toxicity sensory responses and 3 biological responses with the abraham model

Báo cáo toán học: " Hadamard matrices and strongly regular graphs with the 3-e.c. adjacency property" pdf

Báo cáo toán học: " Hadamard matrices and strongly regular graphs with the 3-e.c. adjacency property" pdf

... to the same zone Suppose two rows r1 and r2 are from the j-th zone and the other row, r3 , is from the k-th zone, where k = j Without loss of generality we can assume that the entries of the ... relative to the zones Case : The rows of L are selected from the same zone, say the j-th zone Referring to the proof of Theorem we see that the leading columns of Ci ’s form a rearrangement of the columns ... of the proof.) Of course, none of the graphs in Theorem are Paley graphs We think that the assumption that n is odd can be dropped from Theorem 5, in view of the following example and remark, and...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:22

9 338 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Indoors illumination and seasonal changes in mood and behavior are associated with the health-related quality of life" pdf

báo cáo hóa học: " Indoors illumination and seasonal changes in mood and behavior are associated with the health-related quality of life" pdf

... mood and behavior or with the illumination levels To that end, first, a multivariate regression model using the indexed sum score on the 15D and another model using the categorized sum score on the ... depression in the one and the 15D item score on distress in the other, whereas the 15D sum score was the dependent variable in both models Both 15D items contributed to the HRQoL significantly and equally ... the HRQoL, since both the GSS (t = - 13. 34, P < 0.001) and the illumination score (t = -4.75, P < 0.001) were significantly associated with the 15D sum score in the two univariate regression models...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20

8 470 0
Báo cáo toán học: " Acute myocardial infarction and coronary vasospasm associated with the ingestion of cayenne pepper pills in a 25-year-old male" pot

Báo cáo toán học: " Acute myocardial infarction and coronary vasospasm associated with the ingestion of cayenne pepper pills in a 25-year-old male" pot

... article Authors’ contributions OS and YS treated the patient and wrote the case report HK and MTG critically revised the manuscript All authors read and approved the final manuscript Authors’ information ... patient was treated with the calcium antagonist diltiazem The observed improvement in his clinical and electrocardiographic findings and the relief of his chest pain after stopping the cayenne pepper ... energy expenditure and suppresses body fat accumulation by activating the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) in animals and humans [3- 6] However, this substance is associated with cardiotoxicity, including...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

14 392 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Extended length rotation to integrate timber and pine nut production with the conservation of structural diversity in a Pinus pinea (L.) forest" pdf

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Extended length rotation to integrate timber and pine nut production with the conservation of structural diversity in a Pinus pinea (L.) forest" pdf

... overlapped with the diagram of the four rot risk classes (RC1, RC2, RC3 and RC4) as a function of the age and the dominant height of the stand using the discriminant functions of García and Montero [ 13] ... recorded 3. 2 Site index and age of the stand 3. 2.1 Site index and age estimation for the inventory plots The height of the five annual shoots of the sampled dominant tree were used to calculate the ... − 5.26 13) · T 2/T −0.2576 · (4) We knew the height of the tree at the end (H2 ) and at the beginning (H1 ) of the five year period, as well as the difference between the age at the end of the period...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 16:20

9 462 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Uneven dietary development: linking the policies and processes of globalization with the nutrition transition, obesity and diet-related chronic diseases" pdf

báo cáo khoa học: " Uneven dietary development: linking the policies and processes of globalization with the nutrition transition, obesity and diet-related chronic diseases" pdf

... 2000–2002 102 25,944 11 35 3,790 107 158 432 1,055,0 83 48 3, 317 ,33 3 66 76 231 21 28 Source: based on data from FAOSTAT 2005 [42,145,146] The numbers represent year averages around 1990 and 2001 Page of ... in the more rural northern part of the country [ 132 , 133 ] The government has already restricted advertising of alcohol and energy drinks [ 134 ], and in 2004 met with advertising representatives and ... Frito-Lay Thailand Co Ltd (a division of PepsiCo) (30 % share, as of 20 03) and Proctor and Gamble Manufacturing Thailand Ltd ( 13% share as of 20 03) "Lay's" is the number one brand, with a value...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:20

18 320 0
Báo cáo y học: "A neurotropic herpesvirus infecting the gastropod, abalone, shares ancestry with oyster herpesvirus and a herpesvirus associated with the amphioxus genome" pps

Báo cáo y học: "A neurotropic herpesvirus infecting the gastropod, abalone, shares ancestry with oyster herpesvirus and a herpesvirus associated with the amphioxus genome" pps

