the implications of garment industry subcontracting for uk workers

Sustainable Fashion Supply Chain Management From Sourcing to Retailing

Sustainable Fashion Supply Chain Management From Sourcing to Retailing

... on the strength of consumers schema of the parent brand and their ability to compartmentalize the new green information separately from the parent brand 2.6 Summary and Industry Implications for ... due to the long lifetime of a carpet, benets from these efforts will not be seen until ten or more years from the introduction of such carpet to the market The majority of carpets sold in the USA ... between the forward and reverse networks should exist? What are the markets for the recovered products/materials? How does the uncertainty of the reverse supply inuence the network design? The...

Ngày tải lên: 15/08/2015, 01:53

202 618 1
the importances and impacts of corporate social responsibility activities of hanoi construction & investment company (hacinco)

the importances and impacts of corporate social responsibility activities of hanoi construction & investment company (hacinco)

... is the information gathered for the own use of the researcher and never gather before The advantage of the primary data compared to secondary data are the information gathered is best suit the ... relevance of the information For the researcher, even he or she find the needed 29 information, it is necessary for him or her to further identify and evaluate the information whether the information ... disadvantages The first one is the availability of the needed information The information collectors sometimes can not find the information he need in the secondary data The second one is the accuracy...

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 14:20

47 588 1
12 ladders to world class performance

12 ladders to world class performance

... would the customers of Wal-Mart class the company as ordinary because they make only a third of the profit of Marks and Spencer, or they achieve only half the sales per employee of M&S? Of course ... INTRODUCTION / they keep their promises? Can you trust them? In that respect, are they better than all the rest? This is an area where the Japanese are the all-time champions They taught the rest of the ... look at the variability in performance of these companies Intel and Microsoft are the exceptions – despite their 1998 stock market sufferings they win the gold medal on financial performance...

Ngày tải lên: 14/10/2013, 08:16

299 514 0
corporate social responsibility – csr  some theoretical problems and demand for managing changes related to csr in vietnam.

corporate social responsibility – csr some theoretical problems and demand for managing changes related to csr in vietnam.

... for CSR, but how many percent of them did because of their volunteer or all they did because of their image? According to Ms Nguyen Hong Ha, the general manager of VCCI in HCMC the leaders of ... to report the effects of the operation of the firm upon the society; secondly, focused on stakeholders external to the 20 firm; and thirdly, voluntary So the audience of the report and the voluntary ... of choosing Half of consumers interviewed say that they tent to chose product from the company who made more efforts on CSR, on the other hand, 25% of them not know if they pay attention to the...

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 14:20

66 704 3
Global Environmental Health in the 21st Century: From Governmental Regulation to Corporate Social Responsibility ppt

Global Environmental Health in the 21st Century: From Governmental Regulation to Corporate Social Responsibility ppt

... from the councils of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine The members of the committee responsible for the report were chosen for their ... some of their attention on the complexity of the management of chemicals Each stakeholder group echoed the need for a sound management system, but the discussion focused on the details of the ... Sciences to secure the services of eminent members of appropriate professions in the examination of policy matters pertaining to the health of the public The Institute acts under the r ­ esponsibility...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 23:20

127 389 1
TPM - A Route to World-Class Performance ppt

TPM - A Route to World-Class Performance ppt

... creates the environment at the Plant, by changing the way they manage, to enable everyone to contribute to these principles and the TPM process They therefore develop the policy for the particular ... the percentage of actual effectiveness of the equipment Taking into consideration the availability of the equipment, the performance rate when running and the quality rate of the manufactured ... enhance the impact and develop the capability of key personnel (see Figure 2.3) Repeated surveys of industry show that the limit to growth of manufacturing is not the lack of finance but the lack of...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 06:20

270 290 0
AROUTETOiES3 PERFORMANCEI TPM - A Route to World-Class performance pptx

AROUTETOiES3 PERFORMANCEI TPM - A Route to World-Class performance pptx

... creates the environment at the Plant, by changing the way they manage, to enable everyone to contribute to these principles and the TPM process They therefore develop the policy for the particular ... the percentage of actual effectiveness of the equipment Taking into consideration the availability of the equipment, the performance rate when running and the quality rate of the manufactured ... enhance the impact and develop the capability of key personnel (see Figure 2.3) Repeated surveys of industry show that the limit to growth of manufacturing is not the lack of finance but the lack of...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 18:20

270 370 1
TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 2 pps

TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 2 pps

... enhance the impact and develop the capability of key personnel (see Figure 2.3) Repeated surveys of industry show that the limit to growth of manufacturing is not the lack of finance but the lack of ... shitsuke organization orderliness cleaning (the act of) cleanliness (the state of) discipline (the practice of) In English-speaking countries an alternative way of expressing the Ss is the more ... were in their infancy, indicating the enormous scope for the application of TPM to UK industry Finally, we look at the scope for moving from unsatisfactory to satisfactory maintenance The pie...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:20

20 360 0
TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 3 pptx

TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 3 pptx

... contains the best parts of the analogies in order to underpin the basically straightforward, but nonetheless fundamental, principles of TPM The second story relates to how a typical supervisor of the ... replacements None of the 27 checks listed in the Figure requires a spanner or a screwdriver, but 17 of them have implications for safety The analogy with TPM is clear: failure of the operator to ... soccer team the operators are the attackers or forwards, and the maintainers are the defenders Of course, the maintainers can go forward and help the operators score a goal Similarly, the operators...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:20

20 354 0
TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 4 docx

TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 4 docx

... case the presentation of the visual aid - and I make sure I adjust and focus it correctly before starting the shift By the way, I also make sure I cover up the base-plate of the OHP at the end of ... have maintained these machines on many occasions in the past, and they runbetter for a while but then drift back to the condition they were in before they were worked on They then become inconsistent ... part of the operating cycle of the equipment Eventually, these defects recur and magnify, the same fixes are applied (under the same pressure) and the cycle continues The TPM process breaks the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:20

20 352 0
TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 5 potx

TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 5 potx

... illustrates how the OEE links to the six losses This demonstrates that central to the philosophy of TPM is the identification of reasons for the causes and effects of the six losses, such that their elimination ... Helped by other members of the team, operators can be guided towards the point where they can carry out general inspection themselves They will then have reached the stage where they know the function ... Chapter The cleaning of machines and production plant gives operators an insight, which they never had before, into the condition of their machines They can therefore use their eyes, ears, nose,...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:20

20 302 0
TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 6 pps

TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 6 pps

... appreciation of what the six big losses are and proceeds through problem solving to the establishment of best practice routines Eluninating the root causes of the six losses is tackled in Step of the ... what would be the impact on the availability of the equipment, including setup and the need for readjustment of equipment settings? Performance What impact does this component have on the cycle time ... and lost production? Total The sum of the rankings for each component The significance of each of the criteria is assessed and allocated a score according to impact on the process: = no impact,...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:20

20 331 0
TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 7 ppsx

TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 7 ppsx

... of the processing speed I time of equipment I Study the principles of the processing of the mechanism * Compare the specifications and present situations Specify the Problems from viewpoint of ... of the course content is putting the theory of TPM into practice on a live TPM pilot piece of equipment This practical focus is so that the facilitators are experiencing over four days what they ... the shifts, but there are still times when the machines cannot be m.These planned stoppages a e one of the reasons for the difference r between them There are some tool changes Sometimes ti is...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:20

20 259 0
TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 8 pps

TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 8 pps

... followed by the cutting tool, the dead plate ball screw and the auto lube kit Other points to note are that the cutting tool (8 points out of a maximum of 9) has the biggest potential impact on the OEE, ... 203 Therefore 152 quality = = 74.9% 203 OEE = 86.0% x 77.7% x 74.9% = 50% A summary of the OEE values for the equipment history provided (Table 6.2) is given in Table 6.3 A simple graph of the ... (see Figure 6.8 for key) 124 TPM-A Route to World-Class Performance The performance data for the M201 are given in Table 6.1 A three-week equipment history is provided by Table 6.2 The M201 operation...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:21

20 186 0
TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 9 potx

TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 9 potx

... TPM suit of clothes to fit the body or plant If you force your body into the ’off the peg’ TPM suit of clothes, it will probably not fit at all well The tailoring of the suit, however, is not ... statements measure the employee’s perception with regard to the degree of management encouragement in the organization or plant, and the other fourteen statementsmeasure the degree of workforce involvement ... How the team works I The lower the score the better Figure 7.15 People’s perceptions and feelings I 156 TPM-A Route to World-Class Performance A further key part of the scoping study (see Step of...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:21

20 247 0
TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 10 doc

TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 10 doc

... following the WCS approach to TPM The key point is that when people want to change the way they things, then they will sustain it Some of the major changes which will result from the introduction of ... goals for time, cost and quality used to identify the reasons for failure and to prevent recurrence the source of objective evidence of the need for increased resources, modification of goals or the ... checklists to support the launching and initial auditing of an improvement zone As this requires the active co-operation of management the rate of progress is a measure of the degree of alignment between...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:21

20 230 0
TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 11 pot

TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 11 pot

... solving Record of reliability Trend indicates need for action Record of areas of improvement Formal review of design performance post-installation Auditlrecord of deterioration Record of life time ... aid the competitive position of the business The reason this is referred to as TPM in Administration rather than TPM in the Office is that the process has been found to be effective in non-office ... terms Although there can be more categories of loss, these six provide a framework for systematically addressing the main sources of waste The team should agree how to capture the level of losses...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:21

20 285 0
TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 12 pdf

TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 12 pdf

... and effectiveness of the actual process or system under review The stages of the review can include a critical assessment of the process using the standard manufacturing form The definitions should ... World-Class Pevforrnance plus the cost of repairs in terms of labour and spares If you then look at the fact that this product may be part of an urgent shipment, there are implications for customer ... planned OEE for the nezo machine of 75 per cent Finance was then able to incorporate a target OEE improvement of 80 per cent, giving a further saving of €70 000, into the budget for the following...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:21

20 314 0
TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 13 ppsx

TPM Route to World Class Performance Part 13 ppsx

... involving them in the process of data collection and processing and therefore giving ownership for the quality of the dormation The database system played a big part in the flow of information The ... are, therefore, already becoming familiar with the crucial role they will play during the installation phase, and its implications for the future effiaency of the platform And, of course, as is the ... sphering machine The Shiftnal, a 26-year-old sphering machine used for the production of a range of larger castings, is one of the oldest machines at the plant The TPM team responsible for the Shiftnal...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:21

20 316 0