... pictures the animal sides of the embryos is located towards the top Annotated images of additional stages can be found in the WISH database [22] expressed by one of the other types of neurons of the ... arrays to the predicted sea urchin genes (Glean3) of the recently sequenced genome [25] and then searched to determine whether their human orthologs are involved in pathways listed in the Kyoto Encyclopedia ... subsequently in the macromeres and their progenitor blastomeres veg2 and part of veg1 The nuclearization of βcatenin in the micromeres at the 16-cell stage is also the earliest molecular evidence of an...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 07:21
... for offshore areas In this study the finite element mesh from the sea to the shore is shown in Fig 1b Smallest area of an element is 1250m2 in region of river estuaries such as Day, Ninh Co and ... from the Day river no longer exists after 15 years due to the filling of the river mouth Later 15 years, changes only (a) happens in the sea bed outside the river mouth It can be seen that the ... century, and by 4258cm at the end of the century To the scenario B2, the sea level could rise by 20-24cm and by 49-65cm, respectively Under high emissions scenario A1FI, sea level could rise by...
Ngày tải lên: 10/03/2014, 18:20
Has the rate of economic growth changed? Evidence and lessons for public policy pdf
... using a version of the method of Staiger, Stock, and Watson (1997, 2001) Hence, the forecasts take into account the best estimate of the NAIRU as of the beginning of the period of the productivity ... while the author was a Professorial Fellow in Monetary Economics at the Reserve Bank of New Zealand and the Victoria University of Wellington under the auspices of the Victoria University of Wellington ... cyclical factors and the high level of investment lead the uncorrected data to understate the pace of technological progress during the sample The subperiods shown in the right-hand side of table...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 10:20
Báo cáo Y học: A new siglec family member, siglec-10, is expressed in cells of the immune system and has signaling properties similar to CD33 docx
... II and Nco I The amplified fragment was cloned into pd19 by digesting the fragment with HindIII and Bgl II and the plasmid with HindIII and Bam HI The fragment was ligated into the plasmid and the ... positions 597, 641, 667, and 691 To construct the GST fusions of the tandem SH2 domains of each SHP-1 and SHP-2, the sequences corresponding to amino acids 2–232 of each SHP-1 and SHP-2 were amplified ... purified (< 820 bp) The insert was then ligated into the pSPORT vector and the resulting full-length siglec-10 clone was designated 995-2 and the sequence was verified against the other siglec-10 clones...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 04:21
Báo cáo khoa học: and protein bilinear indices – novel bio-macromolecular descriptors for protein research: I. Predicting protein stability effects of a complete set of alanine substitutions in the Arc repressor ppt
... of the kth power of the local Z matrices In this way, the total nonstochastic and stochastic bilinear indices are the sum of the nonstochastic and stochastic bilinear indices, respectively, of ... real vector space and b be a bilinear function in V ã V The bilinear function Table The zero (k = 0), rst (k = 1) and second (k = 2) powers of the total nonstochastic and stochastic graphtheoretic ... column vector (an n ã matrix) of the coordinates of m in the canonical basis set of
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 09:20
Báo cáo y học: " Specific TATAA and bZIP requirements suggest that HTLV-I Tax has transcriptional activity subsequent to the assembly of an initiation complex" pps
... the indicated dominant-negative proteins The empty vector was used to normalize the amount of plasmids given to each group of cells DN: dominant-negative checked in parallel the activity of the ... artificial recruitment of TBP bypasses the effect of DNA-tethered activators whereas the activators fail to activate transcription when physically fused to components of the basal transcription ... [29,30] and c-Jun [31] play roles in Tax activation of 21-bp repeats However, the relative contribution of these bZIP factors has not been compared directly in the same experimental setting Furthermore,...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 13:20
Báo cáo y học: "The genome of Rhizobium leguminosarum has recognizable core and accessory components" doc
... believed to use the Entner-Doudoroff or pentose phosphate pathways to catabolize sugars, and to lack the Emden-Meyerhof pathway [45,46] This is related to the absence of phosphofructokinase enzyme ... %GC Figure The chromosome and six plasmids of Rlv3841 The chromosome and six plasmids of Rlv3841 The plasmids are shown at the same relative scale, and the chromosome at one-fourth of that scale ... in the quartops have GC3s (mean ± standard error) of 77.9 ± 0.2%, irrespective of the phylogeny that they support, but the GC3s of nonquartop genes is only 72.6 ± 0.1% For a broader view of gene...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 16:21
the first chapter will start with the introduction to the problem that mai dong mechanical company has been facing and also the research design and methodology of the research
... design and methodology of the research 1.1 Rationale of the research Being the official member of the WTO in January 2007, Vietnam has become an attractive destination for the foreign investors ... cost to encourage them to contribute their best to the job o Monetary benefit and compensation The payroll system is designed on the basis of the volume of output produced And the outcome and ... ensure the mutual benefit of the staff and also the company Then in order to have qualified staff, the company needs to know well their capability, expectation and requirement of the company and...
