the polarization of debates

báo cáo khoa học: " Rethinking the conceptual terrain of AIDS scholarship: lessons from comparing 27 years of AIDS and climate change research" ppt

báo cáo khoa học: " Rethinking the conceptual terrain of AIDS scholarship: lessons from comparing 27 years of AIDS and climate change research" ppt

... solutions; (3) the polarization of debates within the field; and (4) the crisis-orientation that has characterized AIDS research and response The paper outlines the evolution of, and current ... the University of KwaZulu-Natal, and the DFID Addressing the Balance of Burden of AIDS Research Partners Consortium for support during the preparation of this manuscript None of these institutions ... discussed above, with the development of effective treatments in the mid-1990s, the tendency towards a (re)medicalisation of the epidemic gained momentum This was further propelled by the decline in...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 14:21

11 162 0
The Six Driving Forces That Affect Your Business Plan _ And How to Focus on the Best One for Your Company’s Needs

The Six Driving Forces That Affect Your Business Plan _ And How to Focus on the Best One for Your Company’s Needs

... target of management theorists Usually the wants and needs of the individual are compared to the wants and needs of the organization That takes you nowhere Too often the wants and needs of the organization ... Properties-driven companies understand the value of their capital assets Those properties are the core of their income generation They are the center of their universe Because the properties are subject ... A payoff-driven organization is one that understands the basic human need of individualism These organizations base their products and services on some form of payoff for the users The payoff...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 09:20

28 826 0
The Next Digital Decade - Essays on the Future of the Internet doc

The Next Digital Decade - Essays on the Future of the Internet doc

... Personally, this book is the perfect synthesis of the themes and topics that set me down the path of studying Internet policy in the late 1990s, and weaves together most of the major books and authors ... Society, and Professor of Computer Science in the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences He is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Internet Society and is on the board of advisors ... school, Professor Johnson clerked for a year for the Honorable Malcolm R Wilkey of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Andrew Keen Andrew Keen is the author of the international...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 21:20

578 701 0
Focus on the U.S. Gulf States pdf

Focus on the U.S. Gulf States pdf

... Alabama In the months following the storm, the RAND Corporation contributed its services and tackled issues such as housing and health care as well as other needs of families affected by the storm ... States harnesses the expertise of RAND’s more than 1,200 researchers to inform a wide variety of policy and technical subjects critical to the region These include: RAND is a nonprofit institution ... Events at Sandy Hook Elementary School highlight the risk of violence in the lives of our nation’s children RAND collaborated with a team of professionals to develop, implement, and evaluate a...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 03:20

4 325 0


... part of the European framework through the application within the EU of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and the recent integration of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European ... handbook on the future of EU copyright The year 1993 also saw the adoption of the Term Directive, which harmonised the term of protection of copyright at the relatively high level of 70 years ... Apart from the codification of the rule of Community exhaustion, which permits the further circulation of copyrighted goods within the Community upon their introduction on the market in the European...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 12:20

666 529 0


... first study the way management treats their shareholders Do they provide an accurate picture of their business in their annual report? Do they discuss the negative issues in addition to the positive ... accounting principles offer management a choice: Pay employees in one form and count the cost, or pay them in another form and ignore the cost Small wonder then that the use of options has mushroomed ... CUC was able to release part of the charges back into income in later periods by “determining” that they had over reserved when they made the initial estimate of the restructuring costs Companies...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 14:20

7 439 0
Focus on the Wonder Years docx

Focus on the Wonder Years docx

... shaping these futures Therefore, the state of the U.S middle school is—or should be of concern to all of us Unfortunately, the reputation of U.S middle schools today leaves in doubt whether these ... irrelevance of the curriculum to the everyday lives of youths • strict instruction • the practice of retaining students when they did not meet the rigid requirements The Junior High Becomes the Middle ... shaping the formation of middle schools for grades 6–8 from the beginning of the 1900s through the 1960s A Middle School Concept Emerges in the 1980s The discussion of and scholarly writing about the...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 21:20

179 294 0


... introduced There is currently little in the way of clinically translated practice of gene therapy using the siRNA method, as it is associated with a number of problems The most notable of these is ... Introduction The dream of all clinicians and researchers is to give their name to an illness, whatever the technique used to make the discovery During the 20th century and the early part of the 21st ... application of scientific principles and techniques toward the advancement of knowledge with the implicit recognition that this is a disease of biological origins Further, they acknowledge the reality of...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 11:20

114 298 0


... over the United Kingdom to the NWP model of the UK Meteorological Office (UK Met Office) They have shown that the LHN improved the skill of the forecast as well as the analysis of precipitation The ... homogenized data sets for the study of the regional climate and climate change The documentation of the model and the description of the implementation and setup of the system producing the reanalysis will ... The RPS is started on one of the login nodes of the super computing centres and from there submits the various jobs needed for the production of the reanalysis Since the RPS is designed for the...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2015, 10:11

