorn S, Gajewski J, Schulz J and Corcos...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:35

4 522 0
Báo cáo y học: " Factors affecting the long-term response to tacrolimus in renal transplant patients: Pharmacokinetic and pharmacogenetic approac"

Báo cáo y học: " Factors affecting the long-term response to tacrolimus in renal transplant patients: Pharmacokinetic and pharmacogenetic approac"

... agarose/Tris-borate EDTA gel with ethidium bromide staining (Figure 1) Figure a Genomic DNA Lane M, base pair marker (λDNA 5μgr); lanes 1-9 genomic DNA from blood samples Analysis on a 0.8% agarose/Tris-borate ... protein [5,14] Macphee et al were the first to detect the effect of a CYP3A5 polymorphism in the distribution of tacrolimus [11] CYP3A5*3 (G6986A) polymorphism, located in intron 3, has been recognized ... transplant recipients The drug dose and level, the drug dose-adjusted level and the drug volume of distribution values are analyzed based on the presence of CYP3A5*1 allele, sex, age, renal and hepatic...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 09:32

7 787 0
 Factoring - Tiếng Anh

Factoring - Tiếng Anh

... reduce the scope for other borrowing - book debts will not be available as security Factors will restrict funding against poor quality debtors or poor debtor spread, so you will need to manage these ... sales Companies based in the European Union (EU) can still factor debts owed from other EU countries if sales within that country are relatively small Outside the EU higher sales to a single ... We can offer from 90 per cent to 100 per cent credit cover for your sales to a wide range of countries Receivables management - You can outsource your sales ledger management and collection to...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 16:42

8 241 2
current situation of outsourcing development, a number of favorable factors promoting this industry as well as analysis of outsourcing activities FPT Software.doc

current situation of outsourcing development, a number of favorable factors promoting this industry as well as analysis of outsourcing activities FPT Software.doc

... higher stability than those of most other countries that are active in outsourcing It can be highlighted that “significantly low attrition rate” and “strong labor pool” as two other reasons for ... Intellectual Property (TRIP) When Vietnam became a WTO member, it agreed to comply with TRIP immediately, without a transitional period The country is expected to achieve full TRIP compliance soon, ... gain strong results VI Methodology of the study To achieve the set aims, I have approached to a variety of books and articles regarding on software and software outsourcing Besides, I tried my...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2012, 16:41

79 613 6
Phát triển nghiệp vụ bao thanh toán (Factoring) tại Việt Nam.pdf

Phát triển nghiệp vụ bao thanh toán (Factoring) tại Việt Nam.pdf

... Phm Xuõn Hựng Trang 44 - Bao toỏn xut khu: Mc phớ ca ACB = 0,25%* thi hn toỏn/45 * h s k k = : doanh s < triu USD/nm k = 0,9 : doanh s > triu - triu USD/nm k = 0,8 : doanh s > triu triu USD/nm ... Hựng Trang 26 toỏn hng u th gii gm Anh (248.769 triu EUR), í (120.435 triu EUR), M (96.000 triu EUR), Phỏp (100.009 triu EUR), Nht Bn (74.530 triu EUR) thỡ ó cú i din l Chõu u vi quc gia ng u ... phỏt trin nghip v BTT ti Vit Nam Vi kt cu chng nh trờn, lun ó c gng th hin phn lý lun, phõn tớch ỏnh giỏ thc trng v trin vng phỏt trin ca dch v BTT, trờn c s ú xut mt s gii phỏp c th phỏt trin...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2012, 16:49

82 940 4
Tiểu luận tiếng anh Kinh tế chuyển nhượng the factors affecting monthly expenditure of FTU's studen.doc

Tiểu luận tiếng anh Kinh tế chuyển nhượng the factors affecting monthly expenditure of FTU's studen.doc

