the nature of foreign language learning

The myth of “the earlier the better” in foreign language learning or the optimal age to learn a foreign language

The myth of “the earlier the better” in foreign language learning or the optimal age to learn a foreign language

... Journal of Foreign Studies, Vol.36, No.1 (2020) 22-36 THE MYTH OF ? ?THE EARLIER THE BETTER” IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING OR THE OPTIMAL AGE TO LEARN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE Tran Thi Tuyet* School of Management, ... Period Hypothesis (CPH) and other related terminologies which support the arguments of ? ?the earlier the better’ in second language (L2) learning It then moves to the discussion of the FL learning ... belief of ? ?the earlier the better’ in foreign language learning has led to generous investment from both families and societies on young children’s foreign language learning Nonetheless, the outcome

Ngày tải lên: 11/05/2020, 10:26

15 60 0
A study on an example of non-verbal interaction between the presenter and audience for English majored students at the School of Foreign Language

A study on an example of non-verbal interaction between the presenter and audience for English majored students at the School of Foreign Language

... practice the languages that they are studying As the matter of fact, for many foreign language learners, presentation is one of the most difficult tasks they encounter during their learning session; ... sometimes properly use their movement The findings indicate that there are many students who are not aware of the importance of movements with 57% of the totals The opinion of (James, 1995, p.89) ... formulate the idea of their level of proficiency, know their weak and strong points and set the targets for their next presentation In turn, by planning the directions of progress for themselves, students

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:37

50 454 2
An investigation into the perceptions and actual behaviors of the teachers and the students at the faculty of Foreign Language of Ho Chi Minh City University of.PDF

An investigation into the perceptions and actual behaviors of the teachers and the students at the faculty of Foreign Language of Ho Chi Minh City University of.PDF

... at FFL - HUI - A lot of them are from the south of Vietnam, others are from the central, even from provinces in the north of the nation - There are about 3000 students at the FFL-HUI whose ages ... and then putting the students into appropriate groups, telling them the aims of the activity or giving them some time to get ready for the task In the mean time, the students think that the most ... the mistakes that they make during the discussion 8 However, the teachers not think so They not pay much attention to the errors but to the proficiency and the ideas rather than correcting the

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:36

18 405 0
An investigation into the perceptions and actual behaviors of the teachers and the students at the faculty of Foreign Language of Ho Chi Minh City University of20150227.PDF

An investigation into the perceptions and actual behaviors of the teachers and the students at the faculty of Foreign Language of Ho Chi Minh City University of20150227.PDF

... well as their relationship in language teaching and learning 1.1 Communicative language teaching The Communicative Approach emerged in the early 1970s as a result of the work of the Council of Europe ... interaction in the target language - The introduction of authentic texts into learning situation - The provision of opportunities for learners to focus, not only on language but also on the learning ... and the students’ perceptions of the most appropriate number of members in each group .22 3.1.6 The teachers’ and the students’ perceptions of the benefits and the weaknesses of group

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:37

61 526 0
a study on the impact of the communicative approach to grammar teaching on students interest at the institute of foreign language hanoi university of agriculture

a study on the impact of the communicative approach to grammar teaching on students interest at the institute of foreign language hanoi university of agriculture

... is the result of the process of learning form and usage, but not use, and learning about the language, not using the language to learn through authentic tasks Furthermore, this method makes the ... to the need for mechanical practice rather than explanation about the language because the ability to use the language as a means of communication is the mastery of the linguistic system of the ... representative of each group The two players of two groups back to the board - Teacher writes a word on the board The rest of the class will explain the word by body language ( not to speak the words on the

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2015, 17:19

65 684 2
The value of foreign language education

The value of foreign language education

... The Value of Foreign Language Education Foreign Language Benefits: • Our World • Our Nation • Our State • Our Community • Our Students Foreign Language Benefits Our World • Understanding other ... respecting other cultures • The global economy can prosper through mutually beneficial trade Foreign Language Benefits Our Nation • Foreign language study is vital to the future economic welfare of the ... international economy • A shortfall of experts in foreign languages has seriously hampered information gathering and analysis within the American intelligence community Foreign Language Benefits Our State

