the quality of rice

Situation of recruitment of TOTO Vietnam Co., Ltd; recommendations to improve the quality of recruitment.doc

Situation of recruitment of TOTO Vietnam Co., Ltd; recommendations to improve the quality of recruitment.doc

... methods The company should form a group of interviewers including the manager, the head of department, the director, the leader. The success or failure of the interview depends on the attitude of the ... necessary for the company to enhance the quality of this activity. For the managers, the company should hold courses training professional skills for them, so that they can improve their management ... terms of the working skills. The leader will follow and train them during working time such areas as: • Learning about the duties of the job • Meeting new colleagues • Seeing the layout of the...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2012, 16:51

25 1,1K 6
Tài liệu Psychometric properties of the quality of life scale Child Health and Illness Profile-Child Edition in a combined analysis of five atomoxetine trials pdf

Tài liệu Psychometric properties of the quality of life scale Child Health and Illness Profile-Child Edition in a combined analysis of five atomoxetine trials pdf

... to use the sub-domains rather than the domains of the CHIP- CE when evaluating ADHD patients. This is supported by the factor analysis based on the sub-domains and the correlation analysis of the ... and the core symptoms. The influ- ence of the QoL of the parents or the parents’ diseases (such as ADHD) could not be assessed because these data were not obtained. Conclusions The strength of ... not the case for the 5-factor solution based on the number of CHIP-CE domains, where the items from sub-domains that do not belong to the same domain often load together on one factor. It is therefore...

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 19:20

15 1,2K 0
Tài liệu Improving the quality of reproductive health care for young people doc

Tài liệu Improving the quality of reproductive health care for young people doc

... may also need different types of care, depending on whether they are still in school or whether they are married. Indeed, the extent of sexual activity outside of marriage varies greatly. In ... not provide them with services, either because they be- lieve the centers cater exclusively to the needs of pregnant women, infants, and small chil- dren or because they think that the staff will discriminate ... Access and Quality (MAQ) Initiative to illuminate key issues about the quality of reproductive health care for young adults. The quality of care framework is multidimensional and depends on the priori- ties...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 16:20

8 671 0
Tài liệu The Quality of Corporate Credit Rating: an Empirical Investigation docx

Tài liệu The Quality of Corporate Credit Rating: an Empirical Investigation docx

... (SIC) of the Sample The table describes the one digit standardized industrial classification of the issuers of all bonds in the sample and the occurrence of default since the issue of the new ... classifications of these industries. The rate of cases of default in this group (19.5 percent of the bonds and 26.3 percent of the firms) is greater than that of the sample (9.0 percent of the bonds ... (SIC) of the Sample Part a describes the 2 digit standardized industrial classification (SIC) of the issuers of all bonds in the sample and the occurrence of default since the issue of the...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 03:20

78 711 0
Tài liệu Efforts to Improve the Quality of Vocational Education in Secondary Schools docx

Tài liệu Efforts to Improve the Quality of Vocational Education in Secondary Schools docx

... is the impact of changes in Perkins III on other groups and the programs that serve them? Have changes at the state level affected service delivery at the local level? The full impact of the ... part of that effort, the National Assessment of Vocational Education commis- sioned RAND to conduct a study to assess the quality of vocational education in the United States. The purpose of the ... at the secondary level. The act specified the following quality improvements: x Strengthen the academic, vocational and technical skills of students through the integration of academics in their...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 17:20

221 557 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "An Experiment in Evaluating the Quality of Translations" pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "An Experiment in Evaluating the Quality of Translations" pdf

... the results presented here. The brackets indi- cate results of the application of the Newman-Keuls multiple range test of the significance of the differences of the rank-ordered means in each ... relative to the translation being evaluated. Selection of Raters In order to study the effect of a critical variable in the selection of raters—their knowledge of the source lan- guage the experiment ... sentences), the sentences being inter- spersed among sentences from a varied collection of good, mediocre, and bad translations, then the standard error of the mean of all the ratings on the scale of...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 19:20

12 551 0


... the character that they inherit from the place where the wine is produced. Consumers who visit producers are particularly sensitive to the beauty of the landscape, to the architecture of the ... measurable way both the quality and the taste of a wine: soil, subsoil, slopes and exposure of vineyards. All the other elements are either not quantifiable (the influence of social relations, ... that wines of comparable quality can be. Since the taste of a wine is a horizontal quality, some consumers will prefer the St Esthephe, others will prefer the wine from Chile, but they will...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 09:20

