the second scientific american book of mathematical puzzles and diversions

the 2nd scientific american book of mathematical puzzles & diversions

the 2nd scientific american book of mathematical puzzles & diversions

... folding a strip of paper as explained in the first Scientific American Book of Mathe- matical Puzzles and Diversions. Close cousins to the hexa- flexagons are a wide variety of four-sided ... cases the second player can always force a win. When the goal is chosen at random, the odds of winning greatly favor the second player. If the first player chooses the goal, what should be the ... problem and the method of solving it can be easily extended to networks in the form of the other four Platonic solids. The three ways to number the faces of an octahedron so that the total...

Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2014, 01:31

254 561 0
the scientific american book of projects for the amateur scientist   -   c  stong (simon and schuster, 1960)

the scientific american book of projects for the amateur scientist - c stong (simon and schuster, 1960)

... sup- ported by the edge of the tool. Hence the center of the mirror and edge of the tool grind fastest, the mirror becoming concave and the tool convex. As grinding proceeds, the worker periodi- cally ... improve it consult the books recommended in the bibliography and tackle the fine art of fig- uring the second mirror by means of the fascinating tests and techniques described therein. 3 A TRANSISTORIZED ... responsible for the development of vitamin B^. The motivation of the scientist, professional or amateur, is the sheer joy of knowing. In fact, that is one of the principal satis- factions of being...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 16:40

605 371 0
The American Book Of The Dead pptx

The American Book Of The Dead pptx

... what they did they were a part of history: they belonged to the United States government. But now they were sitting on the throne of God, the only being higher than the president of the United ... in the history of America felt in one rush. They suddenly had proof of God, they were the most important men to have ever lived, they had jurisdiction over the earth, they were absolved of ... of the Americans 87 10: Interpretation of Dreams 91 11: The American Cell 96 12: God Bless America 102 13: Book of Revelations 115 14: North of Sunset 126 15: The Hot War 137 16: Den of...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 06:20

247 448 0
Motivation in learning english speaking of the second year tourism major students at tourism and foreign language department, sao do college of industry

Motivation in learning english speaking of the second year tourism major students at tourism and foreign language department, sao do college of industry

... content of the textbook was suitable for the students. The kinds of the exercises in the books were designed suitably, able to develop speaking skills of the students. However, most of the 34 ... Almost of them came from Northern provinces of Vietnam. The majority of the population is from the countryside. The average score of English they got in the entrnace exam ranges from 5 to 7. These ... video…) 1 5 0 0 0 5. Order of lessons 0 0 0 6 0 The result of the question 6 (questionaire for the students) revealed that the topics and the content of the textbooks attracted the students very much....

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 15:01

46 2,4K 17
Báo cáo khoa học: ATP-binding domain of heat shock protein 70 is essential for its effects on the inhibition of the release of the second mitochondria-derived activator of caspase and apoptosis in C2C12 cells potx

Báo cáo khoa học: ATP-binding domain of heat shock protein 70 is essential for its effects on the inhibition of the release of the second mitochondria-derived activator of caspase and apoptosis in C2C12 cells potx

... with respect to the role of HSP70 in the inhi- bition of the release of Smac and apoptosis. The role of the ATP-binding domain of HSP70 in the prevention of the release of Smac and apoptosis after ... domain of HSP70 is essential for the inhibition of H 2 O 2 -induced activation of caspases-9 and -3 and apoptosis. (A) The effects of HSP70 and its deletion mutant proteins on the acti- vation of ... showing immunoreactive bands of the expected sizes (Fig. 4B). Next, whether the protective potency of HSP70 would be annulled by deletion of the ATP-binding domain or the peptide-binding domain...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 01:20

10 727 0
The Gospels in the Second Century An Examination of the Critical Part of a Work Entitled ''''Supernatural Religion'''' pptx

The Gospels in the Second Century An Examination of the Critical Part of a Work Entitled ''''Supernatural Religion'''' pptx

... by the memory. There is I believe nothing in the shape of direct evidence to show the presence of a different version of the Sermon on the Mount in any of the lost Gospels, and, on the other hand, ... phenomena of the documents themselves. In the relation of the Gospels to the growth of the Christian society and the development of Christian doctrine, and especially to the great turning-point in the ... the phrase quoted from the charge to the Seventy (Luke x. 19), in the verse Luke xi. 52, in the account of the answer to the rich young man, of the institution of the Lord's Supper, of the...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 15:20

