the origin of nigerian literature in english

The feasibility of integrated approach in English language teaching at Maritime College No.1, Haiphong = Tính khả thi của phương pháp tích hợp trong giản.PDF

The feasibility of integrated approach in English language teaching at Maritime College No.1, Haiphong = Tính khả thi của phương pháp tích hợp trong giản.PDF

... under the title of “Integration of Four Skills” Integration of skills The integration of skills is a combination of four language skills including Listening, Speaking, Writing and Reading ... separated into two as in the chart below: Grammar Integration of areas Language functions Topics/themes INTEGRATION Listening Integration of skills Speaking Writing Reading Figure 1: Classification of ... functions of language Thematic/Topical Integration In this type of integration, skills are practiced in conjunction with each other around a topic in the way they are integrated in real life If there

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:32

16 569 0
The feasibility of integrated approach in English language teaching at Maritime College No.1, Haiphong = Tính khả thi của phương pháp tích hợp trong giản20150227.PDF

The feasibility of integrated approach in English language teaching at Maritime College No.1, Haiphong = Tính khả thi của phương pháp tích hợp trong giản20150227.PDF

... stated in the title of the thesis, the assumption has been made that the primary parts of the literature will be involved in the definitions and types of integrated approach and the review of literature ... researcher in exploring the literature to establish the status quo, formulate a problem or research enquiry, define the value of pursuing the line of enquiry established, and compared the findings ... and whether they will be communicating freely in the global maritime community But in the process of teaching and learning maritime English, teaching methodology is the key to success of educational

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:32

66 812 1
reflections on the application of noun phrases in english vietnamese translation

reflections on the application of noun phrases in english vietnamese translation

... WTC and the Pentagon on the 11th of September are clear striking proofs of the heavy failure in the US Defense Network a The attacks of terrorists on the WTC and the Pentagon on the 11th of September ... skewing The skewing in the SL will not match the skewing in the RL.” He also defines skewing as the diversity or the lack of one – to – one correlation between form and meaning” ... especially in terms of noun phrases since they are considered as one of the two main parts of a sentence, and occur in different styles of discourse Therefore, this study is aimed at finding out the

Ngày tải lên: 27/11/2015, 18:33

58 748 4
Cognitive linguistic features of idioms related to the concept of black, white in english versus vietnamese

Cognitive linguistic features of idioms related to the concept of black, white in english versus vietnamese

... Clarifying the connotative of the idiom mentioned + Explaining the general meaning of the idiom in the given context in term of semantic features + Finding the Vietnamese equivalent under the light ... Cognitive Linguistic Viewpoint in the Study Cognitive science firstly developed in America, therefore the number of cognitive linguists in the Western is remarkable To have a right viewpoint in the thesis, ... meaning, the structure and the use of idioms In fact, idioms relating to such colors as “Black”, “White” in English and Vietnamese are popular but the meaning of these idioms are different in English

Ngày tải lên: 06/06/2016, 15:00

26 567 1
A study on the changing of french loanwords in english

A study on the changing of french loanwords in english

... words from other languages in English The second aim is to provide more information on the origins, the historical background of the integration of French loanwords in English The final aim is ... degree of linguistic aspects 14 1.5.2 On the degree of assimilation 16 1.6 The origin of French language in English 17 CHAPTER II THE ANALYSIS ON THE CHANGING OF FRENCH LOANWORDS INTO ... when being absorbed in English? Methods of the study • Gathering and summarizing information available on the Internet or in relevant books, documents, newspaper • Arranging and classifying the

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2016, 21:18

56 476 0
The role of language integration in english teaching and learning

The role of language integration in english teaching and learning

... production of meaning They are the basic elements of reading process Types of reading 2.1 Skimming and scanning Skimming is the technique of reading for general sense or the gist of the text The reader ... not being used to insulating your home properly and walking instead of driving one short trip a week, taking the train instead of flying or putting in energy-saving light bulbs in your home Find ... and aloud reading There is no doubt about the efficiency of silent reading over aloud reading in accomplishing most of the reading tasks Silent reading focused on the meaning of the text, thus,

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2017, 00:12

35 436 0
The history of final vowels in english

The history of final vowels in english

... The History of Final Vowels in English Topics in English Linguistics Editors Jan Svartvik Herman Wekker Mouton de Gruyter Berlin · New York The History of Final Vowels in English The Sound of ... within the guidelines of the A N S I to ensure permanence and durability Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Minkova, D o n k a , 1944 — The history of final vowels in English : the ... permission in writing from the publisher Printing: Ratzlow-Druck, Berlin Binding: Lüderitz & Bauer, Berlin Printed in Germany Contents Preface ix Chapter Schwa in the history of English 1.1

Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2018, 15:10

233 232 0
Perceptions towards the use of TFLAT dictionary in english vocabulary learning by first year major english students at faculty of foreign languages, hanoi pedagogical university 2 and suggestions for users

Perceptions towards the use of TFLAT dictionary in english vocabulary learning by first year major english students at faculty of foreign languages, hanoi pedagogical university 2 and suggestions for users

... processes in English Alfaki, I M (2015) Vocabulary input in English language teaching: assessing the vocabulary load in in SPINE five International Journal of English Language and Linguistics ... English is a foreign language in some countries such as Philippines and Spain The increasing popularity of English can be explained by the fact that having a good command of English gives better job ... certain word that they knew the meanings After completing the word, students can tap the Speaker icon and listen to its pronunciation before moving to other words Basing on the results of the

Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2018, 09:35

56 411 3
A study of the use of addressing terms in english and vietnamese families

