the productivity of colonial stereotypes

Scientific report: "The factors affecting the productivity of fabric and fabric channel selection consumption of fresh produce cloth in Thanh Ha district, Hai Duong Province, Vietnam" pptx

Scientific report: "The factors affecting the productivity of fabric and fabric channel selection consumption of fresh produce cloth in Thanh Ha district, Hai Duong Province, Vietnam" pptx

... linear function of the individual attributes (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 1981) The logit technique allows examination of the effect of a number of variables on the underlying probability of a dichotomous ... the appropriate density of lychee tree was trees per Therefore, they gained lower productivity compared to others Other variables were not significant (Table 1) 127 Factors affecting lychee productivity ... Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Italy Tru, N.A (2008) The Value Chain Analysis of Lychee in Haiduong Province, Vietnam MS Thesis at the University of the Philippines Los...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 18:22

7 444 0
getting things done the art of stress free productivity

getting things done the art of stress free productivity

... Control 211 Part 3: The Power of the Key Principles Chapter 11 The Power of the Collection Habit 223 225 Chapter 12 The Power of the Next-Action Decision Chapter 13 The Power of Outcome Focusing ... dozens of e-mails still not dealt with Many of these businesspeople are successful because the crises they solve and the opportunities they take advantage of are bigger than the problems they allow ... predetermined list of to-dos that the first telephone call or interruption from their boss won't totally undo The "Big Picture" vs the Nitty-Gritty At the other end of the spectrum, a huge number of business...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2013, 20:01

278 629 2
Tài liệu The Effects of Education and Health on Wages and Productivity ppt

Tài liệu The Effects of Education and Health on Wages and Productivity ppt

... flow-on effect that reduces the productivity of the rest of the team, so the lost productivity exceeds the wage of the absent individual Pauly et al observe that the costs of absenteeism due to illness ... labour, it is also the cost of the loss of production from other members of the team who rely on the absent worker in their own work (Pauly et al 2002) The implication for the current project ... in the labour force if they were to become employed The outline of the paper is as follows: the aims of the research and the analytical approach are described in this chapter; a review of the...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 09:20

96 931 0
Tài liệu Determinants of Productivity for Military Personnel - A Review of Findings on the Contribution of Experience, Training, and Aptitude to Military Performance pdf

Tài liệu Determinants of Productivity for Military Personnel - A Review of Findings on the Contribution of Experience, Training, and Aptitude to Military Performance pdf

... range of questions on the utilization of the individual, the conduct of job training, and the individual’s overall performance The supervisor was first asked to describe the productivity of a ... and the developments associated with it A more advanced understanding of the production of military activities would be valuable to the readiness of the armed forces, the effectiveness of the ... measure the accuracy or success of personnel on specific activities Both of these are acceptable measures, but neither is able to capture the full meaning of personnel productivity The choice of an...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 22:20

87 628 0
Báo cáo khoa học: The transcriptome of the colonial marine hydroid Hydractinia echinata ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: The transcriptome of the colonial marine hydroid Hydractinia echinata ppt

... are colonial and marine Therefore, we analysed the transcriptome of a more typical member of this class, the colonial marine hydroid Hydractinia echinata This animal offers attractive features of ... EST clusters with their corresponding EST frequency The x-axis shows the cluster size The y-axis represents the frequency of each cluster size group and the abundance of ESTs The Hydractinia ESTs ... groups The first group consists of 487 sequences, which were also found in the ESTs of the Acropora, Hydra and ⁄ or in the Nematostella genome Approximately two-thirds of them might be present in the...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20

13 440 0
how m butterfly uses the art of illusion to foster stereotypes among its main characters

how m butterfly uses the art of illusion to foster stereotypes among its main characters

... women from the East and from the West, we see that Asians are often portrayed as being either enraptured or suspicious of their Western counterparts This is an underlining theme in the play, and ... similar to the original play, right up to the surrendering of Song's character What subsequently follows, however, is a complete turning of the tables To make matters even worse, the object of his ... today's modern world, women of Asian descent are frowning upon this form stereotyping And that today, Asian women have advanced to the point of being deeply disturbed by these stereotypes Fleck From...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:04

3 277 0
Impact of indoor air pollution on health, comfort and productivity of the occupants pot

Impact of indoor air pollution on health, comfort and productivity of the occupants pot