... Econometrics Assignment I INTRODUCTION Vietnam in recent years, along with nearly 200 countries around the world, has been integrating into the ... satisfaction Moreover, as there always exists -4- Econometrics Assignment a limit to students’ income, they have to consider how to allocate that restricted source for a variety of daily activities In ... CHA 1.0000 FFS 0.3252 1.0000 INC 0.0313 -0.3549 1.0000 - 21 - CHA FFS INC Econometrics Assignment From the above matrix, in which there is no rij ( i = 2, 4; j = 2, ) greater than 0.8, we can claim...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2012, 16:53

30 3,7K 9
phân tích nhân tố khám phá (exploratory factor anylis) bằng SPSS

phân tích nhân tố khám phá (exploratory factor anylis) bằng SPSS

... thêm a Rotation converged in iterations Trong bảng kết Hình 10, cột tức nhiêu thành phần (nhân tố) rút nhân tố rút Các số bảng Rotated Component Matrix(a) gọi Factor loading, hay hệ số ... dòng, biến quan sát Factor loading cột ng ứng (Nếu chọn phương pháp trích Principal axis factoring, thay xem bảng Rotated Component Matrix, bạn xem bảng Pattern Matrix) Trong ví dụ này, Hình ... thang đo CEQ lý thuyết Tên Thúc đẩy tri thức khoa học ims1 Tơi nhận thấy q trình học tập, nghiên cứu tơi hứng thú mặt tri thức khoa học ims2 Tơi cảm thấy động học tập tốt tham dự khóa học...

Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2012, 14:21

24 2,4K 14
Báo cáo y học: "A review of anatomical and mechanical factors affecting vertebral body integrit

Báo cáo y học: "A review of anatomical and mechanical factors affecting vertebral body integrit

... vertebral body to resist physiologic loads that may contribute to vertebral fracture or deformity [32, 31, 65] With advances in densitometric technologies and ex vivo analyses of trabecular bone ... mass per unit of volume, i.e volumetric BMD in osteoporosis interferes with the mechanical support properties of the bone Various measures of BMD correlate strongly with compressive failure loads ... distributions between the anterior and posterior zones of the vertebral body and neural arch [75-78] These findings suggest that disc integrity can affect vertebral loading and potentially contribute...

Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2012, 09:49

11 661 0
Vcd as a stimulating factor to increase the young learners’ time-on-task

Vcd as a stimulating factor to increase the young learners’ time-on-task

... sooner as trials progress The studies mentioned so far suggest that students with greater motivation could get better learning, but not vice verse However, some further studies by Strong (1983, ... achievement can affect strongly their motivation, that is, students' desire to learn would increase with attainment in their language proficiency In addition, students' intrinsic interest is also ... range of material, at all levels of language learning Radio and television have made important contribution to foreign language learning The widespread use of video recorders has had two main effects...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:44

45 516 0
Factors affecting esp vocabulary learning At Hanoi community college

Factors affecting esp vocabulary learning At Hanoi community college

... to it In other words, it is the quantity of input that may contribute to the successful learning of the short words, not their intrinsic quality -morphology: + inflexional complexity Features ... more difficult to learn than the shorter ones In a learning situation, however, it is hard to attribute the difficulty of learning a particular word to its length rather than to a variety of factors ... studies on the nature of the bilingual lexicon, vocabulary acquisition, lexical storage, lexical retrieval, and the use of vocabulary by second language learners McCarthy stated that “the biggest...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:54

43 737 3
A study on some major factors affecting English learning of grade 6 ethnic minority students of a mountainous secondary school to help them learn better

A study on some major factors affecting English learning of grade 6 ethnic minority students of a mountainous secondary school to help them learn better

... some instances is even desired Motivation can also be divided into extrinsic and intrinsic ones Brown, H.D (1994) suggests that extrinsic motivation comes from the learner’s desire to get external ... is not probably personality alone, but the way in which it combines with other factors that contributes to second language learning 2.3.3 Learning strategies Successful second language learners ... contextual cues to help them in comprehension  Learn to make intelligent guesses  Learn certain tricks that help to keep conversation going  Learn different styles of speech and writing and learn...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 15:04

39 1,5K 6