... lobbying and fraud detection Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 46(06), 1865-1891 Zainal, Z (2007) Case study as a research method Jurnal Kemanusiaan, Zhang, J (2016) Public governance and ... recommendation, limitation 5.1 Conclusion MTM is the typical case that has the larger number of fraudulent behaviors in the Upcom market in Vietnam By the buying the small-capital company, manipulating ... companies as a way to protect minority shareholders In addition, it would raise the concern and awareness among investors 5.3 Limitations The thesis based on one case scenario so that the scale...
Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2019, 00:43
... Vietnam A Classifying Cause Lawyers B LeCongDinh: Case Study Thai Binh Land Dispute Case Study A Conflicting Perceptions about Land Tenure B Creating a Dialogical Space The Media and Cause Advocacy ... rarely central level, officials accountable to legal and moral standards As Ben Liebman pointed out in the case of China, the central state promotes legal accountably because it lacks the capacity ... post-colonial Asian societies law is the language of the state, and lawyers actively construct this language and police its boundaries Socialist Asia has a different legal history Engineers, *673 rather...
Ngày tải lên: 28/02/2021, 13:52
... as a result of the old process The production capacity was found to be tons/day when the mill was running normally Water balance, material balance and energy balance were drawn for the mill The ... Total Beating tank1 Beating tank Beating tank Beating tank Beating tank Beating tank Beating tank Beating tank Beating tank Beating tank 8.22 The amount of water overflow from the malfunction tap ... flow water at paper machine and other water taps in the mill was estimated with the amount 10m3/day The total amount of leaking and overflow water is 195.7 m3/day Table B-15 The Flowrate of Wastewater...
Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 01:20
Improving Medical Decisions Through Comparative Effectiveness Research: Cancer as a Case Study pot
... Administrative databases such as insurance claims databases, though not as detailed and not as expensive to generate as clinical databases, are another potentially valuable source of information on health ... CANCER AS A CASE STUDY the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Department of Defense, and the Department of Veterans Affairs Large RCTs, called “pivotal” by the FDA, are nearly always funded ... prospective databases that allow for collection and analysis of clinical and disease biomarker data that will ultimately be used for clinical trial-matching and potentially as a clinical decision-making...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 00:20
The Electric Sheep Screen-Saver: A Case Study in Aesthetic Evolution ppt
... 90 days later. Another dataset has daily aggregate usage reports from the server June 18th to October 31st (139 days). The primary dataset was collected from the server’s database starting May ... operation. The data indicate that Electric Sheep functions more as an amplifier of its human col- laborators’ creativity rather than as a traditional genetic algorithm that optimizes a fitness function. 1 ... set-equation on the plane: S = n−1 i=0 F i (S) The solution S is a subset of the plane (and hence a two-tone image). The F i are a small collection of n affine transforms of the plane. A fractal flame...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20
báo cáo sinh học:" The effects of performance appraisal in the Norwegian municipal health services: a case study" pdf
... in a PA, as well as their own PA training and education. Thereafter, the study evaluates the effect of self-assessment and professional learning as an indirect outcome. Finally, the study examines ... CASE STUD Y Open Access The effects of performance appraisal in the Norwegian municipal health services: a case study Frøydis Vasset 1,2* , Einar Marnburg 2 and Trude Furunes 2 Abstract Introduction: ... motivation from PA was measured using a six-item scale [4,63], with Cronbach’s alpha (a = .85). A four-item scale was used to measure learning [82], with Cronbach’salpha (a =.87).Athree item scale...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20
Urban Transportation, Land Use, and Urban Transportation, Land Use, and the Environment in Latin America: the Environment in Latin America: A Case Study Approach A Case Study Approach potx
... Urban Transportation, Land Use, and Urban Transportation, Land Use, and the Environment in Latin America: the Environment in Latin America: A Case Study Approach A Case Study Approach ... 4 Part 1: Lecture 4 Part 1: A. Urban Transport A. Urban Transport Finance Finance B.Traditional Planning Approaches B.Traditional Planning Approaches 2 Urban Transport Finance: An “Ideal” ... BA Access Roads, Sao Paulo State Busway, Sao Paulo Municipal Busway, Bogota Busway Limited analysis, but concludes successful implementation (financial... plans for land use/mobility forecasts...
Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 04:20
Urban Transportation, Land Use, and the Environment in Latin America: A Case Study Approach pptx
... Urban Transportation, Land Use, and Urban Transportation, Land Use, and the Environment in Latin America: the Environment in Latin America: A Case Study Approach A Case Study Approach ... Greater Santiago Greater Santiago z Upgrade of Ring Road (Vespucio) in North, Northwest z Overpass/underpass on Kennedy Highway to the East (Las Condes) z Major Road upgrades in Southeastern ... expansion plans (so-called miniextensions) – Hope, in part, to attract private capital As in case of Line 5 Terminal – Bellavista de la Florida 33 Bellavista de La Florida Metro expropriated...
Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 04:20
báo cáo khoa học: " The health disparities cancer collaborative: a case study of practice registry measurement in a quality improvement collaborative" pot
... and staff to func- tion as learning organizations [22] to understand their own data, as well as share their local understanding with other health centers participating in the same type of quality ... drawn from the data collected in the overall collaborative. Why information may be available locally, but not reported to the HDCC As demonstrated by example in the case of the HDCC, a larger number ... vided by HRSA at a national level, as an adjunct to collab- orative learning sessions, and at the regional and local level by the Information System Specialist (ISS). The training typically consisted...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:23
Sustainable livelihoods in coastal red river delta in the context of climate change a case study in nam dinh province
... livelihoods in coastal area in the context of climate change 1.3.1 Impacts of climate change on coastal area Climate change will impact coastal area in two aspects: coastal ecosystems and human socio-economic ... Livelihoods adaptation to climate change at household level has not been evaluated whether it is passive adaptation or active adaptation • Sustainability and adaptability to the impact of climate change ... aiming at reducing vulnerability Generally, adaptation activities are divided into: • Anticipatory and reactive adaptation • Passive and active adaptation • Private and public adaptation In the...
Ngày tải lên: 09/05/2016, 16:55
Factors influencing the adoption of internet banking a case study in ho chi minh city
... are still a large group of customers who refuse to adopt such services (Kuisma, Laukkanen, and Hiltunen, 2007; Littler and Melanthiou, 2006; Natarajan, Balasubramanian, and Manickavasagam, 2010) ... internet is increasing In particular, the young customers can adaptable easily the new information technology The commercial banks also save operating costs in counting and storage of cash 1.3 Difficulties ... financial services They provide a mechanical system to group saving and convert them into investment For over a decade, banks have been affected by changes associated with globalization and financial...
Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2017, 19:03
DSpace at VNU: Obstacles to Scholarly Publishing in the Social Sciences and Humanities: A Case Study of Vietnamese Scholars
... also beneficial to the researchers themselves as their research can be recognized by the society as well as by the global community Conclusions Based on both quantitative and qualitative data, ... than those from other ASEAN countries such as Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand However, these papers only provide some statistics regarding the amount of research publication in Vietnam and a ... as they had a relatively large number of lecturers (with at least 15 academic staff members) Questionnaires were distributed to all the academic staff in the eight faculties via both email (the...
Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2017, 10:27
The determinants of economic growth a case study of six southeast asian countries
... Growth in East AsiaAccumulation versus Assimilation” is a crucial first step in extracting appropriate lessons from East Asian growth experiences: (1) Asian growth the maintenance of high rates of ... growth in the East and Southeast Asian countries as they structurally adjust toward higher value-added production Singapore 1971-1998 Baseline model TFP growth 17 Susan M Collins and Barry Establishing ... growth at the national level Malaysia 1981-2001 Achara Chandrachai & Tubtimtong Bangorn & Kanjana Chockpisansin (2004), “Total Factor Productivity Growth Survey Report-Thailand”, p297-321 Calculate...
Ngày tải lên: 07/12/2018, 23:19
Enzyme mananase và ứng dụng trong công nghiệp giấy
... heteropolysaccharide có ch a đường mannanose, galactomanna, glucomanna Sự thủy phân manna có ch a polysaccharide beta-mannanase tạo mano-oligosaccharide chuỗi oligosaccharide ch a D-manose, D-glucose D-galactose ... endo-beta-1,4-mannanase cấu tạo chuỗi xoẵn anpha chuỗi beta Hình 2.1: Cấu trúc không gian endo-beta-1,4-mannanase 2.3: Cơ chế tác dụng endo-beta-1,4-mannanase Hình 2.2: Cấu tạo phân tử manan Mannanase ... Mannanase (beta-1,4-mannan mannohydrolase) phân cắt liên kết beta-1,4mannosit mạch mannan xúc tác thủy phân mannan, glucomannan, galactomannan galatoglucomannan tạo thành mannobiose, mannotriose...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2013, 16:25
Thiết kế bộ điều khiển hiện đại ứng dụng trong công nghiệp
... thuộc) tập mờ A A Tập kinh điển X đƣợc gọi tập (hay vũ trụ) tập mờ A Kí hiệu: Tập mờ A A= {(x, (x))| x X} A Độ cao tập mờ Độ cao tập mờ A (định ngh a tập X) giá trị h= Sup (x) A x Kí hiệu: Sup ... chúng đơn giản, ngƣời ta quan tâm đến kiểu mờ h a sau: - Hàm Singleton (cũng gọi hàm Kronecker) - Hàm hình tam giác - Hàm hình thang Trong ba cách trên, mờ h a theo hàm tam giác đảm bảo khử nhiễu ... nhƣ: Điều khiển Madani (Mamdani Control) Điều khiển mờ trƣợt (Sliding Mode Fuzzy Control) Điều khiển Tagai/Sugeno(TS Control Điều khiển tra bảng (Cell Mapping Control) Điều khiển Takagi/Sugeno với...
Ngày tải lên: 26/04/2013, 09:52
... Personal Computer PID Proportional Integral Differential PLC Programmable Logic Controller R&D Research and Development RBF Radial Basis Function Network RBN Radial Basis Neural Network SCADA Supervisory ... DVD Digital Video Disc GUAS Globally Uniformly Asymtotically Stable HD DVD High Density DVD IE Industrial Ethernet IEC International Electrotechnical Commission IPC Industrial Personal Computer ... h a phản hồi trạng thái (state feedback linearizable) tuyến tính h a phản hồi vào-ra (input-output feedback linearizable) có ch a thành phần không rõ nhằm bám theo tín hiệu mẫu cho trước với sai...
Ngày tải lên: 26/04/2013, 14:49