the closing band gap and the modal selective tuning

Nature of the band gap of silicon and germanium nanowires

Nature of the band gap of silicon and germanium nanowires

... towards the G2X bulk band gap The Ge nanowires converge towards different band gaps: (1 0) towards the G2L gap, whereas (1 0) and (1 1) nanowires converge towards the G2X value Figs and show the band ... 0) and (1 1) Ge nanowires with D$20 A of the band gap and determines the overall nature of the nanowire band structure Si (100) Ge (100) where mà and mà are the effective masses in the x and ... clearly converge to different bulk band gap values The (1 0) gap converges towards the G2X band gap, while the (1 0) nanowire converges towards the narrower G2L band gap ARTICLE IN PRESS C Harris,...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 15:18

5 648 0
Báo cáo "The role of color luminescence centers Mn, Cu, Co in the semicondutors with wide band gap ZnS, ZnO and their applications " pptx

Báo cáo "The role of color luminescence centers Mn, Cu, Co in the semicondutors with wide band gap ZnS, ZnO and their applications " pptx

... of the green band decrease Hence, at xCu = 5.10-4 mol% the intensities of these two bands are equal to each other and they merge into one wide band ranging from 476 nm to 533 nm The blue and ... is greater than that of the blue band As increasing the concentration of Cu, the intensity of the blue band decreases while the intensity of the green band increases and reaches to maximum at ... Besides the blue band with small intensity, a yellow-orange band appears at around 582 nm with strong intensity As concentration of Mn increases, the intensity of the blue band decreases while the...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 11:20

7 466 0
Engineering the band gap, fermi level, electronic and magnetic properties of transparent conducting oxides

Engineering the band gap, fermi level, electronic and magnetic properties of transparent conducting oxides

... splitting and carbon dioxide reduction, both of which strongly depend on the positions of the valence and conduction band edges Hence to modify the bandgap and also the valence and conduction band ... far away from the bandgap edges; on the other hand, some material with large bandgap (> eV) may become semiconducting when energy levels are formed near the bandgap edges Hence the ability to ... called energy bandgap As shown in Fig 1.1, energy bandgap (Eg) separates the conduction band (CB) and valence band (VB) In some references, Eg is used to differentiate metal, semiconductor and insulator...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:12

142 320 0
A contrastive analysis of the meanings expressed via the modal verbs can, may, must in english and the equivalent expressions in vietnamese

A contrastive analysis of the meanings expressed via the modal verbs can, may, must in english and the equivalent expressions in vietnamese

... is the speakers attitude to the proposition of the utterance, of the utterance context and to the reality There are generally two types of modality: epistemic and deontic modality Epistemic modality ... presentation of the modals and techniques for practice Since the purpose of the presentation stage is to show 32 the meaning and the use of modal verbs to students, teachers can present the modals through ... of modal meanings These modal auxiliaries or modals for short are one of the most complicated problems of the English verbs Michael Lewis (1986: 99) quoted Palmers remarks about the modals: There...

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 00:23

39 2,6K 19
Báo cáo khoa học: Calpain 1–titin interactions concentrate calpain 1 in the Z-band edges and in the N2-line region within the skeletal myofibril doc

Báo cáo khoa học: Calpain 1–titin interactions concentrate calpain 1 in the Z-band edges and in the N2-line region within the skeletal myofibril doc

... myofibrils and run transverse to the myofibrils axis within the I -band The fractures were further located at the N-lines of the myofibrils (Fig 5A,B) and imputed to the proteolysis and the rigor ... calpain [29], situated near the Z -band and the N2-line [22] Hence, besides the Z–N1 region, the N2-line sector might constitute another binding region for calpain in the I -band The analysis of postmortem ... 6B, inset) Labeling of the Z -band periphery by the CP1 Ig (Fig 4) is consistent with the binding of calpain in a region restrained by the Z -band and the N1-line localized by the T12 Ab reactivity...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20

13 467 0
Báo cáo " A combination of the identification algorithm and the modal superposition method for feedback active control of incomplete measured systems " doc

Báo cáo " A combination of the identification algorithm and the modal superposition method for feedback active control of incomplete measured systems " doc

... identification algorithm The numerical simulations are taken when the sensor is placed at the distances L/4, L/2 and L from the base In Fig 3, the shapes of the 1st mode, the 3rd mode and the 5th mode are ... term The magnitude of the error term depends on the number and the locations of the sensors The numerical simulation is applied to a base excited cantilever beam to illustrate the algorithm The ... algorithm is the requirement of the knowledge of entire state vector x(t) Combination of the identification algorithm and the modal superposition method The incomplete measurement leads to the incomplete...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 13:20

8 360 0
Báo cáo " A combination of the identification algorithm and the modal superposition method for feedback active control of incomplete measured systems" doc

Báo cáo " A combination of the identification algorithm and the modal superposition method for feedback active control of incomplete measured systems" doc