Ngày tải lên: 14/10/2014, 01:10
A study of using dictionaries in learning and teaching at Lam Son high school for the fifted, Thanh Hoa = Nghiên cứu việc sử dụng từ điển trong dạy và học tiếng
... after referring to the monolingual dictionary, they often have to turn to the bilingual dictionary if they really wish to understand the word On the other hand, students ‗use of bilingual dictionaries ... deals with an overview of background to the study, including key concepts and theories to the research topic but also discusses previous studies of the field to reveal the research gap which needs ... overused the dictionary, dictionary just to see new words; students not learn how to guess the meaning of the word by linking to the content of the sentence, or the paragraph of the article The lazy...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 08:58
The impact of online searches on consideration set formation and consumer choice
... demonstrates that there are an optimal number of retailers to be searched for price information The stopping point of the search activities depends on a comparison of the search cost and the marginal ... as the consideration set In this model, the dispersion of market prices influences the expected search utility, and the accessibility of the price information affects the search cost The size of ... not easy to separate the evaluation cost from the search cost in terms of their effects on the consumer consideration decision, as these two often act together and move the results in the same...
Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 16:07
Báo cáo y học: "Evaluation of the Prevalence of Concomitant Idiopathic Cyclic Edema and Cellulit"
... legs at the end of the day Participants were asked to weigh themselves using the same weighing scales at around a.m and p.m for three consecutive days They were requested to use the same clothes ... idea of the high prevalence of edema in the more advanced grades of cellulite The lack of specific clinical and laboratory studies hinders research on cyclic edema and the dissemination of information ... throughout the day and, in particular, difficulty 454 to remove rings on waking in the morning which improves later in the day Some patients reported facial edema early in the morning and swelling of the...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:51
Báo cáo y học: "Special considerations in the treatment of patients with bipolar disorder and medical co-morbidities"
... phenobarbital, and lamotrigine The triad of hypersensitivity includes fever, rash and internal organ involvement with onset of symptoms within to weeks of exposure The frequency of the syndrome is estimated ... delayed As the physician with the most (and often the only) contact with these patients, psychiatrists need to be vigilant in detecting early signs and symptoms of medical illness and facilitating ... [42] Renal disease The prevalence of chronic kidney disease in the adult population of the United States is 11% (19.2 million people) [64], and as death rates from heart disease, cancer and pneumonia...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:51
Facts of Vietnam Freight forwarding industry and the role of Vietnam Freight Forwarders Association (VIFFAS) to the industry in international economic integration processhelpful to Oristar.doc
... line The customs formalities need to be renewed to facilitate export and import The General Department of Customs, the Ministry of Trade and examining bodies, and the Bureau of Standards and Measures ... kinds: + The change of consumer-demand modal, market and the attitude to the availability and diversity of goods + The pressure of reducing cost + The development of Information technology + The pressure ... Freight Forwarding and having high professional skills and abilities to contribute to the realization of the objectives and duties of the Association, may be invited to join the Association as...
Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2012, 16:42
The role of language in adult education and poverty reduction in Botswan
... maintains the hegemony and the gap between the poor and the rich, the major and minority groups In order to redress poverty the adult education program needs to be aware of the social functions of language ... in Setswana and English contributes to an assimilation of these groups into Setswana, killing their identities and ignoring the knowledge and experience embodied in their native languages and ... the learners to be confident to participate in the discussions and activities of their education and economy This involves the teaching of local languages, Setswana and English By involving the...
Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2012, 16:27
... Edit and print II/ INTERVIEW QUESTIONS According to the purpose of the report, we had to go out to carry out our interview with the foreigner tourists We had to spend two days in the OldQuarter to ... all And we continued finding other guests, but not much tourist, so we could interview one to two travelers Most of them seemed too closed, to be friendly and warmhearted, and welcome us They told ... Group, and business It can be seen that the percentage of independent tourist is the biggest It occupies 58% in total The numbers of tourists who travel in-group hold 33% And the business tourist...
Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2013, 15:42
Effect of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and biofilm on the adsorption capacity of powdered activated carbon in activated sludge
... occupied 54% to total On the other hand, the adsorption isotherms of PAC in the dialysis membrane with molecular weight cut-off of 300,000 and 2,000,000 Da were almost the same and their adsorption ... compared to the new one Figure shows 3,5-DCP concentrations in the PACT and the control reactors during and after the shock loading of 3,5-DCP The peak concentration in the PACT and the control reactors ... wall that has an opening at the bottom to ensure effluent from the aeration tank into the sediment tank and the return of activated sludge from the sedimentation tank The aeration and sedimentation...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 08:40
Characteristics of Leachate from Citrus Groves and their Changes in the Collecting Reservoirs in Matsuyama, Japan
... reservoirs were considered RESEARCH PROCEDURE Location: Matsuyama region and periphery of the Seto Inland Sea The location of the research area and the distribution of the citrus groves in Matsuyama ... situated in Shikoku Island in the southwestern part of Japan The western side of the region faces the Seto Inland Sea, around which are Fig.1 - Location of study area and distribution of citrus groves ... pollutants runs into the sea from the urban as well as industrial areas As the area around the Seto Inland Sea has a small amount of rainfall with a comparatively warm climate, the cultivation of citrus...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:17
Cadmium Removal by the Hydroponic Culture of Giant Reed (Arundo donax) and Its Concentration in the Plant
... in the previous study (Sagehashi et al., 2009) The volume of the total culture broth was set as L and was circulated by a liquid pump To avoid the direct effects on the removal of cadmium and ... At the start of the experiment, the initial concentration of cadmium was set to 1.0 mg/L and after 55 days, the cadmium concentration was increased to 5.0 mg/L by extra addition experiment to ... in the case of cadmium was not observed Furthermore, the particular effect of the cadmium addition on the appearance of the plant body was not observed during days in runs to Assimilation of...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:17