... environment The quality of the indoor environment reflects on the health, comfort and productivity of individuals in buildings The main reason for the lack of awareness of the problems is due to the ... aware of environmental pollution, acid rain, depletion of ozone, global warming, additives in food, CFCs, so their awareness of the impact of the places in which they live and work is increasing The ... bodies as the third skin (considering the body as the first skin and clothes as the second skin), which forms a physical barrier to separate the inside from the outside (Walker, 1990) The building...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:20

7 508 0
Dutch and English on the Hudson A Chronicle of Colonial New York doc

Dutch and English on the Hudson A Chronicle of Colonial New York doc

... have the heart and the nerves to dwell upon the horrors of the middle passage and the sufferings of the poor negroes as set down in the log-books of the slavers, the St John and the Arms of Amsterdam ... it a crescent holding a profile of the traditional Man in the Moon The panel below bears the arms of the City of Amsterdam and the letters V.O.C forming the monogram of the Dutch East India Company ... Holland by the ringing of bells, the discharge of artillery, the illumination of the houses, and the singing of hymns of thanksgiving in all the churches The devout people knelt in every cathedral...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 18:20

91 440 0
university of california press the archaeology of ethnogenesis race and sexuality in colonial san francisco feb 2008

university of california press the archaeology of ethnogenesis race and sexuality in colonial san francisco feb 2008

... of the Presidio of San Francisco for Housing the Troops of the Garrison, 1796 184 22 Detail of View of the Presidio of San Francisco, watercolor by Louis Choris 187 23 Size-based comparison of ... elision of other kinds of variability These erasures of variations pose an internal threat to the stability of identities, requiring continual “work” (in the sense of the multifaceted deployment of ... marks the anniversary of the founding of El Presidio de San Francisco The location the Presidio’s Main Post—is also the archaeological site of the historical Presidio quadrangle (see fig 10) The...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 13:55

422 248 0
Bit literacy  productivity in the age of   mark hurst

Bit literacy productivity in the age of mark hurst

... can change the priority of the todo There are two up-arrows to the right of the todo: an underlined arrow that takes the todo to the very top of the list, and another arrow that takes the todo ... Meanwhile, the problem is growing: there are more e-mails, more bits of all types, coming at them all the time For the sake of these people, their families, their employers, and the larger economy, there ... in to the todo list When it receives an e-mail, Gootodo creates a new todo as such: the Subject line of the e-mail becomes the summary, or title, of the todo the body of the e-mail becomes the...

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2014, 13:42

155 288 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Effects of Combination Dietary Conjugated Linoleic Acid with Vitamin A (Retinol) and Selenium on the Response of the Immunoglobulin Productivity in Mice" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "Effects of Combination Dietary Conjugated Linoleic Acid with Vitamin A (Retinol) and Selenium on the Response of the Immunoglobulin Productivity in Mice" pdf

... collection, the end of the duodenum and the cranial part of the cecum were tied and both ends were cut One end of the small intestine was at the stand and a conical tube was placed at the other end Then ... decreased compare to that of control Over-dosage of CLA may affect the depression of immune production However, the addition of vitamin ADE and/or selenium to CLA increased the level of immunoglobulin ... ad libitum for the duration of the study P re pa ratio n o f CLA CLA was made by the method of Ip et al [18] and extracted from corn oil With a radiochemical purity of 76.1445%, the CLA (c9, t11...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 17:22

6 344 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Short-term variations and long-term changes in oak productivity in northeastern France. The role of climate and atmospheric CO 2" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "Short-term variations and long-term changes in oak productivity in northeastern France. The role of climate and atmospheric CO 2" pot

... tree height of 2.80 m (to minimize the negative effects on the wood quality of the butt log), one from the northern side of the trunk and the other from the southern side Throughout the text, age ... and more importantly, the unfavourable effects of an excess of water on the soil structure and on the rooting of the trees owing to the impermeability of the subsoil Of the recent dendroecological ... during the last century (3) The skewed structure of the data resulting from the different silvicultural history of the stands could cause artifacts About 150 years ago the treatment in some parts of...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 19:21

16 377 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Crown architecture in relation to productivity of Populus clones in the Pacific Northwest, U.S.A." ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "Crown architecture in relation to productivity of Populus clones in the Pacific Northwest, U.S.A." ppt

