thuật toán genetic adaptive routing algorithm

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Location-Based Self-Adaptive Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks in Home Automation" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Location-Based Self-Adaptive Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks in Home Automation" doc

... end end end Algorithm 1: recvRREQ This paper focuses on the above problems to develop a routing algorithm that can meet WSNHA requirements while minimizing the routing overhead Routing Algorithm ... delivery 2.2 Comparisons of Routing Protocols for WSNs In general, WSN routing protocols can be classified as flat-based routing, hierarchical-based routing, or location-based routing, depending on the ... reliable data transmission, in this paper we present a new routing algorithm for WSNHA, namely, WSNHA-LBAR (location-based selfadaptive routing for WSNHA) Instead of using flooding technology to...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20

15 434 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Mô phỏng màng chống phản xạ ar có cấu trúc nghiêng bằng thuật toán genetic doc

Báo cáo khoa học: Mô phỏng màng chống phản xạ ar có cấu trúc nghiêng bằng thuật toán genetic doc

... vùng khả kiến Việc tính toán mô áp dụng thuật giải Genetic viết chương trình matlab Hai chất điện môi sử dụng chương trình mô TiO2 MgF2 Áp dụng thuật toán di truyền để giải toán mô màng chống phản ... multilayer thin film by genetic algorithms, gởi đăng tạp chí communication Physiscs, V.16, No.4, 2006, pp.244-251 [4] Hoàng Kiếm, Lê Hoàng Thái, Thuật giải di truyền cách giải tự nhiên toán máy tính, ... thuận lợi thực nghiệm chế tạo màng chống phản xạ có cấu trúc nghiêng 4.KẾT LUẬN Chúng dùng thuật toán Genetic mô thành công màng chống phản xạ AR có cấu trúc nghiêng Chương trình viết cho hai...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 11:20

9 302 0


... dạng lai (Hybrid Genetic Algorithm - HGA) Thuật toán di truyền thích nghi (Adaptive Genetic Algorithm- AGA) Thuật toán di truyền nhanh (Fast Messy Genetic Algorithm - FmGA) Thuật toán di truyền ... khác thuật toán di truyền: Thuật toán di truyền đơn giản (Simple Genetic Algorithm- SGA) Thuật toán di truyền song song phân tán (Parallel and Distributed Genetic Algorithm - PGA DGA) Thuật toán ... VIẾT TẮT Genetic Algorithm Simple Genetic Algorithm Parallel Genetic Algorithm Distributed Genetic Algorithm GA SGA PGA DGA DANH MỤC CÁC HÌNH DANH MỤC CÁC BẢNG CHƯƠNG GIỚI THIỆU Thuật toán di...

Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2016, 07:50

35 922 8
Thuật toán Algorithms

Thuật toán Algorithms

... Algorithms, Outline of Topics Preview Pascal, Euclid’s Algorithm, Recursion, Analysis of Algorithms Implementing Algorithms MATHEMATICAL ALGORITHMS Arithmetic ... useful algorithms The book consists of forty chapters which are grouped into seven major parts: mathematical algorithms, sorting, searching, string processing, geometric algorithms, graph algorithms ... chapters An elementary course on “data structures and algorithms” might omit some of the mathematical algorithms and some of the advanced graph algorithms and other advanced topics, then emphasize...

Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2013, 11:24

560 451 0
Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 35)

Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 35)

... parts: we need a preprocessing algorithm, which builds the given points into a structure supporting efficient range searching, and a range-searching 335 336 CHAPTER 26 algorithm, which uses the structure ... could reasonably occur in many applications, but sophisticated algorithms are not necessary if all queries are of this type The algorithms that we consider are designed to be efficient for queries...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 22:15

10 303 0
Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 36)

Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 36)

... intersect in time proportional to N log N, based on algorithms presented by M Shamos and D Hoey in a seminal paper in 1976 First, we’ll consider an algorithm for returning all intersecting pairs among ... should now be accustomed to encountering such difficulties in geometric algorithms) To trace through the operation of our algorithm on our set of sample points, we first must sort the line endpoints ... objects to see if they intersect Since there are about ;N” pairs of objects, the running time of this algorithm is proportional to N2 For many applications, this is not a problem because other factors...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 16:15

10 310 1
Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 37)

Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 37)

... procedures operating on the x and y coordinates is quite important in geometric algorithms Another example of this is the 2D tree algorithm of the previous chapter, and we’ll see yet another example in ... out that these problems can be handled in an algorithm with the same basic structure as given above To simplify the discussion, we’ll consider an algorithm for detecting whether or not there ... proportional to N 1ogN (far better on the average) In this section, we’ll examine such an algorithm in detail The algorithm that we’ll use is based on a straightforward “divide-andconquer” strategy...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 16:15

10 331 0
Routing - Thuật toán

Routing - Thuật toán

...  Thuật toán Bellman-Ford SP (phân tán) o Link state protocol (LSP)  Thông tin link state gửi tới tất router (flooding)  Router có thông tin đầy đủ cấu hình mạng  SP NH tính toánThuật toán ...  (1, 0) 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 10/23/13 0, 3, 3, 3, • Shortest path routing  Shortest path & routing o Có nhiều tuyến kết nối nguồn đích o Định tuyến: chọn tuyến kết nối ngắn (shortest ... (DV): Vector khoảng cách o Routing table (RT) cho địa đích: next-node (NN), distance o Tổng hợp RT: Các node lân cận trao đổi RT, xác định next hope 10/23/13  Bellman-Ford algorithm Initialization...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 21:15

