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The Confessions of a Caricaturist, Vol. 1 ppt

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CHAPTER I. CHAPTER II. CHAPTER III. CHAPTER IV. CHAPTER V. CHAPTER VI. CHAPTER VII. CHAPTER I. CHAPTER II. CHAPTER III. CHAPTER IV. CHAPTER V. CHAPTER VI. CHAPTER VII. The Confessions of a Caricaturist, Vol. 1 by Harry Furniss The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Confessions of a Caricaturist, Vol. 1 (of 2), by Harry Furniss This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org Title: The Confessions of a Caricaturist, Vol. 1 (of 2) Author: Harry Furniss The Confessions of a Caricaturist, Vol. 1 by Harry Furniss 1 Release Date: July 16, 2009 [EBook #29425] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK CONFESSIONS OF A CARICATURIST *** Produced by Juliet Sutherland, Marius Borror and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net [Illustration: MY CARICATURE OF MR. GLADSTONE.] THE CONFESSIONS OF A CARICATURIST BY HARRY FURNISS ILLUSTRATED VOLUME I [Illustration] NEW YORK AND LONDON: HARPER & BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS. 1902. BRADBURY, AGNEW, & CO. LD., PRINTERS LONDON AND TONBRIDGE. [All rights reserved.] December, 1901. PREFACE. If, in these volumes, I have made some joke at a friend's expense, let that friend take it in the spirit intended, and I apologise beforehand. In America apology in journalism is unknown. The exception is the well-known story of the man whose death was published in the obituary column. He rushed into the office of the paper and cried out to the editor: "Look here, sur, what do you mean by this? You have published two columns and a half of my obituary, and here I am as large as life!" The Confessions of a Caricaturist, Vol. 1 by Harry Furniss 2 The editor looked up and coolly said, "Sur, I am vury sorry, I reckon there is a mistake some place, but it kean't be helped. You are killed by the Jersey Eagle, you are to the world buried. We nevur correct anything, and we nevur apologise in Amurrican papers." "That won't do for me, sur. My wife's in tears; my friends are laughing at me; my business will be ruined, you must apologise." "No, si ree, an Amurrican editor nevur apologises." "Well, sur, I'll take the law on you right away. I'm off to my attorney." "Wait one minute, sur just one minute. You are a re-nowned and popular citizen: the Jersey Eagle has killed you for that I am vury, vury sorry, and to show you my respect I will to-morrow find room for you in the births column." Now do not let any editor imagine these pages are my professional obituary, my autobiography. If by mistake he does, then let him place me immediately in their births column. I am in my forties, and there is quite time for me to prepare and publish two more volumes of my "Confessions" from my first to my second birth, and many other things, before I am fifty. [Illustration: Faithfully yours Harry Furniss] LONDON, 1901. [The Author begs to acknowledge his indebtedness to the Proprietors and the Editor of Punch, the Proprietors of the Magazine of Art, the Graphic, the Illustrated London News, English Illustrated Magazine, Cornhill Magazine, Harper's Magazine, Westminster Gazette, St. James' Gazette, the British Weekly and the Sporting Times for their kindness in allowing him to reproduce extracts and pictures in these volumes.] CONTENTS. The Confessions of a Caricaturist, Vol. 1 by Harry Furniss 3 CHAPTER I. CONFESSIONS OF MY CHILDHOOD AND AFTER. Introductory Birth and Parentage The Cause of my remaining a Caricaturist The Schoolboys' Punch Infant Prodigies As a Student I Start in Life Zozimus The Sullivan Brothers Pigott The Forger The Irish "Pathriot" Wood Engraving Tom Taylor The Wild West Judy Behind the Scenes Titiens My First and Last Appearance in a Play My Journey to London My Companion A Coincidence pp. 1-29 CHAPTER I. 4 CHAPTER II. BOHEMIAN CONFESSIONS. I arrive in London A Rogue and Vagabond Two Ladies Letters of Introduction Bohemia A Distinguished Member My Double A Rara Avis The Duke of Broadacres The Savages A Souvenir Portraits of the Past J. L. Toole Art and Artists Sir Spencer Wells John Pettie Milton's Garden pp. 30-53 CHAPTER II. 5 CHAPTER III. MY CONFESSIONS AS A SPECIAL ARTIST. The Light Brigade Miss Thompson (Lady Butler) Slumming The Boat Race Realism A Phantasmagoria Orlando and the Caitiff Fancy Dress Balls Lewis Wingfield Cinderella A Model All Night Sitting An Impromptu Easel "Where there's a Will there's a Way" The American Sunday Papers I am Deaf The Grill The World's Fair Exaggeration Personally Conducted The Charnel House 10, Downing Street I attend a Cabinet Council An Illustration by Mr. Labouchere The Great Lincolnshire Trial Praying without Prejudice pp. 54-87 CHAPTER III. 6 CHAPTER IV. THE CONFESSIONS OF AN ILLUSTRATOR A SERIOUS CHAPTER. Drawing "Hieroglyphics" Clerical Portraiture A Commission from General Booth In Search of Truth Sir Walter Besant James Payn Why Theodore Hook was Melancholy "Off with his Head" Reformers' Tree Happy Thoughts Christmas Story Lewis Carroll The Rev. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson Sir John Tenniel The Challenge Seven Years' Labour A Puzzle MS Dodgson on Dress Carroll on Drawing Sylvie and Bruno A Composite Picture My Real Models I am very Eccentric My "Romps" A Letter from du Maurier Caldecott Tableaux Fine Feathers Models Fred Barnard The Haystack A Wicket Keeper A Fair Sitter Neighbours The Post Office Jumble Puzzling the Postmen Writing Backwards A Coincidence pp. 88-130 CHAPTER IV. 7 CHAPTER V. A CHAT BETWEEN MY PEN AND PENCIL. What is Caricature? Interviewing Catching Caricatures Pellegrini The "Ha! Ha!" Black and White v. Paint How to make a Caricature M.P.'s My System Mr. Labouchere's Attitude Do the Subjects Object? Colour in Caricature Caught! A Pocket Caricature The Danger of the Shirt-cuff The Danger of a Marble Table Quick Change Advice to those about to Caricature pp. 131 153 CHAPTER V. 8 CHAPTER VI. PARLIAMENTARY CONFESSIONS. Gladstone and Disraeli A Contrast An unauthenticated Incident Lord Beaconsfield's last Visit to the House of Commons My Serious Sketch Historical Mr. Gladstone His Portraits What he thought of the Artists Sir J. E. Millais Frank Holl The Despatch Boxes Impressions Disraeli Dan O'Connell Procedure American Wit Toys Wine Pressure Sandwich Soirée The G.O.M. dines with "Toby, M.P." Walking Quivering My Desk An Interview Political Caricaturists Signature in Sycamore Scenes in the Commons Joseph Gillis Biggar My Double Scenes Divisions Puck Sir R. Temple Charles Stewart Parnell A Study Quick Changes His Fall Room 15 The last Time I saw him Lord Randolph Churchill His Youth His Height His Fickleness His Hair His Health His Fall Lord Iddesleigh Sir Stafford and Mr. Gladstone Bradlaugh His Youth His Parents His Tactics His Fight His Extinction John Bright Jacob Bright Sir Isaac Holden Lord Derby A Political Prophecy A Lucky Guess My Confession in the Times The Joke that Failed The Seer Fair Play I deny being a Conservative I am Encouraged Chaff Reprimanded Misprinted Misunderstood pp. 154 214 CHAPTER VI. 9 CHAPTER VII. "PUNCH." Two Punch Editors Punch's Hump My First Punch Dinner Charles Keene "Robert" W. H. Bradbury du Maurier "Kiki" A Trip to the Place of his Birth He Hates Me A Practical Joke du Maurier's Strange Model No Sportsman Tea Appollinaris My First Contribution My Record Parliament Press Gallery Official I Feel Small The "Black Beetle" Professor Rogers Sergeant-at-Arms' Room Styles of Work Privileges Dr. Percy I Sit in the Table The Villain of Art The New Cabinet Criticism Punch's Historical Cartoons Darwen MacNeill Scenes in the Lobby A Technical Assault John Burns's "Invention" John Burns's Promise John Burns's Insult The Lay of Swift MacNeill The Truth Sir Frank Lockwood "Grand Cross" Lockwood's Little Sketch Lockwood's Little Joke in the House Lockwood's Little Joke at Dinner Lewis Carroll and Punch Gladstone's Head Sir William's Portrait Ciphers Reversion Punch at Play Three Punch Men in a Boat Squaring up Two Pins Club Its One Joke Its One Horse Its Mystery Artistic Duties Lord Russell Furious Riding Before the Beak Burnand and I in the Saddle Caricaturing Pictures for Punch Art under Glass Arthur Cecil My Other Eye The Ridicule that Kills Red Tape Punch in Prison I make a Mess of it Waterproof "I used your Soap two years ago" Charles Keene Charles Barber Punch's Advice Punch's Wives pp. 215 302 [Illustration: HARRY FURNISS'S (EGYPTIAN STYLE). From "Punch."] LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE My Caricature of Mr. Gladstone Frontispiece Initial "In." Writing my Confessions. A Visitor's Snapshot 1 My Mother 3 My Father 5 Harry Furniss, aged 10 6 A Caricature, made when a Boy (never published). Dublin Exhibition. Portrait of Sir A. Guinness (now Lord Iveagh) in centre 11 An Early Illustration on Wood by Harry Furniss. Partly Engraved by him. 16 Sketches in Galway 19 "Judy," the Galway Dwarf 23 Phelps, the first Actor I saw 24 Mrs. Hardcastle. Mr. Harry Furniss. From an Early Sketch 25 Caricature of Myself, drawn when I first arrived in London 30 Age 20 35 A successful "Make-Up" 36 CHAPTER VII. 10 [...]... I Go Mad! 11 1 From Lewis Carroll 11 2 "I do want a Wicket-keeper!" 