the importance of database marketing

Keller strategic brand management

Keller strategic brand management

... improve marketing and branding strategies His research has been published in three of the major marketing journals the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Marketing Research, and the Journal of Consumer ... scores of marketing executives around the world The success of the text is in large part due to the help and support of others whom I would like to acknowledge and thank The Pearson team on the ... the different aspects of the Coca-Cola brand image Not only are there many different types of associations to link to the brand, but there are many different means to create them the entire marketing...

Ngày tải lên: 24/09/2015, 23:21

591 4,7K 4
judge a person

judge a person

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 10:24

1 474 0
 Managing a Secure Network

Managing a Secure Network

... Question What is the objective of the aaa authentication login console-in local command? It specifies the login authentication method list named console-in using the local user database on the router ... Explanation Under the Additional Tasks, click on the Zones group At the right side box we will see the FastEthernet0/0 is assigned to the in-zone and the FastEthernet0/1 is assigned to the out-zone ... future For purposes of this test, the attacker was connected via a hub to the Fa0/12 interface of the switch The topology is provided for your use The enable password of the switch is cisco Your...

Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2013, 00:50

40 338 0
Tài liệu Managing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Environment Version 6.0 docx

Tài liệu Managing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Environment Version 6.0 docx

... Modify the IP address of the client computer so it is the same as the IP address of the file server Modify the IP address of the client computer so it is the same as the IP address of the router ... Modify the subnet mask of the client computer so it is the same as the subnet mask of the file server Modify the subnet mask of the file server so it is the same as the subnet mask of the client ... Answers: A: The problem is at NYROUT1 at the New York office, not at the London office C: The problem is the routing table on NYROUT1 at the New York office, not at LONROUTE1 at the London office...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 14:16

178 445 0
Tài liệu Chapter9 Managing a Cisco Internetwork docx

Tài liệu Chapter9 Managing a Cisco Internetwork docx

... 命令.但是要从本地设备终止会 话的话,就需要在本地使用 disconnect 命令,如下: 2500#disconnect ? The number of an active network connection WORD The name of an active network connection 2500#disconnect Closing connection ... Name/status c2500-js-l.112-18.bin Backing Up the Cisco IOS 把 IOS 备份到 TFTP 服务器上,特权模式下使用 copy flash tftp 命令,记住备份之前最好对服务 器 ping 下看是否是通的 Restoring or Upgrading the Cisco Router IOS 从 TFTP 恢复或者升级 IOS,特权模式下使用 ... 0F:定义默认启动文件名,在 NVRAM 中查找 Checking the Current Configuration Register Value 使用 show version 命令可以查看当前 configuration register 的值,在输出的最下部分.这个命令 将会显示硬件的配置信息,软件版本,配置文件信息,启动镜象等 Changing the Configuration Register...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 16:15

9 683 0
Tài liệu Managing a Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Network Environment doc

Tài liệu Managing a Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Network Environment doc

... with the command Type only the information within the brackets, not the brackets themselves {} In syntax statements, enclose required items Type only the information within the braces, not the ... Corporation in the U.S.A and/or other countries The names of actual ... reserved Microsoft, MS-DOS, Windows, Windows NT,

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 06:16

14 319 0
Tài liệu Brand Glossary (A-B) Brand pptx

Tài liệu Brand Glossary (A-B) Brand pptx

... dụ theo giới tiếp thị giới tiêu dùng giá trị thương hiệu lời hứa chuyển giao trải nghiệm thương hiệu đó; giới doanh nghiệp giá trị thương hiệu đảm bảo dòng thu nhập tương lai thương hiệu đó; theo ... tương lai Mức độ cam kết rõ độ an toàn việc khách hàng doanh nghiệp tiếp tục đồng hành với thay theo đối thủ cạnh tranh trực tiếp khác Brand Earnings(Thu nhập từ thương hiệu): Đó dòng tiền hay ... họ lâu dài Brand Essence (Bản chất nội thương hiệu): Là lời hứa cam kết mà thuơng hiệu biểu lộ theo từ ngữ đơn giản với mục đích Chẳng hạn thương hiệu Volvo thường liên hệ với “sự an toàn”, AA...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 19:15

11 273 0
Tài liệu Module 1: Introduction to Managing a Windows 2000 Network doc

Tài liệu Module 1: Introduction to Managing a Windows 2000 Network doc

... Subset of the Subset of the Attributes of All Attributes of All Objects Objects To illustrate the functions of the global catalog Lead-in Domain Domain The global catalog contains a subset of the ... Name The LDAP relative distinguished name is the portion of the LDAP distinguished name that uniquely identifies the object in its container Its composition varies depending on the extent of the ... context established by the client The search context may vary from the domain component level to the common name level In the preceding example, the relative distinguished name of the Suzan Fine user...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 10:20