Ngày tải lên: 01/12/2016, 23:10

13 172 0
A study on the application of cooperative language learning in teaching english speaking skill at the university of information technology  a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of requi

A study on the application of cooperative language learning in teaching english speaking skill at the university of information technology a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of requi

... of English as the participants of this study The purpose of the study will be presented in the following section 1.2 Purpose of the study The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of ... parts concern the Cooperative Language Learning (CLL) and the relationship between the CLL and the speaking skill In these parts, the definition and objectives of the CLL, the roles of teachers ... on the basis of the success of the group" (p 340) The forms of Cooperative learning groups will be discussed in the- next section 2.2.2 Forms of cooperative learning groups As Cooperative Learning

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2017, 07:58

109 433 2
A study on the impact of the communicative approach to grammar teaching on students'''''''' interest at the Institute of Foreign Language-Hanoi University of Agriculture

A study on the impact of the communicative approach to grammar teaching on students'''''''' interest at the Institute of Foreign Language-Hanoi University of Agriculture

... is the result of the process of learning form and usage, but not use, and learning about the language, not using the language to learn through authentic tasks Furthermore, this method makes the ... to the need for mechanical practice rather than explanation about the language because the ability to use the language as a means of communication is the mastery of the linguistic system of the ... the matter of teaching grammar effectively at universities and at foreign language centers as well To achieve the aims of the thesis, the following questions were proposed: What is the fact of

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 22:36

18 8 0
A study on the impact of the communicative approach to grammar teaching on students interest at the institute of foreign language hanoi university of agriculture

A study on the impact of the communicative approach to grammar teaching on students interest at the institute of foreign language hanoi university of agriculture

... is the result of the process of learning form and usage, but not use, and learning about the language, not using the language to learn through authentic tasks Furthermore, this method makes the ... to the need for mechanical practice rather than explanation about the language because the ability to use the language as a means of communication is the mastery of the linguistic system of the ... the matter of teaching grammar effectively at universities and at foreign language centers as well To achieve the aims of the thesis, the following questions were proposed: What is the fact of

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2020, 12:05

18 14 0
an investigation into the level of foreign language anxiety and its relationship with oral performance among english–major students at thu duc college

an investigation into the level of foreign language anxiety and its relationship with oral performance among english–major students at thu duc college

... foreign language learning 2.3 Selected theories and models of foreign language anxiety 10 2.3.1 The effects of anxiety on learning from instruction (Tobias, 1979) .10 2.3.2 Foreign language ... as the instruments of the research The results of the questionnaire indicate that student participants are of a moderate level of foreign language anxiety In detail, there are medium levels of ... contribute to further advancement in understanding the foundations of FLA and second/ foreign language learning A better understanding 74 of nature and components of different aspects of FLA constructs

Ngày tải lên: 17/11/2020, 23:42

98 60 2
(Luận văn thạc sĩ) a study on the impact of the communicative approach to grammar teaching on students interest at the institute of foreign language hanoi university of agriculture

(Luận văn thạc sĩ) a study on the impact of the communicative approach to grammar teaching on students interest at the institute of foreign language hanoi university of agriculture

... is the result of the process of learning form and usage, but not use, and learning about the language, not using the language to learn through authentic tasks Furthermore, this method makes the ... to the need for mechanical practice rather than explanation about the language because the ability to use the language as a means of communication is the mastery of the linguistic system of the ... the matter of teaching grammar effectively at universities and at foreign language centers as well To achieve the aims of the thesis, the following questions were proposed: What is the fact of

Ngày tải lên: 05/12/2020, 07:55

18 241 2
A study on the impact of the communicative approach to grammar teaching on students interest at the institute of foreign language hanoi university of agriculture

A study on the impact of the communicative approach to grammar teaching on students interest at the institute of foreign language hanoi university of agriculture

... is the result of the process of learning form and usage, but not use, and learning about the language, not using the language to learn through authentic tasks Furthermore, this method makes the ... to the need for mechanical practice rather than explanation about the language because the ability to use the language as a means of communication is the mastery of the linguistic system of the ... the matter of teaching grammar effectively at universities and at foreign language centers as well To achieve the aims of the thesis, the following questions were proposed: What is the fact of

