threads are necessary to get work done

Get work done   17 workplace productivity hacks

Get work done 17 workplace productivity hacks

... WE’VE PUT TOGETHER 17 THINGS YOU CAN DO TO AVOID DISTRACTIONS & CREATE A WORKPLACE CONDUCIVE TO PRODUCTIVITY 01 SIT BY A WINDOW 02 CLEAN YOUR DESK *Clutter  is  distracting Photo by TheCareyFam ... STUDIES SHOW THAT OFFICE WORKERS ARE INTERRUPTED EVERY to 11 MINUTES Photo by Wonderlane - Creative Commons Attribution License CO-WORKER TALKING EMAIL ... Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License 03 SET THE THERMOSTAT FOR 70-77 DEGREES Photo by theglobalpanorama - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Ngày tải lên: 27/11/2015, 12:25

19 78 0
Eat That Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time potx

Eat That Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time potx

... soon as you get caught up But the fact is that you are never going to get caught up You will never get on top of your tasks You will never get far enough ahead to be able to get to all those ... with the work of others to create a product or service that customers are willing to pay for Each job can be broken down into about five to seven key result areas, seldom more These are the results ... called the Pareto Principle after its founder, the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, who first wrote about it in 1895 Pareto noticed that people in his society seemed to divide naturally into what...

Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 02:20

114 584 0
Báo cáo y học: "Factor VII and the brain: time to get this research done" potx

Báo cáo y học: "Factor VII and the brain: time to get this research done" potx

... is not well understood; retrospective diagnosis depends on the presence of computed tomography scans with contrast (unusual in TBI) or computed tomography scans obtained days to weeks after injury ... urgent need to study this population, however, and to study the very wide range of doses currently seeing anecdotal use, all the way from 10 to 15 μg/kg in centers such as my own to the 400 μg/kg ... Activated Factor VII Intracerebral Hemorrhage Trial Investigators: Recombinant activated factor VII for acute intracerebral hemorrhage N Engl J Med 2005, 352:777-785 Thomas GOR, Dutton RP, Hemlock...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:20

2 174 0
Dangerous liaisons how businesses are learning to work with their new stakeholders

Dangerous liaisons how businesses are learning to work with their new stakeholders

... fitted in-store—posed problems when it wished to move into online sales It turned to UEA to develop a tool enabling parents to find out their children’s shoe size from home by uploading photographs ... Students get a “real-world” framework to test their research, allowing more commercial ideas to be developed to the university’s advantage Companies get to benefit from academia’s greater freedom to ... needed to take them to market The views of customers—gathered through chat rooms and social networking sites are also sources of innovation, helping companies to learn more about what their customers...

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2015, 00:04

36 168 0
42091 to have   get something done

42091 to have get something done

... car) _ Tomorrow, (she / repair / her shower) Each Saturday, (we / deliver / a pizza) to our home Last year, (Bob / ... tomorrow in the afternoon (We / redecorate / our walls) _ last summer Whenever Clara is staying at this hotel, (she / carry / her bags) _ into her ... afternoon (do) I _ the brakes _ three times a year (check) The government _ the whole town _ yesterday (evacuate) I _ my hard drive _ for a bigger one last week (change)...

Ngày tải lên: 26/08/2016, 17:22

3 243 0


... need to be sure of the type of job you are aiming at and why You need to be focused on the qualities needed to get that kind of job And your CV needs to be geared towards it Look first and prepare ... concepts They aren't able to get beneath the skin of client company cultures, business drivers and organisational needs There are exceptions, but they are rare Unless you are going for a top flight ... WIIFM factor (what's in it for me) When you apply to a vacancy, you need to express your work experience in terms of benefits to your target employer There are various words you can use to bring...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 15:40

36 576 0
VN Supplier Day 2012_How to get High Ranking & More Inquiries

VN Supplier Day 2012_How to get High Ranking & More Inquiries

... attributes into table format - Use bullet points to highlight product features - Upload extra pictures (up to 15) to show different product features and angles and even your company photos To Recap: ... Paid members are listed higher than free members considering other factors are the same • Product showcase will enjoy a higher ranking while the same performance is got in other factors 26 Understand ... Correlation Product Subject Product Photo • DO: Use clear photo consistent with the product subject • DON‟T: Use unclear photo, having several products in one photo Product Category • DO: Use a correct...

Ngày tải lên: 15/05/2013, 11:52

44 320 0


... need to be sure of the type of job you are aiming at and why You need to be focused on the qualities needed to get that kind of job And your CV needs to be geared towards it Look first and prepare ... concepts They aren't able to get beneath the skin of client company cultures, business drivers and organisational needs There are exceptions, but they are rare Unless you are going for a top flight ... WIIFM factor (what's in it for me) When you apply to a vacancy, you need to express your work experience in terms of benefits to your target employer There are various words you can use to bring...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2013, 11:13

37 765 1
2500 keywords to get you hired

2500 keywords to get you hired

... quick personal briefing rehearsed to speak to someone Network in nonwork environments, such as a happy-hour bar (a great opportunity to network) or an airport Network with your college alumni office ... this: You are the product, you are the salesperson, and you must define your customers and promote yourself to them So, like the highly successful salesperson, the key to your success is to know ... FL Y There are four categories of job-related skills: 1) working with people, 2) working with data and information, 3) working with things, and 4) working with ideas Though most of us work with...

Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2013, 08:35

192 545 5


... idea A publication by John Haydon Click to Share on Twitter HOW TO GET MORE COMMENTS FOLLOWING ARE 16 TIPS TO GET MORE COMMENTS ON YOUR FACEBOOK PAGE A publication ... _ A publication by John Haydon Click to Share on Twitter HOW TO GET MORE LIKES FOLLOWING ARE TIPS TO GET MORE LIKES ON YOUR NONPROFITS FACEBOOK PAGE A publication ... Click to Share on Twitter HOW TO GET MORE COMMENTS Ask specific questions – The last thing your fans want to is homework Asking your fans what they can to cut down carbon emissions might get comments...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 19:16

29 584 1


... existing customers Avoid, "Just checking in with you to see if you needed anything," and, "Just calling to touch base." These are more nuisance than service Be certain they're able to say they are better ... individual to be able to that well You are that person Feel proud of what you do, and always strive to get better! (Art Sobczak specializes in helping people say and the right things to get more ... you'll both be clear as to what would need to happen in order for them to buy 37 When sending material, prepare them as to what they should look for Otherwise, they'll get a package of materials...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 06:15

14 856 0
Corporate Culture The Four Ingredients That Are Crucial to Your Company’s Success

Corporate Culture The Four Ingredients That Are Crucial to Your Company’s Success

... In summary, values are a cornerstone to your story Careful considerations are made to define what are operational values and 186 Seven Steps to a Successful Business Plan what are the true, core ... often opens doors to customers Brand Recognition Your philosophy may be to use marketing to get to customers You choose to become a recognized name in your local area, then expand to national recognition ... Recall buying a new car from a dealer across town or out of town and trying to get it serviced? Much to your dismay you were told to take it back to the dealer where you bought the car What prompted...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 09:20

34 530 0
It is said that …. He is said ..(be) supposed to & Have something done

It is said that …. He is said ..(be) supposed to & Have something done

... explosion hay Two people are reported to have been injured in the explosion Người ta đưa tin có hai người bị thương vụ nổ B (Be) supposed to Đôi it is supposed to … = it is said to Let’s go and see ... film It’s supposed to be very good (=it is said to be very good) Hãy xem phim Nghe nói phim hay “Why was he arrested?” “He’s supposed to have kicked a policeman.” (He is said to have kicked a policeman) ... work (his doctor has advised him not to ) Sau khỏi bệnh, sức khỏe ông Bond ông chưa nên làm việc nặng (= bác sĩ ông khuyên ông ấy)             Have something done Unit 45 Have something done A Hãy...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 07:15

5 829 4
Tài liệu The Only Way to get Certified Quickly. docx

Tài liệu The Only Way to get Certified Quickly. docx

... a connection to one physical network segment in order to share network resources, such as network servers, printers, shared directories, software programs, and applications, had to be placed ... networks must support multiple protocols, some of which are routed protocols used to send user data through the internetwork, such as IP or IPX; and some of which are routing protocols used to ... Now network administrators need to create a network that makes everyone capable of reaching all network services easily They therefore need to must pay attention to traffic patterns and how to solve...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 14:16

111 377 0
Tài liệu How to Get Free Traffic doc

Tài liệu How to Get Free Traffic doc

... 27 How to Get Free Traffic © 2008 Lambert Klein – How to Get Free Traffic © 2008 How to Get Free Traffic There are several ways to attract visitors to your ... 13 How to Get Free Traffic © 2008 Another way to get links is to add comments to other people's blogs Find relevant blogs and post comments that are helpful or contribute to the ... This is one area where you may want to outsource to get a large distribution, unless you have plenty of time How to Get Free Traffic © 2008 Lambert Klein – 19 How to Get Free...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 14:15

27 446 0
Tài liệu 3 Untold Manifesting Secrets For Living The Life You Are Meant To Live! ppt

Tài liệu 3 Untold Manifesting Secrets For Living The Life You Are Meant To Live! ppt

... Untold Manifesting Secrets For Living The Life You Are Meant To Live! To find out more, visit it, to cut out pictures, to feel it as real right now, and to aim ... 3 Untold Manifesting Secrets For Living The Life You Are Meant To Live! To find out more, visit Do Feel Free To Share This Report! Great News! ... people to conclude: “Oh that doesn’t work! ” We’ll then discuss how to overcome those shortcomings so you really can live the life you are MEANT to live! Does that sound good? Well, let’s get started!...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 05:15

15 571 0
Tài liệu Edit Data and Update Changes That Are Made to an ADO.NET pdf

Tài liệu Edit Data and Update Changes That Are Made to an ADO.NET pdf

... then stored back into the server, and the text boxes are changed to disabled If the btnCancel is clicked, the text boxes are changed to disabled Comments Although it takes a bit more code to handle ... on the command button with the caption How -To 4.1 When the form loads, click on the Load List button to display the customers that begin with the letter A Click the Edit button You will notice ... 60 If Me.lstCustomers.SelectedIndex -1 Then 61 62 Try 63 ' Load the individual record into the dataset 64 strSQL = "Select * from Customers Where CustomerID = '" & 65 Me.lstCustomers.SelectedItem(0)...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 06:17

10 400 0