... ORF22 23% 234 7e-59 AbHVp 031 c ADL16665.1 YP_024606.1 ORF66 27% 37 5 2e-101 AbHVp 032 ADL16666.1 YP_024607.1 ORF67 32 % 247 3e- 63 3e-05 AbHVp 034 ADL16667.1 YP_024575.1 ORF30 27% 53 AbHVp 037 c ADL16668.1 ... YP_024 633 .1 ORF94 28% 114 2e- 23 AbHVp 130 c HQ400691 YP_024605.1 ORF64 36 % 212 6e- 53 AbHVp 131 HQ400692 YP_024615.1 ORF76 29% 202 1e-59 AbHVp 133 HQ4006 93 YP_024569.1 ORF24 23% 67 3e-09 AbHVp 134 c HQ400694 ... YP_0 530 90.1 Equid_herpesvirus_4 NP_045247.1 NP_045262.1 Equid_herpesvirus_9 YP_00 233 3511.1 YP_00 233 3526.2 Gallid_herpesvirus_1 YP_18 235 9.1 YP_18 237 8.2 Gallid_herpesvirus_2 AAF66765.1 YP_001 033 9 43. 1...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:20

9 261 0
Challenges in teaching and learning speaking skill with the new English textbook for grade 10 (Basic Stream) at Xuan Hoa High school, Vinh Phuc province and some solutions

Challenges in teaching and learning speaking skill with the new English textbook for grade 10 (Basic Stream) at Xuan Hoa High school, Vinh Phuc province and some solutions

... ………………………………………………… .32 3. 2.2.1 Large class ………………………………………………… 32 3. 2.2.2 Time pressure:……………………………………………… 33 3. 2.2 .3 The constraints brought by the innovations ………………… 33 on the curriculum and teaching method 3. 2.2.4 ... towards the teaching and learning of speaking skill with the new textbook and the difficulties of the teachers and students in using the new textbook Then the interviews with teachers and students ... textbooks, the teachers have been prepared for the new methods of teaching and learning Therefore, they have thorough understanding about the nature of the new textbooks However, both the teachers and...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:51

20 841 7
Precise determination of the mass of the Higgs boson and tests of compatibility of its couplings with the standard model predictions using proton collisions at 7 and 8 TeV

Precise determination of the mass of the Higgs boson and tests of compatibility of its couplings with the standard model predictions using proton collisions at 7 and 8 TeV

... +0 .37 1. 030 .33 +0.19 0.790.17 +0.19 0.850.16 6.6 7.4 0.8 3. 7 3. 3 +0.4 2.7 2.9 0.2 3. 5 1.2 +2.2 +0.99 1.770.90 VH

Ngày tải lên: 22/09/2016, 22:27

50 815 0
Establishment and evaluation of efficiency of the treatment model for managed detainees in provincialmunicipal hospitals (2011 2012)

Establishment and evaluation of efficiency of the treatment model for managed detainees in provincialmunicipal hospitals (2011 2012)

... with 36 -47 rooms and 98-1 63 beds 4.2 .3 The effectiveness of the model treatment for managed, detained prisoners in municipal/provincial general hospital 4.2 .3. 1 The initial effectiveness of the ... due to the diseases and the regulations to these modes is very low in comparison to the real demands and market prices (despite the support to the imprisoned from detention camps and their relatives) ... Hospitals and Departments: 53. 33% Such hospitals arranged 184 rooms with 497 patient’s beds and 65 isolation rooms The 22/26 hospitals implemented in line with process 1, the rest was in line with...

Ngày tải lên: 30/07/2014, 15:16

24 257 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Delineation of exoenzyme S residues that mediate the interaction with 14-3-3 and its biological activity ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Delineation of exoenzyme S residues that mediate the interaction with 14-3-3 and its biological activity ppt

... Structural analysis of 14 -3- 3phosphopeptide complexes identifies a 646 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 dual role for the nuclear export signal of 14 -3- 3 in ligand binding Mol Cell 4, 1 53 166 Frithz-Lindsten ... 14 -3- 3 to regulate its enzymatic activity, which is similar to many other signal-induced interactions between 14 -3- 3 and its targets ( [3, 7,8] and refs therein) It is noteworthy that 14 -3- 3 proteins ... residues of the cofactor interaction domain within ExoS Various single mutant ExoS proteins were tested for their capacity to interact with 14 -3- 3 and subsequently for their cytotoxicity and ADP-ribosylation...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 08:20