23 648 0
Strategies to Improve the Quality of Physical Education pot

Strategies to Improve the Quality of Physical Education pot

... Promotion Division of Adolescent and School Health July 2010 2 Strategies to Improve the Quality of Physical Education Key Strategies for Improving the Quality of Physical ... 2008;441(2):219-23. 3. Caterino MC, Polak ED. Effects of two types of activity on the performance of second-, third-, and fourth-grade students on a test of concentration. Percept Mot Skills 1999;89(1):245-8. 4. ... Effect of the Child and Adolescent Trial for Cardiovascular Health. Prev Med 1996;25(4):423-31. 20. McKenzie TL, Li D, Derby CA, Webber LS, Luepker RV, Cribb P. Maintenance of effects of the CATCH...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 23:20

4 582 0
The plan to improve the Quality of Teaching in American Schools docx

The plan to improve the Quality of Teaching in American Schools docx

... Nation at Risk was not the first bomb to land in the midst of the nation’s educational establishment. In 1966, at the behest of the federal government, soci- ologist James Coleman of the University of Chicago published ... way of increasing the pool of interested candidates. Professional Development Professional development is the final plank of our strategy to raise teacher quality. As Heather Hill shows in the ... improving teacher quality could thus not be more timely . The purpose of this policy brief is to review the evidence showing the importance of teacher quality and then, drawing on articles published in the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 15:20

8 557 0


... adding management of the service facility as one component of the quality of care5" QUALITY IN THE CONTEXT OF REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES The WHO definition of reproductive ... methods in the form of observation of facilities of service delivery. The Country Studies 1. The Egvpt Study The Egypt study, which was conducted in 1990, assessed the quality of family ... and capturing the essence of quality . Among the earliest and most prominent are Donabedian’s explorations of a definition and of the process involved in the provision of quality care’....

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 15:20

29 415 0
Temperature dependence of the quality of silicon nanowires produced over a titania supported gold catalyt

Temperature dependence of the quality of silicon nanowires produced over a titania supported gold catalyt

... into the molten sili- con–gold solution and precipitation at the other end of the droplet in the form of crystalline Si. Depending on the reaction conditions any of these steps could be the rate-limiting. ... composition and the oxidation state of the silicon product. The binding energies were corrected by reference to the C(1s) line at 284.5 eV. The fitting of the XPS spectra and the quantification of the surface ... concentrations at the Au surface, causing the encapsulation of the particle with little growth of SiNW. At the same time, when the temperatures are exceedingly high, sintering of the Au nanoclusters...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 15:09

7 433 0
Assessing the quality of investment advice in the retail banking sector docx

Assessing the quality of investment advice in the retail banking sector docx

... concerns with the quality of advice in the other quarter. In 11% of mystery shops we felt the advice was unsuitable for the customer and in a further 15% the adviser did not gather enough information ... concerns with the quality of advice in the other quarter.” 7 Assessing the quality of investment advice in the retail banking sector Section 2 – Key causes of poor advice 2. Key causes of poor advice Poor ... Registered Office as above. 12 Assessing the quality of investment advice in the retail banking sector Section 2 – Key causes of poor advice about these failings as the majority of the mystery...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 17:20

24 409 0
Improve the Quality of Your Milk and Please Your Customers pdf

Improve the Quality of Your Milk and Please Your Customers pdf

... dip” IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF YOUR MILK AND PLEASE YOUR CUSTOMERS 12 ● Observe the appearance of the milk. Look at the colour of milk, any marked separation of fat, colour and physical state of the fat, ... KENYA 11 smell the milk 3) How to test if milk is acceptable During testing only a small amount (sample) of the milk is used. For the result of the test to give a true picture of the state of the milk, ... added, the reading will be above 32. v) Other Tests There are other advanced tests that are beyond the scope of this course. These tests are more sensitive but they are not practical within the...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 00:20

32 446 0
Consultee-Centered Consultation Improving the Quality of Professional Services in Schools and Community Organisations ppt

Consultee-Centered Consultation Improving the Quality of Professional Services in Schools and Community Organisations ppt

... preventive mission of their home agency, insofar as this may be compatible with the programs of the consultee institution. The terms of the job descriptions of school psychologists ... and the leverage of the consultant-consultee relationship. The consultant seeks to support the professional autonomy of the consultees so that they will real- ize that it is their ... process and the relevance or appropriateness of selected theoretical applications. The Client The nature of the case, the setting in which the client resides or works, the re- sources ...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 15:20

414 465 0

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