11 3 Portion of Letter from Lawrence, age 9 11 4 Reduction from a Design for my "Romps" 11 5 12 CHAPTER VII 13 Portion of a Letter from George du Maurier 11 7 A Transformation 11 9 "Yours always, Barnard" 11 9 Barnard and the Models 12 0 "I sit for 'Ands, Sir" 12 1 The Grand Old Hand and the Young 'Un 12 2 My Fighting Double 12 4 Specimen of Mr... newspapers Such was the interior of the office of the Nation, the representative organ of the most advanced type of the National Press of Ireland But Zozimus, the paper to which I was then contributing, had nothing in common with the rest of the publications issuing from that office It was of a purely social character, and was a praiseworthy attempt to do something of a more artistic nature than the coarsely-conceived... one day I was on the stage during the rehearsal of the Italian opera Shall I ever forget that treat? It was much greater in my eyes than the real performance later on If my memory serves, "Don Giovanni" was the opera One of the principals was suddenly taken ill, and this rehearsal was called for the benefit of the understudy He was a dumpy, puffy little Italian, and played the heavy father Madame Titiens... Daughter, age 15 13 4 A serious Portrait from Life 13 5 Initial "H" 13 6 "Penguin" 13 9 Mr Brown, Ordinary Attire Court Dress 13 9 Two Portraits 14 0 A Caricature 14 0 Not a Caricature 14 0 The Editor of Punch sits for his Portrait 14 4 A Model unawares and the Result 14 5 CHAPTER VII Sketch on a Shirt-Cuff 14 6 "Mundella" 14 7 Mr Labouchere 14 9 The M.P Real and Ideal 15 0 The Photo As he really is 15 1 "Dizzy" (Beaconsfield)... Bohemian individuality, and being a member of the Garrick Club, I found matured in it the element the Savage endeavoured at that time to emulate Although I am still in my forties, few of those with whom I smoked the calumet of peace round the camp fire at a great pow-wow in the wigwam of the excellent Savages, alas! remain The old Grecian Theatre in the City Road was the nursery of many members of the theatrical... letters are generally handed to the individual to whom they are addressed at more propitious moments, when he is not either hard at work, as the case may be, in his editorial chair, or overburdened with anxiety as to the fluctuations of the Bank rate Be that as it may, I cannot refrain from citing here the case of another brother artist, who was particular in the extreme as regarded the neatness of his apparel... sugar, please." The following week The London Library appeared I bought it, and read "The Duke's Oak," all about Lord Briarrose and Lady Betty Buttercup and the runaway horses The tree with the one branch gave the title to the story, and the Dashing Duke of Broadacres was the aristocratic acrobat my friend the author! [Illustration: FROM A SKETCH BY HERBERT JOHNSON.] The Savage Club is a remnant of. .. quite a boy that my first great chance came Being in Dublin, I was asked one day by my friend the late Mr A M Sullivan to make some illustrations for a paper called Zozimus, of which he was the editor and founder As a matter of fact, Zozimus was the Irish Punch Mr Sullivan, who was a Nationalist, and a man of exceptional energy and ability, began life as an artist He came to Dublin, I was told, as a very... Race 55 As Special at the Balaclava Celebration 57 Distress in the North 59 Realism! 61 "The Caitiff" and Orlando 62 An Invitation 63 At a Fancy Dress Ball 65 Lewis Wingfield as a Street Nigger Home from the Derby 67 "The Liberal Candidate" 68 Sketches at the Liverpool Election: A Ward Meeting 69 My Easel Drawing Mr Gladstone at a Public Meeting 71 The American Sunday Papers 72 Major Handy 74 The World's... as it became apparent that there was a demand for such phenomena, seems to indicate that in music at all events supply will follow demand as a matter of course, and if the infant artist can only be "crammed" in daubing on canvas as youthful musicians are in playing on the piano, then perhaps a new sensation is in store for the artistic world, and we shall see babies executing replicas of the old masters, . www.gutenberg.org Title: The Confessions of a Caricaturist, Vol. 1 (of 2) Author: Harry Furniss The Confessions of a Caricaturist, Vol. 1 by Harry Furniss 1 Release Date: July 16 , 2009 [EBook #29425] Language: English Character. Danger of a Marble Table Quick Change Advice to those about to Caricature pp. 13 1 15 3 CHAPTER V. 8 CHAPTER VI. PARLIAMENTARY CONFESSIONS. Gladstone and Disraeli A Contrast An unauthenticated Incident. Lawrence, age 9 11 4 Reduction from a Design for my "Romps" 11 5 CHAPTER VII. 12 Portion of a Letter from George du Maurier 11 7 A Transformation 11 9 "Yours always, Barnard" 11 9 Barnard

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