124 638 0
Intelligent Software Agents on the Internet: an inventory of currently offered functionality in the information society & a prediction of (near-)future developments

Intelligent Software Agents on the Internet: an inventory of currently offered functionality in the information society & a prediction of (near-)future developments

... apply to the other types of agents as well 1.3 Two statements This thesis consists of two parts For each of these two parts a separate statement will be formulated The first part of the thesis ... needs, and for the connection of the user with the agent(s) that will help him solve his problem The number of types of agents the Interface Agent has to deal with, depends on the aims of the system ... in the other-half population rather than the upstream population These particular other-half consumers report the highest degree of frustration with the Web of any population segment Although they...

Ngày tải lên: 08/10/2012, 15:22

100 811 3
Domestic Wastewater Reclamation Coupled with Biofuel/Biomass Production Based on Microalgae: A Novel Wastewater Treatment Process in the Future

Domestic Wastewater Reclamation Coupled with Biofuel/Biomass Production Based on Microalgae: A Novel Wastewater Treatment Process in the Future

... produce biofuel are the key points of the novel process, which determine the wastewater treatment efficiency and the net energy production of the whole process Therefore, the key techniques of the ... tests for the practical application of the organic flocculants Selection of microalgal species suitable for the coupled system In the novel process being proposed, the proper selection of microalgal ... flocculation and filtration The microalgal biomass harvested from the microalgal cultivation system could be used as the feedstock of biofuel The lipid could be extracted from the microalgal biomass...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:17

9 762 0
FOCUS ON - phrasal ver bs with the particle off and the adverb right

FOCUS ON - phrasal ver bs with the particle off and the adverb right

... girlfriend One of the arms broke off the statue when it fell off the pedestal broken off part.adj After something breaks off, it is broken off The handle of the coffee cup is broken off break off p.v ... in-laws that I broke off alt contact with them dry off dry off & dries off drying off dried off dried off dry off p.v When something dries off or you dry something off, water or other liquids that ... the particle: He washed the dirt right off Ho washed right off the dirt Infinitive present tense -ing form past tense past participle bite off & bites off biting off bit off bitten off bite off...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 12:20

21 532 0
FOCUS ON - phrasal verbs with the particle down

FOCUS ON - phrasal verbs with the particle down

... paid off paid off payoff pay off & pays off pay off p.v When you pay off money that you owe or pay off the person you owe the money to, you pay all the money that you owe I wasn't happy with the ... pay them off 283 The politician tried to cover up the crime by paying off the witnesses Don't expect the police in this city to anything about gambling — they're being paid off payoff n A payoff ... 15 The head of the health department tried to keep the payoffs in his department a secret What did the head of the health department to the payoffs? 16 In Question 15, what would you call the...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 12:20

25 759 3
FOCUS ON - phrasal verbs with the verb  turn

FOCUS ON - phrasal verbs with the verb turn

... thing The Youngs are thinking of turning their house in the country into a hotel The children turned the big box into a playhouse turn off turn off & turns off turning off turned off turned off ... talk out of talk out of & talks out of talking out of talked out of talked out of talk out of p.v When you talk people out of something or talk people out of doing something, you persuade them not ... other vehicles pull out or pull out of a parking space, they leave the place where they were parked and start driving in the street The accident happened when the Ford pulled out in front of the...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 12:20

25 914 1
Tài liệu Joint Paths to the Future Force - A Report on Unified Quest 2004 ppt

Tài liệu Joint Paths to the Future Force - A Report on Unified Quest 2004 ppt

... theater because the implications of the associated study issues inform an assessment of the other areas of analysis General Assessment of Study Issues in the Context of the Sumesia Theater Joint ... protection The implications of a broad range of C4ISR technological assumptions are critical to the resolution of most UQ 04 study issues and fundamental to the realization of the concepts for the Future ... that local people can the job themselves with the help of their own government When the insurgents in northern Sumatra used chemical attacks to terrorize the population, the Blue Sumesian team...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 22:20

104 349 0
Tài liệu The future impact of the Internet on higher education: Experts expect more-efficient collaborative environments and new grading schemes; they worry about massive online courses, the shift away from on-campus life docx

Tài liệu The future impact of the Internet on higher education: Experts expect more-efficient collaborative environments and new grading schemes; they worry about massive online courses, the shift away from on-campus life docx

... is the relevance of the education to the professional future of a person Universities need to strengthen the causality between an education and a professional future, and given the nature of the ... are “working in the trenches” of building the web Most of the people in this latter segment of responders came to the survey by invitation because they are on the email list of the Pew Internet ... other tech and science publications, said, The key challenge of the next five years—I say the because of the importance of education for the entire global labor force and the importance of...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 00:20

43 585 0