Chapter 16. IP Security pptx
... packet header is a multiple of 32 bits in length Figure 16.14 IP Headers (This item is displayed on page 521 in the print version) [View full size image] IPv6 In 1995, the Internet Engineering Task ... store the authentication information with the message at the destination for later reference It is more convenient to this if the authentication information applies to the unencrypted message; otherwise ... discussed in the next subsection • Major Version (4 bits): Indicates major version of ISAKMP in use • Minor Version (4 bits): Indicates minor version in use • Exchange Type (8 bits): Indicates the...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:21
... additional TCP/IP configuration information Click on the More Info >> button The next figure shows the detailed IP Configuration screen The More Info button displays the Host Name, which includes the ... adapter The adapter model of this computer should be displayed in the box at the top of the screen Use the drop-down arrow in that box to see if there are any other configurations for this adapter, ... Networking Basics v 3.0 - Lab 1.1.6 Copyright 2003, Cisco Systems, Inc Step Compare the TCP/IP configuration of this computer to others on the LAN If this computer is on a LAN, compare the information...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 13:15
... adapter The adapter model of this computer should be displayed in the box at the top of the screen Use the drop-down arrow in that box to see if there are any other configurations for this adapter, ... Check additional TCP/IP configuration information Click on the More Info >> button The next figure shows the detailed IP configuration screen Display the Host Name, which includes the computer ... _ Step Compare the TCP/IP configuration of this computer to others on the LAN If this computer is on a LAN, compare the information of several machines 4-6 CCNA 1: Networking Basics v 3.0 -...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 13:15
Tài liệu Module 2: TCP/IP as a Solution for Networking pdf
... block in the new design The current link to the ISP and the Internet is established, and the ISP has issued the organization one public IP address This address will be used for the firewall interface ... based on their responses Remind the students that there can be more than one possible solution to the scenario Do not spend too much time on discussions Try to finish the discussion in 10 minutes ... requirements that you must meet in your solution: Existing configuration information The configuration of the existing network is: • The network currently uses as the private address block...
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 05:18
TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows pot
... prompt Installing and Configuring the IPv6-based TCP/IP Component in Windows The procedure for installing and manually configuring the IPv6-based TCP/IP component in Windows depends on the version ... uninstall it You can install the IPv6 component in the following ways: Using the Network Connections folder Using the netsh interface ipv6 install command To install the IPv6 component in ... and Windows XP contains separate versions of the TCP and UDP protocols than the Microsoft TCP/IP Version component does The versions in the Microsoft TCP/IP Version component are functionally...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 04:20
tcp ip for dummies
... routing information whether it is acting as an internetwork router or not This is the default if multiple network interfaces are present, or if a point-to-point link is in use -q This option is the ... doesn’t, the problem is in naming resolution Ping a host on this net, using internet address, then host name Ping the gateway host Ping farther towards the unreachable destination, the problem ... interface options interface interface_list interface_options ; Sets interface options on the specified interfaces An interface list is all or a list of interface names metric metric Set the interface...
Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 16:06
tcp ip sockets in java practical guide for programmers
... are binary numbers They come in two flavors, corresponding to the two versions of the Internet Protocol that have been standardized The most common type is version (“IPv4,” [14]); the other is version ... no other network connection, so this check will succeed only if the host has no networking subsystem at all Get and print address(es) of each interface in the list: lines 13–27 Print the interface’s ... for client connection requests on the port specified in the constructor Loop forever, iteratively handling incoming connections: lines 20–34 Accept an incoming connection: line 21 The sole purpose...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:30
the linux tcp ip stack networking for embedded systems
... responses The balanced configuration is used primarily for point-to-point links In contrast, with the unbalanced configuration, the primary station is the controlling station on the link and the ... destination for this packet The driver checks the destination to see if the address is known If not, the resolve function in the ARP module finds out the destination address If the ARP cache contains ... improvements involved, in one form or another, what was known as a printing telegraph There were various systems of printing telegraphs tried in the mid- and late nineteenth century The early printing...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:32
tcp ip sockets in java practical guide for programmers
... are binary numbers They come in two flavors, corresponding to the two versions of the Internet Protocol that have been standardized The most common type is version (“IPv4,” [14]); the other is version ... no other network connection, so this check will succeed only if the host has no networking subsystem at all Get and print address(es) of each interface in the list: lines 13–27 Print the interface’s ... for client connection requests on the port specified in the constructor Loop forever, iteratively handling incoming connections: lines 20–34 Accept an incoming connection: line 21 The sole purpose...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:33
the linux tcp ip stack networking for embedded systems
... responses The balanced configuration is used primarily for point-to-point links In contrast, with the unbalanced configuration, the primary station is the controlling station on the link and the ... destination for this packet The driver checks the destination to see if the address is known If not, the resolve function in the ARP module finds out the destination address If the ARP cache contains ... improvements involved, in one form or another, what was known as a printing telegraph There were various systems of printing telegraphs tried in the mid- and late nineteenth century The early printing...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:35
TCP/IP Sockets in C# Practical Guide for Programmers phần 5 docx
... string itemDescription is encoded in a field with an explicit length indication The binary encoding and decoding share coding constants in the ItemQuoteBinConst interface ItemQuoteBinConst.cs using ... and inStock) in a single field; the field contains the character ‘d’ if discounted is true, indicating that the item is discounted, and the character ‘s’ if inStock is true, indicating that the item ... extracting the information for one message and returning an ItemQuote instance containing the information ItemQuoteDecoder.cs using System.IO; // For Stream public interface ItemQuoteDecoder { ItemQuote...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21
TCP/IP Sockets in C# Practical Guide for Programmers phần 6 ppsx
... will be removed from the list Loop through and process incoming connections: lines 60–79 From this point on the processing is the same as in our previous examples Each socket in the array has its ... of this. ) Establishing a Socket connection to a specified host and port will block until either the connection is established, the connection is refused, or a system-imposed timeout occurs The ... or an incoming connection } else { // No data to read or incoming connections } In general, polling is considered very inefficient because it requires repeated calls to check status This is sometimes...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21
TCP/IP Sockets in C# Practical Guide for Programmers phần 7 pdf
... one thread, and the Socket instance for the new connection is returned only in that thread The other threads remain blocked until the next connection is established and another lucky winner is ... mechanism for building an asynchronous version of any method, even user-defined methods The latter is beyond the scope of this book, but in this section we will examine some of the existing asynchronous ... information to the log: lines 16–18 ArrayList is a dynamically sized container of Objects The Add() method of ArrayList inserts the specified object at the end of the list In this case, the inserted...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21
TCP/IP Sockets in C# Practical Guide for Programmers phần 8 pdf
... if they occur A final option for handling asynchronous call completion is polling As we have seen, polling involves having the main thread periodically check in with the asynchronous operation ... option The UdpClient class can set the TTL by calling the JoinMulticastGroup() method with the optional TTL argument (this is a slightly odd API, since joining multicast groups is really only ... to the client Which endpoint should close the connection? Since the stream of bytes from the client is arbitrarily long, the client needs to close the connection so that the server knows when the...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21
TCP/IP Sockets in C# Practical Guide for Programmers phần 9 potx
... with connection establishment at the client are illustrated in Figure 5.6 In this and the remaining figures in this section, the large arrows depict external events that cause the underlying socket ... considers the connection establishment and termination of the TCP protocol Finally, Section 5.5 discusses the process of matching incoming packets to sockets and the rules about binding to port ... another Read() queue; this includes the remaining 1500 bytes from the second Write(), plus the first 2500 bytes from the third Write() The resulting state of the queues is shown in Figure 5.4 The...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21
TCP/IP Sockets in C# Practical Guide for Programmers phần 10 ppt
... application program may have long since vanished, the associated underlying structure continues to exist in the implementation for a minute or more; the reasons for this are discussed on page 164 ... the destination port number in the incoming packet Any address fields in the socket structure that contain the wildcard value (∗ ) are considered to match any value in the corresponding field in ... modifying the linger option The linger option is accessed by either using the LingerState property of TcpClient class, or by Socket’s Get/SetSocketOption() methods In both cases the LingerOption...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21