toggling sound and music

Học lập trình game IOS với cocos2d 3.0

Học lập trình game IOS với cocos2d 3.0

... 8, Adding Sound Effects and Music, shows how to easily add sound effects and music, switch between music tracks, and adjust audio properties Chapter 9, User Interface and Navigation, concentrates ... AudioManager and playing sound effects Time for action – adding the AudioManager class Time for action – finding and playing our first sound effect Time for action – playing the remaining sound effects Music ... 5, Starting the Action, and to test In-App purchases covered in Chapter 12, Standing Out – Integrating Game Center and In-App Purchases Sample game art, sound, music, and all the other required...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2015, 12:24

434 2.5K 0
Interactive Writing in the EFL Class.doc

Interactive Writing in the EFL Class.doc

... and to be evaluated by the teacher Problem-solving requirements like this make demands on the students' intellectual and reasoning powers, and though challenging at first, they are engaging and ... ends in marriage and love that dies out because of lies and quarrels We can also get a glimpse of the role women and men play in our society and observe them in different situations and from diverse ... emoticons and the like An alternative is to encourage students to use e-mail and computer networking in a collaborative fashion for formal and informal consultations among themselves and with...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 05:10

13 493 0
Real Audio to Augment Real Listening in the ESL Classroom

Real Audio to Augment Real Listening in the ESL Classroom

... be a RA sound clip, in which case students would record a summary of each sound clip In addition students can mention likes and dislikes, what things they learned from the sound clips and finally ... 1996 episode of Earth and Sky, The topic is the Sound Barrier The students will hear: es960411.ram Sound is produced by vibrations in the air around our planet The speed of sound is 760 miles an ... plane traveling faster than sound A possible question might be • What is a sonic boom? Travelling faster than sound the sound from a plane that travels faster than sound a barrier a wall of compressed...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10

7 427 0
Motivation in the ESL Classroom

Motivation in the ESL Classroom

... genuine and supportive, and the students' values and opinions will be respected (Lumsden) Teachers must be kind and listen fairly to the students, and be patient when they don't understand I have ... Although guidelines and rules must be set and understood by the students, and if they cross the guidelines a punishment will follow, the teacher must be approachable and understanding (Harris) Students ... will in return build a desire to learn and participate When the students realize that you are not going to get angry, you are being nice and understanding, and the reason you are trying so hard...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10

4 528 5
An Integrated Approach to Teaching Literature in the EFL Classroom

An Integrated Approach to Teaching Literature in the EFL Classroom

... beliefs held about literature and literary language Firstly, the creative use of language in poetry and prose often deviates from the conventions and rules which govern standard, non-literary discourse, ... Learners are encouraged to express their opinions, feelings and opinions and make connections between their own personal and cultural experiences and those expressed in the text Another aspect of this ... schema, strategies for intensive and extensive reading etc And, lastly, motivationally, literary texts prioritise the enjoyment of reading since, as Short and Candlin assert (1986), ‘if literature...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10

5 709 1
Doing Things with Sentences in the ESL Classroom

Doing Things with Sentences in the ESL Classroom

... another, and so on until the sentence is complete Thus, if the original sentence was 'Mary said she wished she had a big new red Mercedes', start with 'had', the first pair would be 'she' and 'a', and ... the sentence on the board, and then give the class the two words that go one either side of it in the sentence The students' task is to decide which goes in front and which goes behind If they ... referee and has a piece of paper with the sentence in the correct order, with one extra space included, representing the 'mine' The other players play with a piece of paper with numbered blanks and...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10

4 490 0
The BitSet Class

The BitSet Class

... set of candy where the bit is set if the name has an even number of characters It then prints out all the odd types of candy and shows the set size and length Finally, it demonstrates the andNot() ... void void void void and( BitSet set) or(BitSet set) xor(BitSet set) andNot(BitSet set) For the AND operation, each bit in the current bit set will be set (1) if it is already set and if the corresponding ... operations with an original bit set of {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and a passed in set of {1, 3, 5, 7} Table 6−2: Set Manipulation OPERATION and( ) or() xor() andNot() RESULTS {1, 3, 5} {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7} {2,...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 12:20

6 355 0
The SqlCommand Class

The SqlCommand Class

... version of the command Sometimes results in faster execution of the command ResetCommandTimeout() void Resets the CommandTimeout property to its default value Note Although the SqlCommand class is ... Server, many of the properties and methods in this class are the same as those for the OleDbCommand and OdbcCommand classes If a property or method is specific to SqlCommand, it says so in the Description ... Table 8.1: SqlCommand PROPERTIES PROPERTY TYPE DESCRIPTION command UpdatedRowSource UpdateRowSource Gets or sets how the command results are to be applied to a DataRow...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 19:15

3 401 0
The SqlDataAdapter Class

The SqlDataAdapter Class

... the Products table, and sets the CommandText property of mySqlDataAdapter to that SqlCommand object: SqlCommand mySqlCommand = mySqlConnection.CreateCommand(); mySqlCommand.CommandText = "SELECT ... must set its SelectCommand property to a SqlCommand that contains a SELECT command or stored procedure call The following example creates a SqlCommand object with its CommandText property set to ... SqlDataAdapter(SqlCommand mySqlCommand) SqlDataAdapter(string selectCommandString, SqlConnection mySqlConnection) SqlDataAdapter(string selectCommandString, string connectionString) where mySqlCommand specifies...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 10:15

6 289 0
The SqlDataReader Class

The SqlDataReader Class

... ColumnSize), precision and scale of a numeric column (stored in NumericPrecision and NumericScale), among others Precision is the total number of digits that make up a number, and scale is the total ... caused by loss of precision Because other data types are converted to and from SqlTypes behind the scenes, explicitly creating and using objects within this namespace results in faster code as well ... namespace provides classes for native data types used within SQL Server These classes provide a safer and faster alternative to other data types returned by the other Get* methods Using the classes...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 10:15

4 309 0
Understanding the SqlConnection Class

Understanding the SqlConnection Class

... open connection Close() void Closes the connection to the database CreateCommand() SqlCommand Creates and returns a command object Open() void Opens a database connection with the property settings ... SqlConnection EVENTS EVENT EVENT HANDLER DESCRIPTION StateChange StateChangeEventHandler Fires when the state of the connection is changed InfoMessage SqlInfoMessageEventHandler Fires when the database ... returns a warning or information message You'll learn how to use some of these properties, methods, and events in the following sections ...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 16:15

2 330 0
The transformation of the American class structure, 1960-1990

The transformation of the American class structure, 1960-1990

... to a smaller and smaller proportion of the labor force; routinization of activity is becoming more and more pervasive, spreading to technical and even professional occupations; and responsibilities ... this implies that the working class will tend to expand, skilled employees and experts decline, and supervisory labor to increase as the demands of social control intensify This chapter attempts ... it would have an increasingly skilled and technical character to it, and thus highly skilled workers should also expand The basic hypotheses of Marxist and postindustrial perspectives are summarized...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 07:20

11 540 1
Tài liệu Using the XML Class doc

Tài liệu Using the XML Class doc

... the XML format and the XML class, it's time to put that knowledge to use In the following exercise, you'll format a few simple XML documents, perform some easy parsing, and use sendAndLoad() to ... TextInput component instances) and buttons; and the Background layer contains the interface graphics With the Actions panel open, select Frame of the Actions layer and add a stop() action By placing ... the login_btn event handler, add the following script: register_btn.onRelease = function() { _root.gotoAndStop("Register"); 10 }; 11 This script adds an onRelease event handler to the register_btn...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 07:17

17 297 0
Using 5   minute activities to warm up the language classroom

Using 5 minute activities to warm up the language classroom

... to sounds _ Name : _ Aim : Vocabulary and past tense forms _ Procedure : The students close their eyes and rest their heads on their arms They should then listen and try to recognize all the sounds ... out of hand! After two minutes they open their eyes and describe and discuss what they heard, first with their neighbor and then with the class as a whole Note: Both the simple past tense and continuous ... language and the learning experience in a positive light We can this by creating a positive attitude to the language and its speakers, and encouraging to our students rather than critical and destructive...

Ngày tải lên: 27/12/2013, 20:26

66 693 4
Tài liệu The DataColumn Class pdf

Tài liệu The DataColumn Class pdf

... object must be unique The default is false You'll see the use of some of these properties, methods, and events later in this chapter ...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 07:20

2 344 0
Tài liệu Using the Color Class ppt

Tài liệu Using the Color Class ppt

... clip instance and then change its color to the random value just created NOTE This script can randomly generate more than 16 million possible colors Choose Control > Test Movie, and click the ... script: rainbow_btn.onRelease = function() { 10 11 var R:Number = random(256); 12 13 var G:Number = random(256); 14 15 var B:Number = random(256); 16 17 var colorHexString:String = R.toString(16)+G.toString(16)+B.toString(16); ... generate a random RGB value, convert it to a hex value, then use that value in the setRGB() method at the bottom of the script Lines 2, 3, and of the script create variables R, G, and B, whose...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 13:20

7 302 0
Tài liệu Using the Key Class to Add Interactivity docx

Tài liệu Using the Key Class to Add Interactivity docx

... 17 }; 18 This script uses an onEnterFrame event handler method to evaluate a conditional statement Key.RIGHT references the Right Arrow key, and Key.LEFT references the Left Arrow key Each time ... added in the preceding step However, here the if statement reacts to the Up and Down Arrow keys rather than the Right and Left Arrow keys The first part of this statement says that if the Up Arrow ... the balloon will be moved accordingly Close the test movie and save your work as balloon2.fla Now you know how to capture a keypress and make something happen as a result This script has many...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 13:20

5 347 0
Tài liệu Using The LoadVars Class ppt

Tài liệu Using The LoadVars Class ppt

... The sendAndLoad() method allows you to specify a LoadVars object whose contents you want to send, and the LoadVars object in which you want the response to load: myLoadVarsObject.sendAndLoad("", ... Poll.asp and Poll.mdb to a Windows server and make a note of their location (URL) Open poll1.fla in the Lesson 11/Assets folder We've already created the layers, frames, frame labels, and movie ... submitted his or her choice and the server has accepted it, added it to the current results, and loaded the resulting data into the poll LoadVars object Remember that in Steps and 10 we scripted our...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 13:20

16 346 0