9 525 0
Báo cáo khoa học: " Vulnerability of young oak seedlings (Quercus robur L) to embolism: responses to drought and to an inoculation with Ophiostoma querci (Georgevitch) Nannf" potx

Báo cáo khoa học: " Vulnerability of young oak seedlings (Quercus robur L) to embolism: responses to drought and to an inoculation with Ophiostoma querci (Georgevitch) Nannf" potx

... agreement with the results obtained by Cochard and Tyree (1990) with mature Q rubra and Q alba The maximal length of about m observed, and the distribution along the growing axis was similar, with the ... hyphae of O querci in the xylem and the sensitivity to water stress In particular, we tested the hypothesis that the presence of spores and hyphae in the xylem vessels could reduce the hydraulic conductivity ... (Kowalski, 1991) and is therefore suspected to be involved in the induction of the dieback To test for this hypothesis, Delatour et al (19 93) inoculated young a suspension of theless observed the occurrence...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 19:21

12 256 0
Tài liệu The Acquisition of Drugs and Biologics for Chemical and Biological Warfare Defense - Department of Defense Interactions with the Food and Drug Administration doc

Tài liệu The Acquisition of Drugs and Biologics for Chemical and Biological Warfare Defense - Department of Defense Interactions with the Food and Drug Administration doc

... UG447.R4597 20 03 358' .34 '09 73 dc22 20 030 1 537 1 RAND is a nonprofit institution that helps improve policy and decisionmaking through research and analysis RAND ® is a registered trademark RAND’s publications ... Function v 11 12 16 19 23 30 33 37 37 41 43 vi The Acquisition of Drugs and Biologics for CBW Defense Chapter Four SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS No Change Education and Training Organizational ... subject to sections 4 03( r)(1)(B) and 4 03( r) (3) of this title or sections 4 03( r) and 4 03( r)(5)(D) of this title, is made in accordance with the requirements of section 4 03( r) of this title is...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 11:20

99 600 0
Báo cáo khoa học: The 3¢-UTR of the mRNA coding for the major protein kinase C substrate MARCKS contains a novel CU-rich element interacting with the mRNA stabilizing factors HuD and HuR ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: The 3¢-UTR of the mRNA coding for the major protein kinase C substrate MARCKS contains a novel CU-rich element interacting with the mRNA stabilizing factors HuD and HuR ppt

... substrate, 80K/MARCKS, 36 4 G Wein et al (Eur J Biochem 270) 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 increases sharply when Swiss 3T3 cells move out of cycle and enter G0 Proc Natl ... (3. 5 · 105 cells per 90-mm dish) and transfected the following day with the plasmid pTetoff together with the empty pTRE vector (lanes 1, 2) or together with pTRE-HuD (lanes 3, 4) or together with ... mRNA (A) The MARCKS 3 -UTR, the stop codon UAA of the coding sequence (CDS) and the poly(A) sequence are depicted The box within the 3 -UTR marked the identified CU-rich sequence interacting with...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 08:20

16 754 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Characterization of native and recombinant A4 glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase Kinetic evidence for conformation changes upon association with the small protein CP12 pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Characterization of native and recombinant A4 glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase Kinetic evidence for conformation changes upon association with the small protein CP12 pptx

... 25 lM for the Km, and the kcat for recombinant and native GAPDH were estimated to 416 13 s)1 and to 274 11 s)1, respectively The Km for NADH were quite similar [ 136 33 lM (native) and 120 ... constant at 0.25 mM The experimental points were tted to Eqn (2) The estimated parameters and their standard errors are reported in the histogram The mean values and the mean standard errors of ... AS (Uặmg)1) >100 35 20 16 10 ND ND ND ND 30 60 120290 30 60 120290 23 300 62 4.5 420 11 ND 43 138 58 120150 ND 150 27 Besides the different behaviors towards the substrate, the Km or K0.5 values...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 20:22

8 335 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " Motavizumab, A Neutralizing Anti-Respiratory Syncytial Virus (Rsv) Monoclonal Antibody Significantly Modifies The Local And Systemic Cytokine Responses Induced By Rsv In The Mouse Model" pdf

Báo cáo sinh học: " Motavizumab, A Neutralizing Anti-Respiratory Syncytial Virus (Rsv) Monoclonal Antibody Significantly Modifies The Local And Systemic Cytokine Responses Induced By Rsv In The Mouse Model" pdf

