the capital account economics

Tài liệu Financial Liberalization and the Capital Account Thailand 1988–1997 doc

Tài liệu Financial Liberalization and the Capital Account Thailand 1988–1997 doc

... Regulatory Regime in the Aftermath of the Liberalization of the Financial System and the Capital Account Financial sector liberalization and the opening of the capital account changed the business of ... This section analyzes the initial macro conditions under which the liberalization of the financial sector and the opening of the capital account took place, to assess whether the overall macro-economy ... heavily the US Dollar. As the Dollar lost value vs. the Yen during the second half of the 1980s, the Baht, in turn, continued to depreciate in nominal terms vs. other East Asian currencies. These changes,...

Ngày tải lên: 27/01/2014, 11:20

61 426 0
How and Where Capital Account Liberalization Leads to Economic Growth

How and Where Capital Account Liberalization Leads to Economic Growth

... following the implementation of financial liberalisation prescriptions did not confirm their theoretical premises, there occurred a revision of the main tenets of the thesis. Initially, the response ... that these firms are insulated from capital markets. It follows that high interest rates hit the `small' firms rather harshly, but leave the `big' firms fairly unscathed. The weak, therefore, ... development of the financial liberalisation thesis. We argue that these propositions are not problem-free. They are, in fact, so problematic that they leave the thesis without serious theoretical...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2012, 08:50

23 502 1
The Real Estate Sector: The Capital and Property Markets

The Real Estate Sector: The Capital and Property Markets

... Industrial Industrial 24 0.4 Other Office 29 0.5 Hotels/Motels 10 0.2 Nonbuilding Construction Other Commercial 34 0.6 Infrastructure All Other Nonresidential 21 0.4 All Other Nonbuilding Construction ... Manhattan MIT Center for Real Estate Using the 4-Quadrant Model to assess the impact of other changes. • What happens if Construction costs rise or the supply schedule shifts? • Suppose depreciation ... • Endogenous variables: values that the model “determines: C, S, R, P. • Exogenous variables: values that determine the model’s variables, but which the models variables in turn do not influence:...

Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2013, 20:15

36 541 0
Overview of the Capital Markets in Vietnam
and Directions for Development

Overview of the Capital Markets in Vietnam and Directions for Development

... issue over the CSD. The separation of the CSD from the HOSTC, which the draft law anticipates, would require policymakers to deliberate over the governance structure of the CSD and the addition ... 39.6 percent of the workforce and utilized 19.6 percent of the capital sources in 2003. At the same time, SOEs had 43.8 percent of the workforce and used 59.1 percent of the capital resources. ... by the World Bank and the IMF; (ii) laws, regulations and rules on banking and capital markets provided by the SSC, and other Vietnamese authorities; (iii) reports provided by the SSC, and other...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 12:59

71 578 0
Tài liệu The Handbooks in Economics pdf

Tài liệu The Handbooks in Economics pdf

... significant these may have been in the west in the early part of the century, they are of questionable import now. 2.3.7. Other water resources purposes In addition to the interventions ... unite the field of natural resource economics. While these concepts are also finding application in other branches of economics, their formalization has been motivated by the ... output is the net reduction in cost (or increase in net earnings) experienced by the occupants of the land because of the flood reduction services of the investment other than...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 14:20

295 473 1
Tài liệu THE LAW AND ECONOMICS SPORT : 2ND Level Master Degree pdf

Tài liệu THE LAW AND ECONOMICS SPORT : 2ND Level Master Degree pdf

... of their admission/non-admission to the Master by e-mail The go-ahead for the Master and the beginning of lectures will be published on the LUMSA site The application for enrolment, together ... and the proposal for reform d) outline of the problem of professionalism with reference to the other categories • Sports amateurism • The “phenomenon” of the sports agent • The reform of the ... figure of the Sports Agent 3) THE GOVERNMENT OF SPORT: THE DIFFERENT PARTS AND THE ORGANISATION; THE INTERNATIONAL AUTHORITIES AND THEIR STRUCTURE; • CONI a) the president of CONI b) the...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 16:20

8 333 0


... succeed in the economy. Macroeconomics is the branch of economics that deals with the eco- nomic performance of the entire economy. Macroeconomics, as a broad field of study, arose during the twentieth ... meddling in the affairs of the other classes. For workers, con- tentment would be derived from perfection of their crafts and from the worldly comforts they earned from their labor. For the two upper ... of the World: 2003 Annual Report, the Hong Kong SAR enjoyed the most economic freedom of any economy in the world in 2001. 3 THE METHODOLOGY OF ECONOMICS In its Occupational Outlook Handbook, the...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 11:20

420 324 0
the agriculture and economics of peru

the agriculture and economics of peru

... among the latter is the cinchonaplant, from which quinine is derived. The annual roundwood harvest in the late1980s was 7.7 million cu m. The fishing industry is extremely important to the country's economy ... three-fifths of the catch is anchovies,used for making fish meal, a product in which Peru leads the world. The extractive industries figure significantly in the Peruvian economy. Peruranks as one of the ... crops; the country also has largecooperative farms. The chief agricultural products, together with the approximateannual yield (in metric tons) in the late 1980s, were sugarcane (6.2 million),potatoes...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:52

2 373 0


... determine their moral justiWability or lack thereof. Whether the wartime allies did enough to assist victims of the Nazi holocaust; whether America should have dropped the atomic bomb on Japan; whether ... skill and care (as we shall see in the case of Mandela). On the other hand, the separation between personal and institutional moral capital can work the other way. There are occasions (as we shall ... necessarily social capital. They become so only when mobilized for the sake of tangible, exterior returns. Capital, in other words, is wealth in action. The same holds for moral capital. Moral capital is...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 11:00

289 811 2
The Volatility of Capital Flows in South Africa: Some Empirical Observations

The Volatility of Capital Flows in South Africa: Some Empirical Observations

... by the Emerging Bond Market Index (spreads are raised, but impact is small). - 7 - However, the findings also indicate that all other components of the capital account, when taken together, ... be important to know whether or not this inflow was likely to give rise to a corresponding outflow elsewhere in the capital account, or even the current account. In the case of FDI, this could ... expectation of a strengthening of the rand) or by raising interest rates. Under either of these options, it would probably be both difficult and undesirable for the SARB to maintain the higher rates...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2012, 09:11

7 411 0

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