162 496 0
scientific american   -  1993 03  -  black holes and the centrifugal force paradox

scientific american - 1993 03 - black holes and the centrifugal force paradox

... mark on the hull. The direction of the spring is therefore ịxed in the ship but not in space. On the other hand, the gy- roscope in each ship always points to a ịxed direction in space, and therefore it ... second. Each of the events consists of a shower of particles that could be the consequence of the disin- tegration of a top quark and its anti- matter counterpart, an antitop quark. Each of these ... measuring its length, Bob and Alice can determine the tension in the spring. The tension, in turn, equals the sum of the two forces acting on the weight: the gravitational force and the centrifugal force. To...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 14:49

87 544 0
scientific american   -  2001 12  -  india, pakistan and the bomb

scientific american - 2001 12 - india, pakistan and the bomb

... BOX) PHARYNX NEANDERTHAL COMPARISON of the head and neck of a modern human and a (reconstructed) Neanderthal shows the differences in the structure of the vocal tract. The much longer pharynx in the modern ... exploring the borderlands of science, we often face a “boundary problem” of where to draw the line between sci- ence and pseudoscience. The boundary is the line of demarca- tion between geographies of ... be mass casualties in the sense of millions, hundreds of thousands, or tens of thousands, but the true number is conjectural and unknown. Even a dispersal of so-called professional, military or...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 16:11

89 492 0
The Project Gutenberg E Book of Domestic Animals, by Richard L. Allen ppt

The Project Gutenberg E Book of Domestic Animals, by Richard L. Allen ppt

... value of the improved and ordinary breeds. A knowledge of the best mode of breeding and management is of still higher importance. The first will enable the breeder to preserve the high character of the ... depend on their time of maturity, the longevity of the breed, and the stamina of the individual. 11th. No violent cross, or mixing of distinct breeds, should ever be admitted for the purposes of perpetuation, ... necessary either for breeding or use. Throughout the Northeastern states, cows for the dairy, oxen for the yoke, and both for the butcher, are wanted. In much of the West and South, beef alone is the...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 19:20

794 2,7K 0
The Project Gutenberg E Book of Goblin Market, The Prince''''s Progress, and Other Poems, by Christina pdf

The Project Gutenberg E Book of Goblin Market, The Prince''''s Progress, and Other Poems, by Christina pdf

... not loiter in the glen In the haunts of goblin men. Do you not remember Jeanie, How she met them in the moonlight, Took their gifts both choice and many, Ate their fruits and wore their flowers ... Helen Grey 'By the Waters of Babylon' Seasons Mother Country A Smile and a Sigh Dead Hope Autumn Violets 'They Desire a Better Country' The Offering of the New Law Conference ... Progress, and Other Poems, by Christina Rossetti This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 19:20

637 2,2K 0
The Project Gutenberg E Book of Jean Christophe: In Paris, by Romain Rolland docx

The Project Gutenberg E Book of Jean Christophe: In Paris, by Romain Rolland docx

... his grandfather's father. The heads of the family had inscribed on a blank page at the end their names and the important dates of their lives—births, marriages, deaths. His grandfather had ... outskirts and the heavy breath of the town. He could not see ten yards in front of him. The light of the gas-jets flickered like a candle on the point of going out. In the semi-darkness there were ... crowds of people moving in all directions. Carriages moved in front of each other, collided, obstructed the road, stemming the flood of people like a dam. The oaths of the drivers, the horns and...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 19:20

1,4K 591 0
The Project Gutenberg E Book of Lombard Street: A Description of the Money Market, by Walter Bagehot doc

The Project Gutenberg E Book of Lombard Street: A Description of the Money Market, by Walter Bagehot doc

... the Act of 1844 really were, as is commonly thought, the primum mobile of the English Money Market, the source of all good according to some, and the source of all harm according to others, the ... forego some of that profit, lower the price of the commodity, and drive the old-fashioned trader the man who trades on his own capital—out of the market. In modern English business, owing to the certainty ... the Dalmatians, and the Sicilians, are the people who will use the Canal if any use it.' But, on the contrary, the main use of the Canal has been by the English. None of the London (31st...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 19:20

672 336 0