... circuit about the Earth in the same time The path of the Sun around the sky is called the ecliptic If we could see the background stars we would notice the Sun creeping eastwards along the ecliptic ... 12 hours behind GMT? The answer is both; the zone is split down the middle by the International Date Line On either side of the Date Line the standard time is the same, but the date differs by ... point A the star is on the meridian at the same time as the Sun When the Earth has rotated to B the star is once again on the meridian—a sidereal day has passed—but the Earth has to turn through...
Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 11:32
... sooner or later they transform themselves into other elements Some of the elements they transform into are stable, and then the radioactive decay stops, but others are unstable, and then the decay continues until a stable state is reached ... I pull the bob out enough so that the angle of the rope with the vertical is about 5 degrees and then let it go and start the timer The class counts each of the swings out loud, and after ten oscillations I stop the timer It’s amazing the timer reads 45.70 seconds, ten times my estimate for one swing ... It’s amazing the timer reads 45.70 seconds, ten times my estimate for one swing The class applauds wildly Then I increase the amplitude to 10 degrees, let the bob go, start the timer, get the class counting, and right at ten, I stop the timer: 45.75 seconds...
Ngày tải lên: 17/04/2016, 00:51
Henrietta: The story of love, tennis, and thaking chances
... to see there at night And there were windows next to the table with a southern exposure so it was nice and bright during the day The kitchen was right next to the dining room There on the tile ... Arabia at the time, and I had books from the library about Lawrence, including the one by Lowell Thomas And propped up against the wall on top of the bureau that held my clothes I had the Lucky ... the ground His sink is a miracle of detritus There were a couple of cans of Edge Gel shaving cream with the tops off both of them and the top of the cans were rusty There was a box of Qtips There...
Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 17:33
Vcd as a stimulating factor to increase the young learners’ time-on-task
... readily see the ages of the participants; their sex, perhaps their relationships one to another; their dress, social status, and what they are doing; and perhaps their mood or feeling Further, paralinguistic ... learn from the video Furthermore, children’s parents may get annoyed when hearing their children spend the class watching the video as they can it at home Hence, the time to watch the video should ... done in the following procedure: (a) have the child perform the task to 20 times, (b) when you have at least recorded times, add them all, (c) divide the total by the number of recorded times;...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:44
Unit 8: The story of my village
... asking for the help of the two students • How can you say to help the people who have lost their way? What directing expressions you usually use to direct the way for the them? Now, look at the map ... bridge) Walk past (a medical center) Take the first /second turning on the left/right It’s the one with … Activity 2: Read the letter that Ann wrote to Jim then work in pairs to find out Ann’s house ... sorry! I’ve lost my way, Could you tell me the way to BaoNham pagoda ? Now discuss in group to answer the questions: What problem is the woman getting? What is the man doing? => He is getting lost...
Ngày tải lên: 11/10/2013, 14:11
Determining the Passage of Time
... When the movie appears, use the NumericStepper instances to input time values for the timer; then click the Start button The various hands on the clock should go into action When the alarm time ... evaluated in the following manner: Using the getTimer() function, the current time (which is checked 24 times a second) is subtracted from the value of startingTime: getTimer() - startingTime Remember ... reset the rotation of the various hands on the clock to their starting positions The next action attaches the sound named alarm in the library to the alarmSound Sound object The last action uses the...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 14:15
The Use of Time in Flash
... as in the following example: var myInterval:Object = setInterval(rotateClip, 1500); This example assigns the name myInterval to the setInterval() action To remove the functionality of the setInterval() ... action is set up to call the rotateClip() function every 1.5 seconds (1,000 milliseconds equals second) If you want to pass arguments to the called function, simply add them to the setInterval() action: ... functionality of the setInterval() action, use the following syntax: clearInterval(myInterval); Using the syntax shown, you can initiate the setInterval() action at any time, calling any function < Day Day...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 14:15
Emergent Complexity, Teleology, and the Arrow of Time
... reducing the density and pressure of the gas adjacent to the piston The upshot is that the work done by the gas on the piston during the outstroke is somewhat less than the work done by the piston ... Teleology, and the Arrow of Time 1:21 199 The many-universes theory neatly solves the problem of the origin of the arrow of time The wave function as a whole can be completely timesymmetric, ... the irresistible logic of probability theory, then it is hard to discern any overall plan or point reaction to the bleak message of the second law of thermodynamics Reaction to the theme of the...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 07:20
Tài liệu The perception of time, risk and return during periods of speculation pptx
... intrinsic -time point of view, the benchmark return is beta times the market return, enhanced by a factor equal to the square root of the ratio of the trading frequency of the stock to that of the market ... their lives and work at their jobs and build their companies in calendar time Therefore, for most stocks and markets, for most of the time, there is little relationship between the frequency of trading ... opportunity as the chance to trade a fixed percentage of the float for that stock The reciprocal of the stock’s trading frequency then measures the average time elapsed per some percentage of the float...
Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 14:15
Tài liệu The Life and Times of an Object pdf
... to the object These guarantees are tremendously useful and free you, the programmer, from tedious housekeeping chores that are easy to get wrong They allow you to concentrate on the logic of the ... defragmenting the heap and freeing memory at the top of the heap When the garbage collector moves a reachable object, it also updates any references to the object At this point, it allows other threads ... destructor calls other objects, those other objects might have already had their destructor called by the garbage collector Remember that the order of finalization is not guaranteed Therefore, ensure...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 00:15
The concise geologic time scale, ogg et al 2008
... enhanced through the efforts of the subcommissions of the ICS and other stratigraphic and regional experts A Geologic Time Scale 201 At the time of this writing, a major comprehensive update of the ... 359.2 ±2.5 * The status of the Quaternary is not yet decided Its base may be assigned as the base of the Gelasian and extend the base of the Pleistocene to 2.6 Ma The “Tertiary” comprises the Paleogene ... the Warrawoona Group A potential chronostratigraphic boundary marker to mark the end of the Eoarchean and the start of the Paleoarchean is the base of the stromatolitic Dresser Formation in the...
Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 09:36
Minding the heavens the story of our discovery of the milky way
... constellation the Sun was ‘‘in’’ during the daytime 26 The Naked-Eye View of the Sky As the Earth orbits the Sun and the seasons progress, the line of sight to the Sun changes, and the Sun appears ... underneath you on the other side of the Earth The apparent daily movement of the sky is, of course, due to the rotation of the Earth, not the sky, and we know that the stars are not all at the same distance, ... out in the sky will pass overhead For all other viewers, the arc will tilt toward the south or north horizon, depending on whether the viewer is in the northern or southern latitudes The bright...
Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 13:40
... round.’ Then he took the skulls and put them in the lathe and turned them till they were round ‘There, now they will roll better!’ said he ‘Hurrah! now we’ll have fun!’ He played with them and ... place for you.’ The youth went with the waggoner, and in the evening they arrived at an inn where they wished to pass the night Then at the entrance of the parlour the youth again said quite loudly: ... stoked the fire, blew it, and set them all round it to warm themselves But they sat there and did not stir, and the fire caught their clothes So he said: ‘Take care, or I will hang you up again.’ The...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 03:20
Tài liệu VNIndex Insider View: The story of growth pdf
... nhóm cổ phiếu có biến động giá “yếu” Theo thống kê Khối Phân tích Tư vấn Đầu tư, tính từ đầu tháng 2, E-Index giảm 32% VN Index SSI-30 Index giảm 7% Nếu xét theo tính khoản, khối lượng giao dịch ... PPC VSH đắt tương đối so với cổ phiếu blue-chip khác xét theo số PE Trong đó, năm 2007 mức tăng trưởng lợi nhuận EPS PPC VSH rõ ràng theo kịp công ty Với công ty phát điện lại, nhận thấy số quay ... điện Hiện lượng thiếu hụt điện Việt Nam năm 2007 dự tính gần 0.3 tỷ KWh theo dự báo, dự án EVN hoàn thành vào phát điện theo lộ trình tới năm 2010 sản lượng điện nước gần đáp ứng nhu cầu Bảng...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 03:20
... Portugal, the United Kingdom, the United States and the Commission of the European Economic Community The Japanese government is immediately invited to participate in the work, and the Netherlands ... planning, but they could make better use of the expertise of the sectoral UN agencies when they advise governments at the country level 46 • Strengthening the UNDP's position as the central funding ... and the United Kingdom as donor countries The United States join the Plan in 1951 and Japan in 1954 Outbreak of the Korean War 1951 The UN publish the so-called "Lewis Report": Measures for the...
Ngày tải lên: 27/01/2014, 12:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo " The establishment of the Vietnam atomic time scale " docx
... calculating the time difference xi (t ) between each clock and the average time scale The value xi (t ) can be calculated from the time difference X ij (t ) between the clocks, the epoch t0 at which the ... hi is the time of clock i, and TA is the average time The average time scale is theoretically defined as follows: N TA0(t ) = ∑ wi (t ) hi (t ), i =1 N ∑ w (t ) = i i =1 (1) Here, i is the index ... calculate the variation in TA(t) In addition, time comparison with the TA of another station can define local TA using their time difference Controlling the atomic clock performance As with the national...
Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 04:20
... alike the electromotive force and the resistance The electromotive force of the battery is the sum of the electromotive forces of all the cells, and the resistance of the battery is the sum of the ... appears to traverse the liquid to the copper, from which it flows through the wire to the zinc The effect is that the end of the wire attached to the copper is positive (+), and called the positive ... extremities Sometimes, indeed, when the magnet is imperfect, there are "consequent poles" of weaker force between them One of the poles is called the "north," and the other the "south," because if the magnet...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 01:20
Tài liệu Doctor Who: The Sands of Time docx
... she is the one.' A pause Then the gravelled voice scraped again in the darkness: 'Then the time is near After all the millennia, a mere century and then… ' The blackness drifted in again The mists ... up by the foggy night For a while the sounds of the horse's hooves on the snowy cobbles and the clatter of the wheels made their increasingly muffled way through the thick fog Only when they were ... around the outside of the human-shaped case But now they had faded and blackened in the air so that only the outlines and shadows of them were visible as they caught the light Aubrey reached the...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 04:20