... identification algorithm The numerical simulations are taken when the sensor is placed at the distances L/4, L/2 and L from the base In Fig 3, the shapes of the 1st mode, the 3rd mode and the 5th mode are ... term The magnitude of the error term depends on the number and the locations of the sensors The numerical simulation is applied to a base excited cantilever beam to illustrate the algorithm The ... algorithm is the requirement of the knowledge of entire state vector x(t) Combination of the identification algorithm and the modal superposition method The incomplete measurement leads to the incomplete...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 13:20

8 417 0
Tinh thể photonic band gap

Tinh thể photonic band gap

... This mode is forbidden from propagating in the crystal because it falls in the band gap When a bend needs to be created in the waveguide, a line defect of the same shape is introduced It is impossible ... because the conditions for TIR fail leading to leaky modes PC waveguides operate using a different principle A line defect is created in the crystal which supports a mode that is in the band gap ... light to escape (since it cannot propagate in the bulk crystal) The only possibility is for the mode to propagate through the line defect (which now takes the shape of a sharp bend) leading to lossless...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 19:37

50 506 4
Báo cáo hóa học: " First-Principles Study of the Band Gap Structure of OxygenPassivated Silicon Nanonets" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " First-Principles Study of the Band Gap Structure of OxygenPassivated Silicon Nanonets" potx

... 100X and 100D Si–O–Si passivated nanonets The pore wall width is the key factor in deciding the band gap of the nanonets With the decreases of the pore wall width, the band gap increases due to the ... when the porosity reaches 37%, the G–M becomes positive and the VBM moves from G to M and result in a direct band gap Both the Si–O–Si passivated 100X and 100D nanonets exhibit the band gap transitions ... However, when the nanopore arrays are introduced in the silicon supercell, both the conduction band and the valence band are significantly changed The direct band gap structure appears in the nanonets...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 01:20

5 321 0
Essays in technology gap and process spillovers at the firm level

Essays in technology gap and process spillovers at the firm level

... assume that the firm benefiting from spillovers (the follower) incurs a higher R&D cost than the leader Also, the larger the technology gap between the two firms, the higher the R&D cost of the follower ... spillover rate and the technology gap As mentioned earlier, we emphasize the idea that when the gap is large, the benefits to free riding are greater than when the gap is small Since the firms will ... allocate their funds in the representative industry comprising of the leader and the follower firms, then the valuations (in terms of the marginal benefits of shareholders) of these two firms on the...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 10:42

159 417 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Investigations of the supercoil-selective DNA binding of wild type p53 suggest a novel mechanism for controlling p53 function doc

Báo cáo khoa học: Investigations of the supercoil-selective DNA binding of wild type p53 suggest a novel mechanism for controlling p53 function doc

... retarded bands in the ladders differ in number of the p53 tetramers bound per scDNA molecule [20,21,23,50] In the presence of the mAbs, the retarded bands were supershifted providing evidence for the ... Although supershifting of the band of p53–scDNA complex was observed at the Bp53-10.1/ p53 tetramer ratio ‡ 1.25, further additions of the antibody resulted in diminishing of the band intensity (Fig ... 4–6) Intensity of the band of free scDNA simultaneously increased, at Bp53-10.1/p53 ¼ 2.5 (lane 6) reaching 93% of the intensity of the scDNA band in the absence of p53 (lane 1) On the contrary,...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 15:20

12 265 0
Báo cáo hóa học: "Evaluation of the anti-angiogenic properties of the new selective aVb3 integrin antagonist RGDechiHCit" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: "Evaluation of the anti-angiogenic properties of the new selective aVb3 integrin antagonist RGDechiHCit" potx

... glioblastoma therapy [15] The development of more selective antiangiogenic molecule would help to minimize the side-effects and increase the therapeutic effectiveness We have recently designed and synthesized ... performed the statistical analysis; GS, GI and LZ drafted the manuscript; GS, MS, ADG, BT, CP and GI supervised the project; GS and MFB equally contributed to this work All authors read and approved the ... without the addition of hFN, they showed formation of only a few spontaneous tube structures (17.4 ± 1.2 branches per 10000 μm ) On the other hand, when the cells were plated on Matrigel with the...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

10 539 0
Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency - Modal verbs 1

Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency - Modal verbs 1

... MODAL VERBS 1 OVERVIEW Ought to always uses to Other modals never use to: X X THE BASICS The ten modal auxiliaries are: can rnay must will should could might ought to shall would Modals ... join us Modals never use when forming questions or negatives To form negatives we use not after the modal and before the verb: Will you come? You mustn't worry so much We can use modals with the ... use modals with the passive form of a verb: T h e interview can be arrangedfor another day Modals are used in short answers and question tags: You will applyfor the job, won't you? Well, might Modals...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 18:20

14 732 4
Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency - Modal verbs 2

Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency - Modal verbs 2

... Generally speaking, these marriages used to succeed as well as any others d People used to have different ideas about family relationships then e The father used to farm and hunt and the mother used to ... immigration b o y the time 1get to the a i ~ o r t MODALS I N THE PAST Could, would, might Could and would are the only two modals we commonly use on their own to refer to the past: I could ... of the options can complete the sentences Underline them i HABITS AND TRENDS Verbs, and verb and noun phrases, can express habits and trends: Many people tend to talk too much Some are in the...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 18:20

18 625 5
Tài liệu unit 10 and 11 modal verds with key

Tài liệu unit 10 and 11 modal verds with key

... seen 39 I think the match Everybody's gone into the stadium and you can hear them cheering a was started b will be started c must started d must have started 40 We found the exam extremely ... c will not be employed d will he employed 47 Things clear to them so that they can the work in the way that you have told them a are making b ought to be made c have made d needn't be made ... 9am and 5pm a visits b visited c can visit d can be visited 35 The train by bad weather I am not sure a might delay b might be delaying c might have delayed d might have been delayed 36 The...

Ngày tải lên: 29/11/2013, 13:11

2 1,7K 35
Báo cáo khoa học: Dermaseptin DA4, although closely related to dermaseptin B2, presents chemotactic and Gram-negative selective bactericidal activities doc

Báo cáo khoa học: Dermaseptin DA4, although closely related to dermaseptin B2, presents chemotactic and Gram-negative selective bactericidal activities doc

... resulting from the conversion of the rippled gel phase to the lamellar liquid-crystalline phase These results, together with the enthalpy values for the pretransition ( kcalÆmol)1) and the main transition ... equipped with its standard ESI source and operated under the control of masslynx 3.5 software (Waters) [46] Solid-phase peptide synthesis and purification Synthesis and purification of the peptides were ... shown) Further characterization of the conformational and biological properties was performed with the synthetic peptide bacteria The identification of a novel antimicrobial peptide on the basis...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 00:20

14 413 0
Technology Gap and Efficiency in Cocoa Production in West and Central Africa: Implications for Cocoa Sector Development. ppt

Technology Gap and Efficiency in Cocoa Production in West and Central Africa: Implications for Cocoa Sector Development. ppt

... frontiers the sum of the values of the The degrees of freedom for the Chi-square distribution involved are 78, the difference between the number of parameters estimated under H1 and H The value of the ... the metafrontier coefficients and the corresponding coefficients of the stochastic frontier for the pooled data The values of the TGR, together with the technical efficiencies obtained from the ... above In the same graphic are frontier curves of the four countries, and the metafrontier curve The inefficiency levels are indicated by the distance between the production point and the frontier...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 02:20

18 417 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Stoichiometry of LHCI antenna polypeptides and characterization of gap and linker pigments in higher plants Photosystem I doc

Báo cáo khoa học: Stoichiometry of LHCI antenna polypeptides and characterization of gap and linker pigments in higher plants Photosystem I doc

... in the free pigment band (11.4% of the total Chl content) We can therefore conclude that these ÔfreeÕ pigments are liberated during the dissociation of the PSI–LHCI complex and therefore they ... excising each band and eluting the Coomassie stain with mL of 50% isopropanol and 3% SDS The stain was then quantified by measuring the absorption at 593 nm [18] Another approach determining the amount ... in lanes and 7, 0.47 lg in lanes and 9, 0.6 lg in lanes and 11) are shown On the right, the mobility of Lhca1 band in recombinant sample and PSI–LHCI complex is reported, expressed as the distance...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 15:20

7 362 0
study of blueshift of optical band gap in zinc oxide (zno) nanoparticles

study of blueshift of optical band gap in zinc oxide (zno) nanoparticles

... synthesized via the wet chemical method The direct band gap of ZnO colloid is estimated from the graph of hν versus (αhν)2 through the absorption coefficient α which is related to the band gap ... Eg), where hν is the incident light energy and k is a constant The extrapolation of the straight line in Fig 2(b) to (αhν)2 ¼ gives the value of band gap energy Eg The optical band gap (Eg) is found ... dependent and there is an increase in the band gap of the semiconductor with a decrease in particle size The optical band gap value obtained for ZnO nanoparticle at pH ¼7.5 is 3.63 eV The dependence...

Ngày tải lên: 06/05/2014, 13:26

4 419 0
Photonic Band Gap Crystals

Photonic Band Gap Crystals

... 1D band- gap material partially reflects off each layer of the structure (2) The reflected waves are in phase and reinforce one another (3) They combine with the incident wave to produce a standing ... through the material • Wavelength not in a 1D PBG (1) A wavelength outside the band gap enters the 1D material (2) The reflected waves are out of phase and cancel out one another (3) The light ... a photonic band gap The band gap is small but definitely forbidden and this was suggested by Joseph Haus and his colleagues Tunable 3D Inverse Opal Structure A marriage of liquid and photonic...

Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2014, 17:29

45 191 0