Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 09:36
... (RLU) -15 4 +1 Luc -15 4 +1 Luc +1 Luc -14 0 +1 Luc -14 0 +1 Luc +1 Luc -11 9 +1 Luc -11 9 +1 Luc +1 Luc -10 6 +1 Luc -10 6 +1 Luc +1 Luc AP -1 (-27) Oct1 ( -12 3) Oct1 /2 ( -10 5) -13 94 +1 AP -1 (-27) Oct1 ( -12 3) Oct1 ... 11 9 -13 94 E2 +1 +786 -13 94 E2 +1 +786 * * * * +1 Luc -11 8 Luc +11 9 Luc -11 8 -404 +1 19 -13 94 E2 +1 +786 * * * * +1 Luc -11 8 Luc +11 9 Luc -11 8 -404 +1 19 -13 94 E2 +1 +786 * * * * +1 Luc +1 Luc -11 8 Luc -11 8 Luc +11 9 Luc +11 9 Luc -11 8 -404 +1 ... sequence aaA TGCa to aaTTCCa (core bases shown in uppercase letters) centered at )12 3 within Prm3 was performed using the mutator primers Kin175 (5¢-CACCAGAGCTACTTACA CTGAATTCCAGAATAATCACAAGCAAATC-3¢;...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 16:20
Đề tài " The number of extensions of a number field with fixed degree and bounded discriminant " docx
... commands InvariantRing, PrimaryInvariants, and SecondaryInvariants in Magma.) One checks that R = R/f 1 R is an integral domain. Let S be the subring of R generated by f 2 , ,f 6 and g 2 , and ... rings and fields, Ann. of Math. 16 2 (2005), 10 31 10 63. [3] ——— , The density of of discriminants of quintic rings and fields, Ann. of Math.,to appear. [4] H. Cohen, Constructing and counting number ... communication. [10 ] A. Granville, ABC allows us to count squarefrees, Internat. Math. Research Notices 19 (19 98), 9 91 10 09. [11 ] A. Kable and A. Yukie, On the number of quintic fields, Invent. Math. 16 0 (2005), 217 –259. [12 ] P....
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:21
... has an area of 18 .99 km 2 of which 11 2,497 m 2 is residential. It also has a lake and a forest. Socio-demographic data show a total of 2, 915 inhabitants living in 1, 417 households, with a ... BETWEEN NEEDS AND REALITY - A COMPARATIVE STUDY – Mona Vintilă 1 , Ingela Marklinder 2 , Margaretha Nydahl 2 , Daliana Istrat 1 , Amalia Kuglis 1 West University of Timişoara 1 , Uppsala ... Germany, Great Britain, Sweden, Austria, Latvia and Romania. The following results present an analysis of some comparative data of the Swedish and Romanian communities. Attitudes about health and...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 20:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Tradeoff between Compositionality and Complexity in the Semantics of Dimensional Adjectives" potx
Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 00:20
... meters and with a tidal stream of over 4 knots. The West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia has an equatorial climate, with an average annual rainfall of more than 2500mm and a daily temperature that ... of 14 8,307 km 2 and an Exclusive Economic Zone of 450,000 km 2 . Economic Setting Malaysia consists of a federation of 11 states in Peninsular Malaysia and the states of Sabah and Sarawak ... Population by State - Malaysia (2000) Johor Kedah Melaka Negeri Sembilan Perak Perlis Pulau Pinang Selangor Total MALAYSIA % of Total Malaysia AREA Area in square kilometres 18 ,987...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 15:21
The Making of a European Constitution Judges and Law Beyond Constitutive Power docx
... most appropri- ately be safeguarded by a professionally irreproachable and apolitical cadre of European lawyers. The independence and, above all, the professionalism of Europe’s lawyers is also a ... football association ASBL v Jean-Marc Bosman, Royal club Liégeois SA v Jean-Marc Bosman and others and Union des associations européennes de football (UEFA) v Jean-Marc Bosman [19 95] ECR 1- 49 21 ... (Case C- 415 /93) 15 4n34 Brunner – Manfred Brunner v European Union Treaty [19 94] 1 CMLR 9 71 38m50, 68, 71, 10 3n24, 14 1 14 2, 15 1, 15 5n40, 18 3, 220 Calpak – Calpak SpA v Commission [19 80] ECR 19 49...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 02:20
