the mountain between us summary

Financial liberalisation and the relationship between finance and growth

Financial liberalisation and the relationship between finance and growth

... many of the prior state variables lead to large reductions in the sample. In particular, the experiences of the 1960s are sometimes lost with the use of the prior state variables: for the financial ... a The results reported on these sections use centered variables to avoid multicollinearity between the first order terms and the interaction term. b ∆Capital(s-1) is not significant on the ... interpretation is that the effect of capital account liberalization is greater when preceded by higher values of the contingent variable. On the other among the studies because of the necessarily...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2012, 08:50

44 597 0
The relationship between default risk and interest rates: An empirical study research insight

The relationship between default risk and interest rates: An empirical study research insight

... illustrate the implementation of the model, they fit the model to use daily CDS prices of 22 firms from 8/21/00–10/31/00. With this data, they find positive correlations between instantaneous ... focus on the relationship between credit spreads and various interest rate variables. As far as we know, Fridson et al. (1997) is the only study that exclusively focuses on the correlation between ... implications. Using the changes in the 30-year Treasury bond yield and the changes in the bond yield using Moody’s corporate bond database from 1977–1992, they find negative correlation between the two...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 11:21

17 737 0
Contributions of Various Noncovalent Bonds to the Interaction between an Amide and S-Containing Molecules

Contributions of Various Noncovalent Bonds to the Interaction between an Amide and S-Containing Molecules

... transferred from the N lone pair into the s* anti- bonding orbital of the SH bond. This transfer is facili- tated by the overlap of the N lone pair with the lobe of the s* orbital proximate to the S atom, ... proximate to the S atom, not the usual H as in an H-bond. This overlap is facilitated by the rotation of the SÀH bond some 1688 away from the N atom. Nonetheless, the latter HS···N noncova- lent ... were computed as the dif- ference in energy between the dimer and the sum of the opti- mized energies of the isolated monomers, corrected for basis set superposition error by the counterpoise...

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2012, 15:21

7 450 0
the relationship between cnsumer acceptability and descriptive sensory attributes in cheddar cheese

the relationship between cnsumer acceptability and descriptive sensory attributes in cheddar cheese

... regression. The only major difference in the analyses is the nature of the response variable. In multiple linear regression, the response is a continuous variable, while in logistic regression, the response ... and also obtained six clusters of consumers. The majority of the consumers were in cluster 5 (44 consumers), followed by cluster 6 (29 consumers, Table 5). These two clusters were characterized ... revealed that the aroma attributes of these three Cheddar cheeses did not relate well to the segments of consumers (P Ͼ 0.05) for five out of the six consumer clusters. CONCLUSION In conclusion, this...

Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2013, 21:06

16 553 2
The relationship between an organization’s structure and culture and the effects on business performance

The relationship between an organization’s structure and culture and the effects on business performance

... seems like the most suitable. Because the characteristic of function is dividing to tasks, employees of individual task can exchange and work each others. And then, the more exchange the more relationship. • ... different perception The manager and the employee perceive the job design freedom in different ways; they have different perceptions of the employees’ amount of freedom” 19 Another aspect of individual ... influence on not only the method customers respond but also employees interact with customers “Microsoft’s mission is not just about technology. It’s also about improving the way the company handles...

Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2013, 21:50

10 718 1
BDL 04 the world around us

BDL 04 the world around us

... the text, please use the electronic Table of Contents that appears alongside the eBook or the Search function. For citation purposes, use the page numbers that appear in the text. 19 As the ... the activities on the previous page. Nature’s Paintbrushes. Small branches and twigs can be dipped in paint to be used almost like pencils. But by flattening the end of the branch, the fibrous ... would not even be able to breathe. 42 Green plants help make the air we breathe. These plants get energy when the Sun shines on their leaves. This gives them the food they need to make more air. T r e e s a n d o t h e r p l a n t s a r e m a n y d i f f e r e n t s h a p e s a n d s i z e s . B u t m o s t p l a n t s a r e g r e e n . 5150 T h e E a r t h i s h o m e f o r a l l l i v i n g t h i n g s . Plants...

Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2013, 08:52

32 528 5


... old long hours at the shop. The pressures arise primarily from the narrow focus on organizational goals and objectives to the exclusion of personal goals and objectives. In other words, if all ... organizations compete for a limited resource. The success of one means that it tends to get more of the resource, which then reduces the success of the others. The resource could be limited dollars ... divisions of a business. It could be limited praise of a teacher in a crowded classroom. Or it could be the limited time of a busy manager: At the top of the diagram, there is the reinforcing...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 18:20

7 451 1
Tài liệu Household Financial Management: The Connection between Knowledge and Behavior doc

Tài liệu Household Financial Management: The Connection between Knowledge and Behavior doc

... ( Household Financial Management: The Connection between Knowledge and Behavior 317 annual percentage rate because they pay off their balances in full each month, but they may want to compare other ... adopted for the knowledge quiz rather than the multiple-choice format used in many of the other surveys. Once questions were drafted, they were shared with a set of researchers who work in the area of ... of the University of Kansas, prepared this article. Across the decade of the 1990s to the present, the issue of financial education has risen on the agendas of educators, community groups, businesses,...

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 15:15

14 629 1
Tài liệu BDL-04-The World Around Us (1593394268) doc

Tài liệu BDL-04-The World Around Us (1593394268) doc

... the activities on the previous page. Nature’s Paintbrushes. Small branches and twigs can be dipped in paint to be used almost like pencils. But by flattening the end of the branch, the fibrous ... to hammer the thickest end of the branch until it is flat. This will cause the ends to fan out like a small paintbrush. Use your paintbrush branches to create a colorful painting! For the pine ... children, either cut some snowflake shapes for them or just let them paint on plain paper and then add a saltwater layer last. Hang the snowflakes with thread or craft wire or just tape them to your...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 05:20

32 392 0


... cite injection drug use as the cause of their health condition. Their injection drug use is related to the emotional pain of sexual, physical abuse and isolated child and adult hoods. The women often ... to jail. On their work as prostitutes, the participants indicated that they had the “ability and power to insist on the use of a condom if they wanted.” 49 Only one, however, always used a condom ... Stories About Their Lives and their Health The projects demonstrate the value and strength of participatory action research. The voices of the women in the reports provide real evidence of the challenges...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 00:20

59 649 0
Tài liệu Psychotherapy and Survival in Cancer: The Conflict Between Hope and Evidence pptx

Tài liệu Psychotherapy and Survival in Cancer: The Conflict Between Hope and Evidence pptx

... the statistical methods used, detailing of the flow of participants through the study and their baseline characteristics, and an interpretation of the results as they fit in the context of other evidence ... clear on their criteria for selecting these particular studies to the exclusion of others. All but one of the studies they discussed are randomized clinical trials, which are considered the strongest ... psycho- therapy on survival do not figure in CONSORT ratings. These include the use of mean rather than median survival time and the odd outcomes for the control group in Spiegel et al. (1989); the use of...

Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 05:20

28 498 0


... calculated the “adjusted spread change” for interval [n 1 , n 2 ] as the adjusted spread observation for day n 2 minus the adjusted spread for day n 1 . When there was no observation on the adjusted ... business days before the event to 61 business days before the event. Other time intervals are defined similarly. The adjusted CDS spread on a day is the actual CDS spread less an index of the ... all adjusted spread levels We then counted the total score for all the observations in each category. The test of the significance of the results is the same as that given above for the Table...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 03:20

38 441 0
Tài liệu Closing the gap between research and practice: Foundations for the acquisition of literacy pptx

Tài liệu Closing the gap between research and practice: Foundations for the acquisition of literacy pptx

... read: the self-teaching hypothesis 7 Focus of the review 8 The Australian context 9 Focus of Australian research into language and literacy 10 The international context 15 Current approaches to the ... into the next stage of ‘reading to learn’. For the purposes of the evaluation, the children in Year 1 in the year preceding the introduction of the SWELL program formed the control group. These children, ... of the research evidence relating to the teaching of reading was required. This led to the constitution by the US Congress of the National Reading Panel, charged with the task of assessing the...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 06:20

46 1,1K 0
Tài liệu The relation between earnings and cash flows pdf

Tài liệu The relation between earnings and cash flows pdf

... Industrial and Annual Research tapes. We use annual fmancial data because at this point in the development of the literature, we do not think the use of quarterly data is cost-effective. The ... industries. For each industry we calculate the simple average of the predicted and actual firm-specific correlations The fourth column in table 6 reports correlations between the industry- average ... and estimated the correlation structure using the portfolio-level data. These results are not as strong as those reported in the paper. This might be due in part because the industry-level portfolios...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 01:20

53 513 1