theoretical foundation of building business strategy of enterprise

An investigation in building business strategy - the case of Nam A Company = Nghiên cứu xây dựng chiến lược kinh doanh - trường hợp công ty cổ phần xây dựng và sản xuất Nam Á

An investigation in building business strategy - the case of Nam A Company = Nghiên cứu xây dựng chiến lược kinh doanh - trường hợp công ty cổ phần xây dựng và sản xuất Nam Á

... provide a better understanding of theoretical foundation in constructing business strategy for enterprises - Next, during the application of these theories into the case of Nam A Company, the report ... weaknesses as the foundation to form the business strategy for Nam A Company - The final objective is to create implications for strategy implementation from general business strategy in Nam A ... reach the objectives of this paper, these questions below have been developed - What is the method used to form business strategy for an enterprise? - What is appropriate business strategy for Nam...

Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2015, 08:50

83 1K 0
Building business strategy in the shrimp farming industry the case of IC Company

Building business strategy in the shrimp farming industry the case of IC Company

... ^ - L — -• - Strategy _ Strategy Strategy Strategy Gain R is k Expense " Ị - Achievable Time I 1.3.3 Strategy impleinentation A rter an aly zed a n d selected a strategy is then translated ... a m o n g those Business strategy focuses on h o w to co m p e te in a given b usiness F u n ctio n al strategy is related to the activities o f functio nal areas 1.2 Business strategy 1.2.1 Dìnition ... the sustainable d cv elo p m cn t 35 CHAPTER BUILDING BUSINESS STRATEGY In a h iehly a ttractiv e industry o f shrim p farm ing, there is a need o f business strategies that p ro v id e s solution...

Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2015, 08:52

85 457 0
Building business strategy-the case of Viet Long Company limited

Building business strategy-the case of Viet Long Company limited

... remarkable points in building business strategy for Viet Long Company Limited 1.1 1.1.1 Buiiding busỉncss strategy An overview of strategic management Stratcgy describcs the way enterprise shoulđ ... developcd: / What is the way lo huild business stralegy for enterprise? s What is appropriale business strategy forViet Long’s bicycle? S How to implemcnl the strategy? Data collcctiou Duc to rcscarch ... targct market make the focuser to bc out-focused 1.1.4 Process to build business strategy to cntcrprisc Building business strategy is the most important phrase in stratcgic managcment process The...

Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2015, 08:52

110 547 0