... 0. 03 0.1 0.051 0 .3 0.01 - ND 38 1. 83 (34 1.0–554.8) ND 102. 23 ± (22.5) ND ND 45.85 ± (17.5) 215.86 ± (125.8) 91 .39 (45. 43 135 .31 ) 266.88 ± (74.4) ND 20.68 (11.94 31 .85) ND 230 .65 (217. 43 298. 83) ... value 1291.29 ± (561 .3) 291.10 ± (128.6) 118.82 ± (28 .3) 59.7 ± (52.91) 13. 65 (10 .32 –17 .35 ) ND 209.9 ± (88.8) 101 .38 ± (51.22) 34 . 63 ± (34 .59) 12.59 ± (3. 05) ND 640.84 ± (38 8.8) 132 .0 ± (105.8) 48.50 ... ( 13. 56) ND ND 23. 75 ± (16.1) 37 . 63 ± (32 .5) 31 .17 (18.97 35 .85) 119.70 ± (1 43. 5) ND 10.67 (10.06–12. 03) 0.6 0.001 0.16 0. 03 0.2 0.16 0.2 Note: Data are shown as mean ± SD, or medians and...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 18:20

5 357 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " Two dimensional VOPBA reveals laminin receptor (LAMR1) interaction with dengue virus serotypes 1, 2 and 3" pptx

Báo cáo sinh học: " Two dimensional VOPBA reveals laminin receptor (LAMR1) interaction with dengue virus serotypes 1, 2 and 3" pptx

... identification of the 37 -kilodalton/67-kilodal- Page 10 of 11 (page number not for citation purposes) Virology Journal 2005, 2:25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 ton high-affinity ... (VOPBA) The 2D blots were incubated overnight with rocking at room temperature with clarified antigen preparations and mock-infected controls The blots were then washed with PBS and incubated with the ... membrane [38 ,39 ] and is thus unlikely to be an alternative receptor for DENV-4 The significance of the reaction of DENV-4 envelope protein with lamin B1 is unclear and will be the subject of further...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20

11 346 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Low ficolin-3 levels in early follow-up serum samples are associated with the severity and unfavorable outcome of acute ischemic stroke" pptx

báo cáo hóa học: " Low ficolin-3 levels in early follow-up serum samples are associated with the severity and unfavorable outcome of acute ischemic stroke" pptx

... assess the strength of association between the low ficolin -3 and high CRP levels on the one hand and the unfavorable outcome of the disease on the other hand, we repeated the analysis as above in the ... inhibitor on reperfusion injury in the rat middle cerebral artery occlusion model Neurosurgery 20 03, 52 :39 5-400 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 De Simoni MG, Storini C, Barba ... (Table 3) In the analysis, adjusted for sex and age of the patients, both the low ficolin -3 and the high CRP levels significantly predicted an unfavorable outcome, with odds ratios of 5.6 and 3. 9,...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 22:20

27 434 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Motavizumab, A Neutralizing Anti-Respiratory Syncytial Virus (Rsv) Monoclonal Antibody Significantly Modifies The Local And Systemic Cytokine Responses Induced By Rsv In The Mouse Model" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Motavizumab, A Neutralizing Anti-Respiratory Syncytial Virus (Rsv) Monoclonal Antibody Significantly Modifies The Local And Systemic Cytokine Responses Induced By Rsv In The Mouse Model" potx

... 0. 03 0.1 0.051 0 .3 0.01 - ND 38 1. 83 (34 1.0–554.8) ND 102. 23 ± (22.5) ND ND 45.85 ± (17.5) 215.86 ± (125.8) 91 .39 (45. 43 135 .31 ) 266.88 ± (74.4) ND 20.68 (11.94 31 .85) ND 230 .65 (217. 43 298. 83) ... value 1291.29 ± (561 .3) 291.10 ± (128.6) 118.82 ± (28 .3) 59.7 ± (52.91) 13. 65 (10 .32 –17 .35 ) ND 209.9 ± (88.8) 101 .38 ± (51.22) 34 . 63 ± (34 .59) 12.59 ± (3. 05) ND 640.84 ± (38 8.8) 132 .0 ± (105.8) 48.50 ... ( 13. 56) ND ND 23. 75 ± (16.1) 37 . 63 ± (32 .5) 31 .17 (18.97 35 .85) 119.70 ± (1 43. 5) ND 10.67 (10.06–12. 03) 0.6 0.001 0.16 0. 03 0.2 0.16 0.2 Note: Data are shown as mean ± SD, or medians and...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

5 563 0