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2021, 07:56

18 9 0
An investigation into difficulties in designing lesson plans experienced by pre service teachers at the university of foreign language studies – the university of danang

An investigation into difficulties in designing lesson plans experienced by pre service teachers at the university of foreign language studies – the university of danang

... the University of Foreign Language Studies – the University of Danang Student’s Name: Phan Thi Thanh Nga Class: 17SPA01 Danang, May, 20th 2021 THE UNIVERSITY OF DANANG UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE ... questionnaire aims to investigate the difficulties of the lesson planning process of pre-service teachers at the University of Foreign Language Studies – The University of Danang There are no right or wrong ... analyze the process of lesson plans guide pre-service teachers to the quality of the teaching -learning process by introducing the strategies in order to enhance the pedagogical competence of the

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2021, 12:41

41 15 0
The nature of fixed language in the subt

The nature of fixed language in the subt

... having the complete versions of the subtitling and the original sound track of the documentary film, to go through them in search of set phrases in the original and then compare them with their ... eliminated The print screen in Fig shows that the action on screen is helping the strengthening of the chosen translation, since the narrator is positioned at the center of the live representation of the ... in the print screens, ensures the strengthening of their meaning Thus, setting is important – the narrator in the centre of the representation of ? ?The Last Supper”; action is also essential – the

Ngày tải lên: 05/01/2022, 16:19

70 3 0
An investigation into the perceptions and actual behaviors of the teachers and the students at the faculty of foreign language of ho chi minh city university of industry about group work in speaking lessons

An investigation into the perceptions and actual behaviors of the teachers and the students at the faculty of foreign language of ho chi minh city university of industry about group work in speaking lessons

... overview of the point of view and actual behaviors of the teachers who have experienced in teaching speaking and of the third-year students in the FLL-HUI about group work Design of the study The ... at FFL - HUI - A lot of them are from the south of Vietnam, others are from the central, even from provinces in the north of the nation - There are about 3000 students at the FFL-HUI whose ages ... all of the 10 teachers agree with is the multi – level class Although, the students had mostly the same level of English proficiency at the beginning of the course, in the third – year, their

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2022, 08:14

18 12 0
Faculty of Foreign Language

Faculty of Foreign Language

... Faculty of Foreign Language Ha Noi University of Technology The Situation of Learning English for Electrical Engineering of D06k52 Students in Faculty of Foreign Language, Ha Noi University of ... Firstly, the scale of this report is too small. It is only studied on the students in D06, K52, in FOFL, HUT. Therefore, the result of this report cannot illustrate the situation of learning EEE of ... However, the research which was concerned about the situation of learning EEE of d06, k52 students in FOFL; HUT has not yet been done. Therefore, the objectives of this research is to consider the...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 10:26

18 514 0


... travelers. Most of them seemed too closed, to be friendly and warmhearted, and welcome us. They told us everything they did in Vietnam and they thought about Vietnam in their travels. Therefore, they helped ... this kind of travel very much. There are many reasons to explain for the result that why they choose travelling alone. Some of independent travelers are students, they travel alone to get the real ... HANOI OPEN UNIVERSTTY FACULTY OF TOURISM    PROJECT HD2 DEVELOPING, USING AND ANALYZING THE RESULTS OF INTERVIEWS TO DETERMINE THE FEELINGS OF FOREIGN TOURISTS ON THEIR VISIT TO VIET NAM Students...

Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2013, 15:42

31 1,2K 0


... up the Mississippi and its tributar- ies to infl uence the cuisine of St. Louis, Terre Haute on the Wabash, and Louisville on the Ohio. The introduction of the steamboat – the fi rst was the ... bratwurst. Still another of their sausages was the frankfurter wurst reminding us that the Germans gave America its two most famous sandwiches – the hot dog named for The Frontiers of Foreign Foods ... to become the Queen of Henri II. Her love of spinach brought forth the still-used the designation of spinach dishes as “Florentine.” These dishes were prepared by the entourage of Italian...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 11:20

12 266 0