... Hypothesis of cause Introduction At the turn of the twentieth century, the best known of all dream investigators would be Sigmund Freud, who set out to base his theory of the mind on brain science. ... Indeed, the analogy with madness offers clues about the creation of dreams by the brain precisely because the form of dreaming is very much like certain kinds of madness. The com- bination of frequent ... Why did the analysis of dream content fail to become a science? 17 3 How is the brain activated in sleep? 35 4 Cells and molecules of the dreaming brain 53 5 Why dream? The functions of brain...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 08:20
Psychological Science: Attention and the Evolution of Hollywood Film docx
... most of what is called art film is designed to sup- press awareness of the presentational aspects of the film while promoting the narrative. The units of film are the act, the sequence, the scene, ... films have slopes of 0.98 (The Empire Strikes Back, 1980) and 1.14 (The Revenge of the Sith, 2005). (Again, see the Supplemental Material for results for the other films.) Figure 2d shows the ... near the film s end was analyzed as Shot 0. The autocorrelation of the length of a Shot 0 with itself (Lag 0) is always 1.0; autocor- relations of the length of Shot 0 with the lengths of Shots...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 12:20
dreamland. adventures in the strange science of sleep - david randall_
... even the eventual rejection of the miasma theory didn’t stop the march of the twin beds. They were no longer necessary if the body’s bad air alone was not the cause of disease, but they had other ... thing. Imagine a flock of ducks sleeping at the edge of a lake. The birds at the periphery of the group will likely be sleeping with one-half of their brain awake and aware of their surroundings, ... the effects of a nightly routine on four hundred mothers and their children, who ranged from newborns to toddlers. During the first week of the study, all of the mothers were told to follow their...
Ngày tải lên: 10/07/2014, 23:32
The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 2 ppsx
... in the presence of an applied field. logarithm of the rate is plotted on the ordinate and the reciprocal of the absolute temperature is plotted along the abscissa. The slope of the resulting ... that the angle between the [lo01 directions in the film and substrate is 63.4". What are the Miller indices of the plane lying in the film surface? 44 A Review of Materials Science ... characteristic of both the diffusing species and the matrix in which transport occurs. The extent of 50 Vacuum Science and Technology is that the large number of atoms or molecules of the gas...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:21
The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 4 ppt
... view of the MOS field effect transistor structure in Fig. 4-1 indicates the extent to which the technology is employed. Above the plane of the base P-Si wafer, all of the films with the ... (4-34b) Note the use of the perfect gas law and the neglect of the temperature dependence of D. Maintenance of stoichiometry requires that JCd = JTez 9 (4-35) the factor of 2 arising ... requires that the ratio of the vapor pressure in the crucible to that in the vacuum chamber exceed lo4 to 10'. The arrival of ionized clusters with the kinetic energy of the acceleration...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:21
The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 5 docx
... 5.3.1. The Walton - Rhodin Theory Atomistic theories of nucleation describe the role of individual atoms and associations of small numbers of atoms during the earliest stages of film formation. ... of the condensate. Shadowing is a phenomenon arising from the geometric constraint imposed by the roughness of the growing film and the line -of- sight impinge- ment of arriving atoms. The ... estimated in the capillarity theory. The uncertainties are now in i* and E;,. One of the important applications of this theory has been to the subject of epitaxy, where the crystallographic...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:21
The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 6 doc
... series of post-specimen lenses. The objective lens produces the first image of the object and is, therefore, required to be the most perfect of the lenses. Depending on how the beams reaching the ... time one of the diffracted beams is chosen by means of an aperture that blocks the central beam and the other diffracted beams. The micrograph of alternating 40 A-wide films in the GaAs-Al,,,Ga,~,As ... area are emitted. By an analysis of their energies, the atoms can be identified and by a count of the numbers of X-rays emitted the concentration of atoms in the specimen can be determined....
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:21
The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 8 pps
... the film is the basis of the first technique. In the commonly employed AES depth-profiling method, the film is analyzed continuously as it is simultaneously thinned by sputter etching. Profiles ... in the annealed films corresponds to the compounds Au,AI and AuAI,, and the high-energy tail is indicative of Au transport through the AI film to the surface. From the fact that the ... at the origin of the reciprocal lattice. Following Ewald, we draw of sphere of radius 2 n /X about the center. A property of this construction is that the only possible directions of the...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:21
The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 9 pot
... be made of these basic equations, and they are applied analytically in deriving the Stoney formula in the next section. In the first type of behavior shown in Fig. 9-5a, the growing film initially ... substrate have the same length. Therefore, the film is constrained and stretches, and the substrate accordingly contracts. The tensile forces developed in the film are balanced by the compressive ... Testing of Films Bulge testing is widely used to determine the mechanical properties of thin films and membranes. In this test the film- substrate assembly is sealed to the end of a hollow...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:21
The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 10 pps
... overall capacitance is the product of the two individual (oxide and semiconductor) capacitances divided by their sum.) Note that now the bands bend the other way -the slope of the oxide conduction-band ... low. As an application of Matthiessen’s rule, consider the problem of assessing the purity and defect content of “pure” metal films. A measure of these properties is the residual resistivity ... predict the behavior of the macrosystem, but atomistic models of the former have thus far been unsuccess- fully extrapolated to describe the continuum behavior of the latter. For this reason the...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:21
The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 11 pot
... perpendicular and parallel, to the plane of incidence. Through the use of the Maxwell equations with appropriate interfacial boundary conditions, the amplitudes of the components of the transmitted (&,l, ... traversed the optical thickness, nld, of the film. The total path difference, 2n1d, implies a phase 6 of amount 6 = (27r/X)@ath difference), and there- fore 6 = 4an1d/X. The portion of the ... concerning optical films are the magnitudes of n and k, the spectral range of transmission, the dependence of properties on film structure and deposition 10.6. Magnetic Thin Films for Memory...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:21
The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 12 pptx
... over other types of filters. The reason is that there is very little absorption loss in dielectric film layers, since they rely on the effects of interference. 4. The principles of design ... wavelengths, depending on whether the refractive index of the film is greater or less than that of the substrate. In the former case the reflectivity is enhanced, whereas in the latter case reflectivity ... the design of a one-layer antireflection coating, the film index of refraction should be the geometric mean of the refractive indices of adjacent media. This is only strictly true for the...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:21