32 435 0


... at the heart of a business ethics program is the desire of owners and managers to foster the commitment of their employees to the welfare of the enterprise as a whole Fostering this sense of ... larger unofficial sectors of the economy With the collapse of central planning and the lack of external constraints, insiders and managers during the transition to a market economy often took the ... economy is whether it sees itself as part of the current problem or part of the solution We hope this manual inspires all enterprises to see themselves as part of the solution and provides them with...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 00:20

355 502 1
Tài liệu Coaching, Mentoring and Managing A Coach Guidebook pot

Tài liệu Coaching, Mentoring and Managing A Coach Guidebook pot

... their staff from where they are to where they’ve never been before.” That’s what the role of coach lets you — take a diversely proficient group of people, expand and grow their skills, keep them ... This stresses the importance of individualizing your approach for each employee while underscoring the universality of the value Confidentiality Confidentiality is the result of the rare ability ... the people on your team know you believe in them and what they’re doing This is the essence of the coach role: Help people see, feel and intuit their brilliance Point to past successes … to their...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 16:20

300 451 2
Building Brands through Event Sponsorships: Providing On-Site Audiences with a Vivid Brand Experience pdf

Building Brands through Event Sponsorships: Providing On-Site Audiences with a Vivid Brand Experience pdf

... large degree outside the direct sphere of influence of sponsors (as they are mostly dependent on the attitudes and behavior of the event audience) In other words, the main body of the existing literature ... for this piece of research have shown, the question of how to best implement their sponsorships at the site of the event is of immense importance to marketers A thorough review of the existing ... this thesis) At the same time, the individual parts build on each other, steadily developing the understanding of the core constructs and mechanisms The structure of the present work follows the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 10:20

261 390 0
Silicon Beach training PRINCE2 - Managing a Project

Silicon Beach training PRINCE2 - Managing a Project

... sequential, with the ’Communicate’ step running in parallel because the findings of any of the other steps may need to be communicated prior to the completion of the overall process All of the steps ... covers the activities of the initiation stage for the project Project plan – this is the high level overall plan that covers the full duration of the project Stage plan– this is an extract of the ... of the project to the Project Manager The objective of the Directing a Project process is to ensure that • • • • • • There is authority to initiate the project There is authority to deliver the...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 23:12

12 184 0
6 Steps to Building and Managing A Successful Social Media Marketing Team potx

6 Steps to Building and Managing A Successful Social Media Marketing Team potx

... should look at the following for each idea before beginning a project: • Does this accomplish one of the primary goals we set in the beginning of this project? • Do we possess the time, talent ... of the others’ efforts Some examples of task distribution might be: • You charge your marketing team with monitoring brand-based conversations and creating blog posts, which are approved by the ... staying on-message and true to the goals of the project? • Is your social media team too small to execute these goals? Too big? • Are the outlets you’ve chosen the right places for this content,...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 14:22

9 510 0
How to read a person like a book

How to read a person like a book

... communicate their eagerness to buy by sitting on the edge of their seats They also concur that after a person has offered them a great deal of sales resistance and then shifts to the edge of his chair, ... to indicate the open nature of the character even before the actor speaks Watch children when they are proud of what they have accomplished They show their hands openly But when they feel guilty ... group of their peers, and doctors tend to use it when in the company of other doctors The very young will cross their arms when defying their parents' instructions, and the very old when they...

Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2014, 00:29

106 466 0
how to read a person like a book

how to read a person like a book

... communicate their eagerness to buy by sitting on the edge of their seats They also concur that after a person has offered them a great deal of sales resistance and then shifts to the edge of his chair, ... to indicate the open nature of the character even before the actor speaks Watch children when they are proud of what they have accomplished They show their hands openly But when they feel guilty ... group of their peers, and doctors tend to use it when in the company of other doctors The very young will cross their arms when defying their parents’ instructions, and the very old when they...

Ngày tải lên: 12/06/2014, 17:15

135 1,9K 0
4 Steps to More Effectively Managing a Sales Force doc

4 Steps to More Effectively Managing a Sales Force doc

... what you’re saying about them to the others on the team The only time it’s appropriate to talk about another salesperson is when you want to share something positive about them Fourth Step: Remember ... show interest in them and support them in their goals Never forget that no matter what the compensation plan is, you’re still leading a team and they will talk to each other The more you can ... a company have the privilege of interacting with as many people both inside the company and outside the company Use your position wisely and at the end of each day, ask yourself these questions...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 04:20

2 307 0
Managing a dispersed Product development process potx

Managing a dispersed Product development process potx

... then the utility of a product is simply the sum of the uniattributed utilities of each of the attributes If the attributes are specified by discrete levels as in Figure 11, then the utility of ... which the freezing of the final choice of subsystems is delayed until the product is closer to launch The firm can then check the pulse of a dynamic market in order to optimize the final choice of ... and they divert energies from the task of getting a project out the door If the benefits of the new tool are obvious right from the beginning it will be adopted quickly But if the benefits of the...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 10:20

62 278 0