An Outline of the Relations between England and Scotland (500-1707) doc
... Scotland. He had been born and educated in England, as also had been his mother, the daughter of Angus and Margaret Tudor, and Elizabeth might have used him as against Mary's claim. That claim ... Scone, on which all Scottish kings had sat, and that a Highlander appeared and read Alexander's Celtic genealogy (Annals XLVIII. Cf. App. A) . There is no indication that Alexander's subjects, ... League against France, and by the end of the year it included Spain, Austria, and England. The formation of a united Europe against the ancient ally of Scotland thoroughly alarmed James. It was...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 00:20
Báo cáo Y học: Overexpression of a recombinant wild-type and His-tagged Bacillus subtilis glycine oxidase in Escherichia coli pptx
... oxidase (PIPOX), DAAO and D -aspartate oxidase (DASPO). P IPOX is a m ammalian enzyme that plays a significant role in brain metabolism, where L -pipecolate acts as a neuromodulator. DAAO has been ... horseradish peroxidase assay and o-dianisidine. The values are reported as a percentage of the absorbance change a t 440 nm obtained with sarcosine (referred a s 10 0%) after 3 h of incubation a t ... glycine and formalde- hyde. Similarly, DAAO catalyses the oxidative d eamination of neutral and (with a lower efficiency) basic D -amino acids to give the corresponding a- keto acids and ammonia. In both...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 16:20
Odd John: A Story Between Jest and Earnest ppt
... and was making all manner of ingenious models out of cardboard, wire, wood, plasticine, and any other material that came to hand. Drawing, also, occupied much of his time. 13 Chapter 1 JOHN AND ... Liverpool and Port Said from 19 10 to 19 13. During World War I he served with the Friends' Ambulance Unit in France and Belgium from July 19 15 to Janu- ary 19 19. On 16 July 19 19 he married Agnes ... Yugoslavia and returned to his home in Caldy, where he died very suddenly of a heart attack. Olaf Stapledon was cremated at Landican Crematorium; his widow Agnes and their children Mary and John scattered...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 17:20
Báo cáo khoa học: In vitro analysis of the relationship between endonuclease and maturase activities in the bi-functional doc
... site variants containing 5¢-EcoRI and 3¢-HindIII sticky ends: AnI19R 5¢-AATTCATGAGGAGGTTTCTCTGTAACA-3¢;AnI19H 5¢-AGCTTGTTACAG-AGAAACCTCCTCATG-3¢; AnI17R 5¢-AATTCACGAGGAGGTTTCTCTGTACTA-3¢; AnI17H ... 5¢-AGCTTAGTACAGAGAAACCTCCTCG TG-3¢;AnI15R5¢-AATTCACAGGAGGTTTCTCT-GTC TA-3¢;AnI15H5¢-AGCTTAGACAGAGAAACCTCC TGTG-3¢. Each annealed oligonucleotide pair was subcloned into the equivalent sites of ... and yielded an average ratio of DNA/protein of 1. 09 : 1 and an average ratio of RNA/protein of 1. 12 : 1. Multiple-turnover (substrate in excess) DNA cleavage reactions were also performed to estimate...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 10:20
Báo cáo Y học: Incorporation of 3-nitrotyrosine into the C-terminus of a-tubulin is reversible and not detrimental to dividing cells potx
... Biophys. Acta 14 81, 13 1 13 8. 13 . Fukuyama, N., Takebayashi, Y., Hida, M., Ishida, H., Ichimori, K. & Nakazawa, H. (19 97) Clinical evidence of peroxy- nitrite formation in chronic renal failure patients ... collected 15 days after each injection and tested for affinity and specificity and stored at )20 °C. Mouse monoclonal antibodies against Tyr-tubulin (Tub 1A2 ) and total a- tubulin (DM 1A) , per- oxidase-conjugated ... physiological role of this reaction remains unclear. As an experimental strategy, we are studying tyrosine analogues capable of being incorpor- ated into the C-terminus of a- tubulin, and also able to alter biochemical...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 10:20