... 44-136 and 11-11, respectively The LA on the current terminal of each of the clones remains a minor part of the total LA of the tree, until the end of the growing season These clonal differences in ... same as that of proleptic branches for the R trichocarpa and hybrid clones in the middle of the season, but was only 1/5 the biomass of proleptic branches in clone 111-005 The ratio of total LA ... than that of their sylleptic counterparts The relative proportion of LA on sylleptic branches to LA on proleptic branches in the hybrid clones was intermediate between that of the both the parental...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 02:21

3 442 0
Báo cáo y học: " Change in level of productivity in the treatment of schizophrenia with olanzapine or other antipsychotics" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: " Change in level of productivity in the treatment of schizophrenia with olanzapine or other antipsychotics" ppsx

... component of the burden of illness and its economic cost [5,6] The financial cost of schizophrenia in the United States in 2002 was estimated to be $62.7 billion [6] In another study of the economic ... how often functional activities can be performed: 1, no useful functioning; 2, > 0% to ≤25% of the time; 3, > 25% to ≤50% of the time; 4, >50% to ≤75% of the time; and 5, >75% to ≤100% of the ... to the conception and design, as well as the acquisition of the data Additionally, HL-S and HA-S contributed to the analysis of the data KYJ drafted the manuscript All authors contributed to the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 15:22

9 370 0
Báo cáo y học: " The importance of individualized article-specific metrics for evaluating research productivity" pps

Báo cáo y học: " The importance of individualized article-specific metrics for evaluating research productivity" pps

... emphasized consistently the use of person-specific measures of H-index [3] and total citations Indeed, annually for the past three years, these data have been presented, using the Scopus data base ... not overlook the merits of awards and prizes in evaluating highly accomplished colleagues Awards/prizes can come in two flavors; one as "leading" and the other as "lagging" indicators of scientific ... for the 2009 Retrovirology Prize to recognize a retrovirologist for non-HIV-retrovirology research is open The nomination period will close on October 31, 2009 The rules for nomination and the...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:22

4 445 0
Bóa cáo y học: "Does productivity influence priority setting? A case study from the field of CVD prevention" ppsx

Bóa cáo y học: "Does productivity influence priority setting? A case study from the field of CVD prevention" ppsx

... perspective The budget is defined as the actual direct cost of the interventions, i.e the proportion of the set (the "needs") that are financed today We use a deterministic model to compute the effect of ... treatment of costs incurred by the patient and/or the family and voluntary caring time In the current study, however, we focus on the issue of productivity changes The precise consequences of including ... gains of any particular intervention depend, among other things, on the risk of the target group Therefore, the population is stratified according to risk into 108 groups (table 3) The effect of...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 11:22

6 296 0


... of input use The volume measure of output reflects the goods and services produced by the workforce Numerator of the ratio of labor productivity, the volume measure of output is measured either ... one of the main problems confronting the construction industry, the construction firm and the construction project As a consequence of the importance of the construction industry, the nature of ... planed labor productivity of construction projects - To assess the impact strength of these factors on the fluctuation of labor productivity - To analysis the difference in Labor Productivity...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2015, 20:14

92 642 0
Getting Things Done: The Art of StressFree Productivity (Ebook)

Getting Things Done: The Art of StressFree Productivity (Ebook)

... Control 211 Part 3: The Power of the Key Principles Chapter 11 The Power of the Collection Habit 223 225 Chapter 12 The Power of the Next-Action Decision Chapter 13 The Power of Outcome Focusing ... dozens of e-mails still not dealt with Many of these businesspeople are successful because the crises they solve and the opportunities they take advantage of are bigger than the problems they allow ... predetermined list of to-dos that the first telephone call or interruption from their boss won't totally undo The "Big Picture" vs the Nitty-Gritty At the other end of the spectrum, a huge number of business...

Ngày tải lên: 26/06/2015, 18:17

278 274 3
The triumph of tagalog and the dominance of the discourse on english language politics in the philippines during the american colonial period  3

The triumph of tagalog and the dominance of the discourse on english language politics in the philippines during the american colonial period 3

... Wills contest the manipulation of the policy to mask the real reason for the occupation which, they argue, was the pursuit of profit For these two, the concern is not the idea of Benevolent Assimilation ... the “hierarchy of languages”162 in contemporary Philippines At present, English occupies the top of the hierarchy as it is the language of higher education, the language of the professions, the ... The examples, symptomatic of how the Americans envisioned their enlightenment, refer to the ideas of the equality of the races (the Civil War) and of the separation of church and state (Westphalia)...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:13

36 518 0