A study of the use of addressing terms in english and vietnamese families

... According to the results of the research, in Vietnamese the addressing terms used with the highest frequency in the mentioned relationship are “kinship term” There are many factors affecting the ... the addressing term 5.2 Concluding remarks The aim of the thesis is to find out the use of addressing terms between members in Vietnamese and English families In order to collect the data from ... nature of the topic that prevents the study from operating the subject from the view of different groups of participants but from the angle of the whole of participants To put it another way, the

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2018, 10:59

77 736 10
The Canons of Nepali writing in English

The Canons of Nepali writing in English

... helped promote the field of English translation in Nepal But Interestingly their mother tongue is not Nepali.Nepali writing in English is not only the original works in English and English translation, ... published in Indreni, the poetry magazine of Kavya Pratisthan (the predecessor of Nepal Academy) The main purpose of his writing in English, as he argued, is "because of its extensive use in India, ... for the discussion of whether Nepali writing in English has attained the canonical position? HISTORY IN THE MAKING English writing in Nepal dates back some six or seven decades It was in the

Ngày tải lên: 10/01/2020, 03:48

12 100 0
The use of phrasal verbs in English language research proposals by Vietnamese M.A. students

The use of phrasal verbs in English language research proposals by Vietnamese M.A. students

... non-idiomatic meaning, learners can understand the meanings of the phrasal verbs easily by using the combination of the individual lexical meaning of the verb and the particle For example, Literature ... “away”, “down”, “off”, “on”, “out”, “up” … When the verbs combine with the particles, the meanings of the combination, in most cases, cannot be inferred from the meanings of the two separate ... is for scrutinizing the functions of the examined phrasal verbs The data used in this study was the 19 research proposals of M.A in English Applied Linguistics The reason for selecting M.A students

Ngày tải lên: 10/01/2020, 09:30

16 131 0
Geochemical, microthermometric, and isotopic constraints on the origin of fluorite deposits in central Anatolia, Turkey

Geochemical, microthermometric, and isotopic constraints on the origin of fluorite deposits in central Anatolia, Turkey

... Cretaceous magmatism in the CACC changed from calc-alkaline to alkaline and the relative input of mafic magma in the origin of the magmatic rocks of the complex increased with time They also suggested ... left behind was the boulders of host rock with indistinct fluorite veins The presence of brecciation points to unrest episodes of veins after their infill Fluorite mostly in green color and quartz ... central Anatolian basins Int Geol Rev 40: 831-850 Hein UF, Lüders V, Dulski P (1990) The fluorite vein mineralization of the southern Alps: combined application of fluid inclusions and rare earth

Ngày tải lên: 13/01/2020, 17:37

21 37 0
Arterial stiffness, thickness and association to suitable novel markers of risk at the origin of cardiovascular disease in obese children

Arterial stiffness, thickness and association to suitable novel markers of risk at the origin of cardiovascular disease in obese children

... as [fasting glucose (mg/dl) ì fasting insulin (àU/ml)/405] Insulin sensitivity index (ISI) was calculated as: [ISI =10,000/√(fasting glucose×fasting insulin)×(mean glucose×mean insulin)] The TG ... mg/dl following the OGTT NAFLD was suspected in the presence of ALT >40 U/l and ultrasound evidence of increased liver brightness after ruling out other conditions causing abnormalities of liver ... NSW, Australia) with the subject in the supine position as described in Haller et al [20] The pulse wave of intermediate-sized arteries was recorded from the radial artery of the right arm (brachial

Ngày tải lên: 15/01/2020, 16:28

10 61 0
Master thesis in The English language: An investigation into linguistic features of adjective and verb phrases using the words of body parts in English and Vietnamese

Master thesis in The English language: An investigation into linguistic features of adjective and verb phrases using the words of body parts in English and Vietnamese

... using the words of body parts in most effectively concerning the expression of our emotion and that of expressing emotion in English and Vietnamese some others In doing so, we may make use of the ... sống lưng, xương sống, and domain of emotion in terms of another domain, for instance the words denoting the drop of temperature as cold in English and lạnh in domain of verticality or temperature ... expressing emotion using the nouns denoting 3) Collecting sentences, phrases containing instances of body body parts with idiomatic meaning They were the ones that idioms expressing emotion in both

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2020, 18:58

13 172 0
Master thesis in the English language: An Investigation into the Use of Conceptual Metaphor in English and Vietnamese Idioms Denoting Human Feelings

Master thesis in the English language: An Investigation into the Use of Conceptual Metaphor in English and Vietnamese Idioms Denoting Human Feelings

... 5.1 A SUMMARY OF THE STUDY The study is about an investigation into linguistic features of metaphors in English and Vietnamese idioms denoting human feelings in the terms of happiness, sadness, ... denoting human feelings in the terms of happiness, sadness, anger and fear and describing analyzing conceptual metaphors in English and Vietnamese idioms denoting human feelings in the terms of ... present the previous study related to the paper, giving a strong statement of the importance of the thesis and some theoretical backgrounds of the study in chapter two Next, we present the aims, the

Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2020, 04:26

13 189 0
Investigating the use of speaking tasks in English classes at Le Quy Don gifted high school in Nha Trang

Investigating the use of speaking tasks in English classes at Le Quy Don gifted high school in Nha Trang

... (listening, speaking, reading and writing) According to Brown (2001), speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving and processing information The ... respectively The teachers said they never conducted these oral tasks in the speaking lessons because the thing is that they had to follow the sequence of speaking tasks in the textbook and regulations of ... contributes to the study of TBLT First, it is a hands-on investigation of the actual practice of teaching speaking through tasks in the high-school context, thereby contributing to the literature in this

Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2020, 23:05

10 47 0