Novel technique for rapid detection of a-globin gene mutations and deletions pot
... products of 7 DNA samples of known genotypes at 50 C. 1 5 SEA/ SEA; 2 5 SEA/aa;35 SEA/aCSa;45 aa/aa;5523.7/aa;6524.2/aa;75 aQSaa/ aa. The peak appeared at 5 .1 6 0 .1 min, which indicates aa, aCSa, or ... /WS 2 cases) 24 1 — 1 — 2a 3.7 /aa 10 1 –—— 2a 4.2 /aa 2— — 11 2a 3.7 / -a 4.2 6— 11 — 2a 3.7 / 4— 1 — 1 2a 4.2 / 2— — 1 — 2a 3.7 / -a 3.7 1 — — 1 2a 4.2 / -a 4.2 2— 1 — — / 30 1 ———aa/aa (including ... products of 6 samples at 63.8 C. Four had mutations and 2 did not. 1 and 2 5 aCSa/aa; 3 and 4 5 aQSa/aa; 5 and 6 5 aa/aa. (Color version of figure is available online.) Translational Research Volume...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 22:20
Providing detailed guidelines for implementation of a number of articles of the law on enterprise
... and fax numbers and email address (if any) of the converted company. 4. Charter capital of the converted company in the case of a limited liability company; number of shares and value of ... director) and members of board of management 9 Article 16 Authorization of legal representative of enterprise 10 Article 17 Establishment of branches and representative offices of enterprises ... main particulars: (a) Name and address of head office of the company; (b) Number and date of issuance of enterprise registration certificate; (c) List of shareholders or group of shareholders...
Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 10:15
The Confessions of a Caricaturist, Vol. 1 ppt
... is a great deal in a name. For instance, the late Major Handy at once indicated the man handy, always ready with tongue, hands and legs. He handed me round the city, told me of its wonders, and ... I, as a "special," was allowed to make a sketch of the outside of the famous No. 10 . Not long afterwards I happened to be standing in the same place with a number of journalists and a ... up a message to Mr. Toole that a gentleman with a large family had arrived to see him; and the porter and I made the noise of ten up the stairs, and eventually the gentleman and family were announced...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 22:20
Diary of a Pedestrian in Cashmere and Thibet pdf
... hope and avarice, and shaved his head, and taken a stick and water-pot in his hands, having subjugated the passion of love and anger, and become a 'Jogee,' who wanders and travels about ... kinds, and minds of many kinds, and affections or fascinations of many kinds, and Brahma has created wickedness of many kinds; but a wise man, having escaped from these, and having subdued hope and ... trees and gardens attached to them; and that, towards the causeway, was divided in two by a fine and richly-decorated archway, in the upper part of which a party of patriarchal old Sikhs were squatted...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo khoa học: The enzymatic activity of SR protein kinases 1 and 1a is negatively affected by interaction with scaffold attachment factors B1 and 2 pot
... 11 12 Eluate FLAG–SRPK1 FLAG–SRPK 1a FLAG–SRPK1 FLAG–SRPK 1a FLAG–SRPK1 FLAG–SRPK 1a FLAG–SRPK1 FLAG–SRPK 1a Beads Fig. 5. Binding of the GST–SAFB1/2 proteins on immobilized FLAG–SRPK1/ 1a proteins. FLAG–SRPK1 and FLAG–SRPK 1a were ... Nikolakaki 2 , Alexandra Tzitzira 1 , So a Bonanou 1 , Thomas Giannakouros 2 and Eleni Georgatsou 1 1 Department of Medicine, University of Thessaly, Mezourlo, 411 10 Larissa, Greece 2 Department of Chemistry, ... SRPK 1a and almost as tightly to SRPK1 (compare lanes 2 and 1) and the same holds true for the GST–SAFB1CDRE protein (lanes 3 and 4), whereas SAFB2 barely binds to SRPK 1a (lane 6) but almost as...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 01:20
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