17 345 0
Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 38)

Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 38)

... diagram and its dual have many properties that lead to efficient algorithms for closest-point problems The property that makes these algorithms efficient is t,hat the number of lines in both the ... be done efficiently The Voronoi diagram can be computed using an algorithm with the same general structure as the closest-point algorithm above The points are first sorted on their x coordinate ... sorting or mathematical algorithms Many of the problems and solutions that we’ve discussed were presented by M Shamos in 1975 Shamos’ manuscript treats a large number of geometric algorithms, and has...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 14:15

10 370 0
Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 39)

Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 39)

... graph algorithms somewhat more complicated than many algorithms that we’ve studied, because more possibilities arise For example, one algorithm might take about V2 steps, while another algorithm ... trivial graph algorithms lead to interesting computer programs, and the nontrivial algorithms that we’ll examine are among the most elegant and interesting (though difficult to understand) algorithms ... fundamental algorithms As with so many of the problem domains that we’ve studied, graphs have only recently begun to be examined from an algorithmic point of view Although some of the fundamental algorithms...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 14:15

10 302 0
Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 40)

Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 40)

... of graph algorithms Many interesting and useful algorithms have been developed which are beyond the scope of this book, and many interesting problems have been studied for which good algorithms ... follow we’ll consider a variety of graph algorithms largely aimed at determining connectivity properties of both undirected and directed graphs These algorithms are fundamental ones for processing ... be amused to use as input for some of the algorithms in later chapters To fully capture the correspondence with the maze, a weighted ELEMENTARY GRAPH ALGORITHMS 387 version of the graph should...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 21:15

10 450 1
Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 41)

Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 41)

... structure for graph algorithms is a priority queue, and this admits a wealth of interesting properties to consider Again, we’ll see more examples in the next chapter Union-Find Algorithms In some ... strictly a stack, since we use the additional operation of moving a vertex to the beginning The algorithm can be efficiently implemented by maintaining the fringe as a linked list and keeping ... substitution of various expressions for priority in this program yields several classical graph traversal algorithms Specifically, the program operates as follows: first, we give all the vertices the sentinel...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 21:15

10 313 0
Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 42)

Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 42)

... patterns that might appear in practice For this reason, algorithms which well in the worst case are normally preferred for union-find (and other graph algorithms), though this may be an overly ccnservative ... the analysis of union-find algorithms is extremely complex and intricate This can be seen even from the nature of the results, which give us clear indications of how the algorithms will perform ... that no algorithm for this problem (from a certain general class) can better that E&(E), so that this function is intrinsic to the problem An important practical application of union-find algorithms...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 18:15

10 304 0
Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 43)

Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 43)

... undirected graph Thus, some of algorithms in this chapter can be considered generalizations of algorithms in previous chapters Depth-First Search The depth-first search algorithm of Chapter 29 works ... queue in order to achieve a V2 running time for any priority graph traversal algorithm That is, this provides a linear algorithm for the priority first search (and thus the minimum spanning tree ... for priority in this program, we get Prim’s algorithm for finding the minimum spanning tree; if we use vaJ[k]+a[k, t] for priority we get Dijkstra’s algorithm for the shortest path problem As...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 18:15

10 306 0
Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 44)

Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 44)

... directed graph, using the adjacency list representation Discuss how Warshall’s algorithm compares with the transitive closure algorithm derived from using the depth-first search technique described ... performing a topological sort on the graph obtained by reversing all the edges But we’ve already seen an algorithm for reverse topological sorting, the standard recursive depth-first search procedure of ... basic visit procedure, but before Tarjan presented the method, no linear DLRECTED GRAPHS 429 time algorithm was known for this problem, even though many people had worked on it The modified version...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 18:15

10 307 0
Tài liệu Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 56) ppt

Tài liệu Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 56) ppt

... 227 Matching, 443-452, 454 match (general regular-expression pattern matching), 265 Mathematical algorithms, 23-88 Mathematical programming, 497 Matrices addition, 28-29 (matradd) band, 64 chain ... queue), 396, 139, 290, 411 Pratt, V R., 242, 304 Preprocessing, 335 Prim, R C., 410, 454 Prim’s algorithm (minimum spanning tree), 410-411, 413 Print binary search tree (treeprint), 336 Priority ... recursive), 145 Selection sort, 95 (selection), 144, 326 Self-organizing search, 175 Seminumerical algorithms, 88 Sentinel, 106, 173, 273, 309, 329, 96, 247, 254, 493 Separate chaining, 202-204,...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 02:16

10 726 0
Tài liệu Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 1) doc

Tài liệu Thuật toán Algorithms (Phần 1) doc

... Algorithms, Outline of Topics Preview Pascal, Euclid’s Algorithm, Recursion, Analysis of Algorithms Implementing Algorithms MATHEMATICAL ALGORITHMS Arithmetic ... useful algorithms The book consists of forty chapters which are grouped into seven major parts: mathematical algorithms, sorting, searching, string processing, geometric algorithms, graph algorithms ... chapters An elementary course on “data structures and algorithms” might omit some of the mathematical algorithms and some of the advanced graph algorithms and other advanced topics, then emphasize...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 02:16

10 557 0

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