... mydir/reports/friday 22 20 00-10 -24 21 :38:18 mydir/mymeeting 22 20 00-10 -24 21 :36: 42 mydir/party 20 00-10 -24 21 :48: 45 mydocs/ 22 20 00-10 -24 21 :48: 45 mydocs/doc1 20 00-10 -24 21 :54 :03 mydir/ 22 20 00-10 -24 21 :54 :03 ... root/root 20 00-10 -24 21 :38:18 mydir/ 20 00-10 -24 21 :38 :51 mydir/reports/ 22 20 00-10 -24 21 :38:40 mydir/reports/weather 22 20 00-10 -24 21 :38: 45 mydir/reports/monday 22 20 00-10 -24 21 :38 :51 mydir/reports/friday ... by using the f option with the name of the device or file The syntax for the tar command using the f option is shown in the next example The device or filename is often referred to as the archive...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:24
... neutral, and the optimum temperature is around 26 -27 °C To prevent the parent fish devouring the eggs, which they will with gusto, keep the depth of water between 10 and 15 cm The eggs will then sink ... away the sand; the female then fixes her eggs (100- 150 ) to the roof Size: 5- 18 cm Neolamprologus leleupi Rather aggressive, this is a solitary dweller The female of the lemon cichlid lays some 20 0 ... which can be mated with the normal variety; the fry will then display the coloration of one or other of the parents Size: 10- 15 cm Labeo bicolor The red-tailed black shark, rather nocturnal in its...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 18:20
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... unbuttered melba toast Nonetheless, the magazine was deluged with letters, many of them quite irate When the smoke cleared, the editors realized that they had received one of the largest reader responses ... him for years Have you ever heard the joke about the boy named Cass who was absent for a few days in first grade, missed the lesson about the letter C, then for the next few days kept getting into ... mad; the grammar checker buzzes like a pinball machine You know you need to the following: • Understand how to use the different writing aids, including dictionaries, thesauruses, style guides, reference...
Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 11:20
oracle 9i the complete reference phần 5 potx
... Oracle9i: The Complete Reference / Loney, Koch / 22 25 2 1-1 / Chapter 22 Blind Folio 22 :409 CHAPTER 22 Accessing Remote Data P:\010Comp\Oracle8 \ 52 1-1\CD\Ventura\book.vp Friday, July 19, 20 02 4:13:04 ... Oracle9i: The Complete Reference / Loney, Koch / 22 25 2 1-1 / Chapter 22 Blind Folio 22 :413 Chapter 22 : Accessing Remote Data This view may now be treated the same as any other view in the local ... Default screen Series TIGHT / Oracle9i: The Complete Reference / Loney, Koch / 22 25 2 1-1 / Chapter 22 Blind Folio 22 :4 15 Chapter 22 : Accessing Remote Data The following listing shows an example...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 14:20
Oracle Database 10g The Complete Reference phần 5 ppsx
... Default screen 52 4 Part IV: ORACLE Series TIGHT / Oracle Database 10g: TCR / Loney / 2 25 3 51-7 / Chapter 29 Blind Folio 29 : 52 4 PL/SQL The loop section of the PL/SQL block uses values from the RADIUS_VALS ... 2 25 3 51-7 / Chapter 29 Blind Folio 29 : 52 5 Chapter 29 : An Introduction to PL/SQL RADIUS AREA -3 28 .27 50 .27 10 314.16 The query of the AREAS table shows that every record in the RADIUS_VALS ... Loney / 2 25 3 51-7 / Chapter 29 Blind Folio 29 : 52 9 Chapter 29 : An Introduction to PL/SQL radius := radius+1; /* Signal the end of the commands within the loop */ end loop; When executed, the PL/SQL...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 20:21
Crystal Reports 9 The Complete Reference PHẦN 5 doc
... wish If other objects are already in the section, the chart is placed Chapter 12: Creating Charts 3 45 CRYSTAL REPORTS INTRODUCED Figure 12- 9 Labels from the Text tab on top of them (the Transparent ... section Type the value you want to compare to in the text box in the same section Then, choose the color you wish the chart element to display if the condition is true from the color list on the lower ... another condition that looks for a value greater than 50 0, you can set the priority of the conditions by using the up and down arrows at the top of the item list Conditions toward the top of the...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:20
Visual Basic .NET The Complete Reference phần 5 potx
... solution 25 5 The Object Reference Model The Object Reference Model It is important that you obtain an unshakable understanding of the object reference model and how it differs from the value−type reference ... at warp Nevertheless, the call modifies the object because the method changes the data and the state of the object The next step would be to set the warp speed for the simulation The method call ... This code tests whether Sim1 equals Sim2: If (Sim1 Is Sim2) Then End If If Sim1 and Sim2 reference the same object, then the Is comparison returns True and False if they not For example:...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 01:20
Ubuntu The Complete Reference phần 2 pdf
... modify it to display the local weather, as well as the time, date, and weather of any location in the world To add a location, right-click the time and choose Preferences The Clock Preferences dialog ... weather, date and time (International Clock), and the Quit button NOTE The KDE desktop displays a panel at the bottom of the screen that looks similar to the panel displayed on the top of the ... FIGURE 3 -5 Selecting a location from the Clock Preferences dialog PART I find helpful is the ability to increase the desktop font sizes To increase the font size, open the Font panel on the Appearance...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:23
Tài liệu HTML & CSS: The Complete Reference- P1 pdf
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Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 04:15
Tài liệu HTML & CSS: The Complete Reference- P2 pdf
... http://htmlref.com/ch2/xhtml5helloworld.xhtml NOTE When using XML syntax with HTML5 according to HTML5 specification, this should be termed XHTML5 Chapter 2: Introducing HTML5 FIGURE 2- 2 XHTML5 works, but ... structured in this way The example here illustrates the basic use of HTML5 sections: Chapter 2 New HTML5 elements. HTML5's section Element These elements ... HTML5 stabilized somewhat around October 20 09, with a W3C final candidate recommendation goal of 20 12, you are duly warned that the status of HTML5 may change Because of the early nature of the...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 09:20
Tài liệu HTML & CSS: The Complete Reference- P6 pdf
... is the reserved value unknown 25 2 Part I: Core Markup the parent frame set containing the source link The _self value indicates the frame containing the source link The _top value indicates the ... accesskey="key" (5. 5) contenteditable="false | true | inherit" (5. 5) disabled="false | true" (5. 5) hidefocus="true | false" (5. 5) language="javascript | jscript | vbs | vbscript" (4) tabindex="number" (5. 5) ... accesskey="key" (5. 5) contenteditable="false | true | inherit" (5. 5) disabled="false | true" (5. 5) hidefocus="true | false" (5. 5) language="javascript | jscript | vbs | vbscript" (4) tabindex="number" (5. 5)...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 09:20
Tài liệu HTML & CSS: The Complete Reference- P16 pdf
... 24 0, 25 5 , 25 5 beige #F5F5DC 2 45, 2 45, 22 0 bisque #FFE4C4 25 5 ,22 8,196 black #000000 0,0,0 blanchedalmond #FFEBCD 25 5 ,2 35, 2 05 blue #0000FF 0,0, 25 5 blueviolet #8A2BE2 138,43 ,22 6 brown #A52A2A 1 65, 42, 42 ... 72, 209 ,20 4 mediumvioletred #C7 158 5 199 ,21 ,133 midnightblue #191970 25 , 25 , 1 12 mintcream #F5FFFA 2 45, 25 5 , 25 0 mistyrose #FFE4E1 25 5 ,22 8 ,2 25 moccasin #FFE4B5 25 5 ,22 8,181 navajowhite #FFDEAD 25 5 ,22 2,173 ... 23 8,130 ,23 8 wheat #F5DEB3 2 45, 22 2,179 white #FFFFFF 25 5 , 25 5 , 25 5 whitesmoke #F5F5F5 2 45, 2 45, 2 45 yellow #FFFF00 25 5 , 25 5 ,0 yellowgreen #9ACD 32 139 ,2 05, 50 771 TABLE C -2 Color Names and Their Numerical...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 09:20
Tài liệu HTML & CSS: The Complete Reference- P18 pdf
... HTML in future, 47–48 imported styles, 459 – 459 , 52 6 52 7 language attributes reference, 138 linked styles, 4 52 – 456 , 52 4 52 6 logical and physical markup, 45 46 markup syntax in, 3–6 tags ... presentation, 51 6 51 7 (style information) element embedding style sheets, 456 – 458 embedding styles in document head element, 52 6 importing style sheets, 458 – 459 , 52 6 52 7 other elements ... 744–7 45 character entities for miscellaneous symbols, 748 character entities for technical symbols, 747 syntax, CSS, 4 32 438, 52 1, 52 3 52 4 syntax, HTML5 loose syntax, 58 –60 overview of, 55 58 syntax,...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 09:20
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Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 03:20
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Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 04:21
oracle 9i the complete reference phần 2 ppsx
... THEODORE HUGGY PHIL FRANK MARY FELICIA FRED PHONE -21 3 -29 3- 022 3 4 15- 453 - 753 0 21 4 - 52 2- 8383 3 12- 736-1166 707-767-8900 3 12- 684-1414 4 15- 620 -68 42 4 15- 787 -21 78 4 15- 2 35- 7387 4 15- 526 - 751 2 4 15- 5 25 - 6 25 2 ... THEODORE HUGGY PHIL FRANK MARY FELICIA FRED PHONE -21 3 -29 3- 022 3 4 15- 453 - 753 0 21 4 - 52 2- 8383 3 12- 736-1166 707-767-8900 3 12- 684-1414 4 15- 620 -68 42 4 15- 787 -21 78 4 15- 2 35- 7387 4 15- 526 - 751 2 4 15- 5 25 - 6 25 2 ... 4 15- 5 25 - 6 25 2 617 -56 6-01 25 603-934 -22 42 2 02- 456 -1414 718- 857 -1638 21 4 - 52 2- 8383 50 3 -23 4-7491 To find duplicates, you must force Oracle to compare each LastName in the table to all the others in the...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 14:20
Oracle Database 10g The Complete Reference phần 2 ppt
... - (21 3) 55 5- 022 3 (4 15) 55 5- 753 0 (21 4) 55 5-8383 (3 12) 55 5-1166 (707) 55 5-8900 (3 12) 55 5-1414 (4 15) 55 5-68 42 (4 15) 55 5 -21 78 (4 15) 55 5-7387 (4 15) 55 5- 751 2 (4 15) 55 5-6 25 2 (617) 55 5-01 25 (603) 55 5 -22 42 ... -21 3 -5. 5- 022 3 4 15- .55 - 753 0 21 4 -5. 5-8383 3 12 -5. 5-1166 707 -5. 5-8900 3 12 -5. 5-1414 4 15- .55 -68 42 4 15- .55 -21 78 4 15- .55 -7387 4 15- .55 - 751 2 4 15- .55 -6 25 2 617 -5. 5-01 25 603 -5. 5 -22 42 2 02 -5. 5-1414 718 -5. 5-1638 ... -21 3 -55 5- 022 3 4 15- 555 - 753 0 21 4 -55 5-8383 3 12 -55 5-1166 707 -55 5-8900 3 12 -55 5-1414 4 15- 555 -68 42 4 15- 555 -21 78 4 15- 555 -7387 4 15- 555 - 751 2 4 15- 555 -6 25 2 617 -55 5-01 25 603 -55 5 -22 42 137 Color profile:...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 20:21
Oracle Database 10g The Complete Reference phần 3 pdf
... then, and else in SQL 12- JAN- 02 12- JAN- 02 20-JAN- 02 03-FEB- 02 01-MAR- 02 01-MAR- 02 03-FEB- 02 14-FEB- 02 12- JAN- 02 01-FEB- 02 01-FEB- 02 13-FEB- 02 01-FEB- 02 01-MAR- 02 15- FEB- 02 15- FEB- 02 05- FEB- 02 ... / Loney / 2 25 3 51-7 / Chapter 14 Blind Folio 14 :26 6 SQL and SQL*Plus RETURNEDD 20 -JAN- 02 22- JAN- 02 02- FEB- 02 12- FEB- 02 01-MAR- 02 01-MAR- 02 03-MAR- 02 05- MAR- 02 12- MAR- 02 20-MAR- 02 NAME LATEFEE ... -03-MAR- 02 16.00 2. 00 20 -JAN- 02 18.00 4.00 01-MAR- 02 28.00 14.00 2. 8 20 -MAR- 02 19.00 5. 00 02- FEB- 02 31.00 17.00 3.4 05- MAR- 02 20.00 6.00 1 .2 22- JAN- 02 12- FEB- 02 21.00 31.00 7.00 17.00 1.4 3.4 12- MAR-02...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 20:21
Crystal Reports 9 The Complete Reference PHẦN 1 pdf
... The Template Expert Creating Your Own Templates 22 6 22 6 22 9 23 0 23 2 23 3 23 6 23 8 23 8 23 9 24 2 24 4 24 4 24 6 24 7 25 0 25 1 25 2 25 4 Contents ... 722 723 726 727 728 728 728 730 731 7 35 739 739 741 7 42 7 45 748 748 750 751 753 754 756 759 7 62 764 7 65 767 770 774 7 75 7 75 776 777 780 781 786 788 7 92 793 7 95 797 797 Contents 800 800 801 8 05 ... 1 05 114 1 15 119 120 121 124 128 130 1 32 1 32 134 1 35 1 35 136 138 140 143 1 45 146 147 148 150 153 154 155 156 158 159 1 65 167 168 Creating Custom Functions 1 75 Custom...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:20
Ubuntu The Complete Reference phần 3 pdf
... are downloading from http://art.gnome.org, you can drag-and-drop the download icon from the Web page directly to the Theme tab, or download first and drop the theme package directly to the Theme ... new customized theme, a Custom Theme icon will appear in the list on the Theme tab To save the customized theme, click the Save As button This opens a dialog where you can enter the theme name, ... system with the apt-key command The following downloads the Wine public key: wget -q http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/387EE263.gpg Once the public key is downloaded